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“Oh?” Kala replied with a look of surprise, “and what makes you think that?”

“Cantolla is a very bright woman.  She likes challenges and likes to prove herself.”  I playfully pulled a length of Kala’s hair under her nose to fashion a mustache as I continued. “And, while funding at the university allows her to demonstrate her capabilities, she is restricted by budgets and other red tape.  Working for me would allow her to broaden her research with a virtually unlimited budget.  She would be able to accomplish far more in a few years of working for me than she could ever hope to accomplish at the university in a lifetime.  Plus I think she likes the adventure.”

When the time came for dinner, I rifled through the wardrobe, looking for something new to wear.  I was getting tired of always being dressed in official diplomatic attire.  Now,
because of my new title as vice admiral, I had even more uniforms and formalwear filling my closet.  I was longing for something more casual.

While we had been away from the estate, fighting to overcome the Brotherhood and recover the
, Piesew, who served as the majordomo on my space yacht, the
, had recommended an associate of his to serve as majordomo at the estate.  His name was Piebar Nokaran, apparently a cousin to Piesew.  I called Piebar to my suite and explained to him that I wanted a shirt, basically like a polo shirt (which I had to describe).  Piebar scratched his head a moment, then went to the vid screen and began giving it verbal commands.  Apparently, the main issue was one of collars.  It seemed that shirt collars, as I knew them on Earth, seemed to be either out of fashion in the Federation or never existed at all.  Eventually, I settled on a short-sleeved crew neck type shirt that was far more casual than the suits and uniforms – and comfortable as well.  Piebar had a dozen made up for me in differing colors.  I chose a beige color and a pair of dark pants to wear for the evening meal.  While I fussed over my clothing, Kala was away giving instructions to her staff.  When she returned, she stood with her hands on her hips, eying me up and down.  She said with a smile, “I like it.  It looks good.  You might just start a new dress fad.”

“I hope so,” I replied, “because frankly, I am getting tired of being dressed up like a –,” I wanted to say monkey, but she wouldn’t have understood that.  I wasn’t able to find a word in Federation language that would work, so I simply said, “diplomat.”

It’s funny how some words translate readily into the Federation language, while others have no equal. 
translates easily because there are fish or fish-like creatures on many of the Federation planets; but
really has no equivalent, though there are some non-human simian-like creatures on many of the planets.  The words
likewise do not translate well in to Federation language, but the phrase
bond mate
comes close to having the same meaning.

donned an emerald green dress that had a distinctively Asian-like Earth style.  She looked absolutely stunning.  I almost feared that Cantolla might be tempted to make another pass at Kala, like she had on her first visit to the estate.

We were standing at railing on the terrace,
where we looked out over a garden waterfall and stream, when we heard Cantolla arrive.  We turned to see her walk across the patio toward us.  She wore a most unusual dress.  There was nothing necessarily unique about the cut of the dress; it was similar to many formal cut gowns that one might see on Earth.  What was unusual was that the fabric kept changing colors.  Waves of shifting hues moved across the fabric in a never-ending flow.  I remarked to Kala that I had never seen anything like it before. Kala hadn’t either.  I was beginning to feel terribly underdressed in my crew neck shirt and slacks.  But then, it was my place and I was paying the bills; so if the ladies didn’t like it they could, as we would say on Earth, ‘
lump it

“Good evening, Vice Admiral and L
ieutenant Commander,” Cantolla began.  “Or do I call you First Citizen Tibby and First Citizen Kalana?  I’m not sure.  What
proper protocol on that matter?”

“Just Tibby, if you please,” I said, “unless we’re in a formal setting where protocol dictates one of the titles.”

“The same goes for me,” Kala said.  “When here on the estate or when on the
, we would prefer that you call us Tibby and Kalana.”

“Thank you,” Cantolla answered.  “You both honor me.”

“Please be seated.”  I indicated a chair at the table that Piebar had arranged with a white linen table cloth – or something like linen anyway.  A small lamp of some sort sat in the middle of the table, casting light from a single flickering flame.

“Would either of you care for something to drink?” I asked.

“Yes, I believe I would like a glass of Morrev wine, if you have any,” replied Cantolla.  I saw Piebar glance at a small portable vid screen and then nod to me.

“How about you, Kala?” I asked.

“I think I’ll have a Maldarian Moon Glow,” she answered.  I looked at Piebar to see his fingers rapidly flying over his vid screen for a moment before he looked up and again nodded.

Personally I wanted a beer; however, since leaving Earth, I’d not found anything like beer in a Federation beverage dispenser.  Of course,
that thing could produce thousands of drinks and I had tried only about a dozen or so.  I called Piebar to the table.

“Piebar, on Earth we had a drink that was very popular.  It was an alcoholic beverage made from brewed grains and yeast.  The mixture was allowed to ferment into a golden colored liquid that had a slightly bitter taste.  Do you know of anything like that here?”

Piebar, Cantolla and Kala all gave me the same incredulous look.  “Surely you don’t mean
,” Kala exclaimed.

“I don’t know if that’s what I mean or not, given that I have never tasted it.”

“Afex is a very common drink on all the Federation planets,” Kala explained, “except on those that ban alcoholic beverages.  It’s considered to be the drink of the working class, although everyone does drink it.  People of higher standing in the Federation never do so in public and definitely not at special events.”

“So then, since I am in my own home, and this is not a public or social event,” I stated, slightly red-faced, “I can drink it if I want to?”

I could see Cantolla smirking as Kala answered, “Uh, yes, I guess, if that’s what you want.”

