Taking the Heat (24 page)

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Authors: Victoria Dahl

BOOK: Taking the Heat
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“Wait,” he said, startling her, but he only dug into his pocket for a condom. Then he helped push the jeans off and raised his hips so she could slide his underwear off, too.

She couldn't help the breathy
that escaped her mouth once he was fully naked. His cock looked so thick framed by his narrow hips. Her fingers curled, but she still didn't touch him.

She straddled his thighs again, loving how hot his naked skin was against hers. “Look at you,” she breathed, taking in the sight of him beneath her.

“Look at you,” he countered.

She smiled because she didn't have the slightest desire to cover herself. He could look all he wanted.

Leaning forward, she kissed his ribs again, loving the way his cock pressed to her breasts. Apparently, he loved it, too, because he gasped in shock. She slid a little lower on his legs, pressing her body along his erection, and he cursed under his breath.

God, sex was so much

When she kissed his belly, she teased him by dragging her open mouth along his skin only inches from the head of his cock. A glance up told her that he was watching intently. Waiting. Smiling, she ducked her head and kissed a path to his side. There was one last thing she wanted to do before things got serious.

His hips were tight with muscle just like the rest of him. She licked the V-shaped line that crossed down his hip. Then she did what she'd been wanting to do for days. She bit him.

He jerked in shock beneath her mouth. “Mmm, sorry,” she murmured. Then she pressed her teeth to him again, more slowly this time, feeling the give of him under her teeth. She left the faintest of imprints there, but she licked him in apology. “I've been wanting to bite you,” she said.

When he pushed her hair off her face, she bit the ball of his thumb, too.

Gabe gasped out a shocked laugh. “Fine, but just watch where you're biting.”

“Oh, you mean when I'm sucking your cock?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said, and now the hand in her hair was guiding her toward him.

“You want to feel my mouth?” she whispered.


Her heart fluttered, her nervousness trying to make a comeback. She tried to hide her uncertainty with boldness. “Tell me you like it.”

“I love it,” he said. She pressed a kiss to the crown, then circled it with her tongue. “I love your mouth,” he groaned.

That was all she needed to hear. She didn't start out slow the way she had the first time. Instead she took him deep into her mouth, her heart speeding at his grunt of surprise.

“Oh, fuck, I love your mouth,” he groaned as she sucked at him. He seemed inclined to skip the preliminaries tonight, too. He framed her head with both hands and eased her down until he hit the back of her throat. Veronica was relieved to find that she didn't gag. She liked him that deep. It made her feel...triumphant. Maybe she'd unpack that ridiculous thought later, or maybe she'd just enjoy it, because she loved his breathless words right now, whispering, “Just like that. God, just like that. It feels so good.”

She slid up and down, not needing the guidance of his hands anymore. She could tell he liked it by the way his thighs tightened with every draw of her mouth, the way he pushed up to meet her, the way he groaned with pleasure. She slipped her hands down his hips and dug her nails into his ass.

He cursed, but before she could take him deeper again, his hands lifted her head. “I'm sorry. It feels too good. And I really want to fuck you.”

She laughed at that, because there were a couple of options here and both of them were good. She could refuse to comply and keep doing this until he came, or she could climb a little higher on his body and fuck him.

The second thought made everything inside her tighten. Yes. She wanted that. She'd had it only once, after all, and she had so much catching up to do.

She rose up and slid her panties down. Gabe's eyes were focused between her legs, but his hand swept the bed beside him for the condom. He put the condom on as she crawled higher on the bed. Then he fisted the base of his cock as she straddled him again.

He stroked a hand between her legs, making her gasp. “That got you wet,” he murmured. “Doing that.”

She nodded, but she just stayed poised above him. She wasn't sure what to do, or maybe she was only too intimidated to try. It was hardly a puzzle, after all. The penis went into the vagina. Basic biology.

