Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) (40 page)

BOOK: Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)
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She waltzed on over to the bar and sat down in front of me. Asked for a glass of wine, and I was thankful I didn’t have to subdue another drunk cocktail-demanding female. She was friendly, chatted, asked me about myself. Eyed the other women with amusement as they came and went. We shared looks, and smiles as they did their whole flirting thing, and at the end of each conversation with them, I went back to her. Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn to her. Fun, beautiful, and still a little flirty, and I couldn’t help the disappointment that flowed through me when a friend joined her. They still both chatted to me, but she got a lot of attention from other guys and by the end of the evening ended up in someone else’s arms. And I was…gutted. 


Brought back to the present when the beer bottle clashes to the floor, I watch her. Smiling, bright blue eyes glistening with happiness as she makes her way round the little crowd of people all waiting for the chance to congratulate her.

That night three years ago, I wanted her, and for two years after that. But I didn’t get her. Not in the way I wanted her. I got her smiles, her hugs, her lips on my cheek, and her tears that I tried with everything in me to turn into laughter.

I got Laurel’s friendship. And I’ll always treasure it.

As my eyes trail down to her stomach, where her hand is tenderly placed over the small curve, my chest tightens but it’s not jealousy. Not anymore. It’s happiness that she’s found someone who treats her how she deserves to be treated. Another guy’s hand covers hers, and she leans back into his chest. His other hand reaches up to her hair and brushes it out the way to kiss her temple.

My best friend James got the girl. The fucker. He wasn’t my best friend then. I didn’t even really like him that much. I knew of him, knew his reputation, saw it for myself. Weekends went by; different night, different girl. Until her. They had their bumps along the way, but now they’re happier than ever, with a bump of their own.

“You gonna pick up the bottle or just gawk all night?”

“Give me a break, Luce.” I shake my head and pick up the bottle from the floor. Lucy’s my assistant manager and a complete ballbuster. She looks sweet and innocent, cute, girly with a smile that can charm anyone, but actually she’s fucking scary. And when she’s got a bee in her bonnet, you’re fucked.

“What are you staring at her for?”

I love her; she’s one of my best friends, and she was the one who stopped me from trashing the bar after one awkward as fuck conversation with Laurel last year when I completely flipped out. I’ve had a couple of relationships since then. But there’s been no-one that’s really clicked. And I know Lucy worries about me.

“I’m just happy for her. You’re like a broken record, Luce. Just fuck off.” She narrows her eyes, and rolls her tongue piercing between her teeth, which means she’s thinking.

“What now?” I ask, knowing her well enough to see the wheels turning. After another few seconds she breaks out into a grin and squeals.

“I actually believe you this time.” She hops up and down and does a little twirl round the back of the bar. A couple of customers sat at the bar watch her, laughing. They won’t have heard what we’ve been talking about but her smile always catches. She bounces towards me and takes the tea towel off my shoulder.

“He’s free.” She screams, spinning around and twirling it in the air. “Woo hoo. Ladies, watch out. Ryan Murphy’s coming for you!” Thankfully there’s not many people in here yet, apart from my friends; it’s still early.

I shake my head and snatch the tea towel off her. “Shut up, crazy girl. Back to work.”

She salutes at me and kisses my cheek. “Yes, boss. Oh and I forgot to tell you, there’s a barrel that needs changing.”

I stop wiping down a glass and stare at her. “And you couldn’t do that why?”

“I just got my nails done!” She holds them up for me to admire, but I don’t know anything about nails and couldn’t fucking care any less if I tried.

I roll my eyes. “One more time tonight. If there’s another one, you’re doing it!”

“Not on your life. You lost, so you pay up.” She sings as she walks to the fridge and pulls out a couple of beer bottles. She sets them on the bar, takes some money off the customer and winks as she turns to the till. “And I know how much you love to lose.”

My fucking fault. I shouldn’t have made the bet with her. But how was I supposed to know she was this amazing Pool champion in college. I actually don’t think I lost anyway. She should have had to forfeit for withholding information, so really, I let her win.

“Fine. But tomorrow night you’re doing them all.”

“Hey that’s not fair.” She cries, dropping the smirk and putting her hand on her hip. “I’m…I’m gonna report you.” She stutters out.

I raise an eyebrow. “For?”


“Oh, you’re right…” I stroke the stubble on my chin in thought. She smiles like she thinks she’s won.

“…I’ll tell Stacey and Ruby you’re doubling their workload tomorrow night too.” I chuck another tea towel at her and point to the wet glasses I’ve just taken out the dishwasher.

“See? Now there’s no discrimination.”

I chuckle as she sticks her tongue out at me and picks up a glass, biting back a smile.


After an hour of serving customers and tidying up as I go, James, my lucky fucker of a friend, comes over to get a refill, sitting on a barstool in front of me. I open the fridge and grab a couple of bottles.

“Congrats, man.”

“Thanks. And thanks for your help last night. It made it perfect for her.” I open the bottle of beer, and pour out the orange juice into a glass.

“No worries. Glad I could help.” Last night I shut the bar for the evening so he could pop the question here, taking a hit on sales. If my bosses, the Mason family, found out, they might freak, but they don’t look at the sales that closely. As long as I pull it back, we should be okay. But this is where Laurel and James first met and the bar’s been an important part of their lives. They’re always here, so it seemed perfect and when he asked me, I just couldn’t say no. I slide the drinks over to him, and he turns to nod at his fiancée who breaks from the crowd in the corner and walks over to us, resting her head on his shoulder.

“If one more person I don’t know puts their hands on my stomach again I’m going to freak out. I thought it was only supposed to be when you’ve got a huge bump. And mine’s little.” She pouts her bottom lip and looks down at her stomach. James and I both laugh but he sobers quickly.

