Sweet Charity (11 page)

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Authors: Sherri Crowder

Tags: #Black Mavericks MC

BOOK: Sweet Charity
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“Nothing. At least not right now,” he told Brains. “She’ll be at that damn restaurant all week. There’s no point staking out her house until the weekend.  Besides I’ve got other things for you to take care of right now.  Next weekend though, I want your ass tailing her 24/7, from noon on Friday until Sunday night, and then you report to me what’s Charity’s been up to.  Then I’ll decide what to do, if anything,” he added.



























Chapter 18


Jackson stopped by
Sweet Charity’s
, right on schedule, on his way to work Monday morning.  When he walked in through the front door Charity couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across her face when she looked up and saw those blue eyes, those handsome dimples and the huge grin lighting up his face.  He was so sexy, and Charity felt a shiver go through her whole body from the look he gave her.

She had just finished placing some of her freshly made baked goodies in the display case and was about to take a little break.  When Jackson walked her way, she stepped out from behind the counter, and couldn’t help enjoying the view of how incredibly hot he looked in his blue jeans and leather jacket, with his shades tucked into his shirt collar.  Damn, he was one hell of a sexy man.

When Jackson reached where Charity stood, he leaned in close and whispered, “Do you have any idea how good you just made me feel, looking at you watching me, with lust in those pretty emerald eyes of yours?”  Then he reached for her hand and tugged her along through the doorway leading to the hallway to her office, the staff lounge, the kitchen, and the supply room.  They no sooner made it through the door, laughing like kids all the way, when Jackson pushed her back up against the wall and began kissing her.

As they kissed, Jackson removed his hands from her face, which he had been holding, and reached for her arms, raising them above her head.  As he held them in place with one hand, he then worked the string of her apron free, and moved it aside while pushing her blouse up, to expose her silky blue bra.  Lucky for him, it had a front closure and he made quick work of opening it, capturing one of her breasts in his hand.  That wasn’t good enough though because he wanted to use both hands, so he broke their kiss to tell her to keep her arms above her head, instead allowing Charity the chance to say, “Jackson, we can’t do this here.” 

“Yes we can!” he said quickly, about to place his lips back on hers, when suddenly they heard laughter coming from somewhere nearby.  They both turned to look down the hallway to see Melissa, who it appeared had just come out of the supply room, laughing her head off. 

“Oh, don’t mind me,” she managed to say between spurts of laughter. “Especially if you’re about to get naked Mister,” she added, as she couldn’t control her giggles.  

Unable to maintain their composure either, Jackson and Charity also burst out laughing.  “Okay, maybe this isn’t the best place for this to happen,” he agreed.  Melissa sauntered the rest of the way down the hallway and back through the kitchen doorway, out of sight and still laughing all the way.  As she disappeared, Jackson said, “I know where we’ll go.”  He grabbed hold of Charity’s hand once more, and pulled her to the end of the hall where there was a stairway leading to a second story loft.  As he tugged her up the stairs and through the unlocked door into the loft they continued to laugh and struggle to catch their breath. 

Then taking a look around and seeing there was only an old desk and chair up there, they realized their options for comfortable places to have sex were a bit limited.  Of course, when Charity considered that Jackson had been about to take her up against the wall when they were downstairs, she looked towards him and said, in unison with him, “chair!”

Charity reached for Jackson’s jacket lapels and pushed it from his shoulders.  While she was doing that, Jackson was now trying to pull that damned apron off over her head.  He had to stop until she freed his arms from his jacket, and then he made quick work of the apron followed by her blouse, pulling it over her head and for a brief second getting it stuck in her pony tail, causing them both to laugh.  As Jackson worked on separating her blouse from her ponytail, Charity was pulling the hem of his T-shirt from his jeans, and unbuckling his leather belt, followed quickly by the button and zipper.  In a few seconds, she was topless and he was wearing only his t-shirt and briefs.  Next, Charity tugged the shirt over Jackson’s head and he unfastened her jeans.  When Jackson had finished removing Charity’s bra with her blouse, and they stood in only their underwear, they reached for each other with urgency, and their lips met tugging and sucking at one another until their tongues tangled in a sensual dance. 

It was during those moments, standing together, with her breasts pressed against his pecs, that Jackson knew he would never in an entire lifetime get enough of being with this woman.  On this ordinary weekday, at Charity’s workplace, with him on his way to his usual job, Jackson realized that he was in love, completely and totally in love with Charity Spencer, and he always would be.  No longer would any day be ordinary ever again, so long as he and Charity were together. 

