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Authors: T.A. Grey

Take Me (12 page)

BOOK: Take Me
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“Honey, you can let me go now.”

Beth’s hand started trembling. Felicity turned to her in the dark, crowded room. Everyone was standing, jumping and singing with gleeful faces, but now that the music had started the crowd had calmed some. They knew all the words to his songs. They stood swaying, hands raised in the air like they were praying to God and sang along. Everyone did this except for her and Beth.

Beth looked at her and the look in her eyes reminded her of that desperate, scared look from earlier.

“I can’t do this,” she said, her voice a dry whisper.

“What do you mean? It’s just a concert.” Except not even she believed that after seeing Lucas in full-on vampire mode staring at Beth. His strange response went beyond an odd reaction for a vampire to have to someone. He was older too, so there was no reason he should not have been able to control any emotions he’d been feeling.

Beth shook her head looking about to have a panic attack. “I have to get out of here!” Frantic, Beth snatched her purse then raced down the aisle, shoving past dancing bodies in her wake.

Felicity sat there stunned for a long moment, trying to comprehend Beth’s overreaction. But what happened next knocked her from baffled straight into

Lucas stopped singing.

In the middle of the song with his band still playing the notes, he just stopped singing.

What. The. Fuck.

The crowd stopped singing along with him. The band members looked at one another with the same confused glances not sure whether to continue playing or not.

All the while, Lucas’ gaze stayed locked on Beth’s retreating back.

The room grew hushed, confused.

Then the microphone hit the ground. The cacophony bang made everyone wince. Lucas leapt off the stage landing in a crouch. His eyes glowed amber and then he was gone in a blur, the door to the theater swinging in his wake.

Felicity stared at the swinging door for a frozen second before racing after them. Felicity pushed her way through the bodies of wild fans and pulled her cellphone out as she burst through the front of the theater. She searched up and down the streets for any sign of Beth. Nope. Not a sign of either of them. She inhaled trying to catch Beth’s perfume but she got nothing.

Felicity did something she hadn’t thought she’d have to do. She phoned Dominic.

He answered on the second ring. “Felicity.” He sounded a little surprised and very pleased. God, she liked that.

“There’s a problem. I think Lucas just ran off with my friend.”

She could hear him tense. “I’ll be right there.”

“What? No—”


Felicity ground her jaw. He’d hung up on her twice. Not cool. As she waited outside of the theater where irate fans bitched and moaned as they filed out of the theater, she dialed Beth’s cell every other minute. Beth didn’t answer so she left voicemails instead, each one getting angrier and angrier.

She didn’t wait long. Not even twenty minutes passed before a sleek black BMW pulled up. Traffic from the concert kept the curb gridlocked. The BMW stopped in the middle of the street without a care. The second they stopped the back door flung open and Dominic Blackmoore knifed his tall body out of the car. His brows were drawn low, his lips flat, and eyes spitting mad.

He looked hot as hell.

Well he did until he latched on to her arm and pulled her caveman-style to the car. Felicity dug her feet in but in her leather boots with the tall heel that didn’t work too well.

“Hey, excuse me! Let me go!” She put her strength into it and pulled but he didn’t budge. He shoved her into the car and she quickly scooted over before he sat on her.

Breathing hard she glared at him and hissed, “What is the matter with you?”

“Drive,” he ordered.

A man in the front seat nodded then pulled away. They moved slowly with the traffic and Felicity saw red. No one had ever grabbed her like that, pulled her around like some...some child. She also wasn’t one to keep her mouth shut.

She cut her eyes to him. “If you ever touch me like that again—” She didn’t get to finish.

One second she’d been about to rail into him and the next he had his arm around her waist, her body pulled into his lap, and his lips almost touching hers. Her breath caught, hands curled into his suit jacket right at his shoulders. They were touching. Chest to chest, lips so close she’d barely have to move to feel his lips again. Her body tingled; warmth blossomed inside her.

His eyes grew heavy with
the look
. Like he wanted her right here, right now. Only her, forever.

