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“Now I’m starting to wonder whether I need to worry about you and Tib,” Kala said teasingly.

I have to confess that sitting with these two highly attractive women really was giving me a bit of a buzz – either that or the afex was a bit stronger than the beer back on Earth.  Whatever it was, I was feeling very good at that moment.

“Cantolla, I do have a project I want you to get started on right away.  The Federation planets that will be receiving solbidyum will also need reactors.  My understanding is that, over the past 500 years, the original plan for those reactors was lost and only the existing reactor units are installed in the
and the
.  The one in the
was developed by Lunnie from old plans she found in the computer archives on the
  I need you to recover those plans and see what you can do to improve upon them for use with planetary power distribution systems.  I’m not certain how much work it will require; perhaps you’ll conclude that the original design or Lunnie’s design will be sufficient as is.  I need you to make this a priority and I suggest that you go up to the
to look into it as soon as possible.  The
has been moved back into the hangar on the
.  It’s basically without power, unless the fusion battery Lunnie installed is still connected.  Do what you must to get the information from the
computer.  In fact, I would like you to create two complete backups of the
databases and operating systems and then have the computer completely replaced with an installation of only the standard operating programs.  Who knows what other information may be in there; and with the
about to become a traveling museum, I don’t want any information falling into the wrong hands.  While you’re up there, get Piesew to assist you in finding a permanent suite and a space you can develop into a laboratory.  Notify Captain Stonbersa of any required modifications.  He will approve and direct any structural changes and sign off orders for special materials as needed.

In fact, before you talk to Piesew, seek out the captain and let him know that I suggested Piesew might help you.  I may own the ship, but Stonbersa is the captain; and on the ship his word is law.  I don’t want to appear to be bypassing him.”  Kala smile
d and nodded in agreement at this comment.  “Kala, can you think of anything more?”

. I have a few questions, too, Cantolla.  Since you’re going to be part of this big happy family, I’d like to know a little more about you.”

“What specifically would you like to know?”  Cantolla reclined comfortably against the back of her chair.

“Oh the usual things, like where you’re from, your family background, your interests and hobbies, and anything else you might like us to know.”

“I was born on Puryces, where both my father and mother were scientists.  Dad was a physicist and mother was a botanist.  I had two brothers, both older
; and I grew up thinking for the longest time that I was a boy, I guess.  At least, I had no interest in feminine things until I hit my teens; and then I saw girls not as sisterly companions, but as romantic attractions.  When I was young, I could always be found tinkering about with dad in his laboratory or helping mother cultivate something in her greenhouse; so science has always been a huge part of my life.  My eldest brother lives on Nigarreah.  My younger brother was killed by the solar flare on Astamagota.”

“Astamagota?” I interjected.  “Where Galetils founded and operated his industries?”

“Yes.  My brother was working for him at the time of the solar flare.  Kind of ironic, isn’t it, that here I am living and working at the estate and on the ship built by Galetils?”

“Maybe,” I said, “and then just maybe
you’re meant to finish something your brother started.”

“Like what?” Cantolla asked curiously.

“Only time will answer that question,” I said.

Cantolla went on to talk about the awards she had won in school while participating in projects as a member of various research teams.  She also told us of the death of her mother
.  Her father was injured during an accidental exposure to radiation; and the resulting damage his brain left him in a vegetative state until he eventually died from other complications.

We remained on the patio until the chill of the evening became uncomfortable, and then we said our goodnights.

As Kala and I walked arm in arm back to our suite, she said to me, “Well, it looks like you were right.  So tell me what’s going to happen next?”

“We’ll be getting a visit from Admiral Regeny, I suspect – most likely tomorrow.”

“Oh, and what makes you think so?” Kala asked.

“Because we still have the solbidyum on the
, for one thing.  Beyond that, there is most certainly a leak in the Federation Office of Investigation; and if he and the rest of the High Command can’t trust the FOI, they have no reliable way to identify Brotherhood infiltrators that are known to still be present throughout the Federation military.  Also, since the main headquarters and offices were destroyed in the attempt to kill the High Command, their operations are momentarily displaced.  The admiral is going to want our help.  I have no doubt.”

Kala looked at me and laughed.  “Are you sure you didn’t come here from the future?  You seem to know an awful lot about things that are going to happen.”

The next morning we were awakened by a message from Kala’s assistant, who told us that Admiral Regeny was requesting to meet with me on the
later in the day.

I wasn’t surprised that the admiral asked specifically to meet on the
.  It was without a doubt the safest and most secure location in the galaxy, if not the entire universe.  First, my crew had been thoroughly tested and every one of them was known to be completely loyal to the Federation, unadulterated by the Brotherhood or any other subversive group.  The recent coup attempt on the capital planet of Megelleon revealed that the BROTHERHOOD OF LIGHT had been operating quietly within nearly every level of Federation military authority for an unknown period of time – at least for decades.  During the assault on Federation High Command headquarters, the rebels also took control of the space frigate
and the star ship
along with several hundred patrol ships.  Fortunately, the High Command had already left the premises at my suggestion and were all harbored safely with me on the
at the time of the revolt.  Since then, the
had been recovered and the remaining stolen ships of the rebel fleet destroyed.  The Brotherhood had been defeated, but certainly not eliminated.

