Take Me: Part 3 (Power Play #3) (5 page)

BOOK: Take Me: Part 3 (Power Play #3)
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“Fine,” I say, after a while. “I’ll go on the date with you. But no funny business!”

The look on his face is one of absolute triumph.

“Why, kitten,
the one that will be making the rules.”

Chapter 9

Date Number 2.

Am I really doing this?

I stare at myself in the mirror, scooping strands of my long brown hair back into place, needlessly. I’m surprised to find that I look a whole lot more determined than I feel on the inside. On the inside I’m a nervous, jittery mess. But I guess that’s to be expected with everything that’s been going on.

Why did I agree to go on another date with Isaac? Staying away from him the last few days has been hard enough, but now I’m going to add fuel to the fire. Do I really think I’m going to be able to keep everything
just business
after yet another date with the Sexy Brit?

I give myself one more final look before checking my phone again. It’s already after seven and I haven’t heard anything from him. Maybe I won’t be meeting Isaac for a date at all if he doesn’t get in touch with me to let me know where I’m supposed to be going.

Just as I’m thinking that, the ringer on my door buzzes, startling me.

Who in the world could that be?

When I pull the door open, one of the building attendants is standing there with an envelope and a package in his hands. He gives me a soft smile.

“This came for you. The courier made it sound pretty urgent.”

I take the envelope and package from him and thank him before I shut the door.

My brow knits together in puzzlement as I stare down at a gold monogram adorning the outside of the envelope. It’s a seal that reads “Drake Holdings” in the middle, with “Isaac Drake” written in a semi-circle across the top of it. I’ve seen the seal before—it’s the official one for Isaac’s company. And his name across the top means that it’s
official seal.

The seal on the envelope gives way easily, and I pull out a card with another fancy monogram on it. There’s a message printed on the card. I bite my lip with anticipation as I read it.

Drake Holdings


Tonight we’ll be playing a little game called
Isaac Says
. The rules are simple. Throughout the night you’ll receive 5 messages like this one. Each will contain a message that begins with
“Isaac Says”
. You must do whatever the message tells you to do.

Failure to comply will result in harsh punishments. Spanking and hair pulling not withstanding.

I hope you’re ready to have some fun…



Isaac Says
, wear what’s in the package. Meet me at


I’ll know if you break the rules.

Isaac Drake

A smile spreads across my face as I read the message a second time. I tear into the package that came along with the note. Inside I find a bright red scarf that will go very nicely with the black cocktail dress I picked out to wear. But it’s what is with the scarf that catches me off guard. A pair of thin, red-laced panties sits beneath it. My eyes widen as I hold them up to inspect them.

I read the note again, wondering for a second just how Isaac will possibly know if I don’t do what he says. But I can’t deny the fact that his little game does sound like a lot of fun. He has a way of forcing me out of my comfort zone.

I quickly change into the panties and draw the scarf around my neck. I study myself in the mirror, making sure the scarf leaves just enough of my cleavage showing to make Isaac notice, then I high-tail it down to the street to hail a cab.

is a steakhouse on the Upper East Side and it doesn’t take long to get there. My mind is racing the whole way there, wondering what other messages Isaac will have in store for me. What other possible activities has the Sexy Brit come up with?

The maitre d’s face spreads into a wide smile when he sees me walk in, as though he recognizes me.

“Ah, yes, madam. We have a table waiting for you.”

I give him an uncertain look, puzzled by how quickly he recognized me. He either doesn’t notice or overlooks my confusion as he turns to lead me to a table located in a secluded little part of the fancy restaurant.

“Please, enjoy your visit.”

He gives me a quick bow before disappearing back to the front of the restaurant. But I’m not paying any more attention to him. My eyes are locked on what is sitting on the table—another envelope with the same monogram printed on it. It looks exactly like the one that was delivered to me. Nervous butterflies flutter around my stomach as I pick it up and slowly break the seal on it.

