Take It Like a Vamp (10 page)

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Authors: Candace Havens

BOOK: Take It Like a Vamp
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“I can’t believe you did this,” she said for the thirtieth time that night. “It’s—there aren’t words.”

And the strangest part? Nick watched
as if she were a priceless piece of art. She saw it in his eyes, but none of this made sense.

A man like him could not possibly be interested in someone like her. She was so boring compared to the kind of people he usually hung out with, but then, they’d always managed to have a good time together. He’d been so stiff and serious when she first met him, but around her he’d loosened up.

Could she believe that he genuinely wanted to date her?

Not in a million years. The man was rich beyond belief and he was quite possibly the sexiest man alive. Screw
Famous Faces
magazine. They’d said he was the second sexiest man alive.

And he was thoughtful. “This is one of the most amazing nights in my life,” she said softly. “I can’t believe you arranged this. It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

He held her hand, and she squeezed his. He hadn’t let go of her since they’d left the condo.

More than anything, she wished she wasn’t so cotton-brained. Lack of sleep and too much alcohol the night before made all of this surreal. Hence, her decision that she was really in coma.

They’d spent nearly two hours in the gallery, when her stomach growled rather inappropriately.

“Are you ready for dinner?” he asked.

She sighed. “I don’t want to leave. It’s so magical to be surrounded by his work. I want to sleep here.”

“That can be arranged, if you want.”

She shook her head. “I have no doubt you can make that happen, but I think you’ve done enough. I’m never going to forget this, Nick. Ever.” She stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, but he turned and she made contact with his lips.

“Oh,” her lips said against his. The kiss was meant to be sweet and fast. But a wire snapped and a stream of heat soared through her body at the contact. He hesitated for just a moment, and she was about to step back. But he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her tight against him. His tongue plundered her lips and mouth. He tasted like mint and cinnamon. She couldn’t get enough of him.

Then suddenly she was kissing air, and when she opened her eyes, he was standing by the door facing out toward the street.

How had he moved so fast?

“We should probably get going,” he said continuing to face away from her.

What the hell? Sure, she was still feeling the effects of last night, but she couldn’t have imagined that, could she have?

“Okay.” Taking one last glance around the room, she bid goodbye to Gustav and walked through the door Nick opened for her. After helping her into the back of the limo, they sat in silence for a few minutes.

Finally, she let loose the question that had been bouncing around in her mind since she tongued air. “So, did I kiss you and you kiss me back? Or did I just have another hallucination?”

Nick grinned. “Another hallucination?”

“This whole night has been surreal, and I’m not sure what is my imagination and what’s reality anymore.”

He grabbed her hand again. “Trust me, that was very real,” he said huskily.

The sound of his voice was enough to dampen her panties. “So why did you run away?”

He glanced up at the ceiling. “I lost control, Casey. I do that a lot when I’m around you.”

I make him lose control?
That was the best thing anyone had ever said to her.

“Well, for the record,” she said saucily. “I’m a fan of losing control. So feel free to do so whenever you like.” She couldn’t believe how brazen she felt. But this was Nick, and he was the one guy she’d always been able to be herself around. No matter what happened in the future, she was determined to keep their friendship intact.

“Oh, I plan to,” he said seriously. “I’m going to lose control over and over again with you.”

“Promises, promises,” she whispered.

Chapter Ten


Nick had never wanted to rip anyone’s throat out more than he did Clayton, Casey’s rock star friend. They were in the driveway of the rocker’s palatial home, and the man had twirled Casey around in a big hug, kissed her cheeks and hair and he was fairly certain her neck—all of which were off limits as far as Nick was concerned. Casey was—well she would be his. Even if she didn’t know it yet, she should have pushed the fool away on principle. She was too damn forgiving.

“Hey, girl, you are the prettiest thing I’ve seen in a long time,” Clayton said as he held her out to get a good look at her. Expecting some longhaired skinny Mick-Jagger type, Nick was surprised by Clayton’s Marine-style looks. He had tattoos up one arm and around his neck, and a small piercing in his right eyebrow.

Nick wasn’t at all happy with the way the man’s gaze lingered over Casey’s perfect breasts, which were prominently displayed in the red lacey blouse Linc had sent her. Since Linc wasn’t taking his calls, something he would deal with later, he had no idea why Casey’s closet was full of the designer’s clothes.

It was only a matter of time before he found out, though.

“Oh, Clayton, you’re still the biggest flirt. How’s the album going?” She pulled herself out of the man’s arms and put her large tote bag full of art supplies between them. Nick thought it was the most sensible thing Casey had ever done. And it gave him a reprieve so that he didn’t have to commit murder. That was no way to begin a relationship, even one based on mutual lust.

“Hot, girl. So hot you wouldn’t believe it. Who are your friends? You runnin’ with a posse now?”

