Sweet Discipline (11 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Hamre

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Sweet Discipline
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“Better,” he panted. “But not good.”


Sweet Discipline

Not good? Any better, and she’d die from the pleasure.

Days later, when she’d lost count of time, Norris ended her sets on the cardiovascular equipment. She panted, pleased with herself. As Adrian had promised her, the exercises were getting easier, and as much as she hated to admit it, she did feel better for doing them. More energetic and strangely enough, calmer.

“Clean up. Put on a tunic and wait for me.”

A tunic? After days of being naked 24/7, putting on a tunic was an event. She hurried through her shower, soaping and shaving, keeping herself clean and smooth as he preferred. She realized she primped for him as she would a lover, not just the dragon who trained her body and every day demanded increasingly more of her.

She hesitated at the choice of tunic, all in ocean colors, aqua, navy, sea foam and white. She slipped the turquoise tunic, as the one most flattering to her coloring, over her head and entered the living room.

He stood near the door, dressed again in his usual black, but today he wore a tank top that revealed the muscles in his shoulders and arms and his flat abs. He was lean, tall and mouthwatering. Norris swallowed. It was getting harder to act as though he meant nothing to her, as if he was only an employee at the spa who performed his duties well. She waited impatiently for him to come to her suite in the morning, and felt deprived when he left. It was impossible to deny that he turned her on without even touching her. With just the sound of his voice, the scent of his skin, the warmth of his body.

And aroused as he made her, it was doubly impossible to deny she wanted him.

Hard to fly apart at his touch and not demand full-bodied sex.

He looked her over as she approached and knelt at his feet. “Good. You may stand.”

He opened the door and led her down the hall. She hadn’t even looked out since the day she’d peeked and felt a little strange, like a stranger journeying down new paths.

How silly! It was just relief at getting out of her rooms after being cooped up day after day.

He stopped in front of the same door she’d been in before. He gestured her in. “I’ll be back shortly.”

Angela waited for her. “Hi. It’s good to see you again. We’re going to check your progress.”

Norris joined her behind the curtain and stepped on the scale.
, was that right? She stepped off the scale and on again. It was right. She’d lost nine pounds!

Angela smiled and jotted the numbers in her file. Next, she took some of the same measurements taken on Norris’ first day here. “You’re doing very well. You’re developing more muscle mass.”

Norris grinned. “I’ve been developing muscles I never even knew I had.”


Bonnie Hamre

Angela frowned. “You don’t want to overdo it. Does Adrian know you’re doing that?”

“He’s right there, watching me.” And pushing her, forcing her to feel more, experience more, give more.

“Sounds like you are getting along with him?”

“Could be better,” Norris said. It would be much better if she could get Adrian naked and doing her more intimate exercises with her.

“Well, keep up the good work.”

Pleased with herself, Norris couldn’t stand still while she waited for Adrian. She paced and broke into an impromptu tap dance.

Adrian’s laugh stopped her. She whirled around. When he laughed, his smile spread over his face and up into his eyes. They were a warm chocolate, and with his laugh, they made her think of hot fudge. But she wasn’t hungry for candy or sweets.

“Don’t stop on my account,” he said, still smiling. “You’re pleased with the results?”

“Nine pounds!”

He took the file from Angela and studied the notations. He nodded at her and she left the room. He turned to Norris. “Very good. You’ve earned a reward. What would you like?”


Sweet Discipline

Chapter Seven

! The thought popped into her head. Ordinarily, her first reaction would be to think of something yummy, gooey and delicious to eat. Something to fill her mouth.

She still wanted to fill her mouth, wanted something delicious, but all she craved now was Adrian. His taste, his flesh. His cock.

“An hour of television?” he suggested.

A few days ago she’d have jumped at the idea of meeting other clients, of tuning in to a news channel, finding out what was going on in the world. She shook her head, no.

“A chocolate truffle for dessert?”

She hesitated. “No.”

He smiled, rewarding her. “I’ll think of something.”

Her mouth went dry.

He gestured at the door and took her back to her suite. As soon as he’d locked and closed the door behind them, she whipped the tunic off and sank into her submissive position.