Drake Holdings


Isaac Says: Go to the ladies’ room and take your panties off. Leave them in your purse when you come back.



Don’t forget, I’ll know if you don’t follow the rules.

Isaac Drake

Hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as I read the message for a second and then third time. He wants me to do
? I cast a nervous look around the restaurant, certain that everyone is going to know the thoughts going through my head right then—certain that everyone will know that I’m actually considering doing what the message says.

Do I really have a choice?

I don’t know how Isaac will know if I
do it, but it’s obvious that he’s thought everything through.

I give another quick look around the room before grabbing my clutch and sneaking off to the ladies’ room. It feels like everyone is watching me as I skitter all the way there. I’m sure I’m just being paranoid. I’ve never quite done anything like this—blindly following instructions left for me on a card. Even having sex with Isaac at work somehow seems more innocent than this tantalizing little game he’s starting.

I quickly hide myself in one of the stalls, thankful that no one else is in the washroom to see me. I bite my lip, hesitating for only a few more seconds before I slide the red panties off. My hands shake slightly with nerves as I ball them up and stuff them into my clutch. My heart is racing a million miles a minute as a little smile tugs at my cheeks. I’m not sure if I can’t believe that I’m actually doing this, or if I can’t believe that I’m actually having fun doing it.

Keep focused
, I remind myself.

I’m here for a very specific reason, and it’s only going to make things worse if I forget that fact.

When I make my way back out of the ladies’ room and head back to the table, my breath hitches in my chest.

Isaac is standing next to the table. His eyes lock onto mine as soon as I see him. He’s standing there, waiting for me, with that cocky, secretive smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He’s wearing a dark suit with a navy blue tie. The nice suit contrasts sharply with the scruff on his cheek and his tousled, messy hair. His cool, gray eyes drink all of me in as I try not to stumble on my way back to the table.

“My kitten,” he says as I draw close. “I see you got my package.”

His eyes fall to the red scarf wrapped around my neck before he leans in and kisses me on the cheek. My heart flutters when I feel the bristle of his chin graze against me, the roughness of a man who is always so delicate with me.

“I see you finally decided to show up,” I tease, when he pulls away.

“What makes you think I haven’t been here all along?”

He swings one hand around, gesturing towards our table, while his other slides to my lower back. He gently guides me toward my chair, then scoots it out and holds it for me. My smile spreads even wider as I sit down and watch him take his own seat.

“It does seem like you’re always watching when I least expect it,” I say. His lips and cheeks pull together in a tight wince. I cock a brow in victory. “Too soon?”

“I suppose I had that one coming.” My grin spreads even wider at the tiny victory. “I see you’re one-for-one on your instructions so far.”

“One-for-one? I’ve followed all of your instructions so far.”

“Is that so?”

In a flash, Isaac reaches a hand under the table and slides it between my legs. It delves deeper, unrelenting until his fingers press against the soft flesh of my sensitive folds. My breath hitches with a sharp gasp as my eyes go wide, startled by the sudden invasion. I’m surprised at how quickly I feel myself get wet beneath his touch.

“I stand corrected.”

His eyes hold my shocked gaze as his fingers rub tiny circles into my clit. My breath doesn’t return until he retracts his hand from beneath my dress. Heat rushes to my cheeks as he slides the tip of his finger into his mouth and sucks at it gently. I give a quick look around, but it doesn’t appear that anyone even noticed the exchange.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I demand, my eyes still darting around the room.

“Tasting you, of course.” He licks the tip of his finger, again. “It’s all I’ve been thinking about all day.”

Another round of heat rushes to my cheeks as they burn a crimson red. Sudden images of Isaac’s head buried between my legs go pulsing through my mind.

“This is hardly the place to be thinking about that.”

“I think about it everywhere.” He levels a curious gaze at me. “Are you trying to tell me that you don’t think about it, too?” I fight against every muscle in my cheeks to stop a devious grin from spreading across my face. But I fail miserably. “That’s what I thought.”

