Read Tap Dance Online

Authors: J. A. Hornbuckle

Tags: #Romance

Tap Dance (12 page)

BOOK: Tap Dance
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I already had enough trouble and didn't need to borrow more.

Ram didn't call, and I was kind of disappointed. 

That is, until there was a knock on the door during the nine o'clock news that Aunt Estella watched faithfully.

"Who would come by at this hour?" she asked, trying to see out the picture window.  She still didn't get it about looking outside at night.

I turned on the porch light and saw that it was Ram.  My heart started beating really fast and I felt my breath speed up as I opened the door.

"Good evening, Mrs. Gibson, Marianne."

"Hello, Chief.  What brings you to the door at this time of night?"

"Sorry to come by so late.  But, I was wondering if Marianne would like to go for a drive."

, Marianne wanted to go for a drive!

"Let me just get my jacket," I mumbled, my feet moving towards the coat closet but my eyes were glued to him.

God, he was gorgeous.

I dug my keys out of my purse and shoved them in the pocket of my jacket as I moved back to him. 


"I'll try not to keep her out too late," Ram said.

"Have fun," Aunt Estella said, her attention already back on the news of a ten car pileup in Denver.

Ram took my hand as we left the house and we practically ran to his truck.


I never put my seat belt on so fast in my life and Ram almost laid rubber getting the truck out of the driveway. 

It takes approximately eight and a half minutes to go from my aunt's house to Ram's house.

He made it in five flat.

We both had our seatbelts off before he shoved the truck in park.

And we ran to his front door where he fumbled with the lock.

"Hurry, Ram." 

We tumbled through the front door, our mouths fusing before we had even kicked off our shoes. 

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him before sliding his hands down to cup my bottom. 

I was trying to untuck his shirt, to feel his skin.

He picked me up, never losing the connection with our mouths. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

Oh, God. 

this position.  I was entwined around him and he held me with one hand on my bottom, the other fisted in my hair, as our wet tongues dueled together.

I had the faintest perception that we were moving, but I was caught up in the sensations, the reactions of my body.

He pulled his head away, just far enough away where his lips were pressing lightly against mine.

"First one naked gets to be on top," he murmured against my mouth. His hand released my bottom and I slid my legs down.  I released my arm's hold on him.

I was already shrugging off my jacket and had my t-shirt over my head before my feet even touched the floor.

I unhinged my bra with one hand, while I used the other hand to pop the button on my jeans.

The bra dropped and I had my zipper down as fast as I could go.

Since this was a contest with a
prize, I forgot about finesse and shoved my panties down with my jeans, making sure I caught my socks when I stomped my way out of the pile of clothes.

I turned and ran to his huge bed, giggling, knowing I had won!

Yay me!

I had my arms over my head as I did air punches, wiggling in my victory.

Then I glanced at Ram in the dim light from the hallway.

He was still standing in place, fully dressed, watching me.

Devouring me with his eyes.

, you are the sexiest woman I have ever seen," he whispered.

Oh. My. God.

He thought I was

Ram Patel
was sexy.

He made his way to the bed and crawled up from the bottom as I laid back against the pillows.

"Hold me, Marianne," he said softly.


I used my arms and my legs to surround him, tucking my face against his neck and inhaling the spice of his skin.  Planting soft kisses on his neck, right where it met his shoulder.

His arms went around me as he slowly rolled so I was on top. 

I raised up straddling his hips, my hands on his tight abs through his shirt.  He captured my hands, holding them out away from my body as his heated gaze roamed over my breasts.  My nipples tightened and I could feel my heartbeat echo its deep rhythm between my legs.

My hips moved connecting with the ridge of his hard cock still tucked in his trousers. It flexed, pulsing against me.

He released my hands then used his fingers to circle my nipples. 

Just when I thought I couldn't take any more of his slow teasing, his thumb joined his fingers and he rolled them into tight points.  

Sharp darts of pleasure danced within me at his touch.

"You have beautiful breasts," he whispered as he moved his hands lower, running his palms over the sides of my breasts down to my waist, over the flare of my hips.  He curled up and ran his hot hands over my bottom, circling each cheek.

"You have an exquisite ass," his voice low and soft.

I again felt his hand in my hair as he brought my face to his and his other hand slipped between us and cupped my mound.

"But it's your lips,
, that enslave me."

He crushed me to him, his mouth possessing, plundering mine. 

He slid his fingers inside me and pressed the heel of his hand upwards, providing a perfect surface to move against, to grind myself on. 

And as I moved, I felt his fingers slide in and out of my wetness.

His mouth caught my moans and whimpers as I began to crest, the dual pleasure of his ministrations on my mouth and my pussy engulfing me in flames, taking me to a higher pinnacle before it finally released.  

My climax hit hard, shuddering through me, through every
of me.

