Talent Storm (27 page)

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Authors: Brian Terenna

BOOK: Talent Storm
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She hopped up, leaned in, and hugged the man. His eyes were hard behind her back, his smile satisfied. Eris strode out of the room with her shoulders back and her head raised, her limp barely noticeable.

Pretty and powerful but naive and not very bright.
The fool is going to get herself killed. She never should have rubbed her affair in my face. I’ve always known that Goldwater is a monster, but in all our years together, he has always been good to me. And even though I know we’ll never be together, I’ll always love him. I’ll keep showing it by succeeding for him, as I always do.


The next morning, I awoke in our sleeping bag, excited at the prospect of Lilly fulfilling her promise. She stirred, then reached over and embraced me. Her warm touch rejuvenated and excited me at the same time.

“Morning Sugar Dove.”

I rolled over, seeing her smiling face before me. “Is your wound feeling any better?”

“It’s not too deep, don't worry about it,” she said as she snuggled closer to me.

I spooned her, enjoying the sensation of her pressed up against me. “You're so warm. Let’s just lie here all day.”

“Done,” she said. “It's our last day before we complete the final objective. Let’s try to enjoy ourselves... at least as much as we can while squatting in an abandoned house with multiple injuries in a hostile territory.”

“I couldn't be enjoying myself more. Well... that's not entirely true, there is one thing–”

She interrupted me by slapping my thigh. “Is that all you think about?”

“No. I also spend a lot of time fantasizing about...” I said as I pressed myself against her rhythmically.

She giggled. “What were you thinking about the first time then?”

“Romantic candle lit dinners.”

She giggled again, her blond hair swaying. “Ohh, that would be great. I'm going to hold you to that when we get back to friendly territory.” She rolled to face me. “Tell me why you love me.”

Her excitement-filled eyes hypnotized me, but I focused before she got angry at my hesitation. “I love everything about you. I love your intelligence, your persistence, your responsibility. I love the way you bite your lip when engaged in thought and the way your golden hair contrasts with your midnight eyes. You're the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen, perfect in every way. You’re thoughtful, optimistic, and logical. It's impossible for me to imagine anyone that could compare to you. You make life worth living.”

Before she could respond, I pulled her in close and kissed her deeply as I caressed the line of her jaw and the back of her neck. She yielded to my touch, melting into my embrace. Time passed with no measure until we lay next to each other content and relaxed. My body vibrated with pleasure as I closed my eyes.

Finally she spoke, but rather than rip me from my euphoria, her musical voice caressed me, calming me further. “I love you because you're the perfect individual. If someone were to construct a flawless man, they would use you as the cast. You're funny, loving, and kind. I truly believe that you’d do anything for me. Oh... and it doesn't hurt that you’re incredibly sexy. I love your beautiful, striking green eyes, the symmetry of your face, and you're lithe athletic body.” She beamed a dimpled smile at me.

“Go on...” I said.

“You're gonna get it.” She pounced and tickled me wildly.

I laughed and squirmed under her dancing hands. “Noo.” I managed as I smacked at her hands.

“How about now? Have you had enough?” Her hands ran around my body, tickling when they went.

“Yeah,” I said through laughs and pain.

She stopped abruptly when she saw my grimace. “Oh I’m sorry... your wounds.”

It was beginning to seem like a regular occurrence. “A little pain is worth the feel of your hands on me.”

She grinned delightedly. We spent the rest of the day together relaxing in complete contentment.


Goldwater’s Palace Video Surveillance


A huge, broad-shouldered military man sat in an elaborately designed golden throne. A red fist was embroidered on the chest of his white suit, and a black and gold cape sat on his shoulders. A young woman, dressed in a plunging green bodice, stood behind the throne and massaged him. Despite the pleasant circumstance, his face was set with a grimace. He turned his head as the two ornate oak doors swung open to permit a hooded woman, dressed all in black. She exuded power. The man’s grimace deepened. He waved his hand. The woman behind him immediately stopped her massage and ran from the room, with her full breasts nearly bouncing free from her top.

The mysterious woman knelt a few steps in from the doorway until the man in the throne waved her over. “Rise and approach Eris.”