“It’s only going to get worse, babe. So your mum says anyway.”

She frowns and pulls back to look at him. “Since when have you talked to her?”

“Since you told her you were pregnant.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal and takes a sip of his beer. “Mine’s not around, so I’ve been talking to her about what to expect and stuff. She told me everything. That’s okay right?”

He eyes her warily, and I back away before I get in the middle of some relationship drama. I look out at the bar and spot a couple of tables that need wiping down. My staff are all occupied so I lift up the counter flap and walk out onto the floor, squeezing through the crowd. It’s now got significantly busier. This is a small town so there’s a limited number of places to go for a night out and we do well, turning over enough to keep the Masons living the high life in Spain.

I pick up a few glasses, wipe the table and turn to take care of the next one. The red hair catches my attention first, then the laugh, and finally the tight green sweater and curve hugging jeans. Jennifer Harvey is gorgeous. Not just on the outside, but she’s probably the sweetest girl I know too. Way too sweet to still be hanging out with the likes of Owen Baker. My eyes narrow when I look between them. He’s a doctor at the local hospital; total player, total dick. I look between them again, feeling my whole body tighten with anger when he leans in towards her and places his hand way too high up on her thigh. I see her shift slightly, her eyes widen and look down at his hand, and I can’t stop my legs as they walk to the bar. I place the glasses down, and head in their direction. I warned her a couple of months ago before she went out to lunch with him, and I thought I’d gotten through to her. Obviously not.

I lean down and place my hands on the table in front of her.

“Jen, can I have a word?”

Her mouth opens in shock but she quickly closes it and sits up straighter, pulling her shoulders back.

“I’m kind of busy now Ryan. Maybe later.” She flashes me a fake smile before turning her pretty green eyes back to Owen. We’re friends, as much as we can be with the amount of arguments we have, but it’s always been like that. I felt something between us when I first met her, pursued her, fucked things up with her trying to do the right thing, and now I don’t get her. Serves me right really. Should have just fucked her when she gave me the chance, but something tells me she would have hated me more than she does now. And that little part of me is still holding on. Hoping she realises what’s in front of her. But nights like tonight, when she actually looks at me like I’m dirt on her shoe, kill a little bit of hope. I don’t give up easily though.

“Now, Jen. It’s important.”

She looks back up at me, and scowls. “And I told you, I’m busy.”

She’s definitely got a lot feistier lately. I like it.

I sigh and stand up straight. I didn’t want to have to resort to this, but I will. She’ll go crazy on me, shout at me, scream probably. But at least she won’t be with the fuckwad that’s been glaring at me since I came over.

I reach out to take the beer bottle from the table that’s nowhere near empty, and not so subtly let it slip from my fingers. It lands sideways on the table and the liquid runs out all over her jeans.

“What the hell?” She screams as she flies out the chair and frowns at the spill that looks like she’s had a little accident.

“Oops.” I wince, and shrug my shoulders, realising I don’t look apologetic in the slightest.

“I can’t believe you did that.” She punches my shoulder. She’s little so it doesn’t have much of an impact. “You did it on purpose.”


“No, it was an accident. Sorry.”

“You’re such a jerk!” She huffs as she grabs her bag and heads to the bathroom. I don’t agree. If I was, I wouldn’t offer to replace his beer, would I?

“Sorry mate, I’ll grab you another one.” He looks placated for a second then narrows his eyes as he tries to figure out my game but I’m gone before he has the chance to say anything.

I jog to the bar and get Lucy’s attention. “I need a bottle of Becks for table four.”

She salutes to acknowledge me and I squeeze back through the crowd to follow Jen. The door’s just slammed shut when I get in the corridor, so I take the ‘male attendant’ warning sign from the cupboard on the opposite side, and stand it up just outside.

I knock on the door, and an unfamiliar voice shouts for me to enter.

“Hi, sorry ladies. Gotta clean. Do you mind?”

Two girls smile at me and one of them shakes her head while she bites her bottom lip.

“Go ahead, honey.”

I smile back. “Thanks.”

Jen is leaning against the sink watching with her eyes shooting daggers. She folds her arms in front of her, and I fiddle with the cleaning supplies until the other girls finish their make up and walk past me to the door.

“Come find me later.” The blonde puts her hand on my bicep and sends me a suggestive look as she disappears round the corner. Told you, it’s the damn smile.

Jen rolls her eyes, swinging back to face the mirror.

“What was so important that you had to ruin my new jeans and make me smell like a brewery in the process?”

“He’s no good for you.” I don’t want to tell her, but she has a right to know. You see things working in a bar and it opens your eyes to people. They assume you’re just a server or bartender and you’re not paying attention, but I watch everyone and everything. I notice it all.

“Yes he is. You don’t know him. He acts cocky in front of other people, but he’s really sweet. He takes care of me.”

It breaks my heart she actually thinks that. He’s completely fooled her, and I don’t want to be the one to tell her, but I can’t let him hurt her even more. He could string her on for years before she opened her eyes to it all.  

“Jen.” She turns her head to look at me when I say her name softly. “You’re too good for him. He doesn’t deserve you. Please try and see that.” I can’t bring myself to actually say the words she won’t want to hear.

I walk towards her, and she has to lift her chin to still keep her eyes on mine. They harden, and she moves back slowly.

“All I see is a man who turned me down and is now trying to make sure no-one else gets me. Well you had your chance, Ryan.”

My eyes burn into her back as she turns and walks to the door. She’s going back out there to that shit who’s been using my bar as his own personal playground every weekend since I can remember, including the past couple of months they’ve supposedly been together. I can’t let her go back out there. I’ve got to convince her. I’ve got to think of something, she’s closing in on the door.

Fuck it.

There’s one thing that will get her attention.

I hope.

“What if I want a second chance?”

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five

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