Ram released me and gently pulled me down as he laid down, holding my dazed body as it quivered in the aftermath. 

His hands caressed my back, stroking my skin from my shoulders down to the small of my back before moving up again.

"I want to feel you inside me," I whispered into the warmth of his neck.

His body stilled at my words and I felt his heartbeat speed up.

I rolled off of him, laying beside him, our heads sharing a pillow.

I felt, more than saw, his nod before he swung his feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. 

He didn't face me as he removed his clothes but was turned to the side, the muted light catching on the muscles of his chest and arms as he removed his shirt.  

Illuminating the definition of his rippling abs as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers.  The light shimmered on his firm buttocks as he pushed them down.

Then lit his hard, thick cock when he straightened. 

He turned towards me, reaching for a condom on the bedside table.

The bed dipped as he crawled to where I was, memorizing the beauty of his nakedness that had been captured in that soft light.

I heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper, the bed moving as he slipped it on.

"I don't know if I can be gentle," Ram said running his hot hand over my belly.  "I want you too badly to go slow."



"I won't break if you…can't be gentle, if you can't go slow."


I got up on an elbow and wrapped my other arm around his neck, pulling his mouth to mine so that our lips were softly touching.

"Give me your hardness the way you
to, Ram,
way you want to."

I swallowed his moan as he moved between my thighs and with a roll of his hips, slid into the depth of me.

I can honestly say that he was neither gentle or slow.

And it was spectacular.


Chapter Thirteen


I woke up slowly, unwilling to move since I was basically pinned to the mattress underneath Ram. 

His head was on my pillow but his lips were at my neck, one of his arms draped over me with his palm cupping my breast. 

He even had a long leg thrown over me, spanning my thighs.

It was warm.

It was snuggly.

It was wonderful.

But nature was calling.

I had no choice but to untangle us so I could use the bathroom.

I slipped out from underneath him, one appendage at a time, and was halfway across his large bedroom before I heard his sleepy voice.

," he rumbled, his face still planted in the pillow.

"Morning, Sailor," Even I could hear the suppressed laughter in my voice as I responded.

He was sitting up on the side of the bed when I returned. 

His dark thick hair was a hot mess and he only had the sheet draped over his genitals, providing me with a stunning view of his arms, chest and abs.

I grabbed my bra, t-shirt and panties as I made my way to the bed. 

I stepped into my panties and pulled them up. He opened his legs and snagged my hips, positioning me directly in front of him.

His arms reached around my waist and he pressed his face in my belly as I ran my fingers through his hair. 

We stayed like that for a few quiet moments.

"Tea, honey?"

"Uh-huh," I heard him say, his face still in pressed against me sounding more asleep than awake.

"Pop Tart or Eggs?" 

Sometimes even I had to take a break from the sweet pastry.

"You cook?"

"Well, yeah.  How else am I gonna eat?"

"This just keeps getting better and better."

I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his head for a quick hug before I released him. 

I grabbed my t-shirt and went to the kitchen to get breakfast going.

We were just finishing up eating, when I asked him about my apartment.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that, MG, but every time I try to tell you, we get side-tracked," he said with a wicked grin.

"Okay, now's a good of time as any, Sailor.  Spill!"

"Remember how I told you that Tim and Jeff have been working to figure out the who, what and why?   They've got nothing so far.  We're still waiting for the tests to come back from Cortez.


"But," he said firmly.  "I still don't think you should go in alone."

"What are you saying, Ram?"

He turned on his barstool and leaned into me, his arm draped on the back of my stool.

"What I'm saying,
, is that your reaction to your apartment when we were there, shows me that seeing it is hard for you.  I'm just saying that it'd be a good idea for you to have someone with you when you go in."

hard." I admitted. "I get it. I understand what you're saying.  Maybe I can get Caitlin to go with me."

 His hand moved from the barstool to rub my back.

"We think the person that did this was looking for something and from the way everything was upended or cut up they thought it was something you'd hidden."


.  Hidden, tucked away, not easily found."

I was thinking this through and found I had caught my bottom lip with my teeth.

I raised my eyes to his.

"I don't have anything like that to hide."


"Well, maybe a Bob but nothing that anyone would cut up a sofa for."

"A Bob?"

"Yeah.  You know.  A Battery Operated Boyfriend?"



He couldn't help it. 

The laughter rolled up through him and he was completely unable to keep it inside.  He tilted his head back trying to get a grip but every time his laughter would slow, he would think of her sweet voice explaining about her vibrator. 

Her vibrator, for God's sake.

When he finally felt like he could control himself, he glanced at her.

She was just watching him. 

Not laughing with him. 

Just watching.

"Are you done?" she asked.

"Aw, don't be mad, Marianne.  It's just the thought of someone tearing up your place for your sex toy just hit me as funny."

He leaned into her and watched as a smile played across her lips.

BOOK: Tap Dance
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