Tame This (The McCallans, Book Two) (32 page)

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“Where you going,” Tyse stated instead of asked.

“I don’t know but I can’t sit here any longer.”

Tyse stood too. “Let’s take him home and call it a night, then,” he motioned to Kyle.

Jay agreed silently as they paid their tab and headed for the exit. He heard a female call his name just as they were about to climb into his car, so he looked to the side of the building at the VIP entrance. A town car was parked there, and then he saw Sophia Nixon wave from behind the
back door of the vehicle.

“Let’s go, Jay,” Tyse said impatiently.

Jay turned for his car again but Sophia called his name a second time. She was even coming across the parking lot and he was surprised she would risk being spotted by the public. From the side entrance she’d come out of, he could only assume she’d been in the private lounge.

“Are you just leaving?” she asked as she approached. “If I’d known you were here at the same time, you could have joined my group.”

“Uh, yeah, we’re just leaving,” he answered, running a hand over his head. He motioned to Kyle and said, “Gonna get his drunk ass home.”

“You’re driving? So you’re not…?”

Jay lifted an eyebrow. “Drunk? No I’m not drunk,” he replied, slightly offended.

“Well I didn’t mean that, I just…” She glanced at Tyse
who was practically glaring at the two of them, and then back to Jay. “Well do you have more plans? Maybe he can drive your other friend home and… I don’t know. Do you want to hang out for a little bit? I’m by myself now.”

Why the hell it felt like his phone was burning a hole in his pocket was beyond his comprehension, but it was the first thing Jay thought of. All he could picture was Melanie’s text telling him goodbye, and he didn’t want to think about it anymore.

“I can get you home whenever you say the word,” Sophia added. “It’s nice to see you. I just thought maybe we could talk for a little bit. Hang out. Relax. Whatever you need.”

The way she looked at him during those last three words was unmistakable. Jay knew exactly what she was offering. His head and his heart had a quick little battle between themselves before he tossed his keys to Tyse and said, “Yeah, that sounds good.”

Head came out victorious.

Chapter Thirty



“Are you sure this is what you want to do, Mel?” Camryn asked with a sigh. “I just… I really don’t want you to move out. When the baby is born…”

waited for her sister to finish, but Camryn’s disheartened frown was giving Melanie second thoughts. Moving to San Diego seemed like a simple decision a week ago. She’d found a small apartment she could afford outside the city after Jack had offered her a front desk job at his architecture firm. Everything seemed to fall into place after…

Well, after Jay dismissed her for the second or third time. She wasn’t going to keep beating a dead horse. She wasn’t giving up on him, but her life could not remain on hold anymore. She was ready to stand on her own two feet, and living on her own with a solid job was what she needed before she had her baby.

“Mel, I’m only a few months behind you. What about our kids? We want them to grow up close to one another, right?”

“Of course. But I’ll only be a couple hours away from you. It’s not like I’m moving across the country.”

are you moving? That’s what I really want you to be honest about, Mel. Is it because of Jay? Please tell me the truth.”

Melanie set down the box she’d been packing in her room and sighed. “Of course it’s partially because of that. How much of it, I’m not sure. But I really don’t like my job at the salon
either, and I really need to live on my own for once.”

“You aren’t any imposition to us here, hon. I swear. This house is big enough for you and the baby.”

“Do you really want me to live with you for the rest of my life, Camryn?” Melanie chuckled. “I mean it’s fine for now, but I
want my own place. You have to see that it’s the best choice for me.”

Camryn paused and then relented with a shrug. “Okay. Yeah. I understand completely. I just… Don’t want you to move. I know how selfish it sounds, but I feel like I have everything right now. I’m deliriously happy with Teague, we’re going to have our first baby, and…you’re basically my only family and you’re moving away. I guess I knew it would happen eventually but…”

“Well who knows if it will be for long,” Melanie tried to assure her. “I mean it could just be for six months and… I don’t know. I don’t really want to bounce around everywhere—I’d like to find some stability somewhere—but I can’t say if this decision is going to work out in the long run or not. For now it feels like the right thing to do unless…”

She left it unfinished. Stating the long-shot possibility
out loud was only going to break her heart.

“Mel, you can’t put your life on hold for him,” Camryn frowned. “You’re right.
You’re totally right. And as much as I know how it kills you inside, you’re decision is a very intelligent one. I’m proud of you.”

