Sweet Surrender (8 page)

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Authors: Angel Steel

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sweet Surrender
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Lifting up the dress that was on top, she was happy that she had placed it in there. It was one of her favorites. It was dark purple with silver swirls all over it. The top half was fitting, like a corset, and the skirt flared out to her knees. The straps crisscrossed over her back, leaving her back bare to half way down.

“Ok. What about shoes?” she asked Skylar. Glancing at the dress again, Skylar got up, walked over to her closet, and picked up a pair of black strappy heels. After handing them to her, she sat back down.

Chantal sat down beside her, and knew something was bothering her. “Please, tell me what has you acting like this, Sky.”

“I’ll tell you after your date with Joey. It can wait, Chan,” Skylar whispered.

She pulled her into a hug. “I will cancel, if you want me to, Sky. I’m here for you, you know that.” She wanted to know what was wrong.

“No, I don’t want you to do that. Go and have fun, I’ll talk to you after that.”

Chantal looked at her, ready to reply, but Skylar interrupted.

“Chantal, go. It’s fine, really.”

Chantal knew she was not fine, but she also knew she wasn’t going to say anything, either.

“Ok. As long as you are alright.” Standing, she grabbed her outfit they had picked and moved towards the door.

“Call me, if you need me, ok?”

Pushing her out the door, Skylar laughed, “Just go, Chantal.”

Once she was at her car, she turned around and faced Skylar. Nodding towards her, she knew she would be all right, otherwise she would have asked her to stay with her. Waving, she jumped in, and drove off up the street, heading back home to get ready for this date that she had been waiting for.


rriving home, Chantal rushed in and had a shower. She wanted everything to go perfect tonight. Glancing at the clock, for the hundredth time, she saw that she still had an hour before Joey came to pick her up.

Smiling to herself, she could not wait to spend some alone time with him, just her and Joey. Every time she had tried to do just that, either a customer came up or one of his friends did, but tonight no one was going to interrupt them.

Reaching for her lotion, she started to apply it to her legs, moving slowly down one and back up, making sure it had absorbed in. After doing the same to the other one, she moved onto her arms, then the rest of her body. Once she was happy, she reached for her dress and pulled it on. She adjusted the straps, as she didn’t want it to be that tight and then pulled on her black thong. Standing there in front of the mirror, she applied a light amount of make-up, curled the tips of her hair, but left it down, and she was done.
I look pretty damn hot
. Reaching for her black heels and bag, she made her way out into the kitchen to grab a drink.

Pouring a glass of wine, she contemplated on whether to call Skylar, knowing full well that if she did, she would tear into her for calling. Shaking her head, she moved to the back door and looked outside. God, the sunset was beautiful here; the colors in the sky were mostly red and orange. It always caught her breath. About to move away, she heard a truck pull up out front. Grinning, she strolled to the door when she heard footsteps on her verandah. Joey was early; maybe he was as excited about this date as she was.  She opened the door for him, and was surprised as to who was there, standing in front of her.

She held in a groan as she glanced over him. He was wearing a tight pair of old ripped jeans, and a black t-shirt that emphasized his chest and arms. She didn’t want to look down, but she did.  Of course, he was wearing his old pair of biker boots.
Sweet Jesus
, she loved them on him.

She crossed her arms over her chest, mostly in frustration, but also to hide her erect nipples. “What are you doing here, Dominic?”

Chapter 8


om stopped in front of Chantal’s place. He couldn’t stay away from her. Having seen her at the bar earlier, after a couple weeks of no contact, he needed to see, touch, smell, and even taste her in any way.  Stepping out of his truck, he walked up and knocked, hoping she was in. When the door opened, he lost all the breath in him.

There in front of him, stood his angel.

Dom whistled. “Damn, Chantal.”

Dressed in a purple and silver hugging dress, her body was perfection. She wasn’t small, or big. She fit him perfectly. When she crossed her arms over her chest, he smiled to himself, knowing that he still affected her. She was in denial as to how she felt towards him.

He watched as she glanced over him, and held back the groan he wanted to voice; she had absolutely no idea what she did to him. He moved towards her, and even when she backed away from him, he kept going forward. He needed to touch her, but did not want to push it too far. Leaning his body against hers, he could not help but run his nose along her throat and up to her ear.

