Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (40 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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She had the grace to look ashamed, and a blush stained her bronze skin as she ran a hand through her shoulder length bob. “I might have gone a little too far.”


Jack shook his head wearily. “You think??? I’m going to do my job, but you really need to start thinking before you act and focus on your priorities. You’re a smart and beautiful girl with the potential to have the world at her feet, but you seem happiest acting out, and that shit has already taken a toll on your image. You’re the Dennis Rodman of beauty queens and I’m over it. I’ll let Casey fill you in on our next course of action.”


“Yes, of course.” Inez said humbly before turning to the attorney.


Casey cleared his throat and placed a folder in front of Inez. “This is your contract with R.R.  & S. The next course of action is you falling into compliance with your contract and not creating anymore waves, or we’re going to sue the shit out of you for breach of contract for the two clauses you’ve already broken. What’s it going to be?”



“Wade said she’ll be able to get out in the morning. Thank you, ma’am,” Jack said stifling a yawn as a waitress put a plate with chicken ‘n’ dumplings in front of him. Casey got salisbury steak and mashed potatoes, while Max had gumbo. “Case, what can you do to spin this in her favor with the law?”


Casey and Max looked at each other for a long moment before Casey turned back to Jack and said slowly, “That dog won’t hunt, Jack. Inez kicked that asshole in the nuts so hard; that half the teams in the NFL are offering her punting contracts.” All three men winced and managed to restrain from cupping their own privates.


“There is no spinning it in her favor. She’ll probably do anger management courses and have to go to therapy. If you make her leave, her reputation will be that she has to be managed all the time. My suggestion is to let her stay here in her hometown. She’s surrounded by people she knows and can rally around her.”


Max nodded, “Wade is a good man and a great sheriff. He’ll definitely make sure she gets enough protection, and Inez also has another protector.”


As if on cue, the door to the café opened, and a tall, muscular man with curly, dark brown hair strode towards them with fire in his green eyes. He stopped at their table and said with exasperation to Max, “Seriously, my last words to you were ‘Keep an eye on ‘Crazy Pants’ for me’! I don’t even get to state line before all hell breaks loose?! What the fuck happened?”


“‘Crazy Pants’, huh? I like it. Sure as hell suits Inez,” Jack murmured to Casey who nodded in agreement as he sprinkled salt and pepper on his steak before cutting into it.


The man turned to them and glowered as Max said, “Well, you should have taken her with you. Space my ass. I don’t know who the two of you think you’re fooling, playing it cool and shit. Rafe, allow me to introduce the Sullivan brothers. Jack is her PR and Casey is her lawyer. Guys, this is Rafe. He’s the contractor who’s been working on Inez’s new venture.” The men nodded at each other. “They were in the middle of brainstorming a hero to rescue our damsel in distress angle,” Max said, a little too innocently.


Rafe clenched his big hands into fists. “Your first mistake is thinking Inez needs a man. She doesn’t need one, because she already has one. Me. Your second mistake is thinking she needs someone to fight her battles. She just needs someone to have her back, which I do.”


“Sorry for the assumption, Rafe. Last time I looked, your back was heading out of town because you were confused about your feelings for her or have you forgotten that?” Max asked in a mildly accusatory tone.


Rafe stiffened. “I’m well aware that I shouldn’t have left, and I won’t be making that mistake again. Where the fuck is that motherfucker who dared to put his hands on her?”


“I believe he’s in the hospital where they are trying to surgically remove his balls from the roof of his mouth,” Jack answered tiredly as he took a bite of his dumplings. Damn, he couldn’t wait to get home to his wife. His phone vibrated, and he looked down to see Ronald Kramer’s number. He pushed his chair back and stood up. “Excuse me, while I take this call, fellas.”



Chapter Thirty-One




He lied to her,
Noelle thought numbly as she looked out the window of the cab she and Avery were sharing. According to Elizabeth’s timeframe, Remy was dead two days before Jack came to her with the information he’d “‘gathered”. By playing on her fears, he’d gotten her to do exactly as he wanted, but for what? That’s what she couldn’t figure out.


Twice this morning Jack had called, but she’d responded only with texts saying she was in meetings with potential clients. If she spoke with him, she knew she’d demand answers to her questions and that couldn’t happen right now. Noelle really needed to put her game face on because she and Avery were on their way to a meeting at
Rothman Capital Investments
. The confrontation would come later when they were face to face so she could see his reaction.


“So, I’ve got our business plan for expanding, and I spoke to my grandmother’s realtor regarding the kind of office space we’re looking for. She’s available after the meeting if you want to meet.” Avery was talking, but Noelle was barely paying attention. Her mind was racing a mile a minute with memories.


“Maybe you’ll like being married to me.”


“I can only take so much, Noelle. You don’t have a clue about how bad I want to be buried inside of you;” his eyes burning hazel fire.


Fingers snapped loudly in Noelle’s face, startling her. She turned to look at Avery who was staring at her with lips pressed in annoyance.


“I heard you, and yes I have all of our financial statements,” Noelle said automatically. Avery rolled her eyes.


“Chile, I was just asking if Mama A had shown up on your doorstep yet. You need to pull it together. We’re about to go up here and show we can hang with the big boys. I can’t have you staring off into space,” Avery said seriously and Noelle gave her a ‘
B, please
’ look as the cab pulled to a stop in front of
Rothman Investments


“Bosses don’t hang with anybody. They work hard and let the results speak for themselves. Thought you knew that,” Noelle said sharply as she paid the cab fare and got out of the cab. “Now get your sexy ass out and let’s walk like we’ve got ten men following behind us.”






