Taking Charge (21 page)

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Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

BOOK: Taking Charge
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Joy started strumming to Moonshadow by Cat
Stevens. Jordan started singing. Joy strummed along and smiled.
They smiled as the chorus line came. The patrons were all singing
along. Joy chuckled.
They all started to sing. Bruce cleared his throat and
started to sing. Clyde smiled. Jordan closed his eyes and played
the guitar solo. Joy joined in and they both sang.

Joy carried on strumming and sang ‘How Can
I Tell You’ by Cat Stevens. Jordan smiled as he listened. She
smiled and sang to Jordan. Jordan got up and pulled Joy in to his
“I love you.” Joy smiled.
“I love you.”

Last song folks.” He struck up with
Beautiful Sunday. Joy smiled and played her guitar. Everyone joined
in. They both sat and rocked on their chairs. Sarah stood singing
in the kitchen. Frank smiled as he danced up and down. Craig sang
and smiled.
“This is my, my, my beautiful day!” Jordan smiled and sang to Joy.
They ended the song and smiled. The patrons all clapped. Everyone
got up and left the stage.

Tanya and the family walked in. Zeba stood
and looked at them both.
“Now. I believe you are wearing the jeweler on your finger!” Joy
giggled and shook her head. They all hugged and kissed Joy and
Jordan. Lloyd looked around.
“Champagne Frank. On the house. Put it on my bill.” Frank chuckled
as he opened a few bottles of champagne and handed everyone a
glass. Zeba hugged Joy.
“This is such good news. Now have you two decided where you will be
living?” Jordan nodded.
“We are staying here.” Lloyd nodded.
“Much better. The changes Joy has already made are huge. Now have
you ordered that table and chairs?” Jordan smiled and held Joy in
front of his body as he drank his champagne.
“Not yet. That is the first thing on the list for tomorrow.” Lloyd
“Well your home is central. You can always renovate. And if you
need a garden you can work out back.” Tanya giggled. Zeba
“And when are you moving in?”
“Just moved.” Lloyd whispered.
“Little fibber. You have lived here forever.” Joy giggled and
Jordan grinned.
“We settled Joy’s bill at the motel. So Joy is here to stay.” Zeba
“Good. Good. Now when the babies arrive we don’t mind babysitting.
Have you set a date?” Jordan nodded.
“Yes we have. You might be arranging our wedding Mum.” Zeba grinned
and nodded.
“I will take over right now. All I need is the date.” Jordan smiled
and gave Zeba the date. She nodded and smiled.

The family headed out after having their
champagne. Joy and Jordan smiled. They headed home early. Frank
smiled as he looked at his cell phone. Craig looked over his
“Oh there! That one. Where he is holding her hand. Use that one!”
Frank nodded.
“This is going to be a good newsletter.” Craig grinned.
“Already got two adverts in for the next one.” Frank nodded and

Joy and Jordan lay in bed. He held her in
his arms. They were soon making love. Joy smiled and sighed as she
looked at Jordan.
“The newsletter hit the streets just after nine. Perfect timing.”
Jordan smiled.
“And the postman made sure everyone got their copy. Wait till next
week.” Joy smiled.
“What are we going to put in the next newsletter?”
“Got a few ads already. Things are taking off nicely.”
“We got loads of calls about the newsletter today. Penny had so
many compliments.” Jordan smiled.
“Compliments that should come to you.” Jordan smiled.
“Oh I had loads of compliments. Don’t you worry.” Joy smiled.
“It has turned out to be your creation.” Jordan smiled.
“It might be my creation. But you generate every bit of information
that there is.” Joy chuckled.
“We need news this week. And lots of it. All I can think of is the
Drum Majorettes training. The band getting together. We need to do
a feature on each of the Prefects. We could do a feature on each
business in town. What they do. How long they have been there.
Things like that.” Jordan chuckled.
“Sweetheart.” Joy giggled.
“Not all in one week. Slowly. We have the whole year.”
“Yes but the Prefects. They need to know who the Prefects are.”
Jordan smiled.
“I will send my reporter out tomorrow morning to do an interview
with them.” Joy giggled.
“You do that Mister Editor.” Jordan chuckled.
“Good night sweetheart. Shut the brain down. Let me do the thinking
for the next ten minutes.” Joy giggled. They were quiet for a
“Are you asleep?”
“Yes I am.” Joy giggled. Jordan grinned and looked at Joy.
“Close your eyes. Count sheep.” Joy closed her eyes. It was quiet
for a long time.
“Nine hundred and. Oh Jordan you made me lose count!” Jordan
“Hot pink or deep purple.”
“Hot pink. Night.” Jordan smiled.


