Take It Like a Vamp (4 page)

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Authors: Candace Havens

BOOK: Take It Like a Vamp
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If she moved slowly she didn’t have to worry about tripping on her dress. That was advice one of the models had given her when helping her into the death shoes. So far so good.

The other clothes had been taken out, and the salon was back in order. When she passed the reception desk, she heard a sharp intake of breath.

She glanced to her left to find Nick staring at her with a hungry expression. The shock in his eyes was worth the small migraine building in her head from all the craziness she’d endured.

She scrunched up her face. “Is it okay?” she held out her arms a little to show him the dress.

“Stunning,” he whispered. Then he frowned. “So beautiful you take my breath away.”

She snorted. “Oh, Nick. Now you’re taking it too far.”

His frowned deepened.

Jeez. What had she said this time?

He lifted her chin with his finger. “If I say you are beautiful, you are,” he snarled so vehemently she stepped back.

“Um, I think maybe you need to eat something. You’re getting kind of grumpy,” she playfully punched his arm and he stiffened.

He closed his eyes, but not before she saw them flash black and then back to gray. Man, her head must be worse than she thought. She hoped there would at least be some hors d’oeuvres at this thing. She was clearly famished.

Sad that consuming food and not tripping were her two main goals for the evening.

That, and not fainting from sheer terror.

Chapter Four


Crap! He’d really done it this time.

Casey hadn’t just turned into a butterfly–she was an elegant swan that stole his breath. How the hell was he going to keep his hands off her? He could barely keep himself under control as it was. He wasn’t sure how he felt about men ogling her beautiful breasts or touching her soft porcelain shoulders. As a growl rumbled in his chest, he realized he
know, and he would need to watch it tonight or he might start a war.

Men had gone to war for less. Helen of Troy didn’t hold a candle to his Casey.

The makeup woman had sprayed a soft vanilla scent on her curvaceous beauty that made him want to sink his fangs into her right there in the limo.

What was he going to do when someone asked her to dance?

Let her go. This night was meant to show her how enticing and lovely she was. That she might garner some attention from the opposite sex was a good thing. Wasn’t that the reason he invited her?

Calming his breathing, he tried to think rationally. It wasn’t easy with her scent intoxicating him. And she kept biting the left side of her lip. She always did that when she was nervous.

“We don’t have to stay long if you don’t want. And I’ll be with you the entire time,” he reassured her.

As she took a deep breath, her breasts lifted. Then she gave him the sweetest smile, and Nick had to adjust his jacket to hide her effect on him. Taking both of her hand in his, he squeezed gently.

“Do you have any idea how incredible you are?”

“Stop worrying, Nick.” She tried to pull her hands away, but he held fast, her creamy skin soft under his touch. “You’re being sweet, and I appreciate it. But it’s making me more nervous. You can throw the girl in a fancy dress and make her look nice, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to fit in. I’m telling you, I’m really,
bad at this stuff.”

Her lack of self-confidence helped him remember this night was all about her. “Casey, you are one of the most charming women I’ve ever known. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. All of these people have secrets they hope no one finds out. I guarantee the majority of them are as insecure as you. And if they don’t feel that way, it’s because they’ve stuffed down their insecurities with liquor or drugs.”

“I should have had someone take a picture with my phone. Aunt Teddie would die if she saw me in this dress.” She deftly changed the subject with a giggle and then looked out the window for a moment before turning to him. “She’d probably steal it, which reminds me.”

She glanced down at her fingers as he let her hands slip from his.

“I—uh. Well. Oh jeez, this is embarrassing.” She picked imaginary lint from her dress.

“Casey, you know you can tell me anything,” he said seriously. Concerned she was upset about something, he shifted so he could see face her more clearly. Reaching out, he touched her bare shoulder, and heat seared straight from his fingers to his groin.

He kept his fingers there even though it was a big mistake. He doubted he could remove them even if he wanted to. Her skin was so soft.

“I don’t have enough money right now to pay you back for all this stuff. I was wondering if we could do an installment plan. David told me that you picked up the tab, and I feel so guilty.”

“Hah!” Nick chuckled.
That was what she worried about. The tension from months of wanting to do very bad—very fun—things to this woman eased away on a tide of laughter. Eyes widening in shock, she watched him as though he were a crazy man on a ledge.