She could have swooned. His arm tightened around her waist, bringing her closer to him. She smelled the leather of the seats and him. All him. Suddenly, she remembered the taste of his blood. That one little drop she tasted that almost made her come.

“Let me go,” she said weakly. She did not want him to let her go. She wanted him to press them even closer and put his mouth on hers. Hell she was already panting. He spread her thighs across one of his muscled ones. It took all her willpower not to push against his thigh and get some kind of relief.

His brows relaxed, the corner of a lip turned up, and the look still blazed in his eyes as he wrapped a finger around one of her curls. “I like this on you.”

“Like what?”

Do try not to sound so breathless
, she scolded herself.

His eyes traced over her hair then down her shirt and jeans. “You, like this. You don’t need some little dress to make me want you. I just do.”

Her heart melted, but with it came the bitter reminder—Julianna. “Dominic—”

“I want you to call me Dom,” he said, his voice dark and low.

She looked up at the ceiling of the car. Dom, she liked that. A lot. “Dom, we can’t do this...”

His hand flatted on her lower back, fingers spreading wide and shooting sparks of heat throughout her body. She wanted that hand lower, on her body, skin to skin, between her legs, making her sweat and pant until she screamed.

He cupped her cheek, the pad of his thumb rubbing at her bottom lip. Something in his eyes darkened, and then he pushed his thumb past her lips until it met her tongue. She couldn’t keep herself in check. He presented her with too much temptation. She swiped her tongue against him, closing her lips around him in a wet vise.

A look of supreme satisfaction beamed in his eyes. Then he hooked his hand in her hair and tried to pull her mouth down to his. She struggled, pushing back against the hand. She tried to think of Julianna and that fact that in a matter of four weeks he’d be bonded to another.

His eyes flickered with amusement before he exerted just a tad more pressure and then their lips met.

Melting...she was melting. Her thoughts faded, her body took over.

His lips were firm and clever. He nipped at her, spread her lips wide with his tongue, then stroked inside her mouth. She quivered until her toes curled in her boots.

“Dom,” she breathed.

He groaned. The hand in her hair tightened and he crushed her mouth against his. He devoured her, sucking her tongue and taking her body to a place that ran on sensations only he produced. Nothing had ever felt like this, had ever been like this until Dom. He made her feel like this—reckless, wild, beyond sense. She wanted to lose herself in him, to explore every inch of him.

He rocked the thigh between her legs rubbing her needy core in a teasing caress. Felicity broke away on a moan and threw herself back onto her side of the car.

Dom breathed in long pulls, his eyes glittering with lust, their aroused scents permeating the air. “Come back here,” he growled.

She shook her head.

His eyes narrowed.

Then the car pulled to a stop and the driver announced, “We’ve arrived.”

Dom glared at her as if she’d orchestrated the driver’s timeliness. Then he knifed out of the car. A second later her door flung open and he grabbed her hand, once again pulling her along like an irate child.

She pulled on her hand and when he showed no signs of slowing down, she dug her nails into his hand. He glanced at her sharply, then flicked an annoyed gaze at their hands before shaking his head.

“Seriously, we need to talk. Something strange happened—”

“Quiet,” he said, another order.

He pulled her into an elevator inside his big office building. In sharp tall letters the floor said
Blackmoore Enterprises.
He’d brought her to his big office. Not the one in his home. Her stomach didn’t like this and it rolled with trepidation.

As soon as the elevator doors dinged closed, she got in his face.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” she hissed. Okay, she wasn’t quite in his face seeing as she was too short but she neared his chin in these boots.

His eyes brightened actually freaking brightened with the amber glow of vampire. It made her stomach flip-flop and she hated that too.

“I’m a Blackmoore, Felicity. I get what I want.”

“What does that have to do with this? Your brother did something to my friend and I called you for a little help.”

If he were a cockier man he might have shrugged and grinned at her, but not Dom. No, instead he gave her
the look
while both arms wrapped around her body, pulling her into him. God she wished it didn’t feel good.

“About that, we need to talk in private about the situation with Luc so I brought you here. I also wanted to kiss you in the car, so I did that. Basically, I get what I want.” His eyes flipped away then came back to hers. “Usually.”