Gabe's free hand settled on her hip and he eased her down as if he knew she needed help. His cock only brushed against her pussy at first. Then it pressed against her. She held her breath, and her body began to take him in, stretching tight around him. Just as the pressure began to overwhelm her, he guided her up again, then back down. This time it was easier. She closed her eyes and sighed as though his cock were taking all the space for breath inside her.

This was basic biology, yes, but it somehow still felt miraculous. That another person was in her body. That it felt
instead of strange.

Finally, she was settled tight against his hips, her body filled with him.

His hands swept up her sides. “I love this, too,” he said. She opened her eyes, startled by the mix of shock and dark pleasure that flashed through her at his words. It was so close to “I love you.” And so close to what she was feeling as she looked at him beneath her. His thumbs brushed over her nipples and she sighed.

“You're so beautiful, Veronica.”

Was she? She didn't know, but he made her feel needy and wild and sexy.

“Just ride me,” he said. “Whatever you do will feel good for me.”

She nodded and pressed her knees hard to the mattress, sliding up only an inch, her eyelids fluttering at the strange feeling. This was different from being on her back. This was
doing the fucking. She moved very slowly, trying it out. It felt...nice.

Gabe's eyes focused first on her face, but as she moved on him, his gaze fell to her breasts. His thumbs brushed her nipples again, and then he squeezed them.

“Oh,” she sighed, her eyes fluttering closed. The feeling shot straight to the nerves stretched tight around him. “That feels good,” she whispered.

She kept riding him slowly, her thighs already shaking from the effort. Her legs were weak and tired after today's climb, but she wouldn't let that stop her. She wanted it just like this, filling herself over and over again with his cock.

But eventually, her shaking legs refused to hold her. She braced her hands on either side of his head and opened her eyes. “I'm tired,” she said with a frustrated laugh.

“It's okay. You were busy being kick-ass all day.”

He held her face between gentle hands and pulled her down for a kiss, his warm mouth like a gift for hers. His beard tickled her chin. Then he moved beneath her, and even though she was on top, he was the one doing the fucking now, tipping his hips up to slide deeper. She sighed in pleasure, but the sigh turned to a moan a moment later. His hands slid down her body and gripped her hips as he fucked her faster.

“Gabe,” she gasped. His cock felt huge now as he held her open above him. His hips slapped into her. “Oh, God,” she groaned. “Oh, God.”

“Fuck. Veronica. I can't...”

His muscles went tight; his thrusts grew rougher. When his fingers dug hard into her flesh, she realized he was coming and raised her head a little to watch his face as the pleasure seemed to contort into pain. Breath hissed through his teeth until his hips finally slowed.

“I'm sorry,” he gasped.

“It's okay,” she said, only now realizing that it wasn't okay. She wanted to come. Hadn't that been the deal after that climb?

He opened his eyes and smiled. “You just looked so fucking hot above me. I couldn't help it.”

Well, she couldn't resent that. And he had let her do whatever she'd wanted to him. She'd get off next time. The sex had still been fantastic.

She gave him a quick kiss and slid off him to give her still-shaking legs a rest.

Despite the near-liquid state of her thigh muscles, she felt tense as she collapsed into her blankets. Restless. Still, she smiled at the sight of Gabe's ass when he got up to go to the bathroom. She'd have to bite that one day, too. It looked made for biting.

She stretched hard and tried not to feel disappointed. He'd fucked her well and thoroughly with that beautiful body. And it had felt wonderful.

The day finally caught up to her. Despite the slight vibration of tension in her muscles, she closed her eyes and sank into the pillows. She felt as though she could sleep for twelve hours. Even that might not be a relief, because she knew her arms and legs would be sore from the—

“Ah!” she shrieked when a hand grabbed her ankle and tugged it wide. Her eyes flew open to find Gabe dropping to his knees between her spread legs.

“Now let's get you that orgasm,” he said with a grin.


One of his eyebrows rose. “Don't tell me you're too tired. All you have to do is lie there.”

