Taming the Boss (4 page)

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Authors: Camryn Eyde

BOOK: Taming the Boss
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Her eyes searched mine for a while before that imperceptible nod that made things sing inside me. It was all starting to make sense now, but now wasn’t the time for rumination. Now was the time for me to show this woman that while her words failed, I understood loud and clear what she was trying to say.


Chapter Five

I skimmed the back of my fingers down her cheek, fanning them out to caress her neck as my touch descended. Reaching her collarbone, my fingers met a chain not visible earlier thanks to the high neckline of her top. Fingering the jewelry, I pulled it from the confines of the silk shirt and froze.

I stared at the pendant for a long moment. I blinked, thinking that refreshing my eyes with the action, that my initial recognition would be proved wrong. It wasn’t.

“You…” was all I managed to utter.

She sighed and took my hand in hers as I caressed the silver dove on a chain I knew couldn’t match the collection in her jewelry box. Her thumbs caressed my skin as I continued to stare at the gift I had given her on the first Christmas after I met her. Rash and naïve at the time, I thought that I could woo the woman of my dreams with this trinket. It was not long after our interludes had begun, and with her polite smile and rapid dismissal of the gift made me think she had long thrown it away; along with my hope at a future with her.

“You kept this?” I managed to croak out.

She nodded.

I wanted to ask why. I wanted to hear her answers and not vague words meant to allude to something she refused to speak. Most of all, I wanted to kiss her. Going with the latter, we moaned in unison as our lips met and our tongues tangled possessively together.

Dropping the pendant so it rest once again against her chest, I gathered her in my arms and let my kiss speak of the gratitude that she both kept and wore my gift. She had to know what that meant to me.

Pulling away reluctantly, I let my hands trail down her back to the hem of her shirt. I traced a path to each side and let my knuckles brush against the warm skin beneath. With a slowly pull, I lift the garment from her. As her hands came back down to her sides, I took in the sight of the deep-red lace shaping breasts I knew were supple and smooth. I splayed a hand on her abdomen and let it drift north, passing through the valley of breasts heaving under my touch. My other hand skimmed up her side, with both moving to the straps of her shoulders, and gently pulling them down her arms.

I moved closer, nudging her head to the side with my own and nuzzling against her throat with my lips. Soft, tender kisses I placed over the rapid pulse beneath the skin, as my hands worked the clasp of her bra. The underwear loose and ready to be removed, I took my time lavishing the slender lines of her throat with my tongue. My teeth grazing gently against the flesh before soothing it with a warm, wet kiss.

I pulled back with a sigh and let the bra fall soundlessly to the floor. My eyes feasted on breasts I’d seen a hundred times before, but never like this. Never so proud, so exposed and so ready for my touch. It occurred to me as tried to decide which nipple to suckle first, that I’d never seen her torso completely naked before. Always she had retained her bra in some fashion, or shirt and never had I had free reign over that creamy landscape.

Unwilling to waste a single moment, I pushed against her and gently lowered her to the sheets below. We shifted up as though dancing so we occupied the center of the bed. Now I was ready to memorize her skin. Rolling the tip of my tongue in circles around the nearest breast, I teased the other nipple with faint touches of my fingertips. She gasped and arched into each touch, silently begging for more. Palming one breast before rolling the nipple between finger and thumb, I grazed my teeth on the other and pulled the pert bud deep into my mouth with a sharp suck.

Instantly, she curved against me and tangled her fingers in my hair, pinning me to her chest.

Switching sides, I shifted to spread her thighs with my own, and continued my assaults. I sucked, kissed and licked at one breast while teasing the other with flicks of my fingers, rolls of my thumb, and gentle squeezes of my hand. She rewarded my touch with a roll of her hips, and with my center placed against hers, a shock of desire raced beneath my skin each time her pelvis canted. I could drown in this pleasure for the rest of my life.

Unfortunately, she had other ideas. Liz needed more, and after a couple of whimpers, I caved.

Sitting up and leaving her chest wet and glistening, I undid the side of her skirt and pulled it down her legs. About to rip the rest of the lace from her body, her words stilled me from my quest.

“Your clothes,” she panted, staring at me.

Nodding, I tore off my top and slacks leaving on my underwear, and fixated on the goddess below me. I needed her naked like I needed air to breath, so hooking her panties in my fingers, I dragged them away.

Then I stared. I’d never seen her fully naked before, and quite frankly, I’m glad I hadn’t. Not in a location like the office anyway. She was glorious. Absolutely, and completely worth idolizing. I shook my head and looked up to her eyes. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

The doubt that was lingering there when I looked up dissipated with a shy smile. Her eyes then roamed over my body and she nodded with approval. That was enough for me.

