Taliban (40 page)

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Authors: James Fergusson

Tags: #History, #Asia, #General, #Modern, #20th Century

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and Pakistan 53–4, 121–2, 123–4

and Taliban suicide bomb campaign 182–3

as Arabs 119, 122, 151, 166 conflation with Taliban 121–31 escape from Afghanistan 154–8 guarantee against 15

IT operation 141–2

Mullah Omar and 118

Petraeus on 192

Shinwari on 339–40

US embassy attacks 118, 128, 130

US missile attack on 119

attack 142

Zaeef on expelling 236–7

see also
bin Laden, Osama

Albright, Madeleine 55

Ali Sher Khel people 340–2

Alikozai tribe 36

Amanullah, Shah 80–1

American Club, Peshawar 41, 42, 45–6

America; Americans
United States

Amin, Mahmud 57

Amir ul-Mu'mineen, Mullah Omar as 42–3, 81, 83, 103, 143, 217, 236–7

Amruddin, Taliban office, Peshawar 47–50

apostasy, Shias executed for 112

'Arab-Afghans', bin Laden and 125

Arabs, Afghans and 126, 208

Arabs, al-Qaida as 119, 122, 151, 166

Arghandiwal, Abdul Hadi 294–300

Ariana Airlines 283

Asharq al-Awsat
(newspaper) 142

Asian Tigers 54

Assange, Julian 377

Atmar, Mohamed Hanif 269

Atta, Mohammed, attack on Mazar 147–8

Australian photographer in Mazar 73–4

Ayub Khan 174

Azimi, Qais, NDS and 270–2

Babar, General Nasirullah 46

Bagram air base

2003 attack 169

British marines at, 154

Bagram air base jail 369

Bahir at 292

Hotak's brother at 319–20

Mullah Abdul-Basit at 188

Mullah Allah Mohammed at 350–3 prisoners mistreated 220–2, 350–3

Zaeef at 220–2

Bahir, Ghairat 292–3, 301

Baligh, Maulawi Inayatullah 85

Balkh University 85

Bamiyan Buddhas 136–40


in parliment 284–5

southern Afghanistan 24–5, 34–5, 79

Uzbek 178–9

Baradar, Mullah Abdul Ghani, ISI and 322–3

Barakzai, Shukria, and Taliban 17–18

Barakzai dynasty 336

Baru (ex-mujahideen) 26


Hekmatyar and 307

Karzai on 253


Pashto service 34, 307

Bergen, Peter 41

Bhutto, Benazir 38–9, 40

on Taliban 46

Biden, Joe, warns against troops surge 255–6

bin Laden, Osama

and Bamiyan Buddhas 140 and Gulf States tourists 127–8 and Taliban finance 127

at Tora Bora 154, 300, 328, 329

Mullah Omar and 118, 120, 124–31, 142–3

protection 118–19, 129–30

trial negotiations 130–1

see also

Bismillah (bandit) 35

Blix, Hans 145

Blue Mosque, Mazar-i-Sharif 70–1, 302

Bollywood, Taliban and 76–7

Bonino, Emma, in Kabul 85–6, 93

Bonn Agreement/ Conference 161–3, 171, 279–80, 284

Bor Jan, Mullah 62

Bosnia, Clinton and 24

Brahimi, Lakhdar, UN envoy 87 on Bonn talks 161

on Dasht-i-Leili 153 brandy distillery 98


Brown, Gordon

and reintegration programme 206

on 'perversion' of Islam 14

on Taliban 122, 123

Browne, Des, on Musa Qala 176–7

Buddhas of Bamiyan 136–40 bureaucracy, Soviet-style 269 burqa, as symbol 55, 81, 84, 283

Bush, Barbara, on Taliban and women55

Bush, George

and Musharraf 157

on Taliban 121

on cheap anti-Taliban campaign 149

on end of major combat 167

Butler, Brigadier Ed 180

Cameron, David, and Obama's strategy385

Camp Bastion 180

MEDCAP programme 175

Camp Five, Guantanamo 223

Camp Nathan Smith 185

Canadians, in Kandahar 172, 185, 186,274

Care International 55, 73 casualties


Nato attacks 182–3 suicide bombers 183–4

Special Forces operations 227–32

Taliban rulebook on 238

'targeted assassinations' 233

coalition forces 181, 182, 189

ceasefire breaking 82–3

Chak 354–82, 385

Channel 4,

Chater, David 270, 272

Chechens 368

Chechnya, Yeltsin and 24

Cheney, Dick, and Kunduz airlift 157

Churchill, Winston,
The Story of the
Malakand Field Force

CIA 358

and Hizb-i-Islami 295–6

and Taliban 108

attack plan 146–50

finance, mujahideen 51

independent of ISAF 233–4

'targeted assassinations' 233

'clear, hold and build' US strategy 202–12

Clinton, Bill

and Bosnia 24

and Lewinsky affair 119

Clinton, Hillary

on Taliban and women 55

warned against Karzai 256

'Colonel Imam'

