Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) (39 page)

BOOK: Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)
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“So are you going to tell us where you were yesterday? We were worried about your crazy behind,” Avery said teasingly, although her gaze held concern as she pulled gently on one of Sidra’s springy curls.


“I just had to take care of a problem that came up,” Sidra said evasively. A big, Irish problem that showed up on her doorstep the day before yesterday. She still wasn’t sure why she let him in; but one look into his lust-filled eyes, and Sidra, strong-willed as she was, had been powerless to resist him. Casey stayed until this morning, when they had a big argument over her poor eating habits.  She didn’t think she would be seeing him again anytime soon.


The time away would be great for clearing her head. This thing between the two of them was beyond her comprehension. They didn’t like each other and were barely civil to each other around other people, but that wasn’t enough to stop them from fucking like rabbits every chance they got. “It’s taken care of though. What’s up with you and the hubby? You guys were acting like you didn’t even know each other tonight, and don’t get me started on blondie-”


“It’s not like we’re running around trying to broadcast our relationship,” Noelle interrupted her, holding up her hand to halt Sidra’s rant. “Besides, I’m here to work, not sit up under my man.”


“Well here comes your man now, and he doesn’t look too happy,” Avery warned. They all turned to watch Jack striding purposely towards them, his face drawn in angry lines. “Damn girl, Jack is wearing the hell out of that tux.”


“Isn’t he though?” Noelle acknowledged with a beaming with pride. Her man was
. Although right now he looked really pissed which in no way detracted at all from his good looks.


“Ladies, you were amazing tonight,” Jack said with a smile before turning to Noelle. “I’ve got to go, baby. There’s a big problem with a client, and I need to leave town for a couple of days.” His jaw was clenched tight from what he wasn’t saying. “I’m leaving you the car and catching a cab to my place for clothes. I’ll call you when I get to my destination.” He pulled her close for a sizzling kiss that left her weak and clinging to his jacket lapels. A flash went off in their faces. Noelle blinked and Jack cursed, but didn’t make any attempts to shield them away from the intruder. Sidra and Avery yelled at the photographer, but he was already gone. Worried, Noelle looked at Jack who shrugged his shoulders unconcernedly. “Guess the cat’s out of the bag, darlin’.”



Chapter Thirty



The news of New York City’s most eligible bachelor being off the market was superseded by the national headline of his client Inez Gaines’s arrest for assaulting and stabbing her ex-boyfriend. Though Noelle’s phone was ringing off the hook and she had two photographers camped out on her doorstep, it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. The only calls she was taking were from Sidra, Avery, and Ian, but bracing herself for a visit from her parents after hearing her mother’s blistering voicemail.


It was 3:00 p.m. the following day, and she’d yet to hear from Jack; although she did see him on TV as he held a courthouse press conference in the small town of Baymoor, Maryland. Casey was representing the beauty queen, and Darby was on her security detail. Noelle was filled with pride as she listened to Jack control the conference, southern charm oozing out of him. He cut a dashing figure in a brown Armani suit as he fielded reporters’ questions. Her phone buzzed and she saw a text from Sidra.


Turn the TV on! They’re talking about you and Jack!


Noelle quickly turned it on and saw the blonde anchorwoman commenting on the big screen picture of her and Jack kissing last night. Although she was horrified to be caught in a PDA moment of such a large magnitude, she couldn’t help but smile because she and Jack looked good together. Their eyes were closed, and they were totally into each other.


“Turns out the mystery woman seen in the scorching lip lock with elusive bachelor and PR whiz Jack Sullivan is none other than Noelle Kramer, one half of the company On a Whim that created Tarik Owens lavish birthday celebration last night. Mr. Owens is a client of Sullivan’s firm and another interesting twist about the beautiful Ms. Kramer is that she is the youngest daughter of Senator Ronald and Alicia Kramer, who are also represented by Jack’s firm. Talk about keeping it all in the family.”
She winked at the camera as the screen changed to a picture of her parents smiling faces at her father’s election celebration two years ago.


Noelle turned the TV off with a sigh of frustration. She just knew her mother would try to use this against her husband, and if she got her father worked up enough, he would be demanding Jack’s head on a platter as well. Her phone rang again, and this time it was her sister Sloane, who was currently traveling in Europe with her family. She answered with a smile.


“Hey Sloane, how are you?” Noelle said cheerfully. She could hear her niece and twin nephews shouting hello to her in the background.


“It’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for. Ms. Thang,” her sister said smugly. “I should have known from the way he was always watching you that something was going to happen sooner or later. You should hear Mother ranting and raving about his improper conduct and possibly suing him.”


“She’d better not try it. Jack and I are a consensual thing. As in we’re in this together. Anyone who has anything to say about it can kiss my ass, present company included if you called on Mom and Dad’s behalf,” Noelle snapped angrily.


There was a pause on the other end and then a long whistle. “Okay, sis, no need to get riled up. So am I allowed to ask how long it’s been going on?” Sloane asked cautiously. “Despite the way it may come off to you, we only have your best interests at heart.”


“That’s fine if you have my best interest at heart, but I’m a grown-ass woman who’s capable of making decisions that don’t require any hand-holding from anyone in the Kramer family. And you can certainly ask how long it’s been going on, but I’m not telling you. That’s our business. All any of you need to know is he makes me happy, so you should support our relationship,” Noelle said with finality, resisting the urge to pump her fist in the air. Damn, it felt good to be taking a stand!