Joy smiled as she
hopped out of bed. Jordan walked through
with their coffee. They both sat on the edge of the bed. Jordan
wore his shorts and Joy had the sheet draped over her body.
“I need to buy a pair of pajamas.” Jordan smiled.
“But only for when you walk around.” Joy smiled and nodded.
“I think I am hungry.”
“Yes but just feed us. Scrambled eggs.” Joy smiled and
“I do rather well in the morning.” They both grinned as they headed
to the kitchen. Joy got their scrambled eggs ready and they ate
them on a slice of bread. Jordan smiled.
“Is that sheet ever going back to the bed?” Joy smiled.
“It is my Grecian robe. Not a sheet.” Joy got up and kissed
“Dressing.” They both walked to the bedroom and got dressed. Jordan
smiled as they stood and made the bed.
“Where is the sheet?”
“Coming.” Joy held the corners and shook the sheet. Jordan
“Thank you. If I want a breeze I will open the window.” Joy stood
and looked at Jordan and shook her head. He took the duvet and
shook it. Joy looked at Jordan and he grinned.
“Not even one hair is out of place.”
“Why do we have that sheet? We don’t really need it.” Jordan
“Neaten your side.” Joy ran her hand on her side of her bed and put
a deep dent in his side.
“Professor!” Joy giggled and ran down the passage. Jordan
“I will get you for that. Just you wait!”

Joy smiled as they ran down the stairs.
Jordan reversed her vehicle out and Joy walked to the
van. He hugged Joy and she
hopped in the van. She kissed him and drove off. Jordan smiled as
he walked inside. He opened up and went to his office. He ordered
the table and lollipop chairs in the shocking pink color. Jordan
almost winced at the price. He shook his head and smiled. No wonder
they were so comfortable. He smiled as he heard everyone walking in
and greeting. He walked through and smiled. They were always
jovial. Sarah grinned.
“So now our Joy is living here.” Jordan nodded.
“She is.” Craig grinned.
“Hang on a sec. Hang on just a sec! Remember that day. When she was
going on about the nonexistent breakfast. Oh you are far too
clever!” Sarah grinned.
“She has been living here forever and ever Craig.” Craig grinned
and shook his head.
“What is for supper tonight?” Jordan shook his head.
“We just got past breakfast.” Craig grinned.
“I really fancied those kebabs you know.” Jordan chuckled and shook
his head. Sarah shook her head.
“Step in to my parlor I will make you a toasted sandwich.” Jordan
smiled as he walked to his office.

He picked up the phone as it
“Congratulations!” Jordan chuckled.
“Well thank you Michael.”
“Now. For some unknown reason I am ordering a photocopier. Color. I
guess we need one of those monster machines with staples.” Jordan
“I think that would be a good idea.”
“How did that go down?”
“Excellent! Wait until they see their ads in color.” Michael
“Okay. Delivery address. The road name?” Jordan gave all the
“Right. Should arrive by Thursday.”
“Hell! That means we are going in color!” Michael chuckled.
“It is going to look very classy.”
“Oh I know. But all print in black. Photographs and pictures in
color. Otherwise.”
“Far too busy. That sounds good. Okay I have ordered your monster.
Let me know when it arrives. Say hi to the Prof.” Jordan
“Will do.” He put down the phone and smiled. His phone didn’t stop
ringing. Everyone in the family phoned him to wish them

Jordan started doing the advertisements
and put all the money in the tin. Douglas walked through to his
office and handed him the monies for eight little adverts. He
“It is working. Almost sold out on the one item. I had to re
order.” Jordan chuckled.
“Can you keep a deep dark secret?” Douglas nodded.
“We might be in color next week.” Douglas stared at Jordan.
“Color?” Jordan nodded. Douglas grinned.
“The whole newsletter?” Jordan nodded.
“Pictures and photographs.” Douglas shook his head and
“Awesome!” He walked out smiling. Jordan got busy with the rest of
the advertisements. He enjoyed being creative. The money tin was
filling up nicely.

Bruce walked in to Jordan’s office.
“This is going to sound crazy. But I would like to put an ad in
your newspaper.” Jordan smiled and nodded.
“And what are you advertising?”
“Lost and found. A bunch of keys. And a hub cap.” Jordan roared
with laughter. Bruce grinned.
“Someone handed it in.” Bruce shook as he laughed. He looked at
“Okay. I never realized how funny that sounds.” Jordan
“I will put something together. Anything else?”
“Nothing that I can think of.” Jordan smiled.
“I will send Frank over to take photographs.” Bruce nodded as he
handed the money over.
“That is two adverts.” Jordan smiled and nodded. Bruce walked out
and smiled.

