Sweet Chemistry (23 page)

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Authors: September Roberts

BOOK: Sweet Chemistry
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“Headache?” James sat on the edge of the tub.

“You could say that.” She rubbed her temples. “Sorry I fell asleep last night. One moment we were talking, and the next I was waking up in bed.”

“What do you remember?” James touched her hands and took over massaging.

“We were talking about your job, and tenure, and I don’t remember anything else.” Kate shook her head. “Why’d you let me drink so much wine?”

“I didn’t let you do anything. I tried to cut you off and you smacked me.” He was pouting.

Kate grimaced. “Sorry. I don’t remember hitting you.”

James smiled. “It’s okay, it was just a tap.”

“Do you want to join me?”

James shifted away from her slightly. “I’d love to, but I need to use the toilet first.” His face flushed.

“I’ll turn the water on, and you close the curtain. I can also hum if that would make you feel more comfortable.”

James chuckled as he closed the curtain. “Thanks, but I think I’ll be okay with the curtain closed and the water running.”

A minute later, James opened the curtain, turned the water off, and turned on the jets. Kate sat up and scooted forward, making room behind her in the tub. The water swirled around her legs and splashed against her ribs. As James stepped in, the water rose to her breasts.

Once his legs were stretched out, Kate snuggled back against him. “I want one of these.” James put his hands back on her temples and began to rub again. “That feels so good. Between you and the pain killers I took, my headache is all but gone.”

“Good. Can I take you out for breakfast?”

“That sounds great. Can we go somewhere that serves waffles?”

“I’ll take you to my favorite café. They have waffles.”

Eventually, Kate’s stomach growled, which was, along with her pruny fingers, enough motivation to leave the tub and get dressed.

“I used to come here all the time when I lived here.” James held the door for her, escorting her into the café. They sat across from each other at a booth in the corner.

“How long did you live here?”

“Five years.”

Kate’s mouth hung open. “In all that time, you only went to tide pools a few times?”

James laughed. “I was getting my PhD and teaching labs. I didn’t have time to go to the beach.” He handed her a menu. “Hey look! Waffles.”

After they ordered, Kate turned her attention back to him. “I just don’t understand how you could live so close to the ocean but never go.”

James shrugged. “I was driven. That’s what you said last night. You can’t fault me for something you were claiming was a virtue a few hours ago.”

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with being driven, but you’ve got to stop and smell the roses every now and then. Or in this case, stop and chase crabs.” She laughed and scrunched up her nose. “Nope, that doesn’t sound as good. No wonder it’s not a saying.”

“Maybe I should’ve stopped and smelled the crabs?”

Kate burst out laughing. “That’s even worse. You should quit while you’re ahead.”

Suddenly their conversation halted as a man walked up to the table. Kate’s stomach growled again at the thought of a steaming waffle covered in strawberries and cream, but when she looked at the man’s hands, they were empty. She frowned and then looked at James.

“Dr. Baker.”

Kate’s heart raced and she pulled her hand out of James’. Although she didn’t recognize him, he must’ve been someone from the university, and now they were both finished. Why wasn’t James panicking?

The man smiled and shook James’ hand.

“Frank, it’s so good to see you.” James was smiling.

“How long has it been? A year?”

“Yeah, about that.” James looked at Kate. “Sorry. Frank this is my…Kate.”

Kate let out the breath she had been holding and willed her heart to stop pounding. She pushed her hand toward him. “Hi.”

“Frank and I were teaching assistants together at UC Santa Barbara,” James added.

Frank shook her hand and grinned. “Now I see why you didn’t look me up when you got into town. You’ve been busy.” He nudged James in the shoulder. “So, are you here for the holidays? Last I heard you got a job at Bowman State.”

James nodded. “Yes, we came up for the break.”

“Oh? Do you work for the university too?” Frank looked at Kate again.

Kate smiled. “Yes, but not for much longer. I’m going to open a bakery.” It was the closest she had come to telling James about her bakery. She imagined the look on his face after she signed the contract and told him all about it for real. He was going to be excited. She hoped.

“She makes the most amazing lemon bars.” He grinned at her and then turned his attention to the server who was coming toward them with a platter of food.

