Taking a Gamble on Three of a Kind (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: Taking a Gamble on Three of a Kind (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Luke was looking daggers at her. “If you think it’s just sex, you really are immature. And here I thought maybe you had grown up from the spoiled little daddy’s girl you once were.”

“How dare you talk to me like that. I was never spoiled.”

“Hey, you two,” Adam said, walking over to stand beside them. “Let’s calm it down.”

Justin returned with paper towels and started absorbing the spill at their feet. “Could you guys move it over a little?”

Luke grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the sofa. Adam followed. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a flash of light. She suddenly felt light-headed. She felt her body drifting toward Luke’s. She heard him say something before everything went dark.

When she opened her eyes, she was lying on a bed in a room that she couldn’t remember ever seeing before. As her eyes adjusted, she saw Luke, Adam, and Justin looking at her from the end of the bed.

“She’s awake,” Justin said, relief in his voice. “You scared us.”

“What happened?” she choked out. Her head was still woozy.

“You fainted. How do you feel?” Adam asked with concern.

She lifted herself on her elbows. “I’m a little weak, but otherwise, I’m fine,” she lied. She didn’t feel weak at all. What she felt was horny as hell. Waking up from a faint had never made her feel like that before. However, at this very minute, all she could think about was the warmth between her legs that was generating heat at a rapid rate.

“You should lie back and rest for a little while,” Luke said, coming over to sit next to her. “You’re lucky I was there to catch you.”

“Yes, lucky me,” she said, looking for her phone, thinking she needed to think about anything but the way she was feeling. “What time is it? My mother’s going to be worried.”

She saw Luke look over at Justin and Adam before his gaze returned to her. “I called her.”

“I wish you hadn’t done that.”

“I wish you hadn’t fainted,” Luke said, “but you did.”

“If you called her, why isn’t she here?” Jenny asked, looking from one man to the other.

“Luke told her you got drunk and passed out here at Justin’s,” Adam said, shaking his head. “Against, I might add, my better judgment.”

“I told her we’d take care of you and bring you home tomorrow.”

“Well, that isn’t what happened.” She looked pointedly at Luke.

“I didn’t want to worry her. And,” he said, “you
been drinking. For all I know you could have had too much to drink.”

“Have you seen a doctor lately?” Adam asked from where he sat at the bottom of the bed. “Fainting’s not normal. Your blood pressure seems a little low, too.”

“You took my blood pressure? That wasn’t necessary.”

“Has this happened before?” Luke asked, his eyes narrowing.

“I get what’s called ocular migraines that cause me to see flickering lights for maybe twenty minutes that I can’t get out of my line of vision. Sometimes, not often, but sometimes I faint. It happens quickly and I’m never in pain, and it’s not life-threatening according to the doctor at school. He said everyone handles stress differently.”

“Are you flunking out of school, Jenny?” Luke took her hand in his. His face had gone from annoyance to what appeared to be real concern.

“No. I’m doing well,” she said, enjoying the Luke’s touch that was doing strange things to her libido. She didn’t want him feeling sorry for her, but the words were out before she could take them back. “They started when my dad died.”

Luke squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry. I’ve been doing nothing but adding to your stress with my talk about your mom and my dad. I had no idea you had anxiety issues.”

“I don’t have anxiety issues, just something that happens to me once in a while. Nothing to worry about.”

“That may be what your doctor at school told you, but I think you owe it to yourself have a complete physical. Also,” Adam added, his tone professional, “talking about the death of a loved one to someone trained in that area is pretty normal.”

“I’m not a doctor,” Justin said, sitting next to Jenny, “but that sounds like real good advice. You’re too young to be having migraines.”

“I don’t think my age has anything to do with it. Like my doctor said, everyone handles stress or maybe I should say, life, differently.” Jenny took her hand from Luke’s and sat up. “Now, after what you told my mother, I guess she expects me to stay the night.”