and Mullah Omar 52

and Zaeef 164

kidnapped 54

Colvin, Richard, on NDS torture 274

'comprehensive approach' strategy failure, Helmand 179–80, 202

consensus decisions, Pashtuns 217


as foreign imposition 162

Harakat and 320–1

Hotak on 316–18

Loya Jirga postponed 171

construction projects, military, wealth from 264–6

corruption issues 189, 249–53

Cowper-Coles, Sir Sherard 313 cricket, Haqqania madrasah 69

Dadullah, Mullah 170

at Kunduz 178

death 234–5

'daisycutter' bomb, Mazar 148

Dar-u-Uloom Haqqania madrasah 68,69

Daru Khan (bandit) 35

Dasht-i-Leili mass grave 153–4

'decapitation' policy, failure 228–35

decrees, implementation issues 102

Defence Ministry, Zaeef and 102–4

depleted uranium ammunition 379, 380

Deobandi movement 66–8

madrasahs, JUI and 165

mosques, Britain 123

Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration programme, Hotak and 319–20

Doran, Jamie,
The Convoy of Death

Dost Mohammed 43

Dostum, Abdul Rashid (Uzbek leader) 88, 112–13

CIA-paid attack on Mazar 147–9

Kunduz prisoners massacre 151–3


conferences 214, 291–2, 323–4 imports from 126, 127 shopping 262, 350

Durand Line 42, 53, 211, 242

Durand, Sir Mortimer 42

Durrani, Ahmad Shah, Mullah Omar and 43

Dutch, in Uruzgan 172


higher, Pashtuns and 298

Islamic, need for, Osman on 132–3

women, Taliban and 94–6, 311–12

Eide, Kai

on Afghan election 254

on leaders 301

Eikenberry, Karl, warns against troops surge 256

Election Complaints Commission, Karzai and 252–3, 282

EU Commission, aid agencies withdrawal 87

Euro Guest House, bombed 195–8

Evans, Maya, High Court action on NDS torture 274

factional allegiance signs 135

Fahim, Marshal, head of KHAD (secret service) 261–2, 267

corruption 260–2

famine, lack of aid 138

Farooqi, Fazel Luqman 288

Feisal, Abdul Rauf 386

feuds, complicate loyalties 177–9

finance, bin Laden and 127

fixer-translators, Kabul 74

Fordham, Michael, on MoD and NDS274

foreign development/ NGO community

and Taliban and women 46–7, 55–6

low post-Taliban aid 158–9

Peshawar 41, 46–7

fortune-tellers 98–100

Frahi, Bernard, on opium production106

Franks, General Tommy, lets bin Laden escape 154

fundamentalism, Karzai and 257

Gall, Carlotta, in Quetta 166

Gandamak Lodge hotel 198–9

Gates, Robert, on Taliban 215

Gereshk 180

Germany, delays in training aid 171–2

Ghani Khan

on bandits 179

on customs and women 60–2, 77

on infiltration 139

on Pashtun childhood 111–12

Ghaus, Mullah Mohammed 110

Ghazi football stadium, judicial killings 87, 89–90

Ghazi Khan, night raid victims 229

Goldsmith, Jemima 37

Gorbachev, Mikhail, troops surge 200

Gouttiere, Thomas 109

on Unocal after embassy attacks 118–19


Harakat and 320–1

Karzai 107, 189

unable to form 250–3

Rabbani 81–2

jihad against 42–5

Taliban 72–100, 101–11, 112–13

by consensus 55–6

Hotak and 317–18

on repairing 239

Wardak province 186–8, 355


Camp Five 223

conditions 222–3

ex-prisoners radicalized by 235, 246–8

Obama's promise to close 246, 321

Zaeef on 164, 218, 221–3

Gul, Hajji Noor 347–8

Gul, Imtiaz, on US policy 215

Gul, Lieutenant-General Hamid, and

'Pakistani Taliban' 52

Gulbahar Shopping Center 262–3

Gulzai, GM 288


and NDS 273

on Helmand 181

Habibullah, Hajji 85

Hafiz (driver) 356, 357, 358

Halo Trust demining agency 92–3, 106

Haqqani, Jalaluddin 125, 170–1, 182,293

Haqqani, Siraj 170

Haqqani Network 125, 170, 236

Haqqania madrasah 68–9

Harakat-i-Inqilab-i-Islami 313–14, 315–24

Hassani, Khalil Ahmed 'Mullah' 139–40

Hawz-i-Mudat, Taliban checkpoint 34–5

Hazara people 16–17, 28, 59

and higher education 298–9

massacres 112, 114–16

underrepresented at Bonn talks 161

Hazrat Ali 327–8, 332

and bin Laden escape 154

Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 28, 35, 51, 57, 135, 245, 287–9, 295–7, 300–2