Frank glanced over his shoulder. “I’ll get out of your hair so you can enjoy breakfast. It was great running into you.”

“Thanks for stopping to say hi.” James smiled.

“It was so good to see you again James, and it was really nice to meet you Kate.” Frank shook her hand again.

“It was nice to meet you too, Frank.” Kate waved to him as he left.

The server filled the table with plates and left them to eat in peace.

“How’s your waffle?”

Kate took a bite. “Heavenly.”

“I bet you make good waffles. Perhaps you should add them to your menu.”

Kate laughed.

“Right along with French toast.” James grinned.

* * * *

Full from breakfast, Kate lounged on the couch in front of the fire. She was tired again. “Do we have to go anywhere today?”

James turned on the fire and then sat down next to her and pulled her head into his lap. “We can do whatever you want.”

“I vote for staying here all day.” She closed her eyes. When she opened them again, the sun had moved. James smiled at her. “Did I fall asleep?”

“For about an hour. I didn’t want to wake you.”

Kate sat up and stretched. “Thanks for that. I feel much better. You’re so good to me.”

James shrugged, but before he could protest, Kate crawled onto his lap and kissed him. Their tongues pushed against each other as Kate rubbed against him. She reached between their bodies and caressed the bulge in his jeans. James moaned as her fingers worked inside the zipper.

Kate slid off his lap and stood between his legs and then pulled his jeans and boxers off. She shucked her clothes as he pulled his shirt over his head. Kneeling on the soft rug, she gripped his cock and kissed the head. His head fell onto the back of the couch as she wrapped her lips around his shaft, engulfing him in her mouth. She flicked her tongue and twisted her head.

“Fuck.” James was watching her now.

She repeated the movement and smiled when his eyes crossed. After another minute, he dug his fingers into her hair.

“Please. I need you.”

“I need you too.” Kate licked him one more time before she straddled him. She gripped his cock again and positioned the slippery head at her opening. Her body shivered in anticipation.

James pulled her into a kiss as he pushed into her. She was reveling in the sensation of him inside her when he grabbed her hips and lifted her body. He spiraled back into her, dragging a moan out of her mouth. He brushed her nipples with his wiry beard, making them hard instantly, and then his mouth was on them, drawing on her sensitive flesh.

Every time his lips rolled against her nipples, something tugged deep inside her body. Each lick and thrust brought her closer to release until finally she was keening and thrashing against him. She collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily.

“I love that sound.” His words kissed her earlobe and sent a shiver down her spine. He started thrusting into her again, setting her nerves on fire all over again.

“I’m gonna come again.” Her words came out between gasps.

On the verge of release, Kate’s moan turned into a scream as his hand dipped between their bodies and rubbed her clit as his cock swelled inside her. His grunt of pleasure echoed in her mouth as she kissed him.

“That was amazing.”

James kissed her again. “Mm.”

Her stomach growled. “Do we have more turkey?”

He laughed. “I think there’s a little left.”

“How about I make us lunch?” She attempted to move, only to find her legs were not cooperating. “I’ll get on that just as soon as my legs work again.”

“No rush.” He nuzzled the base of her neck, making her wish they never had to leave.

* * * *

They spent Sunday morning on the beach walking hand in hand. “I’m going to miss this.”

“Me too.” Kate squeezed his hand. “What time do we need to leave?”

“Check out is noon, but we don’t have to leave Santa Barbara until you’re ready.”

“I don’t want to go back. If we go back, I can’t do this.” She grabbed both of his hands and kissed him. She pulled away from him slowly. His eyes were still closed and his lips were pulled into a smile. His blissful face melted her heart. It was at that moment she knew she was falling in love with him. Her breath caught in her throat.

“Are you okay?” His forehead was creased with worry.

“What? Why?” Had she said something out loud?

“You’re not breathing. What just happened?”

She looked down at their fingers, which were still intertwined. She loved him. She loved everything about him. Fear stopped her from shouting it from the rooftops. Falling in love was not part of her plans. Their relationship was based on having fun and lots of sex. It was not supposed to be anywhere near love. She pushed her feelings down to the pit of her stomach and swallowed hard. With a shrug, she said, “I don’t know, just anxious about the rest of the semester I guess.”

