Taken: By Her Billionaire Benefactor (Billionaire Benefactor 3) (5 page)

Read Taken: By Her Billionaire Benefactor (Billionaire Benefactor 3) Online

Authors: Rosie Pike

Tags: #BDSM, #BBW, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Romantic Erotica, #Short Story, #Serial, #Billionaire, #Benefactor, #Trilogy, #Mysterious, #Businessman, #Workplace, #Librarian, #Changes, #Conclusion, #Graphic Scenes

BOOK: Taken: By Her Billionaire Benefactor (Billionaire Benefactor 3)
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"The sheik is ready for you now".


"And my master?"


Anna wasn't prepared to just simply take this man's word for it. The assistant looked to her quizzically for a second, before saying "of course, he has asked for you as well".


The look of understanding that flashed across his face was not lost on Anna. If only she had the time to work out precisely what it meant.


She followed the man through the curtain, and this time rather than a group of men staring at her, but mostly concentrating on the laptops and paperwork that had been strewn across the tabletops, the attention of the entire group was focused on her.


Her Master was sitting in the largest, most prominent chair, in pride of place. He smiled at her, and that simple action filled her with confidence.


"Anna, if you wouldn't be so kind as to let these men inspect the wares…?"


She wasn't quite sure what he meant, and he smiled at her once again, inscrutable as always. Then it hit her like a bolt of thunder, how could she have been so stupid? She was the wares, not something else. Realising this, she walked towards the group of men, though not entirely sure what – if anything – she was expected to do after that.


Luckily, her ignorance of the situation wasn't shown up, as the robed men quickly began to grope her, sparing no blushes as they examined her heaving breasts.


Very quickly, Anna was suddenly very turned on! Not only was a group of powerful, rich men fondling her, with a hand on almost every exposed bit of skin, but she could feel her Master's eyes watching it all, smiling, and filling her with confidence.


She was somehow able to remove herself from the situation, to experience the indignities that were being performed upon her body from a distance. What she saw shocked her!


Anna saw a woman in entire command of the situation, not at the mercy of these men, but quite the contrary, she knew she has complete control over them. She was the price! She had never felt sexier than in that moment, with four men drooling over her, and safe in the knowledge that she could end it all in a second.


She also knew that there was not a chance in hell that she would end this.


She was broken out of her reverie suddenly, as one of the Sheikhs tweaked her nipple, and she gasped in the surprise pain.


In a deep, thick accent, the powerful man said "you liked that, didn't you?"


It felt so wrong, and yet Anna couldn't help but to answer in the affirmative.


"Yes… Sir".


She knew she couldn't – and wouldn't – call this man Master, but at the same time she knew in her heart of hearts that she should accord him some respect.


When Anna saw her real Master nodding with approval, she was filled with pride, knowing she had made the right decision.


"I think you'll enjoy it, then, when we tie you up".


Beckoning to one of his assistants, who Anna noticed for the first time were all still sitting in their chairs, all spellbound but clearly not invited to join their masters in their fun and games, the sheik broke his attention away from her.


Suddenly, before Anna knew what was going on, she felt herself being grasped by the assistants, one on each limb, and dragged bodily to the other end of the cabin – the end from which she had just appeared – and the end at which the elaborate assortment of ropes had been assembled.


The man looked at her Master respectfully, and asked, "with your permission?"


Her Master nodded in affirmation, inclining his head to return the respect with which the question had been asked.


"Master…" The word choked its way out of Anna's mouth, completely by accident. She wanted to gather it back in the moment she realised what she had done. The men around her all stopped, looking aghast that their fun might be curtailed.


Although, some of them looked as though they had no intention of stopping…


"What is it Anna, are you okay?"


The words were said with genuine concern, and a feeling of warmth suffused Anna has she realised how much this gorgeous billionaire cared for her.


"Nothing… Honestly, I was just checking that you were happy with this".


Her Master didn't look convinced by her explanation, but when their eyes met, she begged him wordlessly to accept her answer. She didn't want anything to come in the way of the punishing that she was about to receive.


Immediately they broke off eye contact, a man redoubled his efforts with her wrists, slamming her bodily into the plushly cushioned, sloping wall of the sleek aeroplane. Within seconds, Anna was bound tight, secured fast to the wall.


Well, Anna thought to herself, at least she wouldn't be hassled by the stewardess to put her seatbelt on…


The rough material of the ropes binding her upper body tight rubbed against the soft flesh of her wrists and shoulders, reminding Anna of the first time that her Master had put her through this – no – let her experience this.


The memory of that delicious agony set Anna's juices flowing.


The moan that was beginning to brew somewhere deep within her, in her desire to express her happiness, was cut short when another of the men stuffed a silken rag into her mouth.


Apparently, they didn't want the pilots to get too concerned about what was about to happen back here!


Anna just hoped that they weren't going to put a blindfold on to her. She wanted to see every moment of this!


She got her wish.


