Zane (Inked Brotherhood Book 3)

BOOK: Zane (Inked Brotherhood Book 3)
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(Inked Brotherhood, #3)


Jo Raven

They call me Zen-man, the cool-headed one, the protector. I keep an eye out for everyone, take them in, find them homes. They think I’m the calm and collected one, the self-assured one, the one who knows the way. They think they see me. They think they know me.

But they’re all wrong, because inside I’m broken. I have a jagged hole in my soul I can’t fix, a festering blackness. I’ve been to the pits of hell, and nobody comes back unscathed. Life in foster care fucked me up, and now a thread is all that’s holding me together.

So I sleep around and never date, keeping chicks away. One day I’ll snap, and when I do, there’s no telling who I might take down with me.

All the same, there’s this one girl who won’t be scared away. Dakota. She’s hot, and I won’t deny I want her. But she keeps coming back, pushing me, trying to get me to talk, to open up to her.

She has no idea she’s playing with fire. When the demons come, she’d better be far away from me, just like everyone else.


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(Inked Brotherhood, #3)

Jo Raven

Copyright Jo Raven 2014


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, events, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Part I



I never knew my parents. There’s no record of the person who abandoned me behind a dumpster one summer morning. My only inheritance is my almond-shaped eyes and straight dark hair.

When I was little and watched Japanese cartoons on TV, I imagined my mother dressed up in a red kimono, her dark hair held up with sticks. I imagined her walking through the streets, looking for me. Calling my name.

Took me years to realize how stupid that fantasy was. I mean, even my name is borrowed, bestowed on me by a social worker. See, I have no past and no family. I have no one.

Except for Emma, my adopted sister.

And now she’s leaving me, too.

Chapter One



The gym is packed. Most of the guys are here. Rafe is showing Shane some kickboxing moves, while the others are in pairs, practicing what he taught us today.

Dylan is facing me, sweat dripping off his face, his bangs plastered to his forehead. “Come on,” he mutters, hopping from foot to foot, full of restless energy. “Come on.”

He feints, and I take a step back, raising my fists. He swipes his leg, aiming at the back of my knee, but I twist and block. He throws a punch at my jaw, and I thrust my arm up in the last moment, stopping the blow.

“Wake up, Z-man,” he crows and punches the air with his taped hands. “Move it.”

“And you calm down,” I growl. I’m trying to get into it, but I can’t, not tonight. My heart ain’t in it.

What I want…

Dylan aims a kick at my shin, but I see it coming, and step back. Avoid as many hits as possible, deliver as much damage as you can. I move into his defenses and throw a punch at his jaw, which he blocks with his arm.

We both backtrack a little, lower our fists. Voices buzz around us, the smell of sweat is strong on the air. It’s summer, and it’s too hot in here. Too many guys, too many bodies, too many fights.

What I really want…

“Watch out,” Dylan snaps, but it’s too late. The punch catches me in the stomach, and I stumble back a few steps. I can’t draw any air, and I double over, gasping.

“Zane, dammit.” Dylan plants a hand on my shoulder, his blue eyes wide. “You all right? Why didn’t you block?”

Because my mind is elsewhere. Because I haven’t been able to focus on anything for weeks. Because the other guys have noticed, and take it easy on me, but Dylan is too caught up in the downward spiral of his own life to pay attention right now.

“You okay, man?” Rafe is in my face now, pulling me upright.

I push down the pain, even as I struggle to draw breath. “Never been better.”

Rafe’s shoulders relax marginally. “Take five, you two.”

Dylan shoves a hand through his bangs, jaw clenching. Shooting me one last glance, he stalks off to the benches.

I think Dylan probably cracked a rib or two. They hurt like a bitch. I won’t be telling Rafe this, though, because the guilt will kill him. Training us was his idea, and he feels responsible for anything that happens to us here.

I’d take a bullet before I cause Rafe worry. He’s the reason I survived until Emma found me. He began my initiation in the world of ink, secured my apprenticeship for what would later become my profession. I worked at the tattoo shop in the afternoons. Later, after the murder of his parents, he bought the shop and changed the name to Damage Control.


“Zane.” Rafe shoots me a knowing look, and I want to punch him in the face. I
don’t need this right now.

“I said I’m fine. Shit happens when you train.”

“He caught you off guard.”

“As I said. Shit happens.”

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Have I grown tits or something? Do I look like a chick? No, I don’t fucking wanna talk about it.” I rub my stomach where the punch landed. Pain radiates outward and down. My whole chest feels as if it’s burning from the inside. “Go train Shane. Fucker’s useless with his fists.”

Rafe shakes his head and rubs a hand over his face. “You want me to back off, I’ll back off. As long as you get your shit together, and don’t let random guys punch you in the face.”

“It was in the stomach,” I mutter, just to say something. “Not the face. And he wasn’t a random guy.”

He gives me a long, hard look. “Sooner or later, Z-man, you’ll have to take your own advice.”

“Yeah?” I scowl at my reddened knuckles. “And what’s that?”

“Talking. Communicating. Letting others in. You think I don’t see you’re wound up tighter than a spring? Think I don’t know something’s wrong? Suck it up, and let your friends know. We can help.”

I swallow the curses that come up my throat like vomit. How the fuck can anyone help? “Why don’t you talk to Dylan, if you’re so set on having girly talks? He’s sure going through something bad. Today he thought he was punching a wall. That punch, man, that was like a freight train. I think he forgot we’re just training.”

“Oh, I’ll talk to him.” Rafe grunts. “He’ll probably open up as much as you have, which is not at all. You’re the only one who really gets to him. You know that.”

