Taking Passion by Storm (17 page)

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Authors: Ravenna Tate

BOOK: Taking Passion by Storm
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stroked her hair. “Nadine … I’m forty-one years old. I’ve played around far too
long now, and I know what I want.” He cupped her face. “I want you.
you. I’ve always wanted you. I know
your worst secret, and I still want you. I know the sex might never be crazy,
over-the-top, kinky and I don’t care. I want you, in whatever way you can give
yourself to me. I’m not going to change my mind, and I already know I haven’t
made a mistake. The only mistake I’ve made is not telling you all this years

streamed down her face as she gazed into Addison’s eyes. This was the man of
her dreams. He always had been. All she had to do was relax and let him into
her life.




dinner was over and her father was settled in his rooms with Jesse, a home
health aide, Addison told Nadine he’d wait for her in his bedroom. She had
taken a room down the hall from his, and had spent the last couple of nights in
it, but only after her father had insisted she leave the hospital each night.
She’d been so exhausted she’d fallen asleep on top of the comforter.

wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend the night with Addison in his room.
Everything about this situation was foreign to her. She knew her father would
heal eventually, but she felt guilty about not being with him all the time.

also had broached the subject of having a psychologist come to the house rather
than making her go to them for appointments, and she’d thanked him for that,
but also told him she wanted to tell her father first before she resumed
therapy sessions. What she didn’t tell Addison was that she wasn’t sure what a
therapist could do for her at this point that Addison hadn’t already done.

since she’d told him about the rape, the nightmares had subsided. Even the
number of times the memories popped into her head during the day had decreased.
She was aware it might be the result of having spent the past week on the
surface, looking for her father. Her mind had something else to occupy it.

now that they were underground again and her father was alive, she still hadn’t
dreamed about the rape, or thought about it all day long. She didn’t know what
to make of it, and was afraid to hope it might be permanent.

spent four years believing she’d never be free of it, while at the same time
longing to be so she could have exactly the kind of relationship Addison had
offered to her. Now that she had what she’d prayed for, she didn’t know what to
do with it. Maybe Addison was right, after all? She did still need a

way, she wanted to spend this night with him, and see what happened as a
result. Then she could tell her father in the morning about the rape, and make
a decision about further therapy. She wanted to let go of it all for one more
night and be with the man she loved.

took her time choosing what to wear, even though she was only walking down the
hall, but when she knocked on the door she heard him talking on the phone. He
opened it, his face full of excitement, and motioned her inside.

took a seat in the nearest chair and listened to him talking about Rob Marin
and his laptop. When Addison finally finished the phone call, he let out a
whoop and pumped his fist in the air. Placing his phone on the nightstand, he
strolled toward her, and she stood, smiling. His excitement, even though she
didn’t understand what exactly had happened, was infectious.

I have very exciting news that I know you won’t
understand in its entirety, but I want to share it anyway.” He pulled her into
his arms and kissed her, and as she wrapped her arms around him, it was easy to
forget whatever had him so animated, as well as her earlier doubts and worries.

he released the kiss, he asked if she remembered them talking about stealing a

I remember you talking about it when we were inside
the bunker.”

Barclay will have it by morning. No one saw the men
who broke into Rob’s and Olivia’s house to take it.”

Does he live in
You said that’s where Rob lives, right?”

Barclay? No, he lives in
One of the men who took it hopped on a train and is riding all night to deliver
it to Barclay in the morning.”

Oh, that’s good. I mean you needed it, right?” It felt
odd to congratulate him on having condoned his friends stealing someone’s
property, but she understood why they’d had it done.

Yes, it’s good. It’s beyond good.”

So what happens now? Does it have the names of the
hackers on it?”

I sure hope so, but none of us want to believe we hit
the mother lode that easily. It will take Barclay time to sift through the

I’m excited for all of you. I hope you find what you
were hoping to on the hard drive.”

So do I, but this isn’t only for us. This is for
everyone. Imagine if we were able to stop this program. We could go back up on
the surface and begin to rebuild.”

It’s monumental to think about, isn’t it?”

Yes, but we can’t lose hope. Not ever. We can’t give
up. None of us can do that.”

shivered at his words, the conviction in his voice, and the passion in his
eyes. “That’s what all of you do at the core of this, isn’t it? The tabloids
focus on the wrong issues. All your millions … the companies you’ve each built
and that survived the move underground, that isn’t what each of you are inside.
This is who you are. All of you. This is what you want more than anything,
isn’t it? To stop this thing and take back our planet.”

nodded. “Yes. Yes, it is.” He kissed her again, slowly this time, moving his
tongue inside her mouth in ways he hadn’t done yet. Nadine moaned loudly and
wrapped her arms around him again, then stepped closer so she could mold her
body against his. She needed his warmth tonight, as well as his passion. She
wanted to chase away the demons forever, and absorb the energy he gave off.

brushed his hands down her back to her ass, grasping her cheeks. The gesture
sent a gush of wetness to her pussy, and her clothes suddenly felt too tight.
He released her mouth and planted soft kisses along her jaw line.

You have on too many things,” he said softly.

Should I have come here naked instead?”

Yes.” His mouth brushed her nipple through the fabric
of her tank top. “Next time, wear nothing.”