“Thank you Archduke Goldwater.” She nodded and lowered her hood before striding toward the throne. She winced every time her left leg hit the ground, then stopped a few paces from Goldwater, her shoulders tense.

“Why so tense? Relax. It’s good to see you,” The archduke said, his face softening.

Eris’s shoulders relaxed. “You too, Thomas.”

He frowned again, his blue eyes narrowing. “That being said, you made me look bad. Do you think that I give power to those who don't deserve it?” His thick black eyebrows lowered.

She bit one of her nails. “No. You elevate those who deserve it.”

“And you don't, woman.”

Eris’ jaw dropped, and she gasped. In a telekinetically enhanced blur, the huge man shot upward and swung a morning star toward Eris' head. She vanished.

Instantly, she appeared behind him with two glowing daggers raised to strike. Her arms froze. Her hands trembled, glowing more brightly as Goldwater slowly turned to face her.

He tossed back his head and laughed as he watched her quivering body. “Do you think that you could possibly hurt me? People live and die at my whim. I am everything.” He turned from Eris before pacing around the room, stroking his square jaw. “What am I to do with you?” He eyed her up and down. “You could join my harem. You’re pretty much a whore anyway.”

Tears welled in her hurt eyes.

He shook his head. “But I was getting bored with you. Besides, I could never trust you now. You leave me no choice.”

Goldwater motioned his hand. She trembled, her jaw clenched tight as the daggers she held slid toward her chest.

“How could you do this to me?” she asked through gritted teeth. “I... loved you. Please, what about my children?” The tremors in her arms increased just before the daggers plunged into her chest. She gurgled, then fell.

Goldwater spat on her dead body. “Like I care about them. Pathetic woman. And love... ha, you were nothing to me. At least I got to see you teleport once more. That never got old.”

After he laid down his morning star, he pointed his palms at the ground. In a black flash, Eris’ two daggers flew into his hands. “I should never have given you these, you were not worthy.”

Grand Duke Nieri entered the room wearing his brown leather jacket, tight black pants and military style boots. The red fist of Liberty was displayed on both his shoulders. He glanced down at the dead woman and fought not to smile.

“Thank you for the heads up, William. You’ve served me well as always. Is everything in order for the ambush?” asked Goldwater as he laid down the two daggers on his throne.

Nieri nodded, his thin face a mask. “Yes, Thomas. I’ve put our recent acquisition in charge. We’ll have them soon.”

Goldwater chuckled. “Good work. It’s funny how easily someone will betray their people when given a little money and respect.”


It was gray outside when we woke, eager to execute the final mission. Although we should have waited until night, we were tired of the ruined kingdom. We packed up camp, took what we needed, and left the rest in a bundle in the corner. If we were successful in disabling the communications relay, we would need to leave the city as quickly as possible. If we were not successful, we would simply set up the tent again, camp, and re-strike the next day. Hopefully it wouldn’t take a second attempt. They’d surely increase security if we failed once.

The brisk morning air cooled my skin as we exited through the back window. I turned and locked eyes with Lilly. “I love you Honey.”

She chewed on her lip. “I love you too, Bunny Bear. If anything happens—”

I pulled her close, then kissed her long and deeply. “Nothing will happen. Let’s complete the mission and flee this rat hole.”

She nodded. “Let’s do it.” After we pulled up the hoods of our wool cloaks, we set off.

It was approximately twenty minutes before we reached the outskirts of the relay. We knew from our scouting that only six guards patrolled the fence. Every four hours the guards changed, leaving the fence clear for a few minutes. Despite being cloaked in illusions, the extra safeguard was nice. The mission would be a piece of cake.

We arrived to within a hundred feet of the fence, when Lilly held up her hand. “Stop.”

“What is it?”

She pointed to small device on the building wall to our right. I raised an eyebrow scratching my head as she rummaged in her pack.

“Ah here.” She dumped something on her hand, then blew on it.

A puff of powder wafted into the air, revealing a web of red lasers. My stomach tensed.

“We dodged a bullet there,” she said.

“Talent, how did you even see that?” I asked.

She shrugged, in response.

“Well. I’ll shatter it.”

She shook he head. “You might set it off. Let me.” She walked over to the device, then kneeled on the ground. After opening a small panel, she went to work. In a few minutes, the wall device flashed green. “It’s down.”