“Well people change most often when they’ve been thrown a life-altering circumstance,” Melanie chuckled, motioning to her round belly. “Sometimes I have regrets, but then I remind myself that good things have come from some of those mistakes. I’ve learned, I’ve cleaned up my priorities, and I feel like I’m a better person now. I wish I could make other stuff go in my favor too, but maybe I’m undeserving of those things.”

“What do you mean ‘undeserving’? You feel like you’re being punished?”

Melanie slowly shrugged. “I don’t know how that stuff works, but maybe I feel that way sometimes. I feel that life comes in balance, but because I’ve made some shitty decisions in the past, maybe I haven’t earned the really good stuff yet. I don’t know,” she chuckled. “I have no idea what I’m talking about.”

“I understand what you mean, though,” Camryn answered, sitting on the bed. “But what do you mean about having regrets?”

Melanie sat down on the bed next to her as she took a moment to contemplate. It was yet another thing that she wasn’t sure she could explain very easily.

“Well… I made a mistake with Jordan, that’s for sure. And I’ve learned from it, and it is what it is,” she added, patting her stomach. “He’s not going to be much of a presence in this baby’s life, and I’m okay with that. But I know for a fact that I’m not done dealing with him. I’m sure at some point in the future there will be issues. I’m not sure what or how much of a hassle he’ll be, but I’m ready for
. And I’ve accepted this. I really have. But sometimes… Well, sometimes I can’t help but wonder how things would be if I’d never met him, you know? What if I met Jay and…”

what ifs
were surfacing again, and instead of suffering in silence like she usually did, now her sister had to witness her moment of weakness. Melanie wiped the tears from her cheeks and took a deep breath as Camryn put her arms around her.

meet Jay,” Camryn said softly. “And no, it hasn’t been the fairytale ending it could have been, but you gotta know that you deserve to be happy, Mel. I have no doubt about that. Maybe it’s not with Jay, but if it is, then you’ve been through ups and downs already and you have a better understanding of life in general. And relationships. You’ve been through some schooling, so to speak. See? You don’t need that college degree.”

“Pssh,” Melanie laughed with a sniffle. “Too bad I’m going to try for it anyways.

“You’re putting a lot on your plate, sweetheart.”

“I’m waiting until after the baby is born and then I’ll take it a class at a time online.”

“I know, but I just want you to know I’m here to help if you need it.”

“I know. Right now I just need to start moving forward on the decisions I’ve made. I’ll never know what I can accomplish unless I try.”

“You’re right. And again, I am so proud of you.”

“Thanks,” Melanie smiled. “That means a lot to me. But you can still say ‘I told you so’. I won’t get mad.”

“I told you so about what?”

Melanie barely shrugged a shoulder. “About Jay.”

“Oh honey,” Camryn shook her head. “I would never do that. And who knows, he still has a chance to stop being a stubborn jackass, right?” she smiled.

“Nah, I don’t think so.” Melanie stood and returned to packing the same box. “I heard through the grapevine that he’s back together with Sophia Nixon.”

“Don’t believe rumors, Mel.”

“I heard Tyse telling Teague he went home with her a few nights ago. Apparently I’m not supposed to know, but whatever.” 

“They just didn’t want to hurt you,” Camryn said softly. “And no, I didn’t know about it but… God, I don’t even know what to say, Mel. I’m sorry. Maybe you heard him wrong?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Melanie answered. “He still avoids me—even a damn text—and I’m better than that. I’ve made as much of an effort as I can for now without going completely berserk, but I need to think about my baby for now.”

“I agree. But I know it’s hard. I understand, I really do.”

“I know,” Melanie forced a smile. “But let’s do some packing the right way, okay?” She put some dance music on and turned the volume up. In between choruses being belted out in every song, her room was almost entirely packed up an hour later.




“Jay, you need to slow down, bro,” Tyse advised, sitting next to him on the couch.

The house was full of friends—and friends-of-friends—as bets were
still being fought over on the baseball game that was on TV. But Jay had only sat there, drinking beer after beer while stuck in his own head.

“Where you drinking yourself to?” Tyse asked.

Jay barely shrugged. “Don’t know. I’ll let you know when I get there.”

“You’ll be passed out on the floor when you get there.”

“Here’s to hoping,” Jay grinned.