“I—” she started, but he'd already ducked down and dragged his tongue over her clit. “Oh!” she gasped at the hard shock of pleasure. For some reason, she hadn't imagined he'd want to do that after he'd fucked her. She already felt wet and warm and slightly used, but he put his whole mouth over her and sucked at her clit.

“Oh, God,” she groaned, raising her knees and spreading them wider. “You're like my own personal fantasy, Gabe MacKenzie.”

His mouth left her for the barest moment. She glanced down to see him watching her, the naughty smile gone from his face. But he didn't say anything, and then his tongue was on her clit again, and Veronica let her head fall back and her eyes close as she tangled her fingers in his hair.

He was her fantasy, and even better than that, this was all going to be okay. She could feel it. And then all she could feel was his mouth.


a sensation of being bound by something hot and heavy and comforting. When she stretched, Gabe's hand spread over her naked waist and pulled her more snug against him.

“Mmm,” she sighed as she turned her head into his shoulder and inhaled the scent of his sleep-warmed skin. He smelled like spice and sex. Despite that she'd come right before falling asleep, lust still settled into her belly as she breathed him in.

“I'm sure it's just my sister,” he murmured into her hair, and she realized what had woken her as his phone gave another brief buzz. His hand stroked her hip, then stilled again.

Veronica entertained the idea of rousing herself enough to initiate sex, but she must have fallen back asleep before she could act on it, because the next thing she knew, she was jerked awake again.

Gabe's phone was buzzing again.

“I swear to God,” he rasped, “if she's calling because she can't find the bottle opener...”

Cold seared her back when he left the bed, and she quickly rolled over into his spot. He cursed and she heard something on the dresser fall over, but then he must have found his phone, because the glow of the screen lit his naked chest.

“It's my mom,” he said, all the sleepiness leaving his voice.

Veronica sat up and turned on the lamp next to her bed, sheet clutched to her chest in deference to his faraway mother.

“Mom?” he said. “What's wrong?”

When Veronica saw the way fear fell over him, taking all the color in his face with it, she almost wished she'd left the room dark.

“You're at the hospital?” he asked. “What are they saying?” He paced toward the dark doorway that led to her living room, then back, scrubbing his free hand over his hair.

“I...I don't get it. Didn't he just go to the doctor last month? I know, but— Okay. Okay.”

Veronica watched his eyes search the room until they found the clock.

“I'll get a flight out for me and Naomi, but it won't be for at least six hours, and we'll have to connect. I'll call as soon as I have something. Leave your phone on, Mom, okay? Let me know if anything changes.”

Veronica was already out of bed and pulling on clothes when he hung up. “What's wrong?”

“My dad. He had a heart attack.”

“Oh, Gabe.” He looked so lost, just staring at her, the hand holding the phone still raised halfway to his ear. She crossed the room and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I'm so sorry. Is he going to be okay?”

“I don't know. They said he's critical but stable. Stable is good, right?”

“Yes,” she agreed, “stable is really good.”

“His doctor has been warning him to get healthier, but he was just there a month ago and he was fine.”

She squeezed him harder. “Does your sister know?”

“I'm not sure. I'd better go.” Still, he didn't move; he just held tight to her, heart thundering against her ear.

“He's going to be okay,” she said, wishing out loud for him.

She felt the movement of his muscles as he nodded. “You're right. He'll be okay.”

She kissed his shaking heart and whispered his name before he took a deep breath and let her go. “I'll let you know when I'm leaving and when I can...” His words trailed away as he looked down at the shirt he'd picked up.

“Don't worry about that,” she said.

His forehead creased and he shook his head, but he couldn't seem to speak.

“It's okay, Gabe. Just go tell your sister and get back to New York.”

He nodded and finished getting dressed, then gave her a quick kiss before leaving.

It was only 3:00 a.m., but Veronica knew she'd never get back to sleep now. She pulled on warm clothes and made herself tea to try to shake off the chill that had settled beneath her skin. Poor Gabe. And his poor family. It was so awful that this had happened while Naomi was away, too.

She hoped Gabe's mother wasn't all alone. Surely they had more family there? Everyone she'd ever met from New York had had cousins stretched throughout the boroughs.