I wave a hand.

“I can think about whatever I want. It’s a totally different thing for you to go putting your hand up my dress in the middle of a crowded restaurant.”

His brow rises, again.

“Is that a challenge?”

My heart beats even harder at the thought of it.

“That’s not what I’m saying at all…”

The cocky smirk on his face tugs a little wider. He leans in closer to me, his voice lowering to a whisper meant only for me.

“If the next card tells you to get on your knees and suck me off right here, how fast will you do it?”

If I thought I had been blushing a lot earlier, it has nothing on the heat rushing through my cheeks and the tips of my ears right now.

“It better not say that…” I manage.

It better not say that, mostly because I know that I’ll do it. Not because I have to, but because I want to so badly right now.

A victorious smile spreads across Isaac’s face as he leans away. He’s still holding that smile when a waiter comes to get our drink order.

“You go first,” I say, still flustered from all of the thoughts going through my mind.

The waiter turns to Isaac. “Sir, what will you be having tonight?”

Isaac’s eyes never stray from me when he answers.

“Everything I want.”

Chapter 10

“So your parents don’t even care how successful you are?”

I shake my head with a disbelieving smile on my face. Isaac gives me a shrug as he takes another bite of his rare steak.

“My mum still thinks I must be selling drugs or something. She says no honest business man lives the way I do.”

I let out a little laugh.

“She sounds sweet.”

He looks up at me, his gray eyes beaming with a smile.

“She’s the most patient woman in the world. She’d have to be after raising the likes of me and my brothers.”

“I didn’t know you have brothers.”

Isaac makes a dismissive gesture with the end of his fork.

“We’re all spread out, doing our own thing. We’re close… in a distant sort of way.”

“Still, it must be pretty exciting to have siblings…”

My mouth quirks to the side as I consider the situation. Isaac chews on his food some more while his eyes narrow to study me. After he swallows, he tilts his head, fixing me with a look.

“Do you really want to talk about all this stuff?” he asks, making another gesture with his fork.

“I like getting to know about you.”

His lips spread into that cocky little grin as he leans in a little closer.

“There are other ways you can get to know about me.”

I give him a playful smile, even as heat tingles throughout my body. There’s a part hidden away inside of me that still hasn’t stopped thinking about the way it felt to have his fingers pressed between my legs. It’s that part of me that the look on his face and the tone of his voice awakens once again.

“I’m sure there’s more to you than what’s in your pants.” He holds that cocky little grin a beat longer. He leans back, wiping at his mouth with his napkin. He doesn’t say anything before he stands up. I frown. “Where are you going?”

He gives me a sideways look.

“The loo.” He studies me for a beat longer. “Did you want to join?”

I shake my head, embarrassed heat blushing to my cheeks.

“No, I’m sure your patient mother taught you how to do that on your own.”

He gives me another fierce grin before disappearing off to the washrooms. I watch him as he walks away, taking the opportunity to admire the way his expensive slacks hug his finely sculpted ass. Another wave of heat goes through me as I imagine getting my hands on him again.

I shake my head.

What has come over me? There’s something about Isaac that brings out the sex vixen inside of me. Why is it so impossible to think about anything else when he’s around? I need to get control of myself.

Isaac isn’t gone for more than a minute when the waiter appears at the side of the table. I’m so caught up in chastising myself that I almost don’t even notice him standing there. When I look up at him, he gives me a warm smile and extends his hand. My eyes lock onto the envelope he’s holding.

“For you, madam.”

My pulse races in my chest as I take it from him. The same monogram is printed on the front of it. I give a quick look towards the washrooms—Isaac is nowhere to be seen.

When I break the seal and pull the card out, my breath hitches in my chest again.

Drake Holdings


Isaac Says
, it’s time for dessert. Mens’ room. Now.

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