Switching Lanes

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Authors: Renea Porter

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Switching Lanes

(Unspoken Truth

Book Two


Renea Porter

Copyright @ 2014
Renea Porter


All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transferred in any form without the prior written consent of the author, except for brief quotes for review purposes.


This book is not allowed to be downloaded from any sites besides Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and iBooks.


This is a work of fiction. Names, dates, incidents, and places, or any resemblances to persons living or deceased, is purely coincidental and a product of the author’s imagination.


Cover design by Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs

Cover photo – Copyright

Cover Model - Kassidy

Back cover photo – Photo courtesy of A Beautiful Cover, by Bethany Castaneda







This is dedicated to the readers! Thank you for the




I want to thank
MHPhotography and the model Kassidy for the photo.  And thanks to Cover to Cover Designs for seeing my vision for the cover and making it such a lovely cover.

Thanks to my beta readers (you know who you are)
, I loved your comments and your “wanting more” to read of this story.

Thank you Big Bang Book Services for making this a polished masterpiece.

To my awesome PA Alisa B. who runs my author page when I am on a time crunch and who is such a generous person, and I’m so thankful for her.





Six Weeks Earlier

viewing is the most beautiful service I have ever been to, not that I’ve been to many. She looks so peaceful, like an angel. Layne finally broke down when he realized she was really gone. It was hard to watch, and I couldn’t do anything but try to be there for him. After I’m done with my speech, we take turns walking up to her casket and saying goodbye. It’s so hard losing someone so close, who was like the sister I always wanted. Layne even lingers as he touches her delicate hand. He touches her soft hair before walking away. We walk out of the church and all of sudden I see anger spread across Layne’s face and watch as he quickly paces over toward Chase.

“You bastard!
You knew she was sick! You knew and didn’t tell anyone,” Layne screams as he pushes Chase. Chase doesn’t fight back; he just steps backward.

“That’s e
nough! Amber wouldn’t want this,” Roger, Amber’s dad, says, stepping in between the two, just in case. Chase straightens his shirt and walks away, looking angry. “Just relax,” he says to Layne.

“Sorry, sir,”
Layne says, as he shoots Chase an evil look.

“It doesn’t
matter who knew what. She was your girlfriend, and you need to respect her wishes, as if she was alive,” Roger says, pulling Layne aside.

“I apologize
, Roger.” Layne throws his hands up, and then shoves them in his pockets.

My heart hurts for him, because I know he is hurting if not more than a lot of us. He’s never loved anyone the way he loved her, and he probably will never open himself up like that again for the fear of losing them. Grabbing a tissue from my purse, I wipe my teary eyes.
And I watch as Roger holds Joan, to keep her from crumpling. Layne, Dylan, and I ride in Dylan’s car over to the gravesite, not far from the church. Dylan tries to comfort me by holding my hand as he drives with his other hand.

“Dude, you need to get a grip,” he says
, looking into the rearview mirror to Layne.

“I know
,” Layne says, leaning forward putting his head in his hands. We pull into the cemetery behind Amber’s parents. Getting out of the car, I walk over to the casket with Dylan and Layne on each side of me. Joan passes out flowers for us to throw on the casket. Layne, Dylan and I get to say one last goodbye as we each get to throw a white calla lily over the casket as it lowers into the ground. We stay until just about everyone leaves.

Walking away from Amber w
as just about the hardest thing; leaving her, all alone. Oh, how I wish I could hug her once more, and tell her I love her. Dylan puts his arm around my shoulder as I cry into the crook of his arm, and he kisses the top of my head. I’m gonna miss my friend so damn much. I wonder what the year will be like, waking up without her in the room, no one to accompany me to Dylan and Layne’s parties, no more girls’ night. A lump forms in my throat, making it hard to swallow.

I remember me promising her that I’d get my health back to where it should be, but I
’m not sure it will be that easy. This year is going to be hard. I think the fact that Amber hid her illness from me makes me a little mad. But who am I to talk? I always told her I was fine when I wasn’t. I wish she was here so bad.

I am thankful that Dylan, Layne
, and I got to spend the summer with her and her family. Her parents were great with us being there and said we were welcome to come back anytime. I enjoyed when we had girls’ night and when the boys would put on a performance to make us laugh. I wish this pain would go away.