Just then he felt Charity’s finger’s wrapping around his fully erect cock, as she reached her hand inside his briefs.  Christ he was almost ready to come from just a quick touch from her.  He broke their kiss and looking her in the eyes, reached down and removed his briefs.  He followed that by doing the same for her, letting their underwear slide down to the floor.  Then he bent down and picked her up, carrying her, as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, while he walked over to the chair and sat down with her on his lap.  

There wasn’t any preamble, as Charity eased herself up just enough to place the head of his cock at her slippery wet opening, and then sank slowly down onto him.  They both gave satisfied moans before their lips met again in a frantic and ferocious round of kissing and biting, allowing little moans and sighs to escape as they moved in perfect unison with one another.  Jackson just wanted time to stand still.  He wanted these minutes to last forever and for them to stay literally connected like this, for an eternity. His thoughts were interrupted though by Charity’s whole body quaking, her pussy and internal muscles tightening around his cock, and he knew neither of them could hold off their orgasms much longer.  Charity began to squeeze and milk his cock, riding him hard, while chanting his name over and over as she came. This was making his balls draw up tight and his spine to tingle in that familiar way, as he surged up a few more times to meet her, coming hard inside her, while he roared and moaned out her name.

They stayed sitting as they were, with Jackson’s cock still inside her warm wet heat, waiting until they came down from their high.  Charity’s forehead was resting on Jackson’s shoulder, as his hot breath was teasing her neck.  Jackson placed his hands around her neck and drew her head up so she was looking at him.  She smiled up at him and said, “I never knew sex could be this amazing, but every time with you is even better than the last, which was already beyond amazing.”

Jackson leaned his head forward, touching hers with his as he continued to look into her green eyes. “Neither did I,” he replied, as he smiled down at her.  Then he said, “I think I need to do some work up here and make this loft into our little rendezvous nest for when you’re at work.  What do you think of that idea my Sweet Charity?” he asked.

Raising her head and taking a quick look around, she turned back to him and answered, “Sounds like a brilliant plan Mr. McKay. Just a terrific idea.” Then she laughed as she kissed him once more.  






















Chapter 19


It was Friday already, and as Charity was getting dressed before Jackson came to pick her up, she was becoming more and more nervous about going to The Black Maverick’s club tonight.  Jackson had told her to pack a bag because they would likely spend the night at the club, or if she was uncomfortable there they could head to his house.  He was picking her up first, and then they were going together to get Faith and Melody.  When she asked about how the girls would get home later, he had said that he would drive them or perhaps some of his ‘brothers’ would take them home.  He also said that they were welcome to stay at the club because there were extra guest rooms if they liked.  Charity knew without asking them that Melody would be fine doing that, but there was no way Faith would entertain such an idea.  It was a miracle that she hadn’t come up with some sort of excuse yet, to get out of going to the club at all tonight. 

Charity was quite nervous about meeting his ‘brothers’ as he called the men in the motorcycle club.  However, she had already met two of them, Rocker and Rebel. They had been part of the crew working on the renovations at
Sweet Charity’s
.  Jackson had told her they were his young prospects, which meant they were not patched members of the club yet.  Apparently, they had to prove themselves before they would become full members.  She really enjoyed both Rocker and Rebel, as she had gotten to know them fairly well during construction.  Rebel was a tremendous carpenter, and had taken great pains in restoring the woodwork in the old library building.  Rocker was a genius when it came to plaster work, and he had restored and repaired the plaster ceilings and molding like it was when the building was brand new, she was sure.  They both were a few years younger than Jackson, or Gunner as they called him by his club name rather than his given birth name.  If everyone at the club was as nice as Rocker and Rebel had been she would really enjoy being there. She was just thinking about how much she had to learn about motorcycle club life, when she heard the front doorbell ring.  Jackson was right on schedule to pick her up as usual. 



Jackson greeted Charity at the door with a long, lingering kiss, that left her wanting more, and although it was killing him not to carry her off to bed, he reminded her that the girls were waiting for them at Faith’s house and that the guys at the club were expecting them all.  They had planned a party tonight so she could meet everyone.  He grabbed her bag from her room, and once she locked up, he held her hand as they walked to a gorgeous navy blue Lincoln parked in the driveway.  Her man was a car aficionado for sure, and she loved the way she sank into the plush leather seats inside the dark navy interior of the car.  Jackson held her hand all the way to Faith’s house, often raising it to his lips and kissing her palm, or the back of her hand as he drove.  She loved how affectionate he was with her.  No man had ever been so loving towards her. 

