Bonne Chance: Bourbon Street, Book 2

Read Bonne Chance: Bourbon Street, Book 2 Online

Authors: Cat Montmorency

Tags: #BDSM;New Orleans;Kink;POC

BOOK: Bonne Chance: Bourbon Street, Book 2
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This soldier’s orders are about to get a hell of a lot sexier...

Bourbon Street Bondage
, Book 2

After spending a few months with her stifling family in the wake of her father’s health scare, Chance Gordon is relieved to get back to her sultry grind as the premiere Pro-Domme of the Big Easy.

Her boss delivers the perfect coming-home present—one wickedly sexy Marine. Landry Boudreaux is particularly adept at taking orders. But before she can begin some serious training, her family invades her home turf.

Between her mother’s quest to turn her into a clone of her oh-so-perfect sister and her father’s still-fragile condition, Chance is hard pressed to keep her profession a secret. Until she hits on the perfect solution.

Enlisting her sub to pose as her boyfriend comes with a gumbo of complications, as Landry’s gift for smoothly switching roles blurs the line between fiction and reality. And when her sister sniffs out the truth, Chance faces the ultimate question.

If she’s not willing to own who she is, what business does she have putting a collar on anyone?

Warning: This story contains a red-hot Domme, a soldier who loves taking orders, steamy sex, plenty of spice, and a Cajun twist that’ll leave your taste buds burning! Add in some family shenanigans, a few white lies, and a fiery D/s relationship that keeps getting hotter, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a kickin’ New Orleans heat!

Bonne Chance

Cat Montmorency


For Laura,

who accepted me without expectation.

Chapter One

“Cassandra Everett, you sexy bitch. It’s good to see you.”

The blonde Dominatrix standing guard over the doors to La Danse Macabre grinned and pulled Chance into a hug. “Chance Gordon! By damn, it’s about time you got your ass back to New Orleans. I was beginning to wonder if you were staying in the boring wilds of Michigan for good. You missed one hell of a Mardi Gras.” Cass pulled back and caught Chance’s ponytail, holding up the ends of her new long weave. “And when did you do this? It looks fabulous.”

Chance shook her head, letting the ends of her hair flick them both. “Stay in Michigan? Never in a million years, Cass. And I had to do something while I was up there. I was going insane. But one of my old high school besties is some big in-demand stylist now, so she rescued me. God, it’s good to be back. You look good.”

Cassandra grinned. “Thank you. Ellie takes excellent care of me. I’m not kidding though, you missed some insane shit.”

Chance’s eyebrows lifted. “Really? Must’ve been, if it’s got your panties in a twist. What happened?”

Cassandra smirked as her eyes flickered over the night’s patrons filing in behind Chance. “I’ll let Adrian tell you. He’s already here. But if you need some holes filled in, call me tomorrow. We’ll get drinks. Besides, Ellie will want to see you.”

Chance laughed and hugged her friend again. “Sounds good. I better get in there before Adrian gets annoyed.”

“Oh don’t worry. He’s got a new potential entertaining him.”

Chance cocked her head. “Really. Sub?”

Cassandra grinned. “And male. Just your type, if I haven’t lost my touch.”

“Now this, I have to see.”

It didn’t take long to spot Adrian standing at the bar, or the new guy Cassandra had mentioned. And oh, but he was lovely. The close-shaved head suggested military, as did his ramrod-straight posture. He looked uncomfortable, but not with their Maître. Chance wondered what the story was there. She watched them for another minute, breathing in the smell of leather and sweat, and letting the club’s music crash over her. She’d missed this, the insane blend of jazz and techno that was unique to Adrian’s clubs. Tucked away behind mirrored glass, their name never mentioned, the identity of the DJ was New Orleans’ best kept secret. But God, whoever they were, they could spin. She honestly didn’t blame Adrian for keeping their identity under wraps.

Feeling the best she had in months, Chance smiled and stepped up to the pair. “There you are, Adrian! I didn’t expect this place to be so packed this time of the year.” She leaned in and hugged the man who was both boss and friend, pretending to ignore the other man for the moment. Not that she couldn’t feel his eyes on her.

“Chance, ma chérie!” Lacroix kissed her cheeks and held her at arms’ length. “I am beyond words that you’re finally back. Remind me never to let you go on vacation during Mardi Gras again. You left me so short-handed I had to personally train a new Domme.”

Chance rolled her eyes and flipped her hand. “Sure, Adrian. Next time why don’t I tell Dad that his stroke isn’t convenient for you, and he’ll have to wait a month because I have people to beat? That’ll go over well.” She shook her head, and then froze as his words sank in. “Wait, you trained a new Domme? What the hell?”

Lacroix shrugged, and Chance decided she was definitely calling Cass tomorrow. “You missed a great deal, ma dame Chance. I’d introduce you to her, but mon ange noir and Kara are vacationing in Tuscany to celebrate their collaring.”

