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Authors: J.A. Melville

Taming Eric (19 page)

BOOK: Taming Eric
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With a couple more sucks on his cock that took him deep into her mouth the pressure that had built inside him released in a rush. “Oh fuck Natasha, fuck it, fuck, fuck, FUCK.” He shouted as wave after wave pulsed through him and he pumped warm cum into her mouth, over and over again. He could feel her frantic attempts to swallow around his cock and he briefly worried that he might choke her but the pleasure overwhelming him was so intense, he couldn’t focus on much besides that. His release just went on and on, his cock jerking with every spurt into her mouth. It was so intense, mind blowing and such a huge fucking relief to be able to let go, to feel his seed pumping from him and into her and it was something else to watch her taking him in deep, to see her swallowing his cum as he flooded her

When she finally sucked the last drops of his release from him, Eric collapsed against the vanity, breathing hard. His body shook violently and his cock twitched through the last of the aftershocks from his c

He felt lips on the head of his cock and looked down at her as she kissed him before climbing to her feet. Suddenly he felt a flood of intense emotions and he pulled her into his arms, holding her close to him. Fuck she was incredible and he loved her so damned

Natasha hugged him back and they stood like that while his heart rate gradually slowed to normal and his breathing calmed down. He held her tightly, reluctant to let her go and although he had to be nearly squeezing the air out of her lungs, he couldn’t make himself loosen his

Eventually he lifted his head and dropped a kiss on her lips, grimacing slightly when he tasted his cum on her lips. “Shower with me?” He aske
d her.

She raised an eyebrow at him. “Just sh

Fuck but did she seriously think he’d be up for anything else after that? She had drained him completely. “Trust me, I’m not up to anything else after that. I thought my heart was going to give out.” He did too. He’d come so hard, it had been a fine line for him between pleasure and pain. Something about sex with her was so much more intense, mind blowing, simply overwhelming in ways he’d never experienced b

Cupping her cheeks he gazed deep into her eyes. “Fuck baby, you’re amazing. I was going to take care of that but I’m so glad you were as insistent as you were. It wouldn’t have been anywhere near as fantastic if I’d taken care of my little situation myself. Thank you baby.” He dropped a kiss on her for

Natasha laughed. “That was no ‘little situation’ you had there. That was a BIG situation you had going on t

Eric pulled himself up feeling smug at her words. So she thought he had a big cock then obviously. Something about what he was thinking must have showed in his expression because she laughed at him. “Men, it’s all about the size, isn’
t it?”

He grinned at her. “You’d better believe it baby.” Wiggling his eyebrows at her and she burst out lau

She turned on the taps in the shower and looked back at him. “Come on Mr. I thought you wanted to shower together? You gonna have a shower like that?” She ran her eyes down the length of him. “Wet t-shirt competition m

He grinned at her. God he loved her, she made him feel so fucking good. Quickly he pulled his jeans off and ripped his t-shirt over his head before stepping into the shower wit
h her.

*     *

Again it was the feeling of fingers wrapped around his cock that woke Eric the following morning. It was a hell of a way to wake up and he sure could get used to it. He opened his eyes just enough to watch Natasha as she ran her hand up and down his shaft, flicking her thumb over the head and as she caressed him, he got even h

She turned to look at him and he gave her a sleepy smile. “Good morning baby. Are you having fun t

It was her turn to smile at him. “I could be having so much more fun.” She said and sat up, straddling his hips. She bent down and sucked one of his nipples into her mouth and when it hardened, she turned her attention to the other one. Eric watched her feeling his desire mounting and when she shifted her lips to his, he opened his mouth to give her better access and her tongue slipped inside until she touched his. He was happy to let her take control and simply gave himself over to her, the kiss becoming more passionate with every stroke of their tongues against each

His cock was hard as steel between them and she began to move against him, rocking her body and Eric groaned. He needed more, he needed to be inside her. As if reading his mind, Natasha ripped her lips from his and reached over him to pull a condom out of the drawer and with her breasts hanging near his face, he closed his lips over one nipple, sucking on it until it hardened in his

She hesitated, reluctant to move away from the attention he was giving her nipple, but finally she did, tearing the condom free of its wrapper and rolled it down his cock. He lifted his hands and pinched her nipples between his thumbs and fingers, watching as her eyes closed and her lips parted on a

When she pulled away from him and positioned herself over his eager cock, he sighed with relief and when she lowered herself onto him, Eric welcomed the feel of her warm wet pussy closing around him with a throaty groan. Once she was seated on him, his cock buried deep inside her she sighed, her lips curving up in a sultry

Natasha seemed content to just sit there savouring the moment but he wasn’t. He ran his hands up her thighs and grabbed her hips, pulling her harder onto him as he thrust up. “Impatient are we?” She asked and he nodded. Fuck yes. Much as he loved the feel of being surrounded by her wet pussy he wanted her to move. In fact he wanted her to ride him hard. They were leaving for Tasmania today and didn’t have a lot of time left before they had to leave, so this was going to have to be fast a

“We have to leave for the airport in a couple of hours baby.” He reminded her. “Much as I’d love to stay here, making love with you all day, we don’t have that kind of time.” He said huskily, thrusting up into her again until the head of his cock bumped against her c

“Oh god.” She groaned and Eric’s teeth came together hard when he felt her tighten around him. She began to raise and lower herself faster until she was riding him hard, her breasts bouncing and he groaned at the sight of her so out of control. He thrust up as she came down, impaling herself on his rigid cock and he sensed she was close to her orgasm. He brushed his thumb over her swollen clit until she cried out, her muscles contracting around him as she came. He thrust into her a few more times until his climax hit, shouting her name as he pumped his release deep insid
e her.