The second reason the admiral wanted to meet there was that the
was the only ship in the galaxy equipped with a working Reverse Magnetic Force Field (RMFF) as well as a unique cloaking device.  The RMFF made the ship safe from attack and the cloaking made it impossible to locate.  There were too many opportunities for someone to spy on a classified meeting held anywhere on the planet – or on any other ship, for that matter.  The admiral couldn’t take the risk of speaking in any environment that potentially allowed Brotherhood operatives to infiltrate or bug the meeting.  Only on the
ORLEANS could meetings take place without the fear of information leaks or threats of attack.

It was shortly before noon when Cantolla,
Lieutenant Marranalis (my security chief), Lieutenant Commander Kalana and I took the shuttle from our estate to the orbiting
.  The early departure allowed us a bit of time to get settled in and eat before the admiral and his staff were scheduled to arrive.

was a huge space yacht, large enough to house over 1,000 people in luxury accommodations.  There were multiple dining halls, meeting rooms, gyms and pools onboard, not to mention shops and entertainment centers.  The yacht had been built for a rich industrialist named Galetils, who apparently committed suicide when his industrial complex and his home planet were destroyed by a giant solar flare.  At the time of his death, the yacht was still under construction at the shipyard located on the moon of the planet Nibaria.  After my accidental journey from Earth brought me to the Federation territories, I was able to purchase Galetils’ nearly completed yacht and his estate on Megelleon near the capital city using the vast wealth I had been given as reward for finding and returning the
and its solbidyum cargo.

Before we left the estate
, I contacted Piesew on the
and advised him that we would require a meal to be served in my personal dining room.  There we met with Captain Stonbersa and Kerabac to briefly discuss everything of importance that had taken place in the past few days.  Captain Stonbersa was informed that Cantolla was now a permanent staff member and that she would require accommodations and space for a laboratory.  Neither of these were a problem, because this enormous ship was filled with available accommodations and workspaces.  It wasn’t exactly clear what Galetils’ intentions were when he had the yacht built; but from the number of luxury guest accommodations, dining rooms, ball rooms and associated support facilities included in the design, he clearly intended to do some very high-class entertaining.  In addition to these areas were numerous offices and conference rooms, as well as smaller, but still luxurious, personal quarters for crew and staff.

Perhaps the most amazing aspect
s of the ship were its armaments, as the yacht was fully armed with the latest defense technologies and weapons, like a military warship.  It was also equipped with the only functioning RMFF system, which also supported a cloaking device, as we learned somewhat by accident.

These last two items were not functioning when I acquired the
, as the amount of energy required to power the RMFF was greater than the capacity of the fusion reactor that powered the yacht.  It was the solbidyum reactor of the
that offered the answer to rendering the RMFF system functional.  Lunnie had managed to construct a small working reactor for the
in a hidden location and disguised it to look like a common pump, so the actual source of power for the RMFF system would remain a mystery.  Only a few of my closest and trusted associated knew of its existence.

It was while we were
attempting to resolve a communication system problem associated with the RMFF that Kerabac accidently discovered how to also utilize the field to support a cloaking system.  Other secrets of the RMFF system had been discovered as well, but these were not yet fully understood.  Among these were the amplification of energy and speed of weapon fire directed out and away from the ship from inside the boundaries of the RMFF.

We were just finishing our meal when word came from the bridge for Captain Stonbersa that the shuttle carrying Admiral Regeny was departing the planet and
that he would be docking in about 30 minutes.

“Please excuse me,”
said Stonbersa as he rose from the table.  “I must see to the arrival of the admiral and his staff.”

“Certainly, Captain.  Kala and I will meet you in the hangar bay shortly.”  I looked at Kala and said, “Please tell me that I don’t have to put on my
vice admiral uniform.”

Kala laughed, “I’m afraid you
do, Tibby… protocol, you know.  It’s the price you pay for your fame and fortune.”

I growled as I got up from the table and excused myself from the gathering.  Since Kala was still active military, she wore her military uniform most of the time.  However, since she was permanently assigned as my attaché, there were some occasional liberties
from this requirement.  Today was not one of those days.  Kala went with me, most likely to make sure that I didn’t put on wrong uniform.  Except for formal events, captains and admirals wore Kelly green uniforms.  However, since I was only an honorary vice admiral, my own uniform differed by gold threat piping, indicating that I had no direct authority in military matters.  Unfortunately, this honorary position meant that I had to receive and give a lot of salutes, which I always detested; but, as Kala always reminded me, it was the price I had to pay for all the wealth and fame bestowed upon me.

Kala and I arrived at the hangar bay just as the admiral’s shuttle arrived
.  Though I should have been used to it by now, I was nevertheless surprised to see that the shuttle had been escorted by a dozen patrol ships, two of which preceded the shuttle into the hangar bay and the remainder of which maintained stations outside and around the

Unlike Earth, where a person was expected to request permission of the commanding officer of that vessel before boarding, the Federation had no such formal procedure.  While such requests were obviously made routinely out of respect and professional courtesy, they were not performed in the formal manner of Earth; so when the admiral walked off the ship and into the hangar bay, Captain Stonbersa simply said, “Welcome aboard the
, Admiral.  It’s nice to have you with us again.”

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