Read Taking Care Of Leah Online

Authors: Charlotte Howard

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Taking Care Of Leah (13 page)

BOOK: Taking Care Of Leah
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“Do it,” she said. The command took him by surprise. “Spank me.”

“I don’t think it’s punishment you need,” he said, putting the ruler by the keyboard. He hadn’t expected her to be so compliant. Still standing behind her, he reached forward and unclasped her bra, releasing her magnificent tits, which he felt should never be confined. “It’s educating.” He kissed the dimples of her lower back, reaching between her thighs and caressing her wet, swollen pussy. With his other hand he shoved his boxer shorts over his hips and gripped his cock, almost ready to explode. He held the root of his shaft with a firm grasp, easing away the desperate need to fuck her until he came.

Thrusting a finger into her, he circled against her walls, delighting as she clenched around his hand, wriggling her hips. He added another finger and began to give himself slow and steady strokes, finding a rhythm that suited them both. The pad of his thumb pressed against her anus as he drove into her. All the time, he gazed at her backside, her pussy, and watched himself sliding into her.

Jeez… He could have come just watching himself fuck her with his fingers.

She let out a groan, bracing herself on the desk, resting on her elbows. She tilted her head to the side and he could see her biting her bottom lip, eyes closed as she relaxed and gave in to the pleasure he was inducing.

She was so warm and sweet, and the musky scent of her sex surrounded him. He wanted to go down on her again. The taste of her still saturated his tongue, sparking memories of being inside her.

Removing his fingers, he held her lips apart and guided his cock to her. Just the tip of him inserted, he positioned his hands so that one palm rested on her backside while the other pressed on her back, his thumb over her puckered asshole, shining in the light, smeared with her juices.

He bucked his hips and slid into her, causing a gasp to escape from her throat. Ty held her hips still as she fought to grind against him. He swatted her backside and hissed, straining to keep from blowing his load so quickly. She wriggled again, and he responded by moving the tip of his thumb to circle her asshole.

She stopped moving—and so did he. Had he pushed her too far? Concern pricked at his conscience. Her cheeks were still warm from the spanking. He could see her muscles begin to tense with uncertainty. He could feel her thighs begin to clamp. Ty shifted, withdrawing from her a little before sliding back to his balls-deep position. It was a slow but precise movement and she relaxed, allowing him to do it again.

The thrusts became firmer. Leah leaned forward, opening herself to him. He planted a palm on her backside, digging his fingers into her tender flesh, pulling out and slamming into her. His balls tightened and lifted as his orgasm built.

“Do it,” she said. He wasn’t sure what she meant. Peering over, he could see her eyes squeezed shut while she bit her bottom lip. “I want you to,” she said. Then he realized. He pushed on with his thumb. She was so well lubricated he slid in with ease.

Leah panted, catching her breath as she tried to relax for him, as she tried to appease him. He reminded himself that she had a safe word and was able to use it at any point. Apprehension tugged at him. His cock twitched in anticipation, swelling inside her, in complete contrast to the thoughts in his head.

Her back arched as he pushed his cock a little deeper, keeping his thumb in place as he began to pump her pussy. Fuck, he wasn’t going to last long like this. It was so hot being inside her—he’d never felt so out of control before.

“Shit. I’m going to come,” he said, unsure whether his voice was audible above the sound of his own pulse as it raced.

“Fuck me,” she cried, throwing her head back. He laid both hands on her hips and did as she asked, driving forward with a force he hadn’t been aware he was capable of. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders. Ty reached over and took a handful as he slammed into her, deep and hard. Leah let out a yell, her walls tightening around his cock, milking his orgasm as he exploded inside her, filling her completely.

“Crap,” he breathed, close to collapse. He let her go, staying inside her and leaning forward so his hands were by hers. He kissed her ear, taking the lobe between his teeth. “What you do to me, Miss Beauchamp,” he said, feeling as if he’d admitted his darkest secret. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips to her neck. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she murmured, turning her head until her mouth was on his. “Never better.”


* * * *


Sliding into the car seat, Leah was surprised with how little her backside hurt. She had been sure that sitting down was going to be at least uncomfortable.