“I guess she does.” Justin laughed. “Lucky for you I just put clean sheets on my bed this morning.”

“I’ll sleep on the sofa. I’m not taking your bed.”

“I want you in my bed,” Justin said smoothly. “You’re not sleeping on the sofa.”

“But where are you going to sleep?” Jenny asked, lowering her eyes.

Justin smiled. “Well, I could sleep with you. But on top of the covers of course. And where Luke and Adam sleep is up to them.”

“It’s a pretty big bed,” Luke said, giving Adam a knowing smile.

“The patient needs her rest,” Adam said with a frown. “We should probably just go home.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Luke said, standing up from the bed. “Except I’m not leaving her here alone with Justin.”

“Oh, really,” Justin said, his eyes resting on Jenny. “And why is that?”

Jenny closed her eyes against her own thoughts. It was a crazy idea and even crazier that she was actually considering letting the three of them curl up in bed with her. She wanted them. Cursing herself for her own weakness, she opened her eyes.

The three of them were staring at her. Slowly, she reached for the buttons on her dress and began to slowly undo one and then the other. She saw Luke’s jaw drop. She had worked hard to keep this side of her personality suppressed since she and Michael had split up. He had brought out a wanton side of her that had not only surprised her but made her uncomfortable until he had eased her fears. It still hurt a little when she thought about the end of their relationship. It had been mutual, but nevertheless, it had still been painful.

“Jenny,” Luke said, his eyes on her dress that now gaped open to expose her lacy white bra. “As much as I want to, I mean we want to, there’s no way I can take advantage of you like this. You’re probably still suffering the effects of the migraine.”

“Do you really think so, Luke?” she asked, swinging her legs off the bed. Standing in front of him, she continued to unbutton the dress until, with a shrug, it fell off her body. “I feel just fine.”

“You look just fine, too,” Adam breathed out, his eyes glued to her half-naked body. “You’re beautiful, Jenny, but Luke’s right. We can’t take advantage of you.”

“More than beautiful,” Justin said from where he still sat on the bed.

She found her courage waning. What if they really didn’t want her? What if they were just being nice to her and she had misinterpreted everything?

“Jenny,” Adam said, his eyes full of concern and something else that made her shiver. “Are you sure you want us, the three of us?”

She nodded her head, lowering her eyes. “I want all three of you.”

“We’ve all been drinking, and none of us are thinking clearly,” Luke said. “We should just leave you to get some rest.”

She lifted her head to look up into his eyes that stared back into hers defiantly. Fear and humiliation gripped her. “Don’t you want me?” she whispered, her voice wavering, not sure she could bear their rejection.

Chapter Seven


With a groan, Luke hauled her into his arms. “Does this answer your question?”

His lips came down on hers forcefully, his tongue plunging into her softness. His kiss deepened, his tongue swirling in her mouth, causing her to strain even closer to the man she now knew she had never stopped wanting. She moaned back into his mouth as his hands gripped the cheeks of her ass and pushed her into his hardness, rubbing her up against him in sensual movements.

Jenny felt her bra being released. She dropped her arms from around Luke’s neck and helped remove the lacy piece of cloth. From behind her, two hands gripped her breasts, kneading them and pulling on her taut nipples. Subconsciously she leaned back. Luke broke their kiss to look down at her breasts that were pale and quivering with desire.

“Her breasts are more than a handful,” Justin said, pulling on nipples, his lips raining kisses along her neck.

Adam appeared next to Luke. He leaned down to suck each of her nipples into his mouth. He leaned back and unbuttoned his shirt before he released his belt, unzipping his pants. She almost gasped when he pulled them and his underwear down to reveal his cock that was bigger than any she had ever seen. No one she had ever been with compared to Adam.

Luke pulled his T-shirt over his head before he unbuckled his belt and proceeded to pull his own pants down. This time she knew what to expect, and she wasn’t disappointed. His cock was every bit as big as Adam’s. Justin’s hands slid from her breasts. She knew he was removing his own clothes.