“Very good, Norris.”

Praise from Adrian was rare and doubly valued. She let it sink in, spreading warm feelings throughout her body. With Adrian’s approval, who needed chocolate?

He sank down into an easy chair, propped one knee over the other and studied her file. He made an entry or two, then studied her. “You’ve made a good start on the basics. You’ve surprised me. I didn’t think you’d last this long, but here you are. Ready to go to the next step?”

Her eyes widened. What more was there to do? She exercised, ate right. She was losing weight. Cautiously, she nodded.

“You don’t seem very sure of yourself.” He paused, as if waiting for her reassurance. “No matter. Go into the training room.”

She got to her feet, more easily now, she noted and walked away from him. Pleased with her changing body, she walked shoulders back, spine straight, enjoying the sway of her breasts.

He followed. “On the table, on your back.”

Obediently, she climbed up and stretched out. Her hands rested on her hips, then crossed over her belly. She noted with pleasure that it was just a bit flatter. She could find her hipbones. Smiling, she waited while Adrian went to the armoire and returned with the bag of toys. Teaching instruments, as he called them. Hah.


Bonnie Hamre

Wide-eyed, she waited. A bit uneasy, a bit excited. What this time? He didn’t make her wait long, as he opened the smallest box and took out the Ben Wa balls. He held them up so she could see them. “Have you used these before?”

“No.” She’d heard people talk about the balls, how they made women hot in a matter of minutes, but didn’t believe them.

“They’ll help you learn to control your vaginal muscle. The PC muscle. The more you control that muscle, the better your orgasms will be.”

How could they get any better?

“Today we’ll find out how you respond to them.” Adrian held them in his hand, then tossed them from hand to hand. She thought she heard a small clink as they fell into his open palm. “Raise your knees,” he instructed. He looked at her pussy, then dipped his finger in a jar of lubricant.

He smeared the lube over the entrance to her pussy lips, avoiding her clit, until they opened of their own accord.

He nodded then inserted a finger, then two, spreading her open. When he was satisfied, he took the silver Ben Wa balls and pushed them up into her. They were cold, and she shivered. Apart from an alien item in her private parts, she felt nothing. Fat lot of good these things did. Adrian shoved them a little higher, then tugged a bit on the string, making sure he could remove them, she guessed.

She waited. Nothing. She flicked him a glance, noted his watching expression and shrugged. “I don’t feel a thing.”

“You will. Get up and walk around.”

She hopped off the table. Moved. Walked a few paces. And stopped. Oh wow.

Those little buggers were doing their job. The vibrations as they rocked together and against the walls of her pussy got stronger with every step.

She darted a look over her shoulder at Adrian. He nodded, a slight smile on his face. “Get on the treadmill.”

She felt her eyes widen but she did as instructed. He set the pace at the lowest and turned the machine on. She took one step, then another, and another. Oh double wow.

The Ben Wa balls inside her moved with each step, pushing against her inner walls, creating friction, creating heat.

“Oh, I had no idea,” she gasped.

“Keep walking.” He increased the pace a little and she walked faster. The heat inside her surged, melting her insides. She could feel the balls caressing every sensitive bit of her. Places inside her she’d never thought much about were coming to life, caressed and cajoled into pleasure. The sensations grew and grew.

Adrian kept a close eye on her responses, watching her pulse beat frenetically in her throat, her heart clang in her chest, her knees wobble. Still, he gave her more.

“Adrian, I can’t…”

“Keep going. Contract your muscles. Hold them in.”


Sweet Discipline

She breathed harder, panting now. Sweat popped out on her forehead, dripped down her face to her bare breasts. She thought they’d sizzle on the burning flesh there.

“Take them out!”

“Walk.” He checked the monitor. “You’re doing fine. From now on, you’ll use the balls at least once a day. I’ll insert them, or teach you how, but at least fifteen minutes a day.”

Nodding, she walked. And walked some more. She began to writhe, her upper body twisting and turning to escape the increasingly unbearable pleasure of the metal balls inside her. Her juices escaped her and trickled down her thighs. She moaned, she cried. And walked.