On all fours, I crawled back up the bed so I was hovering above her.

“Hi,” I whispered suavely.

A genuinely amused smile graced her features. “Hi,” she whispered back.

“I’m going to make love to you now.”

She sucked in a breath before saying on the exhale, “I rather hoped you would.”

I took the kiss she was offering and devoured her. Heady and breath-taking, her kisses always transported me. But I had a quest, so pulling away with a deserved groan of annoyance from her, I began to work my way down her body.

“So…beautiful,” I said between kisses that I pressed against her body. Her throat, her shoulder, her chest, sternum, and stomach. “So, so, very beautiful,” I murmured against her skin as I peppered her hip with loving kisses. My hands trailed behind me, caressing the body I had attended to with my lips, and reaching her apex, I inhaled deeply and stilled my hands.

Her legs straight and slightly ajar, my hands gently pulled her knees up slightly then pressed them apart.
My, God
She was dripping wet for me
. Her inner thighs were coated with her arousal and already the wetness seeped to the sheets below. I was transfixed.

Reaching out with my fingers, I touched her inner thighs, happy with the slickness I found there. I smiled up at her and whispered. “You’re gorgeous.”

She smiled back, and then I wiped that look off her face as I kissed her pubic bone. Eyelids falling shut and her mouth parting with a silent gasp, I lowered my mouth one kiss at a time before pressing it gently against her rock hard clit.

“Oh, Peta…”

Spelling out my affirmation of love with my tongue, I rolled that nub around and made her writhe against me.

“Yes…” she hissed on a sharp inhale as I wrapped my lips around the bead and sucked it gently. Her insistent hands seemed to want to keep me there, but I had other plans.

Releasing her clit, I softened my mouth and let my tongue glide through the juices so freely pouring from her.
She was already so sweet
. I moaned at the taste and desperate for more, I plunged deep inside her to coat my tongue with her flavor.

She hissed and bucked at the tempo my tongue set as I lapped against her.

Still, I had other plans.

Reluctantly, and with one last swipes of her creases, I worked my way back up her body with my lips, eventually finding her mouth and sharing with her the flavor of her desire.

That kiss was new for us, and I looked forward to having the favor repeated, however, now I had more important things to do. I needed to make love to this resplendent woman coming apart below me.

Rocking my hips slowly, I let my thigh press against her juncture as our kiss continued. I caress her breast and pressed my own center against her hip bone. So intent on that, I didn’t notice that she’d unhooked my bra until she pulled away and demanded I remove it. Doing so, she looked poignantly to my panties, and in a flash, they were falling to the floor.

Climbing over her again, we both sighed as we enjoyed the sensation of being fully naked and pressed against one another.

Today, it seemed, was a day of firsts.

Capturing her lips before I started confessing the poems singing in my heart, I started a gentle sway of my body and groaned at the way our nipples rubbed together. The way our skin slid and generated a kinetic warmth. The way she panted into my mouth.

Liz had never been this submissive before, and I decided to try my luck. Kissing her was a treat, and pushing my thigh firmly against her slick heat, I stilled my movements and concentrated on making love to her mouth. She moaned and ran her hands over my naked back, pressing tight against the muscles there in her enjoyment. The kiss was glorious, but never infinite. The sharp nip at my bottom lip and the nails digging into my backside reminded me she had needs that needed meeting.

There’s my lioness.

I began a rocking motion again and received a sigh in reward. Leaning heavily on one elbow, I slid my other hand down her torso, mapping out the curves as I went. Pinching at her nipple on a bypass, I tickled the skin where leg meets stomach and soon cupped her wetness. I could feel the moisture on my thigh against the back of my hand. Cooled slightly from the air, it contrasted the severe heat of the fresh flowing nectar and incited my senses.
She was so wet for me. So hot. So ready.

Hovering above her, I watched her features closely as I parted her.

Her eyes locked onto mine and she wet her lips in anticipation.

I toyed with her entrance with a finger.

She wet her lips again and rocked her hips forward.

I pushed a finger inside her, and she tipped her head back, closed her eyes, and let out a soft puff of air carrying a moan.

In and out, I glided that finger until I could see in the way she bit at her bottom lip that she needed more. I didn’t disappoint.

Two fingers explored her heat and the satisfaction that crossed her face was exactly what I was after. She accepted my fingers greedily and moaned with their intrusion.

Pumping at a steady rate, I increased the tempo and began curling my fingers north as her breathing shortened to gasping pants. Pants became moans, and as I bore down on her thigh, rubbing my own scent against her leg, I pressed against her clit and thrust hard against the bundle of nerves. The result was almost instant. A sharp cry, followed by another and she was grinding with brutal force against my hand until all motion stopped.