“We didn’t learn that in training. How did you do that?”

She shrugged. “I just figured it out now.”

“Wow, impressive.”

She smiled, her pale cheeks blushing, clearly pleased with herself. After twenty or so more feet, we were in range to launch the explosive devices. I nodded to Lilly, and she returned the gesture. It was time. I dropped my pack and levitated the explosives from it before guiding them upward.

Lilly gasped.

My eyes darted toward her.

“Jaden, my talent’s being disrupted. They know—”

. A gunshot cut her off.

My subconscious reacted as the bullet sped toward my chest. At the last instant, the bullet sparked green, deflecting into my arm. The ripping pain disrupted my talent control. Lilly screamed as the explosives fell through the air just forty feet from us. They collided with the ground, lighting up in a deafening and brilliant explosion that tore through the fence. A shockwave slammed into us, throwing us to our backs.

In darkness, my ears rang, drowning out the world. I lay stunned and confused. What had happened? I inhaled deeply, then coughed hard, tasting soot and dust. I slowly opened my eyes, gritting my teeth at the pain lancing up my back. Thick black smoke dimmed the morning sunshine. An explosion? What? With a punch, my memory flooded back. Oh no. The relay. The mission. It’s an ambush. How did they know?

A gust of wind blew by, ruffling my hair and clearing the smoke. Lilly sat next to me, holding her lowered head.

“Lilly.” My voice sounded muted, even though I shouted.

Nonetheless, she turned. We shared a worried look. She nodded as she raised her hand, assuring me she was unharmed. At least we were alive... for now.

My head jerked around as I searched for attackers. From the perimeter, two squads of thirty men, charged. My eyebrows rose as I gauged our chances. While most wielded identical short swords, the commanders held rifles. My heart labored as I struggled to lift myself. Finally, I stood somewhat unsteadily. I spit the dust out of my mouth and blinked reflexively a few times. My arm bled freely where I was shot. My mind was still somewhat cloudy, and I felt partial telepathic disruption, dampening my talent. Victory seemed impossible, but I had to protect Lilly. With a green glow, I sealed my gunshot wound. I faced the men, steadying myself.

Lilly stood next to me, sword in hand. Now they’d pay. Two more gunshots rang out; I barely managed to locate and deflect the bullets. In a panic, I spotted the guns, then focused my limited distance talent. They glowed before exploding. Shards of metal ripped through several men, punctuated by screams. One gunman fell to the ground and writhed wildly. A man next to him clutched his gushing neck. The other riflemen lay in torn messes on the ground, unmoving. In total, six men were dead, dying, or injured. The remaining mass of men charged, swords ready.

I released a broad wave of talent at one of the squads, knocking thirty men prone. With a growl, I turned to face the other attackers. Lashing out at the nearest men, I crushed their chests one by one. Bodies crumbled; men died. After I popped another three chests, I felt my talent dim. There were too many, and the influence of the telepath accelerated my fatigue. I couldn’t win this way. I’d have to smash them up close, relying on my more efficient touch telekinesis.

I hefted my monstrous black mace from its holster, casting forth green luminescence. I glanced down, momentarily mesmerized. My shadow mingled with the glowing, bubbling greens of my talent. What beauty, what grandeur my talent painted.

“Come on,” Lilly yelled, ripping me from my reckless fascination.

She tugged on my hand, drawing my attention. There was an opening in the attack. My talent coaxed me to fight, to crush all of them, but Lilly was right. Running was smarter.

Bolstering my muscles, we sprinted for freedom. Footsteps and shouts rang out behind us as the men pursued. After a few minutes, we were half way down an alley. I glanced back, slowing. We had built up some distance between the men and us; we were going to make it.

Lilly gasped. I spun to see her standing several paces in front of me surrounded by ten men. A rough, unshaven man held a knife to her throat. I’d kill them all. I focused on the knife to free her, but my talent control was destroyed. I strained again, desperate to remove the knife and pull her to safety. It was no good. The telepath, closer now, completely dominated me.

A cold, stark realization crawled through me. Oh no. “Don’t,” I said, my worst fears coming true. “We surrender. Just please don’t hurt her.” I flinched as I heard two thuds behind me, followed by strong hands grasping both of my arms.

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