Maybe he was.

“I’m glad you’re so happy about my financial concerns.” She crossed her arms and pouted.

He gently squeezed her shoulder. “Oh, Casey. This is why I—” He paused. “Adore you.” What had he been about to say? He didn’t want to go there. Hell, he couldn’t go there. “You’re doing me a huge favor tonight. The least I can do is pick up the tab. Don’t most men pick up the tab when they take you out?”

She gave him the I’m-trying-to-be-patient-but-you-are-an-idiot glare she used when he made fun of her vampire show. “Dude, have you seen the men I date? I’m lucky if they want to go Dutch for dinner. I usually end up paying for both of us and the taxi ride home.”

They were losers. Casey’s beauty came from within, and if those assholes didn’t get it—their loss. “I see your point.” He smiled. Then another thought crossed his mind. “Listen, when I mentioned wolves tonight, I meant it. The way you look, there’s a good chance you may receive unwanted advances. That’s why I want you to stay close. I’ll protect you.”

“You worry about the dumbest stuff. As if those rich guys are going to even notice me. Though, if you know of a really nice one you could introduce me to, please help a girl out. How great would it be if I could date a nice guy like you—who actually has a decent job—instead of my usual poor assholes with no goals or future?”

Like him? Dammit. He would treat her right and show her the courtesy she deserved, right after he bent her over his desk and had his way with her—twice. He couldn’t use that desk at home without thinking of her.

He leaned back in his seat. But that wasn’t possible. He had to keep her at arms length for her own safety. It was best for all involved.

He’d give her a Cinderella night, and help her find a nice man.

But the very idea of her in the arms another man twisted his gut. Hell, since he’d gone through the change, he’d never felt so many emotions. For hundreds of years he’d believed he no longer had feelings of any kind, except boredom. It was one of the reasons he was so successful. Until he met Casey, the only thing that gave him any kind of adrenaline rush was taking a risk on a company and making it work.

“Oh, please, don’t be mad at me, Nick. That came out wrong.”

His name on her lips pulled him back to the present. Her eyes were full of worry.

“About what?” he asked.

“I was just joking about the hookup. I wouldn’t use you that way.”

“I know that Casey.” He patted her arm. The temptation to slide his fingers down and weave them into hers gave him pause. He pulled away quickly. “I promise, if I find a nice employed guy, I’ll send him your way tonight.”

Like hell.
He shifted in the seat.

She giggled again. “He doesn’t even have to be an Adonis like you. I’ll settle for a regular Joe.”

God, she was killing him. Adonis? He snorted. Did she really see him that way? He’d noticed the last few weeks her heart beat a little faster when he was near. Did she want him, the same way he did her? It didn’t matter. She was much too fragile and precious for him. It didn’t help that he had to find a wife later in the week or risk losing his Council seat. And if he knew anything, his violent world was not one for the likes of someone as sweet as Casey.

“Adonis, huh?”

She grinned. “Oh
yeah. You’re about as hot as they come.” She winked. “I mean you have to know, isn’t that why you brought me? To give all those clingy hags dirty stares when they try to put their claws in you?”

He grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers, his lips lingering a little longer than necessary. “One more reason why I find you so precious—your willingness to protect me from a bastion of evil mamas.” He placed a hand across his forehead and pushed his head against the car seat for dramatic effect. “Oh, the horror.”

She elbowed him. “Goof. And I hate the word precious. It always makes me think of those
Lord of the Rings
movies you like so much. Remember, that creepy little guy running around the mountain chasing his precious?” She shivered. “Still freaks me out. I had to sleep with the light on for three weeks. Well, him and those crazy orc dudes. Yuck.”

Hell, he remembered their
Lord of the Rings
marathon day. That was the when he realized he was addicted to her. They had an easy companionship. The night before the marathon, they’d shared bad pizza and even worse beer after one of her miserable dates. They laughed and talked for hours. In eight hundred years, he couldn’t remember being that unguarded with another person.

When morning light shone through her window, he suggested they get six hours of sleep and then do
Lord of the Rings
start to finish. Even though it was a Saturday, he’d had to cancel six meetings and a morning tee-off, but it had been worth it to hear her sigh over poor Frodo. Then she’d told him that if he let his hair grow out he’d look like Aragon. That still made him laugh, because he knew she had a big crush on the soon-to-be king.