The meeting room of Rothman Investments was cold and sterile looking.
Kind of like a doctor’s office,
Noelle thought as she sat at the large conference table with Avery and Joel and David Rothman. Noelle was surprised that Joel could see the reports. He had two black eyes, and his nose was bandaged up. She didn’t know what the hell had happened to him, but she had a feeling he’d probably brought it on himself. All of
On a Whim’s
financial records and business expansion plans had been reviewed, and now negotiation terms on the interest rate for their refinanced loan would start. The new loan would allow them to get an office space with a kitchen for the catering side of events.


An hour later, mutual terms were agreed upon and the only thing needed was the ladies’ signatures. As the contracts were being printed, there was a knock on the glass door. Noelle looked up to see Tarik waving at them enthusiastically. She smiled and waved back, as Joel motioned him in. The men exchanged handshakes, and Tarik kissed both Noelle and Avery on their cheeks.


“Crikey! What in the hell ‘appened to your face, mate?” Tarik asked as he took in Joel’s injuries. “I was on my way to meet with your Dad about an investment when I saw you guys and thought I’d say hi,” he said charmingly. “Ladies, thank you again for the wonderful party. I’ve never gotten laid so much in my life. Women are practically throwing their panties in my path for me to pick up and bed and I shall do so in the order that they come.” The men all laughed lecherously while Noelle and Avery gave the Boys Club disdainful looks.


“What’s the investment if you don’t mind me asking, Tarik?” Joel asked casually, and something in his tone made Noelle glance sharply at him. He was watching her carefully as Tarik replied.


“A horse farm Jack recommended. He said that maybe since I ride horses, I could probably invest in breeding them. He thinks a lot of people would buy them from a well-known polo player. That man is a genius. Bravo on getting your hooks in him, Noelle. He’ll do wonders for your career as well.” That last remark was said with a cheeky wink which made Noelle glare at him and Avery gasp in outrage.
No this mutha-


“Hard work will do wonders for anyone’s career, Tarik,” Noelle replied sharply, trying to control the urge to brain him with her laptop. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to insinuate, but I suggest you refrain from saying or implying anything else of that nature.” The room went silent before Tarik threw his hands up in defense.


“Whoa, darling, relax. I wasn’t trying to say anything of the sort. Well ...er. I better go. Don’t want to keep Ira waiting.” Tarik beat a hasty retreat out the glass doors, and the conference room was silent.


“Is everything okay, Noelle?” Joel asked silkily. “Don’t be too hard on Tarik. I’m sure he means well.”


She studied him hard, certain more than ever now that something else was going on. He was playing a game with her but hadn’t revealed the rules, which made him a cheater. And she didn’t do business with cheaters.


“David, Avery mentioned on the way in how beautiful the atrium is and how she’d love a tour; isn’t that right, Ave?” Noelle spoke without taking her eyes off of ‘Joel the Snake’, and he gave an unpleasant little smirk.


“Yes! I did say that. Would you be so kind as to show it to me, David?” Avery asked sweetly as she stood up and smoothed her salmon pink dress around her hips, drawing attention to her body. Noelle knew she would owe her big time as David’s eyes followed her hands, swallowing hard.


“Yes, of course. This way, Ms. Monroe.” He quickly stood up and walked over to the door holding it open for her.


“Oh please call me Avery. Lead the way, honey,” she cooed, sliding her well-manicured hand through the crook of his arm as they left.


The silence in the room was deafening as the two occupants sized each other up. Noelle spoke first. “Please explain your last comment to me, Joel. You seem to think that I should know what you’re talking about, and I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage; because I don’t.”


Joel gave a derisive laugh. “I was making reference to the fact that you got your loan with Rothman due to your relationship with Jack.”


THE HELL?!  Noelle shook her head. “What does ME knowing Jack have to do with my loan with your FATHER’S company?”


Take that asshole,
she thought with satisfaction as his eyes narrowed on her emphasis of his father.


“It has everything to do with it! Six months ago Jack made a deal with Ira that he’d bring the bank more business and advertising if a loan was offered to
On a Whim
at an extremely low interest rate. He certainly kept up his end of the bargain. Jack got Tarik and some other clients to utilize us. The catch is that we would have to strongly recommend
On a Whim
for any social events they do. Do you see where I’m going with this?”


Unfortunately, she was starting to. Noelle’s felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest, and she was going to throw up. Jack had orchestrated not only her business, but her clientele. Noelle thought of the numerous times that she’d solicited his advice and how eager he was to give it; how Tarik picked her company when he had his choice of more experienced event planning companies; never mind that his event had turned out to be very successful. Fury raced through her as she registered how badly she’d been deceived.


“Now I wouldn’t give a shit if Ira wanted to run around in a fucking tutu all day and ride a damn tricycle while doing so as long as he stays out of the office. The problem is all the new business is bringing him out of retirement, and he’s putting his nose where it doesn’t belong. David and I don’t need him here, but thanks to your lover boy, Ira’s not going anywhere. I told that bastard to mind his own business, and this is what he did to my face. So maybe you could do me a solid since we are giving you this loan on such generous terms and tell Jack to stay out of our lives,” Joel suggested unpleasantly.

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