The most senior of the Sheikhs standing in front of her barked a command at one of his subordinates, and the rope holding her tight to the wall was loosened somewhat, sending Anna sagging to the floor in some surprise. Anna tensed her legs, and stopped herself from crashing bodily into the floor of the cabin. But to do so, she had let herself fall to her knees…


The sheik didn't hesitate for a moment, and Anna was completely taken by his confidence, his total assurance that he was in control here.


Ripping the gag out of her mouth, he shot a dirty look at his assistant, presumably the man who had placed it there, and jabbered at the man in what Anna assumed was Arabic.


She had no idea what he was actually saying, but it gave her a thrill to know that someone was actually getting told off – and severely – because a piece of cloth had come in the way of her mouth and his cock! Anna's legs had squeezed together when they hit the floor, and it was only then she realised quite how wet she was.


His anger spent, but his desire only
ramping up, the sheik grabbed Anna's head by her long, silky hair, and roughly tangle his hands up in it. He tilted her head, so that she was looking him in the eyes.


She dared not break his gaze, and truth be told, she didn't want to. The man had the most incredible deep, brown eyes. Though, again truthfully, if she were to truly admit it, Anna would say that this man had a hardness to him that she didn't quite trust. He felt dangerous.


With his free hand, he was quickly unravelling the long white rope that covered him, and Anna got her first glimpse at his body. It wasn't toned, rather it was barrel strong – the body of a fighting desert tribesman, rather than what she had first thought, a rich oil sheik. Nor was it the body of some coddled athlete, this body had seen action. It was littered with scars and marks of fights in days gone by, however this man had made it to the top, it hadn't been without cost.


Anna had only a few seconds to contemplate this, before his massive brown cock appeared in front of her mouth, and the look in his flinty eyes left her in no doubt what she was supposed to do.


Opening her mouth wide, she did her best to engulf as much of the quickly growing penis as she possibly could, swirling her tongue around the tip, and delighting in how quickly the smooth hairless appendage responded to her delicate touch.


Above her, she saw the man close his eyes and give himself over entirely to the pleasure he was experiencing, sighing in relief as he did so.


Momentarily, the tough hold on Anna's hair released, as the man realised he had other priorities at that moment…


His cock had swollen to its full size and girth by now, and Anna was straining to keep even half of it in her mouth.


Most irritatingly, she would have killed for a free hand, she was doing her best pleasure herself simply by tensing her abs and squeezing her thighs together, but it was only getting has so far.


Anna slurped loudly as she bobbed her head back and took his entire magnificent length down her throat, happily realising that she had added a new skill to her repertoire.


She was still looking up, her eyes trained on the Arab sheik's face, watching the patchwork of emotions that he could no sooner control than the direction the blood flowed in his own veins. As always, Anna realised quite how much power she had, she could stop this all, any time she chose. She wasn't going to.


She wanted to give this man a good sending-off though, as she had the feeling that the quicker she did so, the quicker she would herself be pleasured.


Again, she took his entire thick cock down her throat, testing her limits further and further each time. Anna heard the panting from above her intensifying, thickening and deepening now, and knew that he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.


She decided to end things with a flourish.


Pulling her head back, straining against the force that was pushing her mouth in the opposite direction, she let the big cock leave her mouth entirely, flopping backwards, and cheekily eyed the surprised look on the Sheikh's face, wondering whether he would complain in his outrage. He surely wasn't used to women treating him this way!


But before he could complain, she engulfed him one final time, not taking him the whole way down this time, but swirling her tongue once more around the tip of his cock and applying gentle pressure. This time, she concentrated solely on the very tip of his penis, and immediately she noticed a change.


It took her a little while to notice what it was, though – for something had disappeared.


It was the sound of the Sheikh panting above her. He was now holding his breath, trying anything to stop himself from ejaculating, but it was entirely in vain.


Anna felt the sultry heat of the white liquid hit the back of her throat, and sucked it up greedily. It even hours, no more than that, since she had tasted it, and she hadn't realised how much she had missed it.


Above her, the sheik peeled away, spent, and the slumped in a sweaty mess on one of the thick plane armchairs.



Anna looked up, the picture of tarnished innocence, a string of white cum dripping from her lips as she surveyed the greedy looks on the faces of the men assaulted in front of her.


"Who's next?"


The answer was a scramble, as the other three formerly white robed men positively dashed towards her in their unbridled desire to fuck her.


It was everything she had hoped for.


Summoning their assistants, they carried her over to one of the tables, and instead of tying her down with rope, they ordered the assistants to take one limb each, and pull her out so that she was spreadeagled, face looking towards the ceiling.


From this vantage point, Anna could see the look on her Master's face, and could tell that he was impressed with their ingenuity.


Well, either that, or it was their casual use of their complete power over these men.


The heat and strength biting into Anna's wrists and ankles was new to her, but she liked it. It certainly made a change from silk and rope!


Three naked men stood around her, imperiously thrusting their cocks into her line of sight.

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