She wanted to call Gabe and see what was happening, but she was in a very strange position. She wasn't his girlfriend. They'd barely started dating. She had no right to insert herself into this tragedy or distract him while he was worried. She didn't even know his parents' names.

Feeling awful about that, she curled up in bed with her cup of tea and looked up MacKenzie's.

She immediately recognized the pictures of Gabe's dad. He looked like a bigger, bulkier version of Gabe. The man was clean shaven, but the kind brown eyes and sturdy nose were the same. He smiled in every single picture she found. A fantastic smile that said he loved the world and everyone in it.

Blinking back tears, she found a history of the business. Gabe's dad was named James, and he'd taken over the business from his father, who'd started the first MacKenzie's in 1970. The family's love for the place was evident in the stories on the website. And right there in the About Us section was a picture of Gabe's whole family. It must have been taken years ago, because Gabe was a teenager, gangly and thin faced. His two sisters framed him, both of them tall and beautiful. His dad had one big arm around Gabe's mom, a woman in her late forties who wore her hair in a ponytail and her sunglasses perched on top of her head.

They looked so happy. Veronica crossed her fingers and hoped hard that everything would be okay. It wasn't fair that a family like that could be broken up so early.

This kind of family had been Veronica's fantasy her whole life. Even when her mom had been alive, she'd watched other kids' fathers and wondered what it would be like to have a big laughing dad who was willing to take off work to come to the school musical performances.

After her mom had died, Veronica hadn't really dreamed much about family at all, until the day her dad had announced that he was remarrying. His courtship had taken place entirely out of Veronica's sight, so she'd had no picture of who this new woman would be. But her mind had formed someone a lot like that picture of Gabe's mom. Pretty and funny and a little no-nonsense. A woman who would come in and organize their sterile little household into a real family.

Veronica had been utterly off base. Her stepmother had swept into Veronica's life and reorganized the household, all right, but her main goal had been resetting the flow of the home so that it all revolved around her and her son. If Veronica had had a stepbrother like Gabe, everything would have been different.

Okay, maybe not like Gabe. That would have been an awful made-for-TV movie.
My Brother, My Lover
. So someone just as kind as Gabe but without Gabe's lust-inducing pheromones. That would've been perfect.

She did a load of laundry and made herself breakfast, checking her phone about five times a minute to be sure Gabe hadn't texted.

At 6:00 a.m. just as she was dozing off on her couch, there was a quiet knock on the door. She raced over and jerked it open.

Gabe's heavy eyes widened for a moment. “I didn't want to wake you,” he said.

“I couldn't sleep.” She opened the door wide and pulled him in out of the predawn cold. His fingers felt chilled. “How is he?”

“The same. Still stable, though. They think it was a pretty minor heart attack as far as damage, but he'll still be in the hospital for a few days.”

“Thank God.” She put her arms around him and tried to absorb some of the cold from his body.

He kissed the top of her head. “Veronica, I'm so sorry.”

“Don't be silly. There's nothing to be sorry for. Did you get a flight?”

His chin rubbed her head when he nodded.

“What time?”

“Nine-thirty. We should get in by 5:00 p.m. Someone offered Monique a free tour of Yellowstone, so she's going to stay at my place for a couple more days. But she won't eat these, so I brought them for you.”

She pulled back to see a plastic container in one of his hands.

“My mom's cookies,” he explained.

“Oh, Gabe. That's so sweet.” She blinked hard, but she still had to wipe a tear from her cheek as she took the cookies to the kitchen.

“She's a great baker. Not so great at cooking, but my dad took care of that. He
take care of that, I mean. He'd come home to make us dinner sometimes before going back to work. He's always worked way too hard.”

She nodded. She knew what that was like, at least. “Do you want some tea or coffee? Do you need to go?”

“I should go,” he said, but he didn't move.

“How is Naomi?” she asked.

He shook his head. “She's okay,” he said, but then his words went quick and hoarse. “I need to tell you something. Can we sit down?”