“Do I need to apologize?” Ty asked, getting into the driver’s seat and twisting the key in the ignition. “I didn’t realize exactly how inexperienced you are.”

Leah raised an eyebrow. “I’m not inexperienced,” she argued. “It’s just that after Kyle… He wasn’t exactly a doting boyfriend. His need for control, it was different to yours.” She let out a sigh and laid a hand on his thigh, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “You’re into things that I’ve never tried before. I can’t say I won’t like it because I don’t know. In the past maybe, but with you…” She laughed. “It sounds like such a cliché. I want to try new things with you.”

Ty’s shoulders dropped. A smile tweaked at the corners of his lips. “But if you don’t, then you have to tell me.”

She rubbed his arm, giving his biceps a small squeeze. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll promise to use the safe word whenever I feel even the remotest bit unsure, if you’ll promise to just keep it consensual.”

He twisted with such severity her hand was left in the air where his arm had once been.

“That’s not something that even needs to be discussed,” he said firmly.

“I didn’t mean—”

“I would
hurt you. I would
do anything you didn’t want me to. And if you
feel like I’ve gone too far, then you damn well better use that safe word.” His eyes darkened, the muscle of his jaw ticked.

“Okay, I’m sorry, I—”

“What the hell did that prick do to you?” The anger in his voice permeated the air.

“It was a bad relationship.” Her tone rose, battling with his. “I told you. He… He liked to be in control. That’s all.”

Ty cupped her face with his palm, the pad of his thumb brushing over her cheek. “Please tell me that’s not how you feel here.”

“No.” She shook her head, resting against his hand. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. I just wanted you to know that…” She took a breath that filled her lungs. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to be anything other than yourself with me. I get the feeling that you’re holding back.”

“I was. I am. But it’s different with you.”


Ty closed his eyes in a long, slow blink. He smiled. “Past relationships have always been with women who I knew were into kinky shit. What I did with them was never questioned. There wasn’t a friendship to ruin. I don’t want to risk ruining you.”

“You ruin me every time you touch me.” Her voice trembled. “I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but… Crap, I’m more or less moving in with you!”

He pulled her close, engulfing her with a kiss so passionate she thought she might melt into him. His tongue moved over hers, claiming her. His finger tangled with the sun-kissed strands of hair that fell over her face. “Yes,” he smiled. “You are.”

Ty turned back to face the school, shifting the car into gear and steering out of the car park. He only left her to close the gates, but as soon as he got back in, his hand was on her thighs, their fingers looped around each other’s, letting go only when he needed to change gear.

Leah sank back into the seat and kept her eyes on him, watching as he took her back to his home. To


Chapter Twenty-One




The front door was wide open. Loud music billowed out onto the streets. Ty pinched the bridge of his nose as he spied one of the neighbors twitching at the curtains. The sun hadn’t even set and Jerry had started the party—a party he wasn’t sure he wanted as it was.

He gripped Leah’s hand and led her upstairs. They were both in desperate need of a shower. He’d hoped that they would have a few more hours, or days, before Jerry invited half of his beer-guzzling, women-ogling friends over. But no such luck.

Lance stumbled out of Jerry’s bedroom, almost falling into Ty and nudging Leah as he made his way back downstairs. Ty tensed his jaw, grinding his back teeth together.

“Get changed,” he said, kissing her. “I’m going to go and lay some ground rules.”

She held on to his hand and gazed up at him with all the innocence of a lovestruck teenager.

“I’ll be back in a minute,” he assured her, releasing himself from her grip and marching with purpose to find Jerry and Lance.

They were in the front room. The shelves were bare, stripped of their ornaments. The record player had been pushed right into the corner and the sofa rearranged to protect it. A battered CD player sat on the coffee table, blasting out migraine-inducing beats. Ty hit the off button, pulled the plug and took the machine out of the room.

“What the fuck, dude?” Jerry called behind him, grabbing at his arms. “Tunes, man! Tunes!”

“You can have your party, but you’re not upsetting the neighbors with that pile of shit. And you’re not drinking in this room either.”

“Whoa, someone’s getting old before their time,” Lance joked. “Your new bird not doing the trick? Perhaps she needs to loosen up.” Ty almost expected them to jump in the air and chest bump.