“Take off those panties, Jenny,” Luke said, stroking his cock. “Show us your pussy.”

On command, she hooked her thumbs in the lacy material and pulled it down over her hips, letting the panties drop to her feet. She stepped out of them, spreading her legs. She had never felt so sexy or naughty. She couldn’t explain the intensity of the erotic feelings that were coursing through her like an out-of-control train. She hadn’t felt like this since Michael, and even then, her desire hadn’t been this overwhelming. All she wanted was to please them with her body. Nothing mattered except the here and now. She wanted all three of them to take her.

Justin’s hands snaked around her waist and moved lower. She felt his naked body sliding down her back, his lips on the cheeks of her ass, nipping and biting. His fingers reached between her legs and opened her labia, exposing her clit. She knew she was making mewing noises, but she couldn’t help it. She needed their cocks.

Justin tugged on her clit. “Kneel down, Jenny,” he said. “Now.”

She knelt while his hands continued to manipulate her body. She was now eye level with Luke’s cock. She opened her mouth.

“That’s a girl, Jenny,” Luke said, looking down at her. “Suck my cock, baby.”

His cock tasted of soap and sex. She opened her mouth wider, taking him deeper. Justin helped by wrapping his hand in her hair and dragging her head back to open her throat. She craved Luke’s cum down her throat.

Luke jerked his cock from her mouth. She looked up, wondering why, when she saw that Adam’s cock had replaced Luke’s. Smiling, she opened her mouth. Sucking him down her throat, she reached for his balls that were heavy with need. He tasted so good, she wanted more and more. She knew she was acting like a woman possessed, but she didn’t care. What did it matter that they knew how much she wanted them? They couldn’t hurt her. They were only interested in sex.
So enjoy yourself and don’t worry about tomorrow.

She felt Justin’s cock in the crack of her ass. She wasn’t unfamiliar with anal sex and had found it to be quite enjoyable with Michael, although he was small compared to these men. Big cocks must run in their family, she thought to herself. No wonder her mother was…She couldn’t finish the thought. That was a place she didn’t want her mind to go. Luckily, Luke was tired of just watching and said, “Okay, boys. Let’s fuck her proper.”

“Are you sure, Jenny?” Adam’s voice said gently. “We can stop if you want us to.”

“Don’t stop,” she choked out. “Please. I want you.”

Adam smiled. “We want you, too, Jenny. Are you ready for us?”

“Yes, I’m ready. I want you all to fuck me. I need your cocks and your cum.”

“Damn it, I love it when a woman talks dirty,” Luke said, positioning himself underneath her and bringing her pussy down hard on his cock. She loved the feel of his cock inside her. She was more than ready for all of them.

Justin swirled some lube inside her hole. “You like it this way, too, Jenny?”

“Yes. I’ve never had anyone as big as you take my ass.”

“Are you afraid?” he asked, sliding his cock up and down her crack.

“No. I’m not afraid.”

“If you want me to stop, I will. Okay?”

“I don’t want you to stop. Don’t make me beg.”

“But you beg so nicely,” Justin said, his voice thick with his need.

She felt the head of his cock penetrate her and begin to push. Luke was easing her up and down on his cock slowly. She pushed back into Justin. She wanted more of him. Obliging her, he continued to push through her sphincter muscle until she felt a pop.

He stopped for a few seconds to let her body adjust to his size. Then he began moving back and forth, pushing deeper. There was some pain, but it wasn’t long before she felt herself respond to him. Luke, sensing her submission to Justin’s cock, began to move her up and down on his cock more forcefully. He and Justin seemed to be totally in tune with one another as they each fucked her, bringing her more and more pleasure with each stroke of their cocks.

“I want to come down your throat, Jenny.” Adam’s cock was dangling in front of her lips. She wanted nothing more than to have him do exactly that.

“Let me drink your cum,” she said, opening her mouth.

BOOK: Taking a Gamble on Three of a Kind (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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