Fear shot through her at the hopeless look in his eyes. She took his hand and led him to the couch. His fingers squeezed hers too hard, but then they slipped away. He spread his hands out against his own thighs and stared at them for a long moment.

“I'm really sorry,” he said again.

“Why do you keep saying that? Your dad had a heart attack. Why would you apologize for something like that?”

He took a deep breath. “Because...I don't think I'm coming back.”

She froze and her heart held still for a long moment before it raced to catch up with her anxiety. “What?”

“My dad... He's going to need help.”

“Gabe, you don't know that yet. He could be back to normal soon. Try to be positive.”

But he was shaking his head. “He won't be able to keep up this pace.”

“He has managers and people to help him, doesn't he? Maybe it'll take a few weeks to get everything running smoothly, but—”

“You don't understand,” he interrupted. “I was worried about something like this. He works too hard. He doesn't take care of himself, but he won't sell the company to anyone else. He's determined to keep it in the family, so I told him I'd take over when he turned sixty.”

“How old is he?” she asked.


“Fifty-nine?” She didn't understand what he meant. “That's... You just moved to Jackson. That doesn't make any sense.”

“I have a one-year contract with the library.”

“What?” she breathed.

“It wasn't a permanent position. I was brought in to get digital lending up and running, because...” He glanced at her face and stopped talking. “Veronica. I was going to tell you...”

She stared into his sad brown eyes and shook her head. “Another thing you meant to tell me and didn't?”

He winced.

“It doesn't matter,” she managed to say despite that her throat was closing up. “I get it.”

“I came here to live the life I wanted for a year,” he explained.

“Right,” she said. “Of course.”

“But now I don't think I can wait a year. If Dad's okay... I need to make sure he stays okay. I need to go back.”

“Sure.” Her whole body buzzed with the shock of it. He was leaving. He'd always been leaving. That was all right, though, wasn't it? They weren't in love.

“I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you over the phone from New York. I just—”

“It's fine,” she cut in. “You didn't promise anything. I told you this wasn't that kind of first time. It was casual.”

“It wasn't,” he said immediately. “It wasn't like that for me.”

“Then why didn't you tell me?” she snapped. “Either it was casual and it didn't mean anything, or it meant something and you lied to me. Again.”

“I...” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “I'm sorry. This whole thing got away from me. It's been intense from the start, and I didn't know when to tell you.”

Intense. Right. She stood up. “We can't do this right now. You need to go make sure your dad is okay. The phone will be better, anyway.”

“No, it won't. I want you to know that I wasn't lying to you. I want to stand here and tell you that if I don't come back, it's not because I don't want to.”

She backed up because he was standing now, too, and she just wanted to hug him. She wanted to cry, and she didn't know why. “It doesn't matter. It was only a few dates.”

“That's not true.”

“Then you were
!” she yelled, wishing she could take it back even before her words settled over them. He didn't need this right now. She didn't even know why she felt so angry. It pushed at her skin like panic, trying to claw deeper. “You let me feel things for you,” she said, trying to keep her voice low. “Things I wouldn't have let myself feel if I knew you were

“I know,” he groaned. “But I knew I was leaving and I still felt those things. I don't think it would've mattered, Veronica.”

“You should have let me decide that!”

“I'm sorry.” He pressed his hands to his forehead and cursed. “I thought we'd have time. I thought we could figure it out.”

“Well, we don't have time.” Pain raked at her insides. She crossed her arms hard and tried to push it down. “You didn't have to ask me to trust you, you know. You didn't have to act like you were being so honest, because I believed you, and now I feel

“Please don't. You're not stupid.”

She laughed. “Thanks.”

“I'm sorry, Veronica. I just... My family needs me.” He moved toward her, his hands reaching out. “But if I can find a way—”

Veronica backed up, afraid for him to touch her. If he touched her, she'd start crying. She'd cling to him and breathe him in and she'd never want to let him go. There was no reason for that, she told herself. She barely knew him.

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