“Fuck you,” Ty snarled. “If you so much as breathe near Leah, I will rip off every single one of your limbs.”

“Yeah, don’t mess with the teacher.” Jerry nudged his friend in the ribs with his elbow. “Anyways, I’ve got a hot mess coming for us to play with.”

Ty knew who he meant. “Rainie is a friend. Play nice or I will make sure your brother knows exactly why you’re homeless. Got it?”

“Fuck’s sake,” Jerry grumbled. “You need to get a drink in you.” He traipsed into the kitchen with Lance in his shadow. Ty followed. He watched as Jerry opened a cupboard and grabbed a bottle of whiskey, pouring some into two short tumblers and thrusting one into Lance’s hand.

“Just behave,” Ty said, grabbing a glass and pouring a drink. He knocked it back, seething as the honey liquid burned his raw throat. “I’m going to have a shower. Don’t destroy the place.”

“You’re going to join in, though, aren’t ya?” Lance called after him as he went back to the bedroom.


* * * *


Leah stepped out of the bathroom, drying her hair. Cool droplets fell over her shoulders, creeping below the thickened hem of the towel. She smiled as Ty appeared. He looked delicious, but brooding. His forehead was wrinkled, eyebrows knitted together with a stern frown, but it relaxed a little, smoothing out as he met her eye.

“I won’t be long,” he said, kissing her forehead. “I’d say go and make yourself gorgeous, but you already are.”

“We can’t escape?”

“We only just got back, and I have a feeling Rainie might need some support later.”

Leah rolled her eyes. “Okay. But you’re not allowed to leave me alone with either of them,” she said, pointing a warning finger in his direction.

“I promise.”


* * * *


Rainie felt sexy. She’d left her hair down and even bought a pair of straighteners to get rid of the kinks and waves. It had taken her almost an hour to do her makeup—she wasn’t used to applying so many layers to hide the blemishes and framing her eyes with thick mascara. The glasses were gone too. Normally she hated contacts, but for one night she’d risk the agony of dry eyes.

Standing at the front door, she adjusted her cleavage. There wasn’t much of it, but she’d invested in a Wonderbra, which at least gave the illusion of curves that were meant to be there, all squeezed into a tight and very low-cut top, and coupled with a knee-length skirt. She failed to understand how women could torture themselves with wire and spandex every day.

Her heels wobbled beneath her, and she hoped that she’d be allowed to spend most of the evening sitting down, perhaps between those two hunks she’d met in the nightclub. She thought that Leah was a very lucky woman to be surrounded by so much masculinity.

“Fuck me sideways,” Jerry said when he opened the door. “Rainie, right? Leah’s friend?”

“Yes.” She nodded and offered her sexiest smile, a little offended that he might have forgotten who she was.

“She’s still getting ready. Come into the kitchen and get yourself a drink. We’ve been banned from the living room for now,” he added with a wink.

Unwanted nerves quivered through Rainie’s entire body. She forced a wide smile and stepped inside. Briefly, she noticed that not one thing was out of place—even the wallpaper was lined with careful precision.

“Here.” It was Lance who handed her a glass of something that smelled sickly sweet and closed the gap between them. She swallowed it in one gulp and spluttered as the aniseed hit the back of her throat. Both men laughed, and Lance made her another. She took it without hesitation and drank it down, this time ready for the searing heat and licorice taste.

By the time Leah and Ty found them, she was on her fourth glass of the homemade punch and the room had begun spinning at a rapid rate. Her stomach gurgled and twisted into knots as she drained the dregs and handed the tumbler back to whoever was doing the honors of getting her rip-roaringly pissed.

“And I think you’ve had enough,” said a male voice. He caught her as she stumbled over her own feet. Exaggerating a swoon, she glanced up, hoping to see Jerry, but it was Ty smiling down.

“Hiiii…” She waved a hand up, slapping him across the jaw.

“How much has she had?” Leah stepped in, helping her to stand straight.

“Only…this many.” Rainie held a hand up with what she thought might be three or four fingers. Nothing made sense. The deliciously dangerous concoction had annihilated her inhibitions and ability to focus. A hurried and loud conversation ensued between the other people in the room, but was silenced as more guests arrived and the music was turned up.

BOOK: Taking Care Of Leah
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