alliance with Rabbani 45

in Mazar 1998 303–8

Karzai and 292–3

on dialogue 305–7

Hellfire missiles 363

Helmand 2003

counter-attack 168

British in 13, 173–82, 184, 190–1, 250, 273, 298, 345

'ink spot' strategy 179–80

Mullah Omar and 165, 168

Operation Moshtaraq 201–7, 317

opium production 107

Helmandi, Mullah Abdul Salaam 134

Herat province 98

banks, Zaeef and 102

Unocal at 108–9

wedding party massacre 228

Heratis, underrepresented at Bonn talks161

heroin users, Afghanistan 107

'High Peace Council' 385–6

highwaymen, southern Afghanistan 24–5, 35

Hindu community, yellow markers 96

Hindu Kotai base, Kandahar 36

Hizb-i-Islami 28, 29, 45–6, 63, 134, 135,245

and Maldives conference 287–92

Hekmatyar on 305

ISI and 51

Karzai and 292–3

Hizb-i-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) 294–300

Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin (HIG) 294

Hizb-i-Wahdat 28

Hoh, Matthew 204–5, 348

Holbrooke, Richard 254, 312–13

Hotak, Hajji Musa 315–25, 365

Hotaki dynasty 59

Houbara Bustard 127

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee 13

Human Rights Watch 112

on Fahim 261

humanitarian daily rations (HDRs), mistaken for bombs 160

Ikhwan militia 304–5

improvised explosive devices (IEDs) 175, 184–5, 190, 208, 245, 357, 362, 363

Imran Khan 37, 38

, 'The Peace Brought by the Taliban' 72–3


and Northern Alliance 163, 165

Karzai and 163

wars over Kashmir 53

Indian casualties, hotel bombing 197–8

Indira Ghandi mother and child clinic, Kabul

infiltration, Pashtun and 139

'ink spot' strategy, Helmand 179–80

Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) Pakistan and Afghan peace, Hotak on 322

and Baradar 322

and ceasefire breaking 83

and Hizb-i-Islami 296

and Najibullah murder 63–4

and Taliban 46, 49, 50–4, 163–6

and Zaeef 163–4

international partnership

joint venture contracts 31

Shinwari on 335, 338

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 92, 116, 169

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) 105, 363–4, 373 and ANA 203–5

and NDS 272–4

and Tajiks 235–6, 263

and Taliban arms stockpiling 168

and Taliban 'spectaculars' 185–6, 201

Bonn Agreement and 160–1 collateral damage issues 182–3, 227–8, 253

'condolence fund' payments 227–8 convoys, attacks on 188, 245

in Helmand
Helmand in Marjah 205–6, 383

limited deployment 163, 168, 172–3

Nato command 160–1, 169, 171–2

'Regional Command South' 172–3 troops surge 201–12

withdrawal issues 192, 238–9, 286–7

see also
specific bases, forces and operations

internet/ IT use 134, 141–2, 219

invaders, armed foreigners as 284–5, 297


'diplomats', murder 115, 116

Hekmatyar in 302

influence, Arghandiwal on 298

threatens war 115

Irish model, political settlement 235, 294, 309–10, 386

Islamabad, Red Mosque seige 68

Islamic education, need for, Osman on 132–3

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Rules for Mujahideen

Ismail Khan 102, 110–11, 113

Israel, lost tribes 58–9

Jalalabad 354, 355

bin Laden at 125

in 2010 326–33

Taliban capture 62

US missile attack 119

Jalil, Mirwais 307

Jami'at al-Qarawiyyin madrasah 69

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) [Assembly of Islamic Clergy], and Taliban 164–5

Jamiat-i-Islami (Massoud force) 274–6

Jarir, Humayun, and Maldives conference 287–92


concept and criteria 243–5

counter-attack as 186–8

Hotak on 320

journalists, Hekmatyar and 306–8

Jouvenal, Peter 198

footage of Omar 44

on ceasefire breaking 82

on Kabul brandy distillery 98

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