What if your staff sees me?”

kissed both nipples, and she gasped as they began to tingle, sending tiny
electric jolts straight to her clit. “Doesn’t matter. Better yet, next time be
in here already with me. You don’t need your own room, do you?” He grasped her
breasts through the top and kneaded them, his expression full of hope.

No.” She could barely think let alone speak. “No, I
really don’t need my own room.”

Good.” Addison lifted her tank top over her head and
tossed it onto the floor. She hadn’t worn a bra on purpose, and was now glad
she’d made that decision. “Because I don’t want you to leave my side. I may
have to take you to work with me.”

What about my job?”

frowned. “Too many questions and not enough kissing.”

clung to him again as he captured her mouth once more, shoving his tongue into
it. In a move that felt bold, she moved her hands to his torso and rolled up
the hem of his shirt. She was rewarded with a low, sexy groan as he released
the kiss so she could remove the garment.

Now my jeans,” he said.

undid his jeans and slid them down, giggling when she realized he wasn’t
wearing underwear. He was also barefoot, so that only left her shorts because
she hadn’t worn panties or shoes, either. “Would you like me to take these off,
or do you want to?”

grin sent fresh wetness to her pussy. Before she could react, he lifted her off
the floor and deposited her on top of the comforter. Then he dived between her
legs and raked her pussy lips and inner thighs with his teeth, until Nadine was
sure she’d go out of her mind. It took him way too long to remove the panties
using only his teeth. By the time they were off, she was soaked and so ready
for him it was ridiculous.

tossed them onto the floor and spread her legs, licking from right next to her
asshole all the way to her clit, over and over again. Nadine could hardly
breathe. She’d never felt anything so exquisite in her life. “You’re so wet,

I can’t help it. You do that to me.”

moved off the bed and opened the nightstand drawer, then removed a box of
condoms and a large bottle of lube. “For later,” he said, winking. “There’s
something I want to try.”

could guess what it was, considering they hadn’t bothered with condoms in the
cave, and hadn’t needed lube, either. She’d never had anal sex, and wasn’t sure
how she felt about it, but tonight she would give this man anything he wanted.

raised his brows. “You don’t know what it is yet.”

Doesn’t matter. I want to try it.”

look he gave her was nothing short of adoration. He returned to licking her
pussy and clit, and this time slid two fingers inside her. She moaned loudly as
a crazy orgasm began to build. When he flicked his tongue hard over her clit at
the end of each pass, the climax raced through her. She rode the contractions,
and before they finished he settled between her legs and slid his dick into her

Oh, Nadine. You feel incredible, sweetheart.”

So do you. I missed you so much.”

leaned over and kissed her. “I missed you, too. I know it’s only been a few
days, but it felt much, much longer.”

clung to him, locking gazes while he fucked her slowly, almost lazily. It was
torture of the most incredible kind, and she never wanted it to end. When he
pulled out, she was surprised, until he grinned again. “Turn over, beautiful.
Let’s experiment.”

Oh, that sounds like fun.” Nadine flipped onto her
stomach and gasped when Addison gave each ass cheek a quick smack. “On your
hands and knees.”

did as he asked, wondering what he’d do first, but knowing it hardly mattered.
She was so damn aroused now she knew she’d love whatever he wanted to try. As
long as she was with him, could touch him, and his cock was inside her again,
she’d be happy.

brushed a hand over her pussy from behind, and it was so sexy that she moaned
again, arching her ass toward him.

You’re so fucking beautiful.”

Thank you.”

kissed each ass cheek, and then gave them both another smack. “I mean it,

You overwhelm me, Addison, but in a good way.”

Maybe one day you’ll let me spank you for real?”

voice was so hopeful she nearly laughed. “Okay. I’d love to try that.”

sexy groan sent her arousal out of control again. “Thank you.”

slipped his dick back into her pussy from behind, and she cried out in pleasure
as he thrust, harder now than he’d done before. At this angle, each move massaged
the perfect spot, and soon another orgasm was on its way.

reached underneath and played with her breasts until Nadine was sure she
couldn’t stand it much longer. When he pulled out, she stayed where she was and
watched him put on a condom.

If this frightens you, or you don’t like it, please
say so.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. “I don’t want to scare you.”

I will. Promise.”

poured some lube from the bottle onto his fingers and played with the area
around her ass first. Nadine closed her eyes and moaned softly, as unexpected
erotic sensations washed over her. When he slipped a finger inside, it didn’t
hurt at all. She’d had no idea it would feel this good.

What do you think, love?”

I like it. Please keep going.”

kissed her lower back. “That’s my girl. I’m so proud of you.”

entire body glowed with warmth and pride at those words. She blinked back tears
as he gently massaged her lower back and ass cheeks with the opposite hand,
while slipping two fingers now into her asshole.

fullness was a bit uncomfortable at first, but once she grew accustomed to it,
a peaceful, slipping sensation settled over her and she relaxed into it. He
gently stretched the walls, and when he pulled his fingers out, he kissed her

Are you ready, love?”

let out a shaky breath as tiny shivers ran down her spine. “Yes. Yes, I am.”

teased the opening to her ass with his sheathed dick, added more lube with his
fingers, and then finally eased his cock inside, so slowly that there was no
pain at all. Nadine groaned loudly as the climax that had been building began
to once more.

You’re doing great, Nadine. Are you all right?”

Yes,” she whispered.

It feels so fucking incredible, baby.”

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