She collapsed over his chest and he wrapped his arms around her, loving the feel of holding her close to him, their hearts beating in unison and their bodies still joined. His cock twitched through the aftershocks and her pussy responded by clamping around him, milking him of every final

Finally their heartbeats slowed and Eric knew he had to get out from under her to dispose of the condom but Natasha seemed to have settled on him, her body relaxed. Fuck but she was going to sleep. There was no time for

“Baby, you’re not falling asleep on me are you?” He

“Mmmm.” Her mumbled reply made him ch

“Come on sweetheart, don’t you dare fall asleep. We have to get out of here soon.” He gently peeled her off him and she rolled onto her stomach making no effort to

Eric got up and removed the condom before throwing it in the bin. When he walked up to the bed again Natasha was looking like she didn’t want to move. He swept his hand down her back, over that sweet ass of hers and felt her shiver at his touch. Bending down to her, he looked into her face. “Baby. I told you, don’t fall asleep.” He ran his hand over the curve of her buttocks before raising it and bringing it down hard on her rear, the sound of his palm on her cheek loud in the

It worked though and Eric struggled not to laugh out loud at her expression as she leapt off the bed, rubbing the skin where he’d slapped her. “Ouch.” She glared at him and he couldn’t help it, he grinned. “It’s not funny.” She snapped at him and he pulled her into his arms, sliding his hand down over her ass. Caressing the skin soothingly where he’d slappe
d her.

“Well I had to stop you falling asleep Natasha. Come on baby, that wasn’t much of a slap. At least it got yo
u up.”

He watched the reluctant smile curve her lips and he knew he was forgiven. She was so beautiful, so perfect to him. Even in the morning with her hair all tangled she was still the sexiest woman he’d ever seen and she made his heart swell in his chest with the depth of his love for her. “You go have your shower if you want. I’ve got a couple of calls to

When Natasha saluted him and walked off towards the bathroom he burst out laughing. God she was so adorable. It wasn’t dull with her that’s for sure. She challenged him, was smart mouthed to him when it suited her, but she could be so sweet and caring. No wonder he loved her so

*     *

Eric sat watching Natasha slyly as the limo took them towards Mascot Airport so they could board the company jet for Tasmania. She was looking out the window at the view as they travelled through the congested traffic of inner city S

He studied her profile for a while, his eyes travelling over the gorgeous mane of auburn curls down to the black top she wore over some sexy little white number, on down to the well worn jeans that hugged her body in a way that almost made him jealous of

When they finally arrived at the airport Eric took her hand and led her towards the company jet that sat there gleaming in the early afternoon sun. It was white with the company logo down the fuselage in the red and black lettering of Rothman Enterp

He helped her up the stairs leading to the open door of the plane where Claudette their hostess waited to greet them. She was a beautiful woman in that sleek, well groomed way with cold eyes and that artificial look about her that once upon a time he might have gone for but not anymore he thought as his eyes shifted to Natasha. He knew Claudette wanted him, she’d made that perfectly clear several times, but given his rule about not dating staff, he’d kept away from her. Of course getting involved with his PA was a definite breech of his company rule against dating employees, but he couldn’t help it wit
h her.

Claudette smiled at them both although Eric noticed her eyes were warmer when she greeted him before icing over when she turned to Natasha. She waved them through to their seats and he led the way through the plane, not really paying any attention to anything until he realised Natasha was standing staring around her opened mo

He tried to see the jet through her eyes, the luxury seating in caramel coloured leather, the tables throughout and in the next room, more leather seats and a large television mounted at one end of it. Eric sat down on one seat, pulling Natasha down into the seat alongside of him and he watched as she flexed her shoulders, settling deep into the soft leather with a low groan. He felt a small stab of jealousy and immediately chastised himself for being so fucking stupid. It was a seat for crying out loud but hearing her groan the same way she did when his cock was buried inside her caused the irrational burst of jealousy that something else was capable of making her react in the sam
e way.

“Oh god, I could live in this thing.” She said, wiggling deeper into the le

“Bloody hell baby, I think I’m jealous of that seat, you sound almost orgasmic.” He tried to make light of the situation, but he seriously was feeling a bit je

She hit him on the arm, grinning at his comment and he got up again. “I’m just going up the front. I need to see Joe and C

“Who are Joe and Colin?” She

“They’re the pilot and co-pilot

“Oh, ok.” She said, her eyes travelling over him and Eric felt that familiar pull of the attraction that burned between them. If she didn’t stop looking at him like that, he was going to want to bend her over one of the seats she loved so much and to hell with seeing Joe and

He bent down to her, his hands on the arm rests of her seat and dropped a kiss on her parted lips. “I know baby, it never goes away does it? I want you all the time. Even when I come I want you again. Be patient, I have something to show you soon.” He whispered against her lips before reluctantly stepping back from her and headed up to the cockpit to see Joe and

When he got into the cockpit Joe was talking to the tower while Colin was doing a final check of everything. They both looked over when Eric joined them and they spent a few minutes catching up before he left them to it as they prepared the jet for tak
e off.

As he walked back to Natasha he wondered if he’d be able to talk her into joining the mile high club once they were air born. Given that she’d been a virgin before him, he knew she wouldn’t have yet had a chance to join that particular club and just the thought of initiating her into the mile high club had his cock stirring in his

Natasha was reading from her kindle when he sat back down alongside of her. He looked over at her and made a big show of clutching his chest a mock look of pain on his face. “Oh baby, I’m wounded. You brought a kindle with you to read for our week away? Were you expecting it to be that bad were you? My ego may never rec

BOOK: Taming Eric
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