Chapter One

Present Day/Fall

I spent t
he last six weeks at home. I’ve missed school, but I just couldn’t face the reality yet. It was good to be home, and my dad was glad to have me there, but it was lonely and I got to grieve my own way, even though I don’t think this kind of hurt will ever go away. My mom said it would get better with time, we shall see.

Being back on campus is surreal. It was not something I was looking forward to, that’s for sure. I make my way to the dorm, and I have no plans on making any new friends, especially not with my roommate. I wish I could afford my own place or tolerate all the guys at Dylan’s

I walk across the campus grounds like I did the previous year, not knowing I’d be meeting my best friend only to have her taken away.
Shaking the thought from my head, I find my room easily, and arrive first. This should be fun. Not. Ten minutes later a perky blonde comes bounding in the room.

“Hey, I’m
Jessica.” She holds one hand out to shake mine.

“I’m Renee, and let me be clear; you and I won’t be besties anytime soon. At best
, I’ll tolerate you, mmkay?” I snap. “And stay out of my things.”

She reminds me of myself at this exact same time last year when I met Amber
. I walk back over to my bed and put my auburn hair in a ponytail and pick up my phone to text Dylan.

Want t
o go with me to the tattoo shop? I’m ready to get that tattoo I told you about.

Sure, I’ll be over in a bit.
He texts back.

Great, I
’ll wait for you to pick me up

~ ~ ~ ~

At the tattoo shop
, I tell the tattoo artist that I want a tattoo on my neck consisting of flowers and butterflies and that I want it to be really colorful.

“You do know that’s gonna hurt like a bitch
, right?” Dylan says as we take a seat while the artist draws up a sketch of the tattoo. “And it will probably take hours,” he adds.

“But it will be so worth it
in the end. I’ve been dying to get one,” I say, touching my neck. “I thought honoring Amber’s memory would be perfect.”

He kisses my nose.
“I’ll be right here if you need me, Babe.”

The tattoo artist
, Dave, calls me back to his station and he places the stencil on my neck and has me check it out in the mirror. “It looks perfect,” I tell him while handing back the mirror. I have several other tattoos but nothing this large, so I know this will probably hurt like a bitch. Amber and I wanted to get one together but we never got around to doing it, though we did sport some fake ones when she was too weak to get one. The thought makes me smile.

It’s been six long hours since Dave started the tattoo and
I managed to survive it. Once he cleans it up with some solution, he instructs me to check it out again in the mirror. “Holy shit; it looks amazing,” I turn toward him and I watch as Dylan stands to come over to see it.

“Glad you like it,” Dave says.

“I fucking love it; you have no idea how much this means to me.” I pay him at the counter and thank him again for doing such an amazing job. My neck will probably be stiff for a week, but it’s worth it. Dave gives me instructions on how to care of it before I leave.

“You’re hotness factor just shot up
like one hundred percent,” Dylan says as we step outside on the sidewalk.

“Shut up,” I say
, giving him a playful shove.

“Now there is the girl I love,” he says.
His comment brings me back to reality. “I know it’s been a rough few months for you. Just try to remember the good times you had with her,” he tells me.

I lean into him
and hug him around his waist. “I’m sorry. I’ve been depressed. Losing Amber has been hard on all of us. I can’t imagine what is going through Layne’s head.” My eyes start to water. It sucks feeling so much pain just by saying her name. “You’ve been my rock through all this. I’m not sure where I would be without you,” I say while looking up at him.

“And I ain’t going nowhere,” he tells me as the corners of his mouth turn up.

We make the walk back to his car. After sitting for a six hour tattoo, I’m starving.

“Want to go to the diner for a burger? I’m sure you’re hungry after six hours.”

“You must have read my mind. I like the way you think. I’m starving,” I tell him.

“Then burgers it is.
” He flashes his million dollar grin, and I wonder how I got so lucky. We get to the diner in no time flat. Dylan opens the door for me to enter first. By looking at Dylan, you wouldn’t think he would be gentlemanly with his tatted up body and lip piercing. I know people judge by people’s looks, but it couldn’t be farther from the truth. He is mixed, half white and half black; he has the most gorgeous green eyes I’ve ever seen. We grab a booth in the back and he sits next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders, always making me feel safe. The waitress approaches and takes our order, without us even looking at the menu.