Jordan walked
in to the pub.
“Frank.” Frank grinned.
“Where and who or what?” Jordan smiled.
“Bruce has two items that he needs photographed.” Frank grinned and
headed to the police station. He was back in half an hour. Frank
“A hub cap! With a ding.” Jordan roared with laughter.
“And is it a nice photograph?” Frank grinned.
“Beautiful. As beautiful as a hubcap can be. Now the keys. The keys
is two keys which are identical. On a key ring. Oh they had to
dangle it on a piece of cotton because they do not want their
fingers photographed. Someone might just recognize that finger you
know!” Jordan grinned and shook his head.
“Lost and found.” Frank grinned.
“The keys I can understand. But there might be many takers for the
hub cap.” Craig roared with laughter and shook his head.

It was Monday. The newsletters stood ready
in the assembly hall. Joy stood on the stage. She looked down as
Jane started walking to the stage carrying a huge bouquet of
flowers. Joy smiled as she walked up the stairs. Joy stepped to one
side. Jane smiled.
“Congratulations on your engagement Miss Sheridan. These are from
the pupils.” Joy smiled and took the flowers. Jane smiled as she
kissed her on the cheek. Joy stood and looked at everyone.
“I don’t know what to say! Thank you!” Everyone stood up and
clapped. Joy smiled and looked at everyone.
“Gosh you threw me with a curve ball!” There was a roar of
laughter. Joy smiled.
“As from today you will have a newsletter in color. And there will
be a feature introducing our Prefects. The newsletter is jam packed
this week. I hope you are enjoying!” There was a loud

Joy walked to the front of the
“From this week you will start having tests. Continuous. Until we
get to our first set of exams. We are going to monitor the results.
I am looking forward to those. I am looking forward to the day that
you all walk up here and collect your sneakers. And I can’t wait!”
The pupils cheered.
“This week we have our Drum Majorette trials. We have the band
practice. There is so much going on. Ladies and gents. Have a super
week!” The hymn started and the pupils started walking out as
normal. Joy picked up her flowers and smiled. She looked down at
the newsletter and gasped. Joy waited and walked down the stairs.
She shook hands with the parents as normal and headed to her

Penny Rose! You are very naughty!” Penny
“Just the first page. We modified it a teeny weeny bit.” Joy
“That man of mine. He replaced the first page.”
“But it is a beautiful photograph of your ring. Your hands.
Together.” Joy smiled and looked at the photograph.
“It is.” Penny smiled and nodded.

Joy stared as a delivery man walked
through with a few bouquets of flowers. Joy signed for the flowers
and sighed.
“Oh I love this town.” Penny smiled and looked at the
“Oh you are so spoilt!” Joy chuckled.
“Only because you are so naughty!” Penny giggled as Joy walked to
her office. The flowers were in vases in the reception

Jordan grinned as he got his copy of the
newsletter delivered by the postman. Frank chuckled.
“How did you get that right? Color?” Jordan grinned.
“Tanya and Thomas hijacked the machine one night.” Frank
“Oh wow! Look at those ads!” Jordan nodded and smiled.
“Now we can see properly.” He turned back to the page featuring
Barry Gibb and Jane Smith.
“You know. These kids can be so proud. What lovely photographs. I
bet their parents are proud.” Craig looked at the
“Darn. Look at that blazer. It is so smart.” Jordan nodded and
“So much thought goes into everything.” They all looked up.
“A delivery for a Mister Lewis.” Jordan grinned.
“Straight upstairs.” They all followed as the table and chairs were
carried upstairs. Frank sat on the bar stool.
“You know this is so unfair. These are really comfortable.” Jordan
chuckled as they walked back downstairs.

Penny loaded all the flowers in to
van. Joy chuckled
as she walked in to the pub.
“I have flowers!” They all helped to carry the flowers. Their home
was full of flowers. Joy smiled as Jordan held her in his
“Did you like it?” Joy smiled.
“So beautiful. You modified the front page.” Jordan chuckled and
“My little tribute to you.” Joy sighed and kissed Jordan.
“And I noticed something else.”
“Yes. And I think you need to go downstairs for a special coffee.”
Joy grinned as they walked downstairs.
“Wait!” Joy flew up the stairs. She held her hand over her
“It’s beautiful! Oh Jordan they are absolutely gorgeous!” Jordan
smiled and nodded. They walked down the stairs again.

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