Raised from the bed, she dropped us both as the arch in her back fell away with full body shudders. I gathered her in my arms as she rode the waves of bliss. Nuzzled against her side, my lips tendering kissing any flesh I could reach. I held her as her body, sated and spent, relaxed.

Her breath steadied, deepened and evened out, and soon, I shut my own eyes, content to rest peacefully at her side.

We slept.

Another first amongst firsts.

Chapter Six

Disorientated was the understatement of understatements when my eyes fluttered open. The view in front of me was of a gold silk duvet I had tucked under my chin, and the dark woods of someone else’s furniture contrasting against the lime wash of the walls. The pillow beneath me was cloud-soft, and for some reason, very warm.

I shifted slightly and that’s when my naked body registered another tucked close in behind it.


A peaceful smile lit up my face.

The warmth beneath my head was her arm, and around my waist, another holding me close against her. Somewhere during our slumber, she had made me the little spoon.

My shoulders bounced a little with a silent chuckle. That didn’t surprise me in the least. She was forever dominating our encounters, and now, I realized, our history had changed. She spooned me now, but hours earlier, I had led the way in our lovemaking. I had showed her tenderness and love.

Snuggling back a little as she sighed in her sleep, I found the time to rewind and replay her earlier words. She’d said I wasn’t replaceable. That I was supposed to remain at her former company so when she snatched me away, they’d be left floundering…vulnerable. She said I was all she needed. That she planned on holding me forever.

A deep frown furrowed my brow. At the time, I had assumed she meant my role as executive assistant. I knew I was good at my job. I knew I had been headhunted on more than one occasion. What no potential employer realized, was that I had no intention of leaving Liz’s side. She needed me.

Which really, was what made her words on her last day at the office burn like caustic soda.

A memory, vivid and potent, came to me. I was sick last year with influenza, and the dreaded microscopic virus thrashed my body for nearly two weeks. After day three, the temporary assistant was caught ringing me for advice as she floundered in my role. Happy to oblige despite my raw throat and flagging energy, Liz discovered the ruse and the tongue-lashing I received for not spending my time recuperating instead, was Oscar-worthy. The next day, she had come to my embarrassment of an apartment herself with a private doctor and made me homemade chicken broth.

I returned to work only to face the usual indifference and cold shoulder. Her conflicting personality had confused me for weeks until the passage of time dimmed my memory. Now, her actions made so much more sense.

I let out a rough breath and rolled over, not caring if I woke her.

Eyes fluttered open and she stared at me with a lazy blink.

“You care for me,” I blurted out, not surprised she woke in an instant. Wariness flashed in her eyes and like I’d startled a tiny bird, her movements were jerky and flighty.


Step cautiously
, I told myself. I smiled and caressed her cheek. “You care for me.”

Her eyes narrowed.

“It’s okay.”

“I don’t…I…no…whatever gave you that impression?” She scouted for exits.

I took a calculated risk. “So I could walk out your door never to return and you wouldn’t care?”

“Of course I would. I need an executive assistant. I need someone that knows how I run things. I need someone that knows my industry inside and out. I’m about to take back what is rightfully mine, and to do so, I need a running start.
are an asset to my business.”

I shrugged. “Okay.” Stretching, I chose to call her bluff. Risky, and with the massive downfall of never feeling her touch again if I was wrong, I threw back the duvet and redressed.

“Excuse me, I don’t recall dismissing you.”

“Sorry, I’ve got things to do…plants to water and such.” Picking up the shoes I’d kicked off, I left the room.

“You have nothing without me.”

If only she knew how true that statement was

Walking to her living room, I sat to pull on my still-soggy, low-heeled pumps and was soon confronted by a robe-clad, wild-haired woman. I couldn’t help but stare, I’d never seen her so out of character. Nearly nude of makeup, her usual smooth silk-like hair was tussled and unruly, and, my mind processed in amazement, she was bare-footed. She was astonishing to look at.

“You’re not leaving until I’ve discussed the terms of the new contract with you.”

I stood, rather liking the four-inch height advantage. “If you wish, you can call tomorrow and I’ll see what I can do.”


I pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “It was nice seeing you again. Take care.”

She let me cross the substantial gap of floorboard between the living room and her entryway before barking at me.

“Take one more step, and I promise you, you will regret it!” That deep voice ricocheted around the room for a moment.

I turned. “Is that so? And how,
, exactly will I regret it? I’ve nothing left for you to take from me.”

She placed her hands on her hips, offended.

I tried my best to ignore the way that action parted the seams of her robe. How was I supposed to argue with her when slivers of bronze skin winked at me? I grit my teeth and concentrated on the brown of her furious eyes.