Abruptly, Adrian lifted her off the machine and carried her to the table. She tossed from side to side, almost falling, until he spread open her legs and yanked on the ribbon.

The balls came tumbling out, and with them, she exploded into a great gushing orgasm. Her body shook as the spasms took her. Adrian planted a hand on her belly to keep her from rolling off the table. The heat of his hand added to her pleasure, tumbling her again into sensation. She cried out with her release. Gradually, in minute stages, her body slowed. She rested, panting, as sensations ebbed and left her immobile, helpless against the vast pleasure/pain she’d just experienced.

Gradually, she became aware of Adrian still at the foot of the table between her legs. She focused on his face, his expression drawn, his gaze intent on her pussy as his hand slowly moved over her still quivering belly to her pussy. His touch caressed and soothed. His mouth was closed tightly, his breathing harsh. Anyone would think he was in pain as he ran the tip of his finger around her engorged pussy lips. He blew out his breath, then found a towel and wiped her dry.

“You did better than I expected.” His voice was calm, matter-of-fact, but Norris heard his approval. She managed a smile, which he returned. In full measure. It was the first time she’d seen him smile like that, naturally, warmly. It felt wonderful to be on the receiving end, to feel an emotional connection with Adrian.

She lay still, perfectly happy to do nothing but wallow in fading physical sensation.

Her pulse slowed, resuming normal pace while Adrian took care of her. He allowed her to rest for some moments, while he sat in his chair. He put his head back, staring at the rod across the ceiling and taking several deep breaths. If she didn’t know his iron will, she’d have thought him holding on to his own control with effort.

She watched him eye the rod, fearful that she’d disappointed him somehow and would wind up suspended like a slab of meat again.

He rubbed his jaw and sat up. “Go shower.”

She pulled herself upright and on rubbery legs made it to the bathroom. This time, she didn’t care how long she took as she lathered and rinsed. The heat of the water dissolved any bit of remaining starch in her bones and she slid down to sit on the tiled floor, water cascading over her head and shoulders.


Bonnie Hamre

Who would have thought those little metal balls could have such a huge impact?


She lifted her head and peered through the steam. Adrian’s figure was a dark blur beyond the glass enclosure. “Yes?”

“Are you all right?”

A different kind of pleasure speared her. It was the first time he’d asked that question. It took her a moment to control her happiness. “I’ll be out in a minute. I’m fine.”

He moved out of sight without a word, but when she pulled herself up and turned off the water, he was there with a warmed towel. He dried her from head to toe, then walked her to her bed.

He’d already pulled the covers back. “Take a nap.” His voice was softer, almost tender.

Gratefully, she crawled in and collapsed against the cool sheets. Adrian pulled the covers over her shoulders. “I’ll wake you later.”

Later came much too soon. She forced an eye open as Adrian shook her shoulder.


She groaned and rolled over.

He pulled the covers from her. “Up. Now.”

She groaned again but pulled herself to a sitting position. Her body felt spineless still, muscles robbed of all strength. “I’m so tired.”

“Three minutes to the training room.” His voice had lost all tenderness. He spoke briskly, as cold as if he’d never displayed any tenderness or concern for her. She’d basked in his care of her and now he acted as if it had never happened.

She watched him leave her bedroom without a backward look. Resentment stirred.

How dare he be so untouched by what he’d put her through? She muttered to herself but resentment wasn’t enough to keep her from following orders. After a brief stop in the bathroom, she made it to the training room to see Adrian looking at his watch.

“I’m still tired.”

He eyed her. “So you’re tired. So what? Control, Norris. Self-denial.”

She controlled the words that wanted to spew forth. She denied herself the pleasure of venting her anger. Instead, she smiled as sweetly as she could and dropped to her knees.

He chuckled. “Very good, Norris.”

She kept her head lowered and her face hidden, afraid he’d see her uncontrolled reaction to his praise.

“You worked hard today. In fact, you lasted longer with the balls than I thought you would. You had a good orgasm?”

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