“Well, I do live in Texas.” She smiled. “This is my friend, Nick. He was on his way to L.A. and let me hop on his plane. These other peeps are his security team. They keep us – safe.”

Clayton raised an eyebrow. “That’s some
you have there. Didn’t know you were running in your Uncle Ted’s circles these days.”

“It’s Aunt Teddie now,” Nick said as he shook the other man’s hand.

The man’s wide eyes made them all laugh. “Sounds like we need to catch up,” he said to Casey.

“That we do, but I need to get to work first. Can’t do that until I hear you play.”

“Well, come on, then.” The other man smiled. “You and your posse are welcome to join us,” Clayton offered, but the smile he gave Nick didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Oh, no. Nick has a busy schedule,” Casey interrupted.

“Well, I do, but we can stay for awhile,” Nick said. There was no way in hell he was leaving her side.

Casey gave him a strange look, but he shrugged.

“I’ve never been to a recording session, and you’re always saying I need new experiences.” The guy was a lecher. Besides, his most important job was to keep Casey safe.

“Awesome,” Clayton said, but it was obvious he didn’t think so.

The security team, except for Mason, stood outside the building, which had been built into the side of a hill. Inside was a state-of-the-art recording studio. Except for the large soundboard and all the equipment, it looked like a comfortable den with several couches and chairs that circled a small stage.

“Nice set up,” Nick said as he and Casey settled on a large couch. She scooted closer to him, and he wrapped a possessive arm around her shoulders.

“Thanks,” she said softly.

“For what?” he said near to her ear.

“For being here. I didn’t realize he’d be so—seems as though he’s between girlfriends at the moment. And, well, he sort of assumes that if you’re female, and sometimes if you’re male, you want to sleep with him.”

“I believe that ego comes with the job. But just so you know, if he manhandles you again, he won’t have a throat to sing with.” The threat was real, but she didn’t take it that way.

She giggled. He loved that sound.

After pulling out her journal and pen to take notes, she sat her pad and a pencil beside her on the sofa.

“I’m curious how this works,” Nick said. “Do you take notes and draw at the same time?”

She bit her lip. “It depends. I like to have everything ready because I never know when or how inspiration is going to strike. When I hear the music, then I’ll know and I’ll pick up one or the other. Sometimes both.”

“I’m not creative in the way that you are. It fascinates me the way your mind works,” Nick said honestly. “I’ve seen some the sketches you’ve done for different ad campaigns and you never fail to impress me.”

“Nick, that’s so sweet. Thank you. I didn’t even know you paid attention to my work.”

“If it concerns you, I always pay attention,” he said honestly.

She gave him the sweetest smile and it was if they were alone in the room. If the drummer hadn’t hit is drum, he would have kissed her—again.

That wasn’t a good idea. Not here in front of everyone. Control was a real issue when it came to her, and he had to find a way to get a handle on it if he wanted their relationship to progress. And it
to progress.

Somehow in the next three days he had to convince Casey to become his wife. After their kiss last night he’d realized that there was no way he could ever let her go. No woman had ever touched his inner animal the way she did. It was if she reached down his throat and petted it. Only instead of soothing it, she got it so excited Nick lost himself. He’d almost bitten her in the middle of the art studio, and that would have been a huge mistake.

Introducing her to that side of him would take a great deal of patience, and probably some alcohol.

“So, explain it to me. How do come up with the ideas?”

The band warmed up and Clayton did a variety of vocal exercises.

“I don’t think about how so much as I just do. Some thought comes in my head and I start to draw or write. Sometimes I’m inspired by something I see. Other times by what I hear. I sort of follow whatever direction those thoughts take me.”

Clayton stood in front of the microphone. The guy definitely had the swagger.

When he started singing, his eyes zeroed in on Casey, who quickly ducked her head and drew small circles on her journal.

Nick bit back a smile.

The music was surprisingly good, and he recognized the band once he heard a few of their songs.

When they finished he glanced down at her pad and it was full of designs. She’d written several notes in her journal, but it was the old whiskey barrel with tattoos that had the band popping out of it that really caught his eye. It was funny, and at the same expressed the music he’d heard. Someone who looked at it would know exactly what they were getting—good southern rock.

“You amaze me,” he whispered.

She glanced up at him as though she’d forgotten he was there. “What?”

“Your creativity,” he said as he pointed to the whiskey barrel.

She screwed up her face. “It’s not quite there yet, but I like the concept. I’m worried it looks a little Sergeant Peppery. And that will drive Clayton crazy. He’s an Elvis man.”

Nick frowned. “What’s wrong with the Beatles?”

She giggled again. “Well, there’s this whole thing that if you like Elvis, you don’t like the Beatles. I like both. Have you ever seen those old Elvis movies, the beach ones?”