During this past week, they couldn’t stay away from one another and they spent every evening and night together, in one of their beds.  Jackson had shown up on her doorstep Monday and Tuesday evening, and then he wanted to take her out to dinner on Wednesday, so they ended up at his place where she slept over.  Then just last night, Jackson was back in her bed at her house again.  After the horrible life she had while living with Tommy, she really didn’t think she would enjoy having a man around so soon after getting her own place again, but secretly, she wished Jackson would sleep over every night. 

Melissa and Faith were all ready to go when Charity and Jackson arrived to pick them up, so they headed immediately off to the club house.  As they got closer, Charity was really beginning to feel butterflies in her stomach and Jackson, noticing the way she was fidgeting, let go of her hand that he had been holding most of the way there, and placed his hand on her knee and said, “Sweetie, everything will be fine tonight.  The guys are all going to love you.  Please don’t worry.”  Having his hand on her knee definitely helped with her nerves.  As a matter of fact, it was very distracting and instead of worrying about tonight, she was now squirming in her seat for completely different reasons. Jackson sensed the change in her and smiled to himself.  He couldn’t wait until he could take her off to his room later tonight and make love to her.

When they arrived at the Maverick’s MC club, Charity noticed that it was really more of a compound than a club.  It was quite far out of town, down a sparsely inhabited county road, and was completely surrounded by trees, therefore being barely visible from the road.  As they pulled down the long laneway, they drove up to the gate in a very tall chain link fence that had barbed wire along the top.  It almost made her think it was a prison as opposed to a place where people chose to go. 

The gate opened as Jackson’s car approached allowing them to drive through into a huge parking area and yard surrounding the basically non-descript building.  It was a flat roofed, red brick building, with darkly tinted windows that were high up, closer to the roofline actually.  The courtyard, if you will, consisted of a parking area, a nice big lawn area with shade trees, a BBQ and several picnic tables and surprisingly a children’s play area.  Charity couldn’t imagine why they would ever need a place for children to play at a motorcycle club and she meant to ask Jackson about that later. 

When they got out of the car, loud rock music could be heard playing inside and Jackson slipped his hand through Charity’s, giving it a reassuring squeeze.  Charity looked around at her friends and while Melissa had an excited smile on her face, Faith looked pale and extremely nervous.  They entered the back of the building, down a long, darkly lit hallway, with several doors leading off of it.  As they approached the end of the hall, the music got louder and the narrow hallway gave way to a huge room full of people. 

There was a beautifully polished wooden bar, and the hardwood floor was broken up by several different social areas, including a dance floor, an area with several pool tables, an area where some of the guys were playing cards at a poker table, an area for playing darts, and a few separate lounge areas with comfy looking sofas and chairs. One of the seating areas was surrounding a huge fire place made from beautiful stone.  All in all it was quite a handsome, and warm room despite its massive size.  Off along the wall where the bar was there were several different doors, leading where, Charity didn’t know.

Jackson lead the girls over to one of several tables located beside the bar.  After the girls took a seat, he then took their drink orders and walked over to the bar where Lock and Animal were sitting talking with Holy the club’s bartender.  Although they had never spoken to Charity before, they both knew what she looked like as they had frequented her restaurant on a regular basis, for the home cooked meals.  They both had turned around and taken good long looks at the girls when Jackson had walked in with them.  “Hey boys...Holly,” he greeted them.  “Holly, can I get a bottle of that wine I stocked up on this week for the ladies?” he asked.  Nobody at the club actually drank wine but he knew that Charity liked a nice glass of white wine now and then, and he had been correct in assuming her friends would enjoy some too. 

“Breaking out the fancy stuff, eh Gunner?” Animal asked, with a laugh.  “Pussy whipped already are ya?” he then added. 

Jackson turned and looked over at him, with a less then happy look.  “I’m not pussy whipped but I do happen to know what my lady likes to drink,” he answered.  “You should try dating a lady sometime and you might know,” he smiled at his retort as he shoulder bumped Animal.

“Ya, ya, maybe I’ll surprise you one day and find a lady,” Animal said before adding, “as long as she’s not a lady in my bed.” Then he, Lock and Jackson laughed. 

