Taking Chances (Learning to Love) (17 page)

BOOK: Taking Chances (Learning to Love)
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"If you're not ready..." His eyes searched mine for something. Doubt, maybe?

I was not having second thoughts. I wanted it as much as I knew he did, maybe more. That realization scared me a little. Those feelings were all new for me.

"I am." I took a deep breath and pushed my shorts over my hips, letting them fall to the floor.

He took my face into his hands, an ocean of blue looked down at me. "Good, because I need you
now." His voice was low, dripping with need.

I pushed the band of his boxers down and with a little help from him, they were on the floor, releasing his thick purple head to thump against my belly. Even though it had been inside me that night at the hotel, seeing it here in front of me in the light was like a first introduction. It was impressive in both size and thickness and my first thought was to see if it tasted as good as it looked. My mouth watered in anticipation as I licked over my lips to share the wetness.

I sat down on the bed and took his length into my hands, feeling the tight flesh throb against me. I glanced up to see his reaction to my touch. He had that same amused smile, one side of his mouth pulled up deliciously.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asked, as my finger traced down his length.

I nodded my head, very much enjoying Sebastian in all his naked glory. I leaned forward, and licked the glistening drops at the tip. He groaned and nudged my face away, lifting me back further on the bed. My brief protest was quickly forgotten as he hooked his fingers through the thin lace strips over each hip and slid my panties down, pulling each foot through before tossing them off the side of the bed.

His eyes, dark and needy, took in my nakedness from my toes up, slowly stopping at my eyes before letting his gaze fall lower. Climbing up between my thighs, he nudged my legs apart, sliding his hands up the soft flesh.

"Mmm," he growled, and ran his thumb across the small patch of dark hair.

Sebastian brought out a needy impatience from me that left me desperate for his touch. I wanted him more than I wanted to breathe. His slow exploration with his fingers teased and tormented me, leaving me panting and begging for more. I was nearing my frustration tolerance when he pressed two thick fingers inside me and dipped his face down, licking his tongue up the length of me in one long, agonizing stroke.

He pulled back, his breath cool against my swollen heat, enjoying his slow tease. I lifted my hips toward him, my fingers reaching for his hair. He took my wrists into his hands and held them motionless at my sides, preventing me from pulling him in against me. I was close to begging when he leaned down once again and brought his tongue against me, swirling around the throbbing nub. He released one wrist and slid his fingers, still dripping with my wetness, back inside me, slowly moving in and out, matching the speed of his tongue.

I was well beyond the ability to form coherent thoughts long before he had me a panting, pleading mess, calling out his name as the world exploded around me. He slid off me, leaving me breathless and unable to move. For a second I thought he was leaving, until I heard the sound of a package tearing. I tried to force my eyes apart but they refused to comply. He climbed back on the bed, positioned himself above me and pressed his hardness against my belly.

"Open your eyes, Lexi," he demanded, letting his thick head slide lower and thump against my clit. I lifted my hips, trying to push him into me but he backed out of my reach. "Oh no you don't. Open your eyes first."

I tried again, opening them to slits, to see him smiling down at me, looking even more edible than usual. I blinked a few times before they were sufficiently open.

"Good girl." He pushed against me and slid in entirely, in one expert stroke.

The feel of Sebastian inside me was one no words could describe. He filled me completely. My insides molded around him as if he was designed specifically to fit my body. He fell into a deliberate pace of thrusting in hard and fast and pulling out agonizingly slow. I dug my nails into his back and pushed up against him, trying to quicken his pace, wanting it faster, harder, deeper.

"Please, Sebastian," I begged. "I need you."

"You have me, baby." He laughed, obviously still reveling in the tease.


"Okay, okay. Is this what you want?" he growled, picking up his pace, thrusting faster.

"Yes…" I was breathless, losing myself in the steady build that threatened to push me over once again.

Sebastian's smile faded, no longer amused or teasing. His breath was coming in short fast pants, telling me he was close. I wrapped my legs around his waist, giving him a tighter angle and squeezed myself around him. He lost his last shred of control, his thick head swelled, and released inside me, pulling me along with him.

I kept my legs wrapped around him as he held himself on one arm and rested his head against my chest. I couldn't bring myself to let go right away, not wanting the moment to be over, wanting to keep what we shared going for as long as possible.

When he caught his breath, Sebastian rolled off of me, pulling me with him to tumble on top of him. He wrapped his arms loosely around my waist and kissed the top of my head.

Maybe he didn't want the moment to end either.

I let myself breathe in his musky scent, wanting to memorize every detail of him as sleepiness washed over me, blurring the lines between post-orgasmic bliss and the kind of dreams you never wanted to wake from.










I woke to the sound of my cell buzzing, limbs tangled, hair a disaster, and the heavy breathing of Sebastian in a deep sleep next to me. I reached over to the nightstand to grab the phone before it buzzed itself right off onto the floor.

'Be home in five. Need anything from Stop Quick?'

I typed back a quick reply to Kat.

'Nah, all good.'

She was always considerate like that.

Wait, shit, she was on her way home... with Matt.

I glanced over at Sebastian all sleepy and sweet. There was no way I could have him up, dressed and out before they pulled in. I typed Kat another message, hoping it wasn't too late.

'Don't bring Matt up. PLEASE!'

I knew she would have no idea why I would send her such a text, but I also knew she would do as I asked.

I carefully slid myself out from under Sebastian's arm and leg that had been draped over me possessively, trying not to wake him. I slipped my shorts on, not bothering with the panties, and looked around for my shirt before realizing it was probably still in the living room near the front door. I yanked a t-shirt from my dresser and slipped it over my head, feeling the wild mess that had become of my hair. If Matt did come up, he would know exactly what I was up to looking like that.

