Sweet Inspiration (20 page)

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Authors: Penny Watson

BOOK: Sweet Inspiration
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The gleaming white steeple was attached to a simple chapel, surrounded by holly shrubs. A sign in the front read
The Chapel of St. Nicholas.

Lucy struggled with the heavy wooden doors, creaking as they finally opened to allow her entry. The interior of the chapel was dimly lit with black iron candelabras mounted on the white washed walls. Simple wooden benches lined the large room, with swags of juniper and boxwood tied onto the ends with velvet ribbons. Shivering, she sank onto a bench at the back of the empty chapel, willing herself to calm down.

She rubbed her hands together, trying to chase away the numbness.

The clicking of footsteps echoed off the walls. Lucy looked up to see an ancient elf approaching her. He wore a cream-colored robe, tied with a green sash. Two long silvery braids hung past his shoulders, and swung slightly as he walked toward her. His face was leathery and tan, with sparkling crystal eyes peering from deep creases. A warm and gracious smile greeted her as he sat down next to her on the bench.


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

"Hello, my child, you are looking troubled today. Is there anything I can do to help you? My name is Adam. I am the rector here."

Lucy sniffled. "My name's Lucy. I...I just needed a quiet place to think for a while."

Adam nodded. "This is a perfect place for you then. It is quite peaceful here. Most of the families are at the carnival today."

"I know. I just came from there. The children are having a wonderful time."

Adam patted a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "You don't look like you're having a wonderful time, Lucy. What happened at the carnival?"

"It started out great. I was helping Nicholas and Markus with the food booths. The children were enchanted with the entire carnival theme...there are ponies, and caramel apples, Santa was wandering about with toys for the kids..."

"That sounds marvelous. Oskar always does a nice job with the holiday party," Adam said.

"Santa decided to take a break, and so Nicholas stepped in with the red hat and the toy bag. He's expected to take over for his father soon."

"Yes, I heard that the council decided the Uberholen will take place in twelve months."

Lucy felt fresh tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm worried about Nicholas. He is really conflicted about taking over his father's position. His passion is cooking, and he's devoted his entire life to perfecting his craft in the kitchen."


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

"Yes, this is true. He is a magnificent chef. I often visit Klaus Kuche. However, this tradition has been around for many generations, Lucy. It is difficult to imagine that Nicholas would not be willing to accept the Uberholen. It is something like being president of a country, I suppose. The needs of the people depending on you often come before your own personal wants and needs. This is true for the Weihnachtsmann as well."

Lucy nodded. "It just seems unfair. I met several members of the council today. They were so critical about Nicholas'

'little hobby.' They said it was a distraction from his real responsibilities, and that I was a distraction by encouraging it.

They lectured me on the importance of Nicholas' partner supporting him in the role of Santa. I know the council was also angry with him for breaking so many rules when he brought me here from the Sudenwelt. He saved my life, Rector. Do you understand? I owe him my life."

"I know Nicholas very well, Lucy. From what I understand, he is very much in love with you. If he broke some rules to save your life, my dear, then you must hold a very special place in his heart."

"He hasn't told me he loves me. I don't really know how he feels about me," Lucy whispered sadly.

"I think his actions speak louder than words. Perhaps he is feeling a bit shy about discussing his feelings. Sometimes it is difficult."

"I don't know what to do. I don't want to interfere with Nicholas' duty here in Glasdorf. Perhaps those council members were right. Maybe I am a distraction."


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

"Do you love him, Lucy?"

"Oh, yes! He is the most amazing man I have ever met. I wish...I wish I could spend the rest of my life with him."

Adam smiled. "Well, perhaps your wish will come true. I think you should talk with young Nicholas and tell him how you feel."

The rector patted Lucy's hand reassuringly and left her to ponder their conversation. Lucy sat for a long time on the hard bench, mulling over her worries.
What should I do?

