Sweet Surrender (14 page)

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Authors: Angel Steel

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sweet Surrender
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Coming back to her senses, she pushed back onto him, as he pushed forward, several times. “Ready, Chantal?” he moaned out. Having no clue what he meant, she just nodded.

Dom lifted her knees on top of his and thrust so hard, that she would have hit Joey, if Dom had not been holding her there in one spot. He then twisted his hips from side to side. “Oh, God.”
Now, I know what he means!

“Come, Chantal,” he ordered.

As his words hit her, so did the explosion in her body, and she bucked against him as he continued to move. Falling on top of Joey as her body was spent, she tried to catch her breath.


om pulled out of her, and laid down beside her and Joey, all three were breathing heavy.

“Damn, baby. That was the hottest thing ever,” Joey said to her. Dom saw the hint of a smile on her lips at his words, as her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep. Dom could not say one thing to her.
How can I be so rude towards her

When her light snoring had hit his ears, he stood up and walked into her bathroom. He braced himself against the sink, needing to get his emotions together; he couldn’t have feelings for her. She would only accept this part from him, not the rest that came with his life.

After he washed up, he moved back into the room. As he found his pants and pulled them on, he felt Joey’s eyes on him.

“Are you leaving?” Joey whispered.

“I can’t stay,” he grumbled. That was the best way for it to end. He wasn’t the type to lie there in someone’s arms, or them in his. He needed to set his wall back up to where it was before he walked into her room. There were no emotions in this, just sex. Now that he had fulfilled her fantasy and sated his need for her that was it.

It was a one-time deal, no more.

Joey sat up slightly and moved Chantal onto her side, and Dom watched as she cuddled into him. He had to stop the thoughts that ran through his head. He wanted it all; everything that Joey would get after he left. But Dom did not have the heart to stay. He knew once she woke up in the morning and found that he had left her straight after what they had just finished her heart would break, but he really didn’t care. That was the way things would be.

“You can’t just leave after what we have just done together, man. That will break her heart, can’t you see how much she loves you, man? Shit.”

“I can and I will. She doesn’t love me, Joey. She only loves what I do to her, they all do. I don’t have those kinds of feelings for her.”
That was the biggest lie I have ever told, especially to myself!

“You can tell yourself that, Dom, but I know different. Whatever, just leave. That is what you do best, apparently.”

Shaking his head, he walked out of her room, and paused at the front door. Knowing it might have been the last time he would step foot inside her house again, he looked back but couldn’t see a thing. He couldn’t let his feelings go the way he wanted most, if he did, it was a broken heart for him.

She might love him now, but it would change once she found out what he was and what he did for a living. She would not be proud of his job, and she wouldn’t be the first one. The last relationship he had, it ruined them, completely. No one would understand his job, why he would pick the lifestyle over a relationship. Having that special someone, waiting at home for him to arrive, it just wasn’t him. It in no way appealed to him. He needed more in his life, and it wasn’t that. He couldn’t do it, not after what had happened the first time.

Chantal would be one of those who gave him an ultimatum— it was either the job or them. He would never choose a woman over his job again.

The first time he had picked the girl, but after she kept throwing it back in his face, he decided he would never do that again, whether it made them happy or not. He knew it was cruel as he picked his job over someone he could care about; it was the only way to make it clear to them.

Jumping in his car, he glanced one last time at her house. She was going to be pissed at him once she woke up. But he had nothing to explain to her, it was just sex, nothing more could happen between them. Pulling out of her driveway, he drove down the road, He had had his taste of her, and boy did he want more. He told himself, no, that had been it. One taste was all he needed to remember the time they shared together. It would be imprinted into his brain for the rest of his life.

All he had to do was steer clear of Chantal. No seeing her, talking to her, nothing. He would not slip on this. He needed to get back on track and move on with his life. The only wish he made as he drove away from her was that he hoped she got the picture and would stay clear away from him. However, knowing her so well, he figured that she would move the earth to get to him.