When she whimpered, he nearly lost it. It was the sweetest thing he had ever heard come from her, and as she leaned to the side, giving in to him, he went for it. “God, you smell amazing. Even better is what you would taste like, babe,” he groaned.

She started to push him away, but he needed this as much as she did. He reached for her hand and placed it over her stomach. Grinning, he knew when it clicked in her mind as to what he was going to do, right then. When she opened her eyes slowly, she looked down. She wasn’t going to look at him; he knew that, but he was going to change that. He wanted to see her when he made her come for him.

Holding her hand on her stomach, he moved his other hand slowly down her body to the bottom of her dress. Pulling it up, he watched as it rose up her thighs. God, it was hard not to moan at the sight of her.

He slid his hand down further and underneath the dress. He heard when her breathing picked up. Shit, his did as well. He brushed his fingertips lightly over her Goddamn thong, and Jesus was she soaked. He hadn’t even touched her and she was like this, damn.

He never once took his eyes off her face, but when she glanced up at him, they nearly rolled into the back of his head.  Her eyes had changed color, and he knew that his had done the same; hell, they always did when he was so bloody aroused. Although he couldn’t read minds, he knew exactly what was going through her head; the same was going through his. Pushing his body closer to hers, so she could feel how hard she always made him, he started to move his fingers. It was unbearable.

When she moaned at the contact, he pushed harder into her, and lightly drew circles over her clit. Her hips moved forward. Her body knew what it wanted, just not her head.

“Dom,” she moaned. He had waited so long to hear her moan his name. Pushing aside her thong, he collected her juices and spread it around her clit. Pinching her little bud made her cry out. No one could stand that torment, and he had a feeling if he kept that up, she was going to come all over his hand. Rubbing his cock into her stomach, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against him. He crushed his mouth to hers and pushed his tongue inside, wanting nothing more than for her to bite, or suck on it.

Chantal moaned into his mouth, and pulled his body flush with hers. He started walking her backwards down the hall to where her bedroom was, making it clear what was about to happen between them, finally. She started pushing against his chest. “Dom, stop.”

“Baby, I don’t think I can,” he moaned into her mouth.

Her mouth was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted, and he wanted more of it. God, it was nothing like he had imagined. Those lips he had dreamed of so many nights were nothing compared to this...this was real.

She shoved hard against him, again. He reluctantly let go of her, completely. Breathing heavy, he moved forward again, but Chantal moved away from him. “We need to stop. I have a date and he will be here soon.”

And she ruined the moment but saying that, damn it.

“Who the hell are you going on a date with, Chantal?” he growled. Storming over to her, he didn’t stop when she put her hand up to block him.

“That doesn’t concern you, Dominic,” she replied before moving further away from him.

He followed her into the kitchen and stood there, trying to control his anger.

“Yes it does, Chantal. How well do you know this guy?” He couldn’t help it, but he was pissed.

“Since I’m in a good mood, I’ll tell you. I have known him for a while, and I trust him, Dominic.” Shaking her head, she continued, “You need to leave so I can finish getting ready.” She walked to the front door, opening it and waiting for him to leave.

“You shouldn’t just trust someone because you have known them for a while. He could be a rapist, murderer, or whatever. How can you know for sure that he isn’t one of them?”

“Are you any of them, Dominic, should I be trusting you?” She frowned.

“You know full well I’m none of those things, Chantal. And yes you can trust me; I’d never do anything, or lie to you.”

“Do I now?” she said, raising her eyebrow at him.

She pushed him outside and locked the door, and then walked down to the truck that had just pulled up. Dom grabbed her arm before she passed him, while trying to see who was in the truck. “Be careful, please. If something happens, anything, ring me. I’ll come and get you,” he whispered in her ear.

She just giggled at him and rolled her eyes. “Sure, Dominic. Have a good night.” she said, and then moved to get in the truck. Dom stood there in her yard, frowning.

He hadn’t listened to anything she said, not really anyways. He had pushed her so far that she was going on a date with some other guy. As he watched the truck leave her place, he knew he needed to find out exactly what guy she was seeing. After memorizing the number plate, he knew the guy was local and he had seen the truck several times, but it hadn’t clicked as to who owned it. 