The limo stopped, and she bit the corner of her mouth again. He used his thumb to pull the soft red lip from her teeth. “You’re going to draw blood.”

The thought of her blood sent a fission of heat straight to his groin. The sweet red liquid running through her veins was part of her intoxicating smell. Thankfully he was old enough to control his bloodlust, at least as long as they remained clothed. He honestly wasn’t sure he could control himself around her if he were to ever give in to his passionate cravings.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather watch one of those movies where the guys drive cool cars around and shoot at each other?” she pleaded.

He chuckled. “You hate action movies,” he said not even trying to hide his mirth.

“Hate’s a very strong word. And sometimes a hot guy takes off his shirt and makes all those tedious car crashes worth it.” She batted her eyelashes at him.

The first time she’d seen the actor Chris Hemsworth take off his shirt in
, she pretended to faint. He remembered feeling jealous and doing an extra two hundred sit-ups that night.

“Pervert.” He winked at her.

“You have no idea,” she murmured under her breath.

What had she meant by that? Oh hell, he hoped she hadn’t meant what he thought she meant. An image of Casey, naked and tied to his bed, suddenly had him gripping the edge of the leather seats and doubting he’d be ready to stand up again any time soon. Luckily he had the perfect distraction.

The driver opened his door. “Can you give us a minute?” Nick asked.

“Yes, sir. Just roll down the window when you’re ready.”

“Do you need to give me some last minute advice on what fork to use or something?” she asked expectantly.

“Actually,” he reached into the pocket of the door for the three velvet boxes he’d placed there earlier. “I thought these might go with your dress.” He shifted and opened the first box, which held diamond and ruby earrings. “Linc told me a necklace would take away from the neckline of your dress.” His gaze breezed across her ample breasts. He couldn’t help it. “So I thought these would be good.” The other boxes held a diamond and ruby bracelet, and a ring with a huge emerald-cut diamond in the center and two smaller emerald cut rubies on the side.

Casey shook her head. “Uh. Wow. I don’t think I can wear that stuff.” Pursing her lips, she closed the boxes and handed them back to him. “But thank you so much for offering.”

“Stuff?” he asked, shocked by her response. Women loved bling. “Casey, I bought these for you. I want you to wear them.”

“You bought them?” she screeched. “What were you thinking? Can you get a refund? Nick, I don’t care how rich you are –you can’t spend money on
like that for the girls you take out. Goodness, you could feed a third world country with just one of those.”

He could have actually fed several third world countries, but he’d never tell her that.

“So, because there are starving children in India, you won’t wear a gift I’m trying to give to you?” He pretended to act hurt, but in truth he was amazed by the way her mind worked. So filled with humanity and love for her fellow humans. It always embarrassed him into doing charitable work. In fact, he’d doubled his donations in the last five months.

But he wanted to see those rubies against her perfect skin, and the word ’no’ was not in his vocabulary.

“Oh,” she reached over and touched his thigh. He used every bit of control he had to keep from gently nudging those fingers just little higher. Waves of heat seared his body at her simple touch.

“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” she said. “It was just unexpected. I’ll wear them, Nick, but I can’t accept them as gifts. Maybe you can’t take them back to the store, but you could auction them at Christie’s or one of those fancy auction houses to get your money back.”

Her earnestness was almost more than he could take. In less than a second, he could pull her on to his lap and kiss her until she forgot her name. Hell, until he forgot his own name. For months he’d wanted to taste those lips.

Just as he leaned toward her to do just that, someone coughed outside and the sound brought him back to his senses.

Why did she have to be the complete package? It was as if the universe drew some perverse joy in teasing him with what he couldn’t have. Well, technically he could—but he wouldn’t do that to her.

“Thank you. It means a lot to me for you to wear them. You are—” He paused, choosing his words carefully. “Such a good friend. I’ve never known anyone like you.” Those words were as honest as they came. Through his many years on earth, he’d had hundreds of friends, but none quite like Casey. There had never been a woman who had captured his attention so quickly and held it. Even after his worst days, her funny, self-effacing humor calmed him.

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