Chapter 14


kylar woke the next morning wrapped in a cocoon. The heat coming from the body was unbearable. Throwing her blanket off of her, she removed the arm covering her body. She knew it was Nate beside her, but she couldn’t lay there with him that close to her after what happened the night before. Standing slowly, she waddled to the bathroom and closed the door.

Once in the bathroom, she leaned against the door. She loved him with her whole heart, but it always came down to the trust issue. Although, he had promised her that he would be there for her and their child, and nothing else, there was still the nagging voice that popped up when it wanted to, and ruined any moment between them.

She needed to sort it all out at her visit with her therapist. No one knew she planned to see one. At first, after that night with Lucas, she was fine. It had not kicked in right away what all had happened. She knew it happened, but her mind was blocking it. And now that it was slowly starting to work into her head what had transpired, she was sleeping less and paranoid about everything around her. Noises were the worst. The smallest sound that reminded her of that night, or even sight, would set her off, and she was over it.

She tried to keep it all in, but she knew it was time to talk to a therapist. She needed to stop being so scared of the smallest things, needed to open up at what she felt then, and now, about that event. But she was afraid to talk; afraid that if she told a therapist everything that was going on in her head they would lock her up in a loony bin.

The sleepless nights and not eating right, were wearing her down. She couldn’t keep doing that to her unborn child. She placed a hand over slightly protruding belly, and lightly patted. She needed to get through this for her baby, and herself.

She also had to ring Craig back. He had left her a message the other day, saying everything was great on his end and that he would be heading home soon. God, she wished he was here now, but she could not keep running to him. She needed to do this herself.

Moving to the shower, she turned it on. Once the temperature was right, she moved under it, letting out a sign. She had another appointment with her doctor today, her six-month checkup, as well as another ultrasound. She could find out what sex she was having, if her baby decided to corporate with her and the technician, who would be performing the ultrasound.

At the last checkup, everything seemed to be going well. The only thing she had to do was keep her blood pressure down.
Easier said than done
, she thought. It was never down when Nate was around her. It skyrocketed through the roof. She groaned. She needed to stop herself from thinking about him in any way, as he was still in the next room, naked and asleep.

Rinsing her body of the soap, she started to turn the water off, as something caught her eye. She glanced down and noticed blood, lightly streaming down the inside of her leg.
Oh my God!  Please, God, I don’t want to lose my baby.

Sobbing, she wrapped the towel around her body, and moved into her room. “Nate,” she choked out his name.

She held the towel as much as she could between her legs, but when a small sharp pain pierced in her side, she gasped and let go of the towel, and held her side.

Nate shot up in bed. “Skylar.”

Her body went numb and she slid to the floor. She never saw Nate leave the bed, as he was quickly to her side. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He felt all over her body for injuries but found none. Holding her face in his hands, he asked, “What is it?”

Reaching for his hand, she placed it in-between her legs. He frowned down at her, pulled it back, and noticed the blood lightly covering it.

Once she saw his hand, the tears streamed down her cheeks.
I’m going to lose our baby

“Skylar, look at me.” She glanced up at him. “Everything will be fine, babe. I’m going to lift you and we are going to the hospital. Hold on to me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he gently placed his hand under her knees and stood. Pulling her close into his chest, he stalked quickly towards the door.

She didn’t want this to happen to her, let alone, Nate. They had become closer over the last few weeks, better than when they were dating.

Opening his truck’s door, he sat her on the seat, but she did not let go, she needed him close.

“Baby, you need to let go, just for a second, and I’ll be right back.” She nodded, and he strapped her in, ran to his side, and jumped in. Pulling her as close as he could to him, he started the engine, and turned out of his driveway. Not once did he let go of her hand.

“I don’t want to lose our baby, Nate,” she sobbed.