Strolling towards his own truck, he jumped in. He needed to talk to Nate about that day coming up he had to have off. He wanted out of it, but there was no way. If he did, all the other clients would eventually stop requesting him. He didn’t want that, he just needed to do it and keep the client happy, as he always did. This client was going to be extra happy when they found out that Marcus would be there. He couldn’t understand why he was asked for specifically, since according to Lee Anne they had usually requested Marcus.

Shaking that from his head, he pulled his truck away from the curb and drove to Nate’s workshop, ready for the conversation with him.

Chapter 9


oey pulled his truck into a parking spot, jumped out and came around to Chantal’s door. Opening it, he lifted his hand to her, to help her out. Smiling at him, she gracefully got down, and after fixing up her dress, they walked towards the entrance of Raffinati’s. Joey opened the door for her, and she walked inside with him following right behind.

They were instantly greeted by the Maître D. “Welcome to Raffinati’s. How may I help you?”

Chantal stood nervously near Joey as he replied, “Hello. I have a reservation under Walker, for two.”

She watched as the Maître D typed on her computer, obviously checking to see if he actually did have a reservation. Seriously, who would come in and pretend to have one just to eat, in here. She giggled, and Joey glanced over towards her. Smirking, he returned his attention to Miss ‘Fancy Pants’ behind the counter. “I’ll show you to your table, Mr. Walker.” She looked over Chantal, and frowned.

What the hell is wrong with me?
She followed behind as Joey trailed after the Maître D, who moved with an extra bounce in her step.
Was she kidding, seriously? Am I invisible?

Joey pulled out Chantal’s chair for her, and she smiled up at him as she sat down. He winked at her and took his seat, across from her. “Here are your menus. Your waitress will be with you soon.” The Maître D said, smiling towards Joey and glancing between the two of them.
What is she waiting for

“Thank you,” Joey said graciously and looked back at Chantal.

Chantal grinned to herself.
Ha! Take that. He’s not interested in you.
She nearly laughed out loud as the woman huffed, and stormed off.

Just as she was going to say something to him, their waitress arrived. “My name is Kelly; I will be your waitress for this evening. What drinks would you like to start off with?” she asked Joey.

Not looking at the menu, he ordered, “I’ll have Chivas Regal 25 in a seven ounce glass on the rocks.” Nodding, she turned to Chantal.

Picking up the menu, it didn’t take her long to decide what she wanted. “Can I please have a glass of Chateau Cap de Faugeres?”

“I’ll return with your drinks soon.”

After the waitress left, and glad this one didn’t try too hard to get Joey’s attention, she turned to face him.

“So, how have you been?” She hadn’t actually had a conversation with him since that night he had rung her.

Leaning back in his chair, he smiled. “I’ve been good. Not much has been happening, besides working long shifts at the bar. How’s everything with you been?”

“Good. Actually, better than good. My shop will finally be open soon, crossing fingers,” she replied. Joey knew about her shop. He had discussed with her certain things about it that he was not comfortable with.

‘That’s great, Chan. So, when is the grand opening?”

“Um, hopefully in the next month, just waiting on the shop fittings to be done, then I can start moving all the products in.”

Their waitress returned with their drinks, setting them down in front of them. “Are you ready to order?”

Joey glanced at her and nodded. Chantal picked up her menu, and quickly scanned over it, until she had decided on what she wanted. “I’ll have the lamb medallion on golden fried gnocchi, tomato coulis, mint yoghurt, with a fresh green salad on the side.” Placing her menu in the hand of the waitress, she turned and faced Joey.

“I will have the twice cooked pork belly with crispy crackling, caramelized onions, beer battered chips and a garden salad. Thank you.”

Nodding she left them alone, again. There weren’t that many people around the restaurant. It was cozy, and very romantic. Glancing back at him, she wanted to know if he was dating anyone. “Are you seeing anyone?” she blurted out, then looked to her lap to hide her blush. God she was embarrassed. Why was it so hard to ask that question?
I'm nervous, that's all
. She jumped when Joey burst out laughing.

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