“What’s Layne been up to since we’ve been back, or since you guys have been back? I haven’t had a chance to check on him lately
;” I ask, fearing I already know the answer.

“Back to his old self
; sleeping with anyone that looks his way, then he tells them to get lost. Typical Layne,” he says.

“That’s what I was afraid of. He loved the one girl who couldn’t give him what he wanted
. It makes me sad.” The waitress brings our cokes, followed by the burgers soon after. Dylan kisses the side of my head just as I take a sip of my coke. “You know Layne is probably gonna go off the deep end, right?” I say turning to him.

“I know, and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.” I hear the worry in his voice. Our burgers arrive and the subject is dropped.
“I really thought you were going to pass out half way through your tattoo.” He chuckles. “But you did good.” He smiles brightly.

“I thought I was going to
, too, but I’m glad I didn’t,” I laugh. “So are you guys racing tomorrow?” I ask in an attempt to change the subject.

Layne is, too. It feels like it’s been forever,” he says, placing the last bite of his burger in his mouth. “I thought you were hungry?” He points to my half eaten burger.

“I was, but now I’m full. I
’ll just take the rest to the dorm and eat it later,” I tell him. “I’m not sure I’ll make it to the after party from your race. I need to get my things together for school. I’ve missed a lot.”

“I understand. I
’ll let you know how we do. But it won’t be the same without my lucky charm there.” He smiles as he pays the bill at the counter for our meals. Inside the car, he puts his seatbelt on and puts it in gear. “Do you want me to drop you off at your dorm?”

“Sure, that would be fine.

With the
to-go box in my lap, I contemplate if I’ll actually eat the other half tonight. Dylan pulls into the parking spot in front of the dorm and drops me off; he gives me a quick kiss before he pulls out of the spot before I even make it to the door. Inside the dorm room, I put my half of the burger in my mini fridge before I head right back out.

It’s Friday night, and while most of the kids my age are going to parties,
I make my way across campus grounds. I stop in the student area where they have a bulletin board full of classes, part time jobs, and help centers for suicide and eating disorders. I write down the class room number for the eating disorder session. It’s about time I try to keep that promise I made to Amber. I walk in the class; nervously, I take a seat next to another gal, whom I don’t know.

“First time?” a
petite blonde with big green eyes asks.

“It is. I’m nervous,” I whisper.

“You’ll be fine.” She holds her hand out for me to shake it. “I’m Alexis.”

I shake her hand in return. “Renee.
Nice to meet you.” 

A lady walks into the room and I realize she must b
e the speaker of the class. More people start to pile in the room, and suddenly, I know I’m not alone in my battle.

“Welcome, everyone. My name is Leah, and I’ll be your counselor and I’ll be helping you transition to a healthier lifestyle. Why don’t we go around the
room and introduce ourselves?” she suggests cheerfully.

The person next to her stands and introduces herself. Finally, when it’s my turn I stand. “My name is Renee, and I’m an anorexic. I try to keep it in control, but sometimes I think it controls me. I’m glad I found this class, because I recently lost a friend to cancer and I need help,” I say
, looking down at my feet, and then I take a seat. Then Alexis introduces herself and she is

We spend most of the session introducing ourselves, and then Leah hands out pamphlets about the class and it has some info about what to expect. I leave the session feeling informed, and I walk back to the dorm as I look over the pamphlet. Back inside the room, I see that I am alone and I’m thankful my roomie isn’t here. Opening my mini fridge, I contemplate eating the other half of my burger, but I shut it.
There’s always tomorrow.

I take a quick shower and get ready for bed. I lie awake thinking about the session and about Dylan and how I’ll probably miss his race. I hope he does well and I hope Layne does well, too.

I toss and turn for most of the night, and then I hear my giggling roommate enter the room and turn over
to face the wall and pretend to be asleep. By the sounds of it, my roommate sounds like she’s been drinking too much. I listen as she stumbles around the room, giggling to herself until finally she gets in bed.

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