I ran into the bathroom to run a brush through the tangled mess of hair, quickly yanking knots free, and quite a few strands with it. I piled it on top of my head into a messy bun and headed for the living room to grab the clothes strewn on the floor. Before I could get to the evidence, the door swung open and Kat took a step in. She looked around and her eyes settled on the shirts near her feet.

"Lexi James, what are you up to you dirty girl?" She snatched the shirts up from the floor and stood waiting for my explanation with her hand on her hip and her eyebrows raised.

I was grateful when she kicked the door closed behind her, no sign of my brother.

I gave her my best fake innocent look. "I have no idea what you are talking about?" Walking over to her, I tried to pull the shirt from her grip, but she only released one of the shirts. Luckily, it was Sebastian's. I just shrugged and sank into the oversized chair in the corner.

"Not funny. Spill it. Who was here? Wait, his shirt is still here, so who is
here?" Her eyes grew large and her mouth dropped open in surprise.

Even when I was dating Marcus, I never brought a guy home. Any time we fooled around, it was at his place and only when his roommate was away for the weekend. I was sure that finding clothes thrown carelessly on the floor was a shock to Kat.

"It's no big deal. Stop looking at me like I just lost my virginity. I have gotten naked with guys before, you know."

"I lied to Matty to keep him from following me up, and gave up my chance for some hot sex tonight too, I'll have you know." She walked over and yanked the shirt from my hands and eyed it curiously. "Now tell me who this belongs to, or I'll go take a look for myself."

I knew she meant it too.

"Oh, that's where that went," Sebastian said, sneaking out from the bedroom, fully dressed besides his shirt. He walked over to Kat, took the shirt and began putting it on, facing away from her.

'Oh. My. God.' She mouthed behind his back, in overly dramatic fashion. She couldn't possibly have thought it was anyone else. At least, I didn't think she could have.

"Did you have a nice evening out, Katarina?" he asked, smoothing his shirt, and turning back to give her an amused smile.

Her mouth was still dropped open and she was not being her typical flirty, extroverted self.

"Uh... yes," she stammered, as she glanced back from Sebastian to me. "We went to a fight."

"Jon still running them?" he asked, taking a seat on the arm of the sofa and giving her his full attention for the first time.

"Jon, yes. You know him?" She was still looking strangely uncomfortable, but he piqued her interest so she was forming full sentences again.

"Yes," he laughed. "I know him."

Kat's eyes narrowed and she got her suspicious look.

"How do you know him?"

He stood up, towering over her much smaller frame and for the first time, Kat looked intimidated.

"I used to be one of his fighters." He winked at her then walked over to me, taking my hands in his. "I have a meeting in the morning. Can I call you?"

"Did you buy a new phone?" It might be difficult to call with the one I watched him slam into the pavement.

"Not yet, but I will." The corners of his mouth pulled down into a sad frown.

I gave him a small nod before he wrapped one strong arm around my waist, pulling me close. He kissed my lips softly, sweet, and so out of character for Sebastian. His stubble grazed against my cheek and I could still smell my scent on his face. I wanted to tell him to screw the meeting and drag him back to my bedroom, but he pulled back and was gone before I could open my mouth.

Kat stood, hand on hip, one eyebrow raised as was so typical for her, tapping her foot impatiently.

"You had better get talking, chickie."


"Wow. Just, wow, Lexi. I mean, I kind of had my suspicions that it was Sebastian at the hotel after you told me it wasn't Sam, but I would have thought you'd punch his lights out, not sleep with him, when you found out."

I sighed. "Yeah, honestly, Kat, when I realized it was him, I did want to run him over with my car. I had no intention of ever talking to him again."

"So how did that result in him being naked in your bed?"

"Wait, what do you mean you had your suspicions that it was Sebastian?"

She shrugged. "I dunno, just the way he acts with you, all protective-like, and the tie pin. Come on, Lexi, it's the same initials. That seriously never crossed your mind?"

I thought about the little gold pin. I really hadn't suspected it was Sebastian, despite the fact that it was his initials on that tie.

How could I not put it together?

"No, but I guess it should have." I felt like an idiot all over again. I was still angry that he lied to me, but I knew I was just as much to blame.

"So, now what? You two worked it all out then? Or was this a lil 'I hate you, now fuck me' kinda sex?" She bounced her eyebrows up and down, making a goofy half smile.

I shook my head at her and laughed. Kat was certainly a unique person. "I don't know what it was. I mean, he apologized and explained why, and I can understand, but I don't know what any of it really means."

"Well, he asked to call you, and you didn't tell him to lose your number. That must mean you both want to see each other again. No?"

"Unless he was just saying that to make his exit easier." I sighed at the thought of Sebastian never calling again.

"Um, Lex, the guy was panic-stricken thinking something happened to you. Do you really think he only wanted the sex?"

"I don't know. Maybe." I twirled the t-shirt around my hand, trying to distract myself from thoughts of Sebastian.

"Okay. Well, would it matter if that was all he wanted? You have been saying for months that you are done with relationships. Have you changed your mind?"

Had I changed my mind?

"No, of course not. That's not what this is. I hardly know the guy. I mean, blindfolded hotel sex aside, he really is a nice guy. Seeing him in his element, talking about his work and seeing him relaxed, was... nice, but, it doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love and have his babies."

She rolled her eyes at me and headed for the kitchen to pour some juice. "Good thing there's no more of that cake, because I think you're lying."

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