He stared ahead at the television until the third out of the inning happened, and then grabbed another beer.

“You know you can just talk to her,” Tyse said.

“Talk to who?”

Tyse chuckled and shook his head. “You know who the hell I’m talking about. She leaves tomorrow. There’s still time.”

“Time for what,” Jay stated dryly. “She’s better off with Jackoff.”

“Do you really believe that? I mean seriously, Jay. Do you believe she should be with someone else?”

Tyse was waiting for a response so Jay looked him square in the face. “She should probably be with someone else, but I don’t want her to be.”

“Well no shit, because she belongs with
, dumbass. Come on, little brother. Get your shit together and don’t let her leave.”

“She’s not going to change her mind just because I tell her to. She’
ll probably go just to spite me. And I would deserve it because I sure as hell don’t deserve another chance with her. And I don’t expect her to give me one.”

it, asshole,” Tyse told him angrily. “You need to fucking stop this, I’m not kidding. When are you going to realize that you are so damn miserable because you’re doing the
thing. Seriously! Do something about it!”

“You don’t get it,” Jay scowled as he
pulled himself up from the couch. He teetered on his way to his room but Tyse stopped him before he got to the hallway.

don’t get it,” Tyse growled as he shoved him up against the wall. “Listen to me. I had a girl back in Arizona, okay? We were engaged. In fact, the wedding date was supposed to be tomorrow. She was sleeping with my best friend, understand? I even walked in on him banging her against the wall in my own fucking house. Two people that I trusted more than anyone in the world and they were sneaking around behind my back. I am so damn envious of you right now,” he said, shoving a finger in Jay’s chest. “You know why? Because you have never experienced that before. Teague has, but not you. And as much as you piss me off sometimes, I would
wish that upon
. You have an amazing girl. She’s incredible, and you
that. It’s why you are scared
, and I am telling you right now that you can’t let fear—and pride—get in the way of the best thing that has ever happened to you. Are you hearing me, Jay? Stop letting your fucking
run your life!”

“I make my own damn decisions, so back the fuck off,” Jay retorted, shoving Tyse out of his face.
amazing, which is why she deserves better.”

“Says who? You’re being self-deprecating.”

“No, I’m being honest. See, I’m man enough to do that. You love someone enough, you let them go for something better.”

Tyse took a step back and studied him for a minute. Jay felt the hallway spin once there was distance
between them but he tried to fight through it.

“So you’re finally gonna say it out loud?” Tyse questioned. “You love her? Say it again. I mean you should be saying it to her and not me, but say it out loud once more and maybe you’ll get a damn clue.”

Jay took a deep breath to steady his head. “Fuck you.”

“I’m not kidding. Say it again so you realize it’s a fact, idiot.
Say it
,” Tyse shoved Jay into the wall again.

’m in love with her, goddamn it!” Jay pushed back. “Stay the fuck off me, you prick!”

“I just want you to know you’re in a real moment here, bro,” Tyse laughed at him. “You feel that?” he asked, shoving Jay into the wall again so he hit his head against it.

“I’m gonna beat the shit out of you, asshole,” Jay growled, pushing him back again.

“Good, nice to see you get all riled up for something again,” Tyse smiled at him. “Tomorrow you fix this, and you’re gonna do it right. She’s heading out before noon, so you… He
y, what are you doing?” Jay headed for the front door and Tyse followed behind him. “Where the hell are you going?”

Jay picked up Tyse’s keys from the coffee table and handed them to him. “You’re taking me there. Now.”

“Oh no,” Tyse chuckled, shaking his head. “Your drunk ass stays put. You talk to her tomorrow.”

“The liquid courage is not going to be there in the morning,” Jay told him. “You take me now so I can at least tell her what’s on my mind and she can think about it.”

Tyse didn’t respond for a few beats but finally shook his head. “I don’t know, man. Showing up drunk is not going to win her over.”

“Even if I show up sober it’s not going to win her over. I just need to do this now before I lose my nerve. She’s gonna rake my ass over the coals.”

“And you’d deserve it.”

“I know. So let’s do this.
If you don’t take me, Kyle will. I’d rather it be you, but at this point, I don’t fucking care.”

“You’re taking the easy way out? Liquid courage?
Professing your love for her while you slur it isn’t going to get you points, kid.”

Just drop my ass off at her door and let me handle it. It’s a step in the right direction so let’s go.”

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