Although it would be difficult to give up cooking, she would do anything to be with Nicholas and support him as Weihnachtsmann. Unfortunately, owning a cafe in the Sudenwelt didn't exactly provide suitable experience for the Weihnachtsmann's wife. Alena seemed so confident, but Lucy didn't know the first thing about running such a large organization. Were the council members right? Was she too much of a distraction for Nicholas to overcome? Would she hold him back? If he didn't throw all of his energy into the role of Santa, it would result in a miserable Christmas for everyone.

Lucy heard the pitter patter of little feet on the floor, and realized that several elfin children were clamoring onto a bench in front of her. A harried looking mother trailed after them, and then sat down.

"Mama, is it true that the Weihnachtsmann will be coming soon to visit us?"

A small girl rubbed her runny nose and huffed at her brother. "Of course it's true, Hans. Santa is the most magical man on the earth. He loves children everywhere. He brings 188

Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

them toys and candies and fills their stockings, and watches over all of the little girls and boys in the world. He has a very big, important job."

Their mother smiled. "This is true. Santa's most important job is to spread the Christmas spirit, to encourage people to trust in others and to open their hearts to those in need.

Spreading Christmas spirit makes the world a better place for everyone."

Hans looked up at his mother. "Is that why we are taking dinner to Jule's family tonight? Because their daddy died and they need us?"

She patted her son gently on the head. "Exactly. Santa would be very proud that you are helping out your friend this Christmas season."

Lucy watched as the children huddled with their mother on the bench, exchanging hugs and kisses, and finally lighting a candle at the front of the chapel before leaving.

Santa's job was much bigger than Lucy's own personal needs. The selfish part of her envisioned the two of them cooking together, loving each other, raising a family. It wasn't going to happen. Nicholas had never mentioned marriage or a future together, and there had been plenty of opportunities.

He needed to put his whole heart and soul into his new position in Glasdorf, or millions of people all over the world would be sadly disappointed. Lucy swallowed painfully as she realized she had no choice but to leave and return to the Sudenwelt. She loved Nicholas too much to interfere with the most important task of his lifetime.

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Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

Chapter Nineteen

Lucy trudged back to the carnival with a leaden heart. Just as she approached the food booth, the entire sky lit up with a spectacular fireworks display. Dancing animals bounced across the sky, streaking prisms of color in their wake. They giggled and tumbled, as the elfin children clapped their hands in delight. The secrets of Glasdorf continued to astound her.

She noticed that Nicholas was as spellbound by the show as the children. Several tots were perched high up on his shoulders, pointing and shouting as the magic captivated the crowd.

Lucy snuck back into the booth as inconspicuously as possible, and began to help Markus with the clean-up chores.

Once the show concluded, Nicholas sent the children off to their families, clutching miniature stockings stuffed with peppermint candies from Klaus Kuche. He spied Lucy immediately and tugged her into his arms.

"Where did you disappear to, my sweet? I suppose you got sidetracked by the excitement of the fair. I hardly gave you time to explore before I put you to work." He rubbed his cheek against the top of her head. "Sorry about that. Did you enjoy yourself?"

Lucy swallowed and buried her face against Nicholas' broad chest. She was trembling all over.

Nicholas cupped her chin and tilted her face up for inspection. He frowned and brushed a tear from her cheek.


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

"Markus...Lucy and I are heading home. Can you and the crew clean up here?"

"Of course, sir. What a wonderful success the carnival was, eh? Have a nice evening."

Without speaking, Nicholas wrapped his arm around Lucy's shoulders and led her to the street behind the carnival. They walked in silence for a long time. Just as they arrived at his cottage, he stopped and took both of Lucy's hands in his. She gazed up into his hazel eyes, filled with worry and concern.

Nicholas looked almost haunted tonight, as though he were anticipating something dreadful.

"Do you want to talk about it, sweetheart? What's bothering you? I can't stand to see you cry, Lucy Anne."

In a soft ragged voice, Lucy answered. "I think it's time for me to go back, Nicholas."