He tightened his grip on her hand. “It’s not going to happen, Sky. Our baby is meant to be here in this life, with us, together as a family, for us to love him or her for the rest of our lives.” She whimpered at his words, and he pulled her close into him. “Everything is going to be ok, I promise,” he whispered against her hair.

She wanted to believe him, but it was so hard, knowing that her child might be dying inside of her. Losing Nate was hard, but if she lost their child, she would lose a part of him and her, together. And she would hit rock bottom if that happened. She would have no reason to live, as she wouldn’t be able to have that inside her again, that small part of him.


hantal woke the next morning sore and groaned as the pain shot up her sides. Remembering how she got in that much pain, she smiled. She had finally acted out her fantasy. As she sat up slowly the arm around her tightened. Giggling, she looked down at the body wrapped around hers, expecting to see Dom there, but he wasn’t. Frowning, she glanced around her room. There was no evidence that he was even in her room last night.

“Where’s Dom?”

Joey sat up beside her, pulling her into his arms. “He left last night.”

“What time?”

“Straight after what we did,” he whispered to her.

“Like how much after?”

“Within ten minutes. You were out like a light. He left as soon as I moved you off of me.”

Well, now she knew exactly how he felt about her. How could he go and sleep with her, then leave, literally right after they had sex? Who did that? Well, she was obviously just a root to him. Had she shown her feelings for him too much, or was she shitty in bed? The endless thoughts that ran through her head were killing her. She just wanted to understand why he did this to her.

Recalling what happened the previous night, she realised there was only that one time that he faced her as they had sex. Every other time, her back was to him. Was that something he liked, or was it that he just didn’t want to look at her?
What the hell is wrong with me that he can’t look at me?

“Chantal. I know how your mind works. Stop overanalyzing it.”

How could she not now, after him saying that? “I’m going to jump in the shower,” she mumbled to him, as she walked off.

She needed to scrub her body of his scent. She could smell him all over her. One night with Dom had been at the top of her ‘list.’ Well, she could cross that off, as well as a threesome with him and Joey. Shaking her head at the thought of their naked bodies entwined together, she started scrubbing her body.

She could not think of those things, they only made her want Dom more. And what was she doing to Joey? How heartless could she be to leave him in her bed alone? He had stayed the whole night with her after Dom had left, taking care of her, and was still in her room. He didn’t run off like
Why did Dom run?

She needed to get to the bottom of it. Maybe the reason he left was that he only wanted the one night with her? But she wanted more after last night. She didn’t have a clue what was going on last night, but after hearing Joey groan and growl at the same time—which no one could do that—she had an inkling that someone else was in the room with them. She would have never guessed that is was Dom. When she saw him sitting there on her bed, her insides did a happy dance.

Then he touched her, and her whole world crumbled, in a good way. Why did she wait so long for him to touch her? She should have voiced what she wanted earlier, but every time he did touch her, he pulled away. That’s why it never worked out before. Why was it different now?

Maybe he used me, to scratch an itch? I was an easy lay? My feelings showed all over my body and he used them against me? He could only sleep with me when someone else was around? I am too vanilla for him, that’s why Joey was there? He only did it to make me happy? I was nothing to him but a quick lay?

“Shut up,” she growled to herself. She was over hearing the voices in her head. She would find out what really happened, and move on from him. She’d had her fun, and by leaving, he was telling her that he was not interested in anything more. She had a perfectly nice guy lying in her bed that wanted to be with her. Not just for the sex, but to spend time with her and get to know her.

Getting out of the shower, she dried off. She was going to spend more time with Joey, and open her heart to him. Her feelings for him where getting stronger by the day, and she wanted to know, if his were the same towards her.

Walking out, she held in the giggle that was ready to explode from her mouth. He was lying there, wrapped in her blanket, looking so cute. She never thought she would see the day that a big strong looking guy would be wrapped up like a baby, in her bed. Removing her towel, she crawled up the bed, and laid over him.

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