Chance choked. “Somebody collared Kara? Kara Deschamps, the untamable woman not even you or Tamara could collar? You’re fucking shitting me. I really need to meet this woman.”

A throat cleared behind her, and Chance realized that she actually had forgotten about the new guy. Adrian, however, apparently hadn’t. He smirked and gestured at the man, who instantly stood. “Ah, Landry, je suis désolé. Forgive me. Mademoiselle Chance Gordon, Monsieur Landry Boudreaux.”

Chance extended her hand with a slow grin. Up close, Landry was definitely her type. His skin was not as dark as hers, and the muscles in his arms stood out as he took her hand and bowed over it. “Mon plaisir, Miss Gordon.”

His low voice wrapped around the pidgin French and her name like a lover.
A gentleman
a local, if I don’t miss my guess…
“Oh, Adrian, I like him. Is he another Big Easy native?”

Landry looked to the side, clearly flustered. It was adorable.

“He is. Landry, mon ami, go inform the bartender that I’d like our drinks brought to my usual VIP room.”

Landry’s eyes swept over her quickly as he turned away, and Chance tapped her bottom lip. He looked like he’d realized he was in over his head and wasn’t quite sure what to do about it.

Definitely my type.

She angled her body to Adrian, but didn’t take her eyes off the man walking away. “He certainly follows orders like a soldier. Is he always this obedient?”

Adrian laughed. “Yes, because he is a soldier, ma chére. Sergeant Landry Boudreaux, USMC. Our very own Devil Dog. Do you like him?”

“God, yes. Look at that tight little ass. And those tattoos.” She’d just noticed the tattoos that curved along the back of his upper arms. “I haven’t spanked anyone in three months, Adrian, and my hand is itching to spank him.”

She felt more than saw Adrian lean in close, his breath warm on her ear. “I was hoping you’d say that. I have a proposition for you.”

Chance nibbled on her bottom lip and grinned. “If it means playing with him, I am so in.”

Adrian chuckled, and his hands came up to rub her bare arms. “It does. Are you certain you’re up to jumping straight back to work? You’ve been gone a while.”

“Yeah, and you have no idea how much I’ve missed my life. I love my family, but God, if I had to listen to Mom go on about Belinda and her perfect husband, her perfect baby and perfect life for one more second… Ugh.” She made a disgusted noise and wrinkled her nose. “I swear, I think all their heads would explode if they had any idea what I do for a living. So please, all I want is to get back to my life, without their judgmental attitudes or demands.”

Adrian shook his head. “For true, you do need this.” He inclined his head in Landry’s direction. “Come, ma Chance. Let’s the three of us make the vay-yay.”

They slipped through the crowd with Landry on their heels, and into the waiting VIP room. Taking her seat, Chance noticed that Landry seemed to visibly relax as the door closed, and the walls and tinted windows blocked most of the noise, as well as the strobing lights from the dance floor. The club was clearly not his thing, and she smiled as Adrian gave him no chance to enjoy his surroundings.

“Landry, mon ami. Before all the ugly business that you were so kind as to help out with during Mardi Gras, mon ange and I spoke about bringing you…more fully into the fold, shall we say.”

Chance’s eyebrow crept up slightly. Clearly she needed Cass to fill her in. It sounded like this new girl was also the new top Domme, which was almost as surprising as the mere fact of her existence.

She turned her attention back to Landry, whose brow twitched. “I’m not sure I understand, Sir.” The
sounded completely natural coming from him, likely a result of his years in the military. “What do you mean by more fully into the fold?”

Adrian smiled indulgently. “You do know what I mean. When you came to me a few years ago, I introduced you to a world you’d been skirting. I told you then that kink was more than the ideas you had in your head, but with your infrequent visits home, we hadn’t discussed more. Now that you’ve returned to Vieux Carré, mon ange and I both agreed that
would suit both you and us.”

Landry opened his mouth, but they were interrupted by a waitress bringing in drinks. They sat in silence until she left, and Lacroix continued.

“La Danse Macabre is the public face of New Orleans kink. You’ve a passing familiarity with both the club and its reputation. It caters to all kinds. However, there are some for whom publicly acknowledging their kink could prove damaging, and some who are more serious about the lifestyle. For them, we provide the underground kink scene. Moira suggested, and I agreed, that you might be interested.”

Landry took a sip of his whiskey, and Chance watched quietly as he turned the information over in his mind. He was one of Adrian’s occasional clients, she could tell by the words he used, but she was certain she’d never seen him in the large house that doubled as Adrian’s residence and workplace. She wondered what his story was, and what part he’d played in the Mardi Gras business—and what exactly the Mardi Gras business was, for that matter.

“How do you mean, Sir? Rather, what would it entail?”

Adrian grinned. “An introduction to kink as a way of life, as opposed to the occasional itch you scratch. Mais, I had hoped to have mon ange train you, but with her and Kara overseas, and ma chére dame Chance finally returned, I think the two of you might get along nicely.”