Her sister gave a soft laugh. “Well go on then, girl. I’m really proud of you for standing up for yourself and what you believe. Took you long enough. Just know that I’m always here for you if you want to talk. So how’s your business going? From what I could see of last night’s event, you and Avery did an amazing job.”


Noelle grinned happily. Even though she’d been in business for a couple of months now, it was the first time her sister had ever inquired about it. “It’s going really well. Thank you for asking. Last night was amazing! You should have seen...”


She launched into some details that she was at liberty to disclose, and her sister seemed genuinely happy for her. They talked for about fifteen minute more before Sloane said. “By the way, I’m sorry to hear about your friend Remy.”


“Remy? What about him?” Noelle asked sharply. It was sad to say but most of the time she forgot all about that idiot, because she trusted Jack one hundred percent to handle it, and her time was far better spent on growing her business.


“Girl, you don’t know? I guess it wouldn’t be a big deal in the States because he isn’t American. Well apparently he was murdered in Paris three weeks ago. He was caught in bed with the Ambassador from Cameroon’s wife, and the man shot him in the knees before throwing him over the balcony onto a crowded street where he died on impact. The French want his head on a platter, but the ambassador is claiming diplomatic immunity. In the meantime, the wife has disappeared and is rumored to be pregnant by Remy. Tensions are escalating daily, and there have been protests and riots for the last couple of weeks. It’s a big freaking mess; and Andreas feels that we should probably skip Paris which saddens me because you know how I love Paris this time of the year,” Sloane groaned.


Remy, her blackmailing scumbag ex, was dead. Noelle’s heart was pounding as she grabbed her laptop to look up his first email to her. It was dated three and a half weeks ago. She tried to compile the time frame of events in her head.


“Elly, are you still there?” Sloane’s use of her childhood nickname made her smile.


“Yeah, I’m still here. Listen, I have to go. It’s a madhouse outside of my home. Apparently, I’m somewhat of a celebrity now that Jack’s fallen under my spell. Give my love to the kiddos and Andreas. Love you, Sloane,” Noelle said absent-mindedly as she Googled Remy Dumont’s death. She felt her breath catch as she realized Jack’s visit to her home was two days after that- after he’d supposedly done all his homework on Ratface Remy.


“I love you too, and again I’m sorry about Remy,” Sloan said sincerely before ringing off. Noelle paced the length of her hallway. Something wasn’t right. Jack’s words came back to haunt her.


“Your ex is the type who would make a lot of noise if he was threatened. The pics would come out either way. This could have lasting effects on your father’s career and your family.”


Noelle tried calling him, but it went to voicemail. Instead of leaving a message, she hung up. Suddenly something from last night clicked, and she quickly scrolled through her contacts until she found the one she was looking for and pressed the call button. As the phone rang, she peeked out of her front window and saw a group of paparazzi still loitering around. A groggy voice answered, and Noelle rolled her eyes.


“Seriously, Theo? It’s after three in the afternoon. I need you up and alert,” Noelle said impatiently as he groaned. “Listen, I’m sorry to bother you, but last night you mentioned a girl that went to University? You said she came back from a recent funeral? I need to talk to her about that because I think I might know her friend. Can you help me get in contact with her?”


“I’ll do you one better, luv. She’s laying bare arse up right next to me,” Theo said lecherously, and Noelle made a
sound as Theo murmured sweet words to wake his bedmate up. “Lizzie, could you be a dear and talk to my mate Noelle about your old bloke that passed? Now don’t look at me like that. I’m sorry to be a cad, and I promise I’ll do that thing you like with my tongue. ‘Ow’s that sound?” Theo cajoled with a raunchy laugh. Noelle shook her head at his ridiculousness as she waited for dear, old Lizzie to get it together.






Jack was tired and irritated as he slid onto the bench across from Casey at The Comfort Table Café. They were soon joined by his brother’s good friend Max a former lawyer turned farmer. He wished he was back home with Noelle to help her weather the crap that she was probably getting from the press and her family. Unfortunately, Inez’s ex-boyfriend made the bad decision to harass her; and the ending result of the altercation was him getting his ass handed to him with a deadly combination of a high heel and frying pan. Sheriff Holloway had to take her in on assault charges, not for defending herself, but the kick to the groin she gave him with her six-inch Halston heels after he was down. It was witnessed and recorded by his new girlfriend and her sister.


The video was already seen by five million viewers worldwide, had three million likes on Facebook, and the memes were out of control. Comedians were having a field day. The pageant was trying to strip Inez of her title; Viv was fighting for her endorsements; and Ian already had her scheduled for a couple of talk shows. Inez was furious that they had taken her phone and deactivated her social media accounts.


“I want to tell the whole world what that asshole and those bitches tried to do to me on my terms, Jack!” she’d screamed, pacing back and forth furiously, her lovely honey-colored eyes flashing as they talked in the holding room. Inez was out for blood and refused to be denied. “Casey, you’ll sue anyone who tries to break my endorsement contracts, right? Jack, I need to be active on-”


“What you will be doing is staying put and shutting the fuck up, Inez,” Jack said coolly. He was tired of her drama. Stunned, she sat down and gazed up at him wordlessly. When he next spoke to his partners, he would be willing to concede that he may have bitten off more than he could chew with the beauty queen. “If you recall, I warned you about becoming involved with this guy, but you didn’t listen. Your hostility towards the press and egg-throwing is beyond immature. I told you to stay put and conduct yourself like a Miss World Beauty is supposed to. That means no posting pics on social media, comparing the size of your ex’s dick to a caterpillar; and initiating twitter wars with women you don’t know with invitations like ‘What’s good bitch? Get at me then’. Are we clear?”

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