The wind whipped her hair across her face, sending a shiver down her spine. James caressed her cheek. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re brilliant.” He wrapped his arm around her, pulled her snug against his side, and started walking again. “Just be grateful you don’t have to spend the next two weeks writing exams and going over a research thesis.”

Kate shook her head. “I don’t know how you do it. All that grading! Ugh.”

“I knew the job was dangerous when I took it.” James laughed.

After they checked out, they spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach. Every moment was filled with their hands interlocked. They finally left when the sun went down, bringing with it a chilly November evening.

The ocean passed in a blur of black and gray out her window as they drove home. “Do you want me to drop you off at your dorm?”

“No, I’ll walk from your apartment.” Saying goodbye was going to be difficult enough, but having to do it without one last hug would probably kill her. Everything had been so easy in Santa Barbara, but now they were back to the real world, a world where they had to keep their relationship a secret for the next three weeks.

All she had to do was wait. Her heart skipped a beat. Everything was going to be all right.

“Thank you for this weekend. It was really lovely.” Kate kissed him as he leaned in the doorway of his apartment. He invited her in, but she knew it would be too tempting to stay, so she declined. He had work to do.

“Thank you for going with me, and for having dinner with my family. I’m glad you had a good time. I did too.” He pulled her into a tight embrace.

“See you tomorrow.”

Out of breath from the walk across the street, Kate collapsed onto her bed. She dumped the contents of her backpack onto the bed next to her and sorted through the clothes until she found her phone. It chimed as it came to life. There were two messages.

“Hi Kate, it’s me,” Meg’s voice sang. “Just wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving and let you know Emily says you’re a poopy pants for not coming this year. Really what it comes down to is we miss your pie, aaaaand you’re smiling face. Hope you’re having fun. Call me when you get home. Bye.”

Kate laughed and moved on to the next message.

“Kate, it’s Liz from Golden Realty. I’m sure you’re traveling for the holiday, but I wanted to let you know I have your contract in my office. Give me a call as soon as you can and we’ll set up a time when you can come and look it over.”

The message went on for another minute giving her detailed directions to the office. She took a deep breath and dialed.

“Liz? I just got your message. Sorry to call you so late on a Sunday.”

“No worries. I’ve been waiting to hear back from you. Did you have a good weekend?”

“Yes, I did. Thanks for asking. So the contract is ready?”

Liz laughed. “You bet. I have it at the office. When can you come sign it?”

“Tomorrow, after I get out of class.” The words couldn’t get out of her mouth fast enough. “I should be able to be there by two o’clock. Will that work for you?”

“I’ll be in the office until five, so that’ll be perfect. You’ll need to bring your deposit.”

“Got it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She flew down the stairs and leaned on Meg’s door and knocked frantically.

“I’m coming!” Meg pulled open the door and smiled. “Kate! Quick come in and tell me all about your weekend.”

Kate shook her head and took a deep breath. “No. First I’m going to tell you about tomorrow. I just talked to Liz. She’s got my contract all drawn up. I’m going to sign tomorrow!”

Meg hugged her and they both squealed. “Awesome news.” She exhaled. “Now tell me about your weekend.”

As she recounted the events of the last four days she didn’t share everything. Meg heard about the beach, wine tasting, and bike riding, but Kate couldn’t bring herself to share the biggest event of all. She was in love with James. But until it was mutual, that news would be tucked safely away in Kate’s heart.

Monday morning couldn’t come fast enough, and as she went from class to class, Kate’s excitement grew. She was finally going to tell James about her bakery. Once she had the keys in her hands, nothing could stop her from sharing her news with him.

Time seemed to slow down the closer it got to two o’clock, probably because Kate was watching the second hand move during biochemistry. The second James was done lecturing, Kate flashed him a smile and bolted for the door.

* * * *

“Kate, come on back.” Liz shook her hand and then led her back to her office. In the center of her glossy desk was a tidy pile of papers. “Those are for you.”

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