“Now what does that mean?”

She wanted to smack herself in the forehead. She should not be getting to know Dom Blackmoore. She should not be taking an interest in him, and she should really not like the way he made her feel all warm, safe, and beautiful when he held her.

He smiled down at her. A smile filled with mysteries. The elevator doors binged open. “Come.”

He took her hand and led her down a series of hallways. They turned left then right then right again and left finally. She tried to keep track of it all but all the walls were white, the carpet never changed and nothing adorned any of the walls. It was the least decorated building office she’d ever seen.

Then they came upon two very stylish doors. They were arched, black and had a gold colored lever on each door. The doors didn’t need a name on it to know that someone distinguished used the room behind it. Anyone could figure that out just by looking at it.

Pulling a key from his pants pocket, he opened the door then led her inside.

The room struck her, rooting her in place. Dom even stopped walking and simply held her hand as she looked around.

His office was completely unexpected. After seeing the mere size of the building, then the ominous black doors, to come in and see...a rather normal looking office didn’t fit. It looked like someone gave a designer the wrong room to design. This did not look like an office for a distinguished, possible president of the immortal council; it looked more like something she’d have in her own house.

“Is this like a fake office?”

He peered at her, confused before looking around the room as if trying to figure out why she’d say such a thing. “What do you mean?”

“Is there like a secret door behind one of the bookshelves that leads to your real office?”

He smiled, the look transforming his face into something that should be painted.

“No, I assure you this is my real office. What did you expect?”

Felicity tried tugging her hand out of his but he didn’t release her. Pretending she wasn’t having a tug-o-war match over her hand she said, “I guess something more lavish like your home.”

Dom’s office was very much just a large, albeit nice, office. Two windows, tinted and covered with blinds and heavy dark drapes stood behind a large wooden desk. The kind of desk that had to was built in this office because no one could carry that beast through the halls. Two black leather chairs faced the desk. A leather sofa rested against a wall, wooden bookshelves stood against another, and a bathroom adjoined the left wall next to a small bar below which, she recognized, had a blood warming oven.

“I’m sorry it doesn’t impress you. Perhaps after this endeavor I can hire you to redecorate it.”

Her eyes shot to his. “Oh, no. It’s perfect really,” she said a little too fast.

He took a step towards her. “Does the idea of seeing me not please you, Felicity Shaw?”

She gulped at the dangerous look in his eyes. He wasn’t giving her
the look
now. He was just plain pissed off.

“Listen, why don’t we talk about why I called?”

His lip curled with sarcasm. “Yes, why don’t we.” He took a seat on the corner of his desk, crossed his arms and watched her. “What happened at the concert?”

“Is your brother crazy?”

“Of my brothers, I’d say Luc is the least crazy, why?”

Felicity cocked her head as she tried to figure out the best way to explain this. “See, the concert started and he came out, right.” She waited for him to say something but he just blinked at her. God he had nice eyes. “Well, he came out then his eyes started to glow.” Still he blinked. “The crowd was screaming and going crazy and all the while he had his eyes locked on Beth. Now Beth’s a hardcore fan of LBB. She goes to most of his concerts, listens to his music everywhere, and all that. But when he looked at her he got all weird.”

“Weird how?”

“Well, his eyes started glowing, then she got uncomfortable. She is mortal and aside from a few occasions where I’ve been royally pissed off enough for my eyes to glow I don’t think she’s ever seen that.” She paused to give him room to speak, but he didn’t. Felicity sighed, frustrated, and then took a seat on the leather sofa against the wall—the one furthest from him.

“Then what happened?” he said.

“He started singing a song, but halfway through it Beth just bugged out. She started getting all frantic and weird.
was weird. My girl is always calm and collected, but she looked shaken up. Then she ran out of the theater.”

Dom stood then walked across the room to her. Felicity quickly looked at the space next to her and knew he was going to sit there. Thinking quickly, she stood just as he neared. His lip curled at her. A small smile that gentled his face.

BOOK: Take Me
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