“I really won’t know until I try it.  Piebar, one ice-cold glass of afex, if you please!”  Behind Piebar I could see one of the house staff members grinning; and I thought Cantolla was going to break out laughing, but she resisted.  Piebar, looking somewhat distressed, turned and nodded to the waiter, who promptly headed off for our drinks.

“This really is quite lovely here,” Cantolla said as she looked around at the surroundings.  “I really didn’t have much time before now to actually look over the estate.”

“I apologize for that,” I said, “but as you now realize, the urgency of the situation demanded it.  What you accomplished in the short time that you had
available is impressive.  Without your efforts the Brotherhood would have won and the people of Megelleon would now be at their mercy.  I hope that you’re satisfied with the compensation you’ve received.”

“Oh, definitely.  Your generosity has given me more than I would have earned in a lifetime at the university.  I feel like I have accomplished in a week what would have taken me years there, which brings me to my reason for meeting with you this evening.”

Kala cast a glance at me over a sip of Maldarian Moon Glow, knowing that I had already anticipated what Cantolla was about to say.

“Tibby, I would like to work for you
… or, at the very least, I would like you to fund my projects.  You would have all rights to anything I develop or discover, of course, if I can have the credit of the discovery or invention.  I see you as an individual of vision and I think you, like Galetils, have both the ideas and the money to bring them to fruition.  I’ve always felt that, given the opportunity, I could accomplish a great deal; but I never really had the chance until you put me in charge of developing the learning device.  Now that I’ve had a taste of what I can do, I want more.

Both Cantolla and Kala
stared at me. Cantolla was waiting with anticipation to hear what I would say.  Kala knew that I had already thought this through, but she didn’t exactly know what I was going to say in reply.

“Before I answer, let me ask you a few questions.  How extensive is your scientific knowledge?  Are you restricted to the learning headband technology or are you versed in other areas as well?”

“I was at the top of my class in all the sciences, but didn’t really know which field to pursue.  Basically, the choice was made for me when I was contacted by an old instructor of mine who had begun teaching at University on Essen  She asked me to come there as an assistant and to work on improvements to the learning headband technology.  Recently my instructor died and I was asked to take over the program.  I still have not given them my answer.  Right now I’m holding off, because I think my opportunities will be better with you.”

While Cantolla
spoke, the servant had returned with my afex in a crystal glass.  The color and frothy head on the drink certainly reminded me of beer.  When I took my first sip, I was pleasantly surprised to find it was indeed beer – and very good beer at that.

“I actually do need someone to head up several projects that I have in mind,” I began.  “If I hire you, I don’t expect you to do all the work yourself.  You will, however, be expected to hire teams of experts that will advance the projects under your guidance and input.  The level to which you personally get involved with each project will be up to you.  From time to time, I may dictate the priority of a particular project based on my needs.  When I do, I will expect your full compliance and attention to that project until it is completed successfully.  Can you work under those conditions?”

Cantolla’s eyes glistened as she sat forward in her chair.  “That’s exactly what I want, and yes, I can live with that.”

“Okay then.  If you’re willing to work for ten times what the university paid you and receive bonuses for jobs well done, and if you’re willing to travel
– because there will be many times I will want you working on projects as we travel on the
– you’re hired.”  I looked at Kala to see her grinning.  By this point she was used to seeing me negotiate with job candidates and had come to enjoy seeing their jaws drop at the offers I made.

Cantolla’s green eyes sparkled as she flipped away a strand of long chestnut-colored hair that drifted across her face.  “Tibby, that’s exactly the kind of job I want.”

I turned to the ever-present Piebar.  “Piebar, please get with Cantolla after dinner and allow her to select a suite suitable for her tastes from the available accommodations here.”

Just as we concluded this order of business, our meal was served.

When Kala and I first met Cantolla, her behavior and gestures toward Kala were of a rather obvious flirtatious nature.  Later Kala informed me that Cantolla taught at a university on the planet Essen, which was strictly for lesbians.  Since that time, however, Cantolla had not made any overtures toward Kala – at least not to my knowledge.

“I don’t suppose there are any other offices on the estate
with a large fish aquarium wall similar to yours, Tibby?” asked Cantolla.

“To be honest, I have no idea.  This place is so vast that I will most likely never see all of it myself.  Why do you ask?”

“I really liked that office and thought I would like something similar for myself, if there is one available.”

“Well, if there isn’t we can certainly have one made for you.  Piebar
, would you check into that for us?”  Piebar assured me he would do so immediately, as he entered a request on his vid pad.

As we dined, Cantolla surprised me with a very candid admission.  “Kalana and Tibby, I want to apologize to you both.  When I was first introduced to you, I was a bit brazen in my flirtation with Kalana.  At the time I was not aware of the relationship between the two of you and, well frankly, I found Kala highly attractive.  Likewise, I had no idea of the nature of the offer you were about to make us and I didn’t anticipate being around here very long.  Had I known what I know now, I never would have behaved as I did; so please accept my apology.  It won’t happen again, I promise you that.  I have only the highest respect for the two of you; and I feel somewhat embarrassed about my foolish behavior of that day.”

I had to grin as Kala’s cheeks redden just a bit.  “You needn’t worry.  I probably would have been insulted if you had
found Kala attractive; but it’s nice to know that you won’t be pursuing her in the future.”

“Oh, well for that matter, Tibby, if I were inclined to pursue a man, you would be at the very top of my list.  I’m attracted to intelligent, fast thinkers; and you’re no slouch physically either.  But, in the end, I admire and respect what you and Kalana have together and I would never do anything to jeopardize that.”

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