I do. He’s damn right. I should talk to Dylan. Out of the whole Inked Brotherhood, I’ve always thought Dylan was the most likely to turn out fine. We’re all fucked up in the head, screwed over by our pasts and our families, but Dylan’s past ain’t as shitty as Rafe’s, or Asher’s, or Tyler’s…
Or mine.

So I should grab him by the scruff of the neck and demand to know what the hell has gone haywire this past month. Shake the truth out of him, if I have to. Demand he get out of the rut, and be okay. Just be okay.


Everything is spinning out of control, and panic lurks in the corners of my mind, waiting to pounce. The one thing I can’t fight, that I can’t take, is about to happen, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

I want her to get well. I want a miracle. I want things to go back to how they were a few months ago. I want…

It doesn’t matter. What I’m gonna do is what I usually do as of late. I’ll walk into a bar and drink until I’m shitfaced. Until I can’t think anymore, and my fucking head is empty.

How the hell am I supposed to look out for anyone when my world is crashing down?


“Found someone?” Tyler asks the next day as I enter Damage Control. He’s manning the reception desk and entering appointments on the computer. The desktop background is a photo of his son, Jax, who has to be a clone. Nobody can look so much like their dad at the age of four, honest. Asher calls Jax ‘Mini Ty.’

“Come again?” I grab the book of appointments to check who to expect today. “Found who?”

“A new roomie.”

I blink stupidly at him. I’m hungover as hell, and my head pounds like a war drum. “Roomie…” Oh right. Erin, my current roommate and Tyler’s girlfriend, is moving out. Moving in with him. Which leaves me in the pleasant position of having to look for a new roommate. “I, uh…” I scratch the back of my head, and try to think through the headache. “Not yet.”

“Have you started looking yet?”


“You realize she’s moving out tomorrow, right?”

Tomorrow? Hell.
“Time flies, doesn’t it?” I say darkly and move to my booth on unsteady legs. Fuck, I’m still drunk. Just how much did I have to drink last night? I can’t remember the end of the evening. Or the last bar I visited, after I was thrown out of the previous one.


I dig into a drawer and find aspirin. I swallow two, dry, and rub my itchy eyes.

Shit, Erin is moving out. I should put up an ad on Craigslist, maybe also print some and post at the campus, or even here, in the shop. Ask around. I can’t afford the apartment on my own, and I’ve grown quite attached to it. I’ve lived there since I was seventeen, since Emma married Matt. I like it. I’m used to it. I feel safe there. Ocean used to share the place with me—the other tattooist of Damage Control—and then Erin. And now…

I pass my hands along the shaved sides of my head. My Mohawk is outrageously tall, and I should trim it down. I don’t have the energy right now to style it with gel and hairspray, so it doesn’t droop like the tail of a rooster.

But my sister likes it.

The thought stills me, and the image of Emma in the hospital bed, pale and sick, lodges in my brain like a bullet.

So much for trying to forget.

It doesn’t look good, the doctors said. They’re doing their best, but at this stage…

I blink at my surroundings and shake myself. What was I thinking…?
Oh, right.
Get to work. Find a roommate. Then check on my sister and brace for the news.

For the fucking news. I kick at the booth wall and curse.

“Hey,” Tyler calls from outside my booth, and I grit my teeth. “Zane, you okay?”

I swear, if anyone asks me this one more fucking time…

“Forgot to tell you, man. We’re having a barbecue tonight by the lake. Wanna come?”

“No, I’m cool.” I kick the wall again.

“Zane…” I hear worry in Tyler’s voice, and that’s the last thing I need.


“Join us tonight. It will be good.”

“No, it won’t.”

Silence from outside the booth. I draw my stool close and drop on it, staring at the tools of my trade. I love inking skin, love my job. Love art. It’s the one thing that got me through other dark times. So why can’t I find any joy in it right now?

“Dakota will be there,” Tyler says quietly from the opening of the booth, and I freeze.

She will?
An image of her flashes through my mind—straight dark hair brushing her slender neck and bangs in her eyes, her lips wrapped around an ice cream cone—and my reaction is the same as every time: I get hard. And we’re not talking just a semi-erection, my dick showing cautious interest. No, my dick is one hundred percent set on her, going diamond hard and aching like a bitch in an instant, as if it hasn’t seen action in years.

“But, of course, you don’t care about that,” Tyler says smugly, the bastard, and leaves me alone to return to the reception desk.

I toy with the tattoo gun. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to drop by. Distractions are always welcome, and Dakota is a major distraction. She has a great ass and small, pert tits. With those big blue eyes and soft mouth, she looks like a manga character—and as my throbbing dick informs me, a goddamn sexy one.

Add to that the fact she keeps pushing me, teasing me with that ridiculous request to have a dragon tattoo, and I’m hooked. It sure takes my mind off other, less pleasant things.

She has no reason to get such a tattoo. I know, ’cuz I asked about her. I asked Audrey, who is good friends with her, and she said Dakota has a great family, no scars anywhere on her body she can see and doesn’t seem to have a dark past.

So I know she’s just teasing me about the tattoo. That she won’t drag me down. And if she wants to hook up with me… Then all bets are off.

Because right now, I need that distraction like never before. Without it, I feel like I’m gonna sink so low nobody will be able to drag me out of the pits again.


The party is held at the house of a friend of Dylan’s. Or so Tyler informs me as he gives me directions over the phone. He doesn’t seem so sure himself.

We’ll probably end up at an unknown house and burn it down. Stranger things have happened. Like the time Rafe, Dylan and I were so drunk off our asses we entered the wrong building at three in the morning and banged on everyone’s door for a long time, before the police were called, and we were firmly ushered out.

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