Chance’s ears perked up at that. She’d been hoping that was the direction Adrian was taking this, but hadn’t wanted to get too excited in case the devil of a man had something else in mind.

She watched as Landry took another sip and set the glass down. He was hard to read, this one. He kept his face schooled, and his emotions in check. “I’m still not clear on what you mean by training.”

Chance looked to Adrian, and when he nodded, answered for him. “I teach you what it means to be a true submissive. I teach you about the lifestyle. We figure out your likes, your dislikes, what you need—again, beyond the occasional scratching of an itch, as Adrian so eloquently put it.”

She gave him a slow up and down, her lips tugging in a barely there smile that she could see made him hot under the collar. His gaze darted away, flitting across the room.

Adrian spoke again, his warm tenor full of amusement. “The next scheduled night at Fleur de Nuit is in three weeks. Think you can have him ready?”

Chance glared at Adrian. “Really, Adrian? I was gone for a few months, I didn’t die. And you may not have trained me, but Tamara did. You know I’m one of your best. If Sergeant Boudreaux here wants to learn, I’ll have him ready.”

Landry looked back and forth between them. Chance knew this was a big decision, and neither of them pushed him. Accepting your kink was huge. Cass had once told her it was almost as big as coming out of the closet, and seeing as Chance still hadn’t told her family she was a Dominatrix, she figured Cass was probably right. Boudreaux clearly knew he needed kink, otherwise he’d never have found Adrian in the first place. Still, making the jump to learning about the actual lifestyle, especially for a military man…

“All right. I’ll do it.”

Chance smiled. “Well then, Sergeant. You and I have a lot to discuss.”

Landry gave her a nervous look, then glanced at Adrian. “Actually, ah, Ma’am—”

“Mistress,” she corrected him with a grin.

“Mistress Chance. Tonight isn’t a good night. I have to be back on base soon. I only came because, Maître Lacroix, you don’t say no to him. But I’m on duty with the MPs tonight, and I can’t…” He trailed off, clearly nervous.

Adrian raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

Chance shrugged and leaned forward with a smile. The sergeant’s awkward nervousness was kind of cute. She patted his hand in a reassuring move, but the grin she used was predatory. She’d enjoy keeping this straight shooter off balance. With that in mind, she reached into her corset and pulled out a business card.

It was a cliché move, but the way Landry’s eyes bugged and lingered on her dark skin, it was certainly worth it. “Call me, then, and we’ll set something up.”

The Marine took the card and stood stiffly.

Chance gave him a lopsided grin. “That’s an order, soldier.”

Finally, the man grinned. He snapped to attention and saluted her smartly. “Yes, Ma’am, Mistress!” He then executed a crisp about-face and withdrew, leaving Chance staring after him.

“My God, Adrian. Where on earth did you find him?”

The Cajun Dom chuckled. “Do you remember Faye? Petite thing, moved to Colorado a few years ago? She brought him around. Poor boy is such a sub, it’s painful.”

Chance laughed. “Oh, I remember her. She was a switch, right? Wasn’t she one of yours for a while?”

Adrian glared at her.

She threw her hands up in mock surrender. “Touchy subject still, I see. But Landry, I’m surprised you haven’t brought him further into things before now. He’s clearly been one of your occasionals for a while.”

“Only when he was home. He’d come see me every time he had leave, but never for long enough to train.”

Chance nodded, understanding. Military postings were fickle things. “So he’s back for good now?”

Adrian shrugged. “For now. He’s been assigned to work with the Reserve, but who knows where he’ll be in six months, or a year.”

“Well, I’ll definitely enjoy him while we’ve got him. We never have enough male subs around here that aren’t taken, and he is very much my type.”

Adrian smirked. “For true.” The Dom stood, glancing at the door, but Chance stopped him.

“I don’t think so, Lacroix. You owe me a story. What the hell happened over Mardi Gras?”

Grinning wider, Adrian buttoned his suit jacket. “Wouldn’t you rather let Cassandra share that story over a glass of wine?”

Chance glared at him. “Fine, you’re right. But at least give me the highlights.”

Adrian laughed. “Moira D’Arcangelis. She’s a history teacher at International High. She and Kara grew up together. Best friends.”

“Oh my God, you’re fucking shitting me. Her?” Everyone in Adrian’s underground knew about Kara’s mysterious best friend, and how Adrian had been trying to get to her for years. “So you not only got Kara to drag her in, but you actually trained her as a Domme?”

“Pro-Domme, yes, and she’s quite good. A natural. But I’ll let chére Cassandra fill you in on the rest.”

“You dirty bastard.” Adrian chuckled at her and walked to the door. “That’s not even playing fair!”

He glanced back over his shoulder with a grin, one hand on the door handle. “Ma dame Chance, when exactly have you ever known me to play fair?”

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