“Take from you! I’ve taken nothing and given you

That was interesting.
“Everything? You mean like my career? Yes, I’m really thankful your meddling has given me the choice of checkout girl or toilet scrubber. It’s freaking wonderful!”

“I’ve already given you a career, the fact you left it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with your self-importance. Your current level of destitution was a result of none other but yourself.”

“Yeah, well my destitution and inability to find work because of you, means I’m leaving New York.”


The tone of voice she used was shocked, small and carried a little of what I was searching for. I nodded sharply. “There’s nothing here for me anymore.”

“I’m giving you something. I have a job for you.”

“I need more, Liz.”

“You’ll be working with me,” she said, persistent. At my silence, she continued. “You’ll have full health benefits like before. Better income. More fringe benefits.”

“Such as?”

“A-a car? Apartment in the city?”

I shook my head. “I don’t want those things.”

“Then what
you want!” Her voice rose an octave and she looked a little untamed and desperate. I’d seen that look on her when she let go at my touch. Like her emotions were flying unhindered and any hope of control was long gone.

“I only want you.”

She grunted at me. “Then you can have me! I promise, it’ll be just like before. Please, take the job.”

I shook my head. “No, Liz, I don’t want you like that.”

She looked confused and on the verge of some kind of breakdown. Crossing the distance between us, I took her hands in mine, and worry bit me when I felt her trembling. I caressed her cheek. “I do want to work for you, but that’s not how I want you.” I squeezed at her hands.

“I don’t understand.”

I leaned down and kissed her gently. “I’m yours, but I want you to be mine, too.”

Her forehead creased. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what?”

“I can’t give you what you’re asking for.”

“And what am I asking for?”

“Something I’m incapable of offering.”

“You’re not incapable. I see it in you when you come apart at my touch. I
you care. Why can’t you admit that?”

She shook her head. “No, I will not paint you as a target.”

“A target, for what?”

“No, Peta, I won’t do that to you.”

to me?”

“They pounce on my life enough as it is, I’m not going to allow you to become cannon fodder.”

Yep, I was completely lost. “Why am I going to war now?”


I lifted my hand to interrupt. “Liz, I’m not asking for anything, but for you to let me be yours. For you to let me in. Let me love you.”

She worked her jaw for a moment before her eyelashes lowered wickedly. Reaching out, she pulled me to her and rubbed against me. “Then love me.”

“Only if you love me back.”

She stepped backwards, shaking her head.


She looked confused, so I smiled at her, confusing her further. “Tell me, have you been keeping tabs on me since I left your company.”



She fidgeted. “I’ve heard a few things.”

“From your finance expert making sure I wasn’t bankrupt?”

She pursed her lips, giving me my answer.

“You want me to work for you?”


“Because I’m good at my job?”


“Because I’m easy to have around?”

She scoffed. “Hardly, you’re irritating.”

I smiled. “You enjoy my company.”

She glared. “I tolerate you, I suppose.”

“You like the way I make you feel.”

“Not in the least.”

Okay, plan failed. Here I was trying to suavely make her admit she cared for me, but that answer hurt. “Oh.” I nibbled my bottom lip for a heartbeat. “Well, then. I’ll show myself out. Goodnight, Elizabeth.”

Her shoeless feet gave her a sneaky edge, and just as I was about to pull open the door, I found myself swinging around and hitting the wood with a thump. Liz held my back against the door with a palm to my sternum.

“I hate the way you make me feel,” she said.

“Well, excuse me for the hundreds of orgasms I gave you. That must have been terrible to endure.”

Her lips pursed at my sarcasm. “I’m not talking about the sex, I’m talking about what you did in there.” She pointed to her bedroom. “I’m talking about what you do in here.” Her free hand hit her chest with a muted thud. “It’s about that time you were sick, and when you walked out on your job. Do you have any idea what you’ve done to me?” She used my chest as a push off point and stepped back.

Rubbing the bones I was sure she just cracked, I frowned.

“You’ve turned me into this!” she said with a raised voice, gesturing to herself. I couldn’t help but look at her from tip to toe.

Damn she was sexy

She was disheveled, out of control, and I knew that must have been like a thorn in her OCD life. Liz Morris may not be admitting it aloud, but she was all kinds of messy over me. I grinned like the mouse that stole the cheese right off the spring-loaded trap. What a cunning little critter I was. Quietly sneaking up and stealing her heart right out from under her cute button nose. “I like this,” I said after my inspection of her overwhelmed body language.

“Well I don’t!” Her scream sounded hysterical.

“Sorry,” I said with a shrug.

My unapologetic tone earned a snarl and severely narrowed eyes. “Yes, you damn well will be.”

Rushing over and taking my hand, she marched me to her bedroom and punished me in the most pleasurable of ways.

All day.


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