While the boys were laughing at the bar, Holly took three wine glasses, also newly added to the bar stock this week, over to the girls table and uncorked the wine bottle, before pouring them a glass of the perfectly chilled wine.  “Hi ladies, I’m Holly.  It’s nice to meet you.  I’m the bartender here at the club,” she said.  “If you need anything else you just ask,” she added. 

“Thanks Holly,” Charity said.  “I’m Charity Spencer, Jackson’s um... friend, and these are my girlfriends, Faith and Melissa.  It’s great meeting you too.”  Holly nodded in acknowledgement to each of the girls and then headed back to the bar.  “She seems like a really nice girl,” Charity said to Faith and Melissa. 

The girls chatted about how big the club house was, and how they were surprised about how many people were here, as none of them expected the club house to be this packed or this large.  Melissa was sitting facing the bar and she was eyeing the broad shoulders of one of the guys sitting with Jackson.  He had wild, curly, dirty blond hair, and he was wearing a wife beater, and from the back, she thought he sure looked good.  She noticed him start to turn around, but before she could look away, he caught her staring at him.  Melissa immediately felt heat come over her face from getting caught looking at him, but she wasn’t sorry at all because just looking at him was enough to make her panties wet.  He gave her a knowing smile and winked one of his beautiful blue eyes at her.  He then reached for his beer and started walking over to the table where they sat. 

“Hey girl,” he said as he pulled out a chair, moving it right beside Melissa’s chair, and in one smooth movement, turned it around backwards and sat resting his forearms on the back of the chair.  Damn she thought he was hot. His hair, which was a little on the long side, was full of thousands of curls and his eyes were almost an aquamarine blue. 

“Hey yourself,” she answered him back, and before Charity and Faith knew it, Melissa and Animal were off to one of the empty pool tables where Animal was teaching her how to play. 

“Well, I guess Melissa’s lost for the night,” said Faith.  “You know I really should go.”

“What? No. Faith. Why do you say that?” Charity asked. 

“Because you’re going to want to spend time with Jackson, and Melissa is clearly occupied now.  I don’t want to be a fifth wheel sitting here, keeping you all from enjoying yourselves,” she explained. She was clearly uncomfortable and was looking for any excuse to go home Charity thought, but it was time Faith started living again.  Charity wasn’t about to let her go home so quickly. 

“You are not a fifth wheel Faith,” she said, “and you are not going home yet.”  Just then Jackson and Lock headed over to the table.  Jackson took a seat, sitting close beside Charity and leaning over and kissing her. 

“Who’s a fifth wheel?” Lock asked as he took a seat across from Faith at the table. “Hi ladies, I’m Lock as my brother’s here call me, but you girls can call me Aiden if you like,” he told them. 

“Hi Aiden, lovely to meet you,” Charity said.  “Jackson has told me lot’s about you,” she added. 

“Oh no, that can’t be good,” he said with a laugh, as he looked at Faith.  “Don’t let his opinion influence yours,” he remarked with a nod towards Jackson. “Gunner and I have known each other since we were kids and our father’s were in the club together,” he told the girls.  “Unfortunately, when you know someone that long, they know all of the stupid things you’ve done in your past.  I’ve matured and become much wiser, of course,” he said laughing, as he looked once again over at Faith.

Damn he thought as he blatantly looked at Faith, this girl is gorgeous! Beautiful blonde, pretty blue eyes, and her body fuckin’ rocked!  Fuck though, she sure looks up tight, he thought. While his brain told him no pussy was worth the trouble this girl would be, his cock told him he needed to try. Gonna have my work cut out with this one, he told himself. 

As he stared at Faith, she became very uncomfortable and wasn’t sure where to look, so she just looked down at her glass of wine on the table.  She wrapped her hands around the stem of the glass to give herself something to do with her fidgeting hands.  She knew he was totally checking her out, and she didn’t want him to.  Sure he was kind of cute.  He had the most beautiful red hair and his eyes were a pretty hazel color.  I mean she wasn’t ready to get involved with anybody yet, and besides even if she were it wasn’t going to be a biker no matter what Charity thought.  She didn’t need some muscle bound bully in her life.

“So Aiden, what do you do for a living?” Charity asked.

“Oh aw Gunner didn’t tell you?  Well I own a-”, he started to say when Faith suddenly stood up and said, “You know I’m just going to go home now,” she said. “I’m sorry Charity, Jackson, and uh Aiden, right? I’m feeling a little under the weather and I think I’m going to go home and turn into bed early,” she added.

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