His giant hands trembled for a moment, then clutched hers tightly. "I disagree. I think our adventure together is just beginning. I don't want you to go, Lucy. I know I'm being selfish..."

"Selfish? Are you kidding? You are the most selfless man I have ever met! You took a huge risk bringing me here to save my life. You could have lost your home and your family. That is not the act of a man who is selfish, Nicholas Klaus!"

"What is it, then? Is my family too much for you? I know we tend to get a bit loud and boisterous at times, but I think if you just give it a chance, you'll really learn to love all of us, even my crazy brothers..."


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

Lucy shook her head vehemently. "I love your family. Your parents are incredible, and I think your brothers are great.

That's not it."

Nicholas' brow creased. "Then what is it, sweet? What has prompted this need to go back to the Sudenwelt?"

Lucy pulled out of Nicholas' embrace and leaned against the courtyard wall. The stones were frigid and icy, and she splayed her bare fingers against the rough surface. "I talked with some of the council members today at the carnival. They didn't seem too happy about me being here, I must say."

Nicholas' entire demeanor suddenly changed. His body tensed and his hands fisted at his sides. "Who did you talk to, Lucy Anne?" he asked quietly.

"Um, I think their names were Gerd, and..."

"Ebbe. Bastards. They should know better than to treat my woman like that." Lucy was shocked by the flash of fire in Nicholas' eyes.

"Your woman? We haven't exactly gotten that far, have we, Nicholas? Actually, their concerns were not entirely unfounded. They're worried that you aren't ready to embrace the role of Weihnachtsmann, and the truth is, you aren't."

"Regardless of that, they have no right to pass any sort of judgment about you. You have been wonderful to everyone in Glasdorf...kind, thoughtful, supportive. You are exactly the type of Sudlander that Glasdorf needs." Nicholas glanced back in the direction of the carnival, anger seething on his face.

Lucy's spirits fell. "Unfortunately, I don't think I'm the type of Sudlander that
need, Nicholas. I'm a pastry chef, and you're about to become the 'president' of the North Pole, not 192

Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

open a restaurant. You need a partner who's experienced in running a huge, multi-faceted organization, and I'm just a small town girl..."

Nicholas looked incredulous. "What are you talking about?

Sweet Inspiration is a very successful cafe."

"Not anything like the level of success of your operation. I wouldn't know the first thing about helping out the Weihnachtsmann."

For the first time, Lucy noticed that Nicholas was starting to look nervous. He grabbed her hand and rubbed it vigorously. "Lucy, sweetheart, you are totally off base. The most important thing that you bring, not only to Glasdorf, but to me as well, is your generous nature. All the rest of the technical details of running the North Pole are easily learned.

Believe me."

Lucy shook her head. "You're wrong, Nicholas. You need to jump into this venture with all of your heart and soul. I would be a constant reminder of your passion for cooking. It's not fair to your father or to the children of the world to enter into this position unless you completely embrace it."

Nicholas pulled back. "What is this really about? A few days ago you were lamenting that I had to give up my culinary career, and now you're on the Uberholen bandwagon."

Lucy stepped away from Nicholas and began to pace around the courtyard, brittle snow crunching beneath her feet. "I still feel badly that you have to give up a career you love and excel at. But being here in Glasdorf has made me realize how important your father's job is. And how integral 193

Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

your mother is to its success. I've never even been outside of New York State, Nicholas. Your mother is worldly, experienced...she's the perfect Mrs. Klaus. And I'm pretty much...just a small town girl who knows how to bake cookies."

Nicholas shook his head in anger. "I think what this is really about is that you're scared. All of your life you've been dreaming about adventure, and now that you have it, you're petrified. You want to run home to Eston and curl up under your lumpy little sofa and hide. For the first time in your life, you're facing a real challenge, and you're going to back down? I don't believe it!"

"That's not fair, Nicholas! I just don't want to face you several years down the road when you're filled with resentment because I can't live up to the high standards of Mrs. Klaus."

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