He’d seen almost every movie ever made in the cinema since the late eighteen hundreds. “Yeah, but I also like the Beatles.
Hey Jude
. Come on,
Yellow Submarine
? It doesn’t get any better than that,” he said seriously.

“Exactly what I say. It’s nuts to separate the two. The Beatles said over and over again that they were so inspired by Elvis. That’s what’s wrong with the world. If people didn’t pick sides, everything would be so much better.”

Nick had been around for hundreds of years and the world had never been without conflict. While he appreciated the sentiment, it would never happen. His race was superior to the humans in intellect, strength and just about every other way. But still they fought.

“You two look cozy.” Clayton didn’t bother to hide the derision in his voice.

“We were talking about how great the music is.” She gave the man one of her sweetest smiles. Nick needed to remind her that those were reserved for him only. Or at least they would be. That smile could be dangerous if she went around doing that in public. She might start a riot.

“Yep. It’s feeling pretty good. Got any ideas for me?”

She nodded. “I do, but nothing I can show you right now. I’ll work on them and give you some options in a day or two.” She checked her phone. “Wow. I didn’t realize we’d been here this long. Nick, you’re going to be late for your meetings.”

“Yeah, Nick,” Clayton said. “You better get going.”

Nick smiled. “Are you ready to go?” he asked Casey. “Do you have enough?”

She gave him a wicked grin, knowing exactly what he was doing.

“I do. Will you give me a ride back to the hotel?” She gathered her things.

“Casey, what are you talking about? You know you can stay here with me.” Clayton wasn’t happy.

Nick was ecstatic.

“Oh. Sorry, I’d already—uh…”

“She’s staying at
home in Malibu,” Nick said. “I promised her we’d have ocean views so I had them open up the house.” He held out his hand. “I really appreciate you letting me hang out today. And it’s funny. I actually have a meeting with your record label tomorrow.”

The surprise on the man’s face made Nick’s day.


“Yes, I have an entertainment division of Christo’s that produces film and television. One of my VPs has been looking at either buying out or starting our own label with a new business model.”

It had taken Mason two hours on the phone to find out everything Nick needed to know to make it sound like he knew what he was talking about.

Clayton held out his hand. “Well, Mr. Christos, it was a pleasure meeting you, sir.”

And that’s how you play the game.

Nick nodded and then steered Casey away from the rocker.

“No wonder you’re a bazzillionaire,” Casey laughed as she sat next to him in the large SUV. “Poor Clayton didn’t know what hit him.”

He stifled a grin. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, perusing his text messages.

“You’re so tricky. When, exactly, did you get into the record business?” She snorted.

The minute you said you were coming out to see your ex.
He shrugged. “It’s a business that is changing faster than most of them can keep up. And I have the people who could turn them around and make them profitable in a few months.”

“Now I’m the one who is amazed. I don’t understand how the business mind works. I mean, I’m analytical when I have to be, as far as cost and things for clients, but I don’t really function that way.”

“See, that’s why we make a good pair,” he said. “I can handle the business side, and you can handle the creative. That’s what I call a good partnership.”

“Are we going into business together or are we dating?” Her eyebrows furrowed.

“Dating,” he said almost too quickly. She gave him a look that said she didn’t believe him. “Okay, honestly. You’ve been helping me for months with the creative side of what I do. I discovered that if you like something, it’s going to sell like crazy. You’ve been one hundred percent correct so far on everything from the wine the other night, to those new video games.”

She rolled her eyes. “You shouldn’t have told me. Now I’ll feel all the pressure. What if I’m wrong? I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“Casey, that’s never going to happen. You couldn’t possibly disappoint me. Well, unless you decided to go the way of Aunt Teddie. And even then I would support your decision.”

She doubled over and he couldn’t tell if she was laughing or crying. He pulled on her shoulder and discovered she was laughing so hard she couldn’t breathe.

“Breathe,” he commanded while patting her back. She did and then lost herself in another fit of giggles. He couldn’t help it. His belly ached with laughter. It was a feeling of elation he’d never experienced before and Casey had given it to him. She’d offered him so much with her unconditional friendship and kindness.

And now he wanted to give her the world.


As much as she hated to think it, Nick’s possessiveness had been flattering, even if he only wanted to protect her from the touchy-feely ex-boyfriend rocker. Again, she had the bizarre feeling that her life had taken a strange turn into the unknown. Men didn’t fight over her. Well, they hadn’t actually fought, but there was some posturing going on. And as awful a person as it made her, she was glad Nick was one of them. Clayton had thought she’d be an easy mark, but she wasn’t. She learned her lessons, and she moved on. She was forgiving, but she wasn’t stupid. Clayton betrayed her trust, and that was something he’d never have again.

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