S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND, Season One Omnibus (116 page)

Read S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND, Season One Omnibus Online

Authors: Saul Tanpepper

Tags: #horror

BOOK: S.W. Tanpepper's GAMELAND, Season One Omnibus
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Casey snaps his mouth closed. He looks angry and hurt, but he obeys. He grabs the rifle and raises it to his shoulder and points it in our general direction. I wonder how much more it would take before he swings it over a few inches and pulls the trigger on Ben.

Ben slips the syringe into his pocket. He's breathing heavily now, his face red. He rolls up his left sleeve, baring a muscular arm with protruding veins.

Novak frowns. “What are you doing, Ben? Ben, think about this. We should take it back to the lab. Get it analyzed.”

You heard them,” Ben grunts. “It's unstable. We know it works because it worked for Casey. It kept him from getting sick. If I give it to the sick boy, he'll—what?—get better? Is that what you want? Then what? You know they're expendable. That'd be a waste. I'm takin this.”

Ben, no.”

He spins on her. “Oh, I see. You want it for yourself. I can see it in your eyes!” He laughs when she doesn't deny it. “I thought so.”

We'll get some more, Ben.”

I am not wastin this. Now, I'm ordering you. Give it to me.”

You're ordering me?”

Casey, shoot her if she doesn't—”

Okay, okay, Ben… ” Novak sighs and shakes her head, but she extends her hand. Ben gives her the syringe. She pulls off the cap. “Where?”

He laughs madly and his eyes sparkle, insane delight dancing in them. “You never did know how to use power, Lena. That's why I will always win and you will always lose.”

The muscles in her face ripple, but she doesn't reply. The same deadness enters her eyes that I remember from back in the airport.

Just do it, Miss Novak,” Casey whispers. “Please.”

He's close to completely falling apart. I can see it in his eyes.

Into the vein,” Ben says. “Directly in. All of it. It's thick. I don't want to waste any of it.”

Into the vein? But—”

Just do it, damn it!”

He looks over at the rest of us as the needle goes in, not even wincing. I stare back. I know this is our last chance to save Jake—
last chance. I have to do something.
I have to act now!

But I don't. The end of Shane's rifle looks like the gaping black maw of the Undead, only ten times as deadly. Once shot, once dead; no chance of coming back, not unless they miss. And something tells me he wouldn't.

So I just sit there and watch Miss Novak push on the plunger until it drains every last drop of the treatment—of Jake's last chance at living—into Ben's arm. There's nothing I can do, and because of it Jake will die. I've sentenced him to death.


Chapter 17

The reaction is almost immediate.
Ben's body goes rigid. His arms and legs shoot straight out. His spine straightens. He goes as stiff and straight as a board.

Jesus!” Casey gasps.

Ben's eyes bulge from their sockets and Ashley screams and tries to back away. She knocks over a couple chairs as she goes. Miss Novak steps back, too. She drops the syringe. Incoherent sounds issue forth from Ben's mouth. He seems suspended for a second, floating. Then he drops to the floor like a felled tree, bouncing off a chair and rolling onto his back, where he writhes in apparent agony.

Sit down!” Shane shouts at us, as we all get up out of our chairs and try to move away. He waves the rifle, but Casey backs directly into it in his own fright and it's a miracle he doesn't get shot. Instead, he twists his ankle stepping on Shane's foot, and crumples to the ground. “Get the fuck up, you moron!” Shane screams.

Casey jumps back to his feet, favoring the twisted one.

God, if you weren't so clumsy!”

What the hell is happening to him?” Novak screams. She looks frantically around at us, her eyes wide with panic. So much for her composure. Getting no response, she steps over Ben's body and grabs me by the shirt and shakes me. My teeth clack against each other. “What's happening to him?”

I— I don't know!” I say. I can't stop looking at him lying there, like he's getting zapped by a hundred thousand volts of electricity. “I don't know!”

You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?”

No!” But there is something familiar about it. I wasn't expecting this to happen, but it does look familiar.

Kelly yanks Novak off of me and pushes her away. “Get back!” he yells, but Shane steps forward and slams the butt of his rifle into Kelly's head and he drops senseless to the floor.


Get the others back!” Shane orders Casey, who quickly bends down and drags Kelly off to one side. Reggie lurches to his feet, but quickly sits back down when Shane points the rifle at him.

Novak drags me over to where Ben is, his body stiff and vibrating. Spittle flies from his mouth and he sounds like he's choking on his tongue. “What the fuck is happening to him? What was in that syringe?”

I don't know! It's the treatment. Brother Matthew said there might be side effects. He said there were risks.”

What kinds of risks? What side effects? Tell me!”

I don't know! We were attacked before he could tell me. There was an accident and the car— I don't know!”

What car? Don't you lie to me, you little bitch!” She slaps me across the face. “You knew this—”

It's Stephen,” Ashley says.

Everyone looks over at her. “What did you say?” Novak demands. While she's distracted, I reach into Ben's shirt pocket and pull out the two Links and slip them under my shirt.

Reggie wraps his arms around Ashley, trying to protect her, trying to stop her from seeing the horror that is Ben. She pushes against him, trying to extract herself. She's staring down at the floor, her eyes wide and terrified. “It's just like what happened to Stephen,” she stammers. “After we got back to the terminal. It's the same thing, the seizures and—”

He was acting, Ash,” Reggie tells her. “He was lying to us, trying to trick us. Remember? Jake pegged it when he said he was fucking with our heads, Ash. This isn't the same thing at all.”

It is! It's the same. You don't know because you were busy with that nurse zombie and—”

No!” I say. “Reggie's right, Ashley. It isn't the same. It's not!”

Ashley looks over at me, confusion in her eyes. She opens her mouth to protest, but nothing comes out. I glare at her, willing her to see that I'm actually lying, that I want her to keep quiet. I pull my hand away from the skin at the base of my neck, unaware that I'd raised it there, and stare at it expecting to see blood. But there isn't any.


It's not the same,” I whisper. And I feel like I'm on the verge of understanding something, something terrible and dark, something I don't want to know.

Ben's body arches and a wet sound gushes forth from his lips, high-pitched and rising into a piercing screech. He gives one final spasm and then lies still. His chest rises and falls quickly and shallowly, but the tension has otherwise left his body.

What the hell just happened?” Casey says. He tries to yell, to sound commanding, but his voice comes out weak and broken. It's the old Casey back again.

Miss Novak spins back around and kneels by Ben's side. I watch her reach out and push her fingertips into his chest once, before snatching her hand back. “Ben?”

He doesn't move.

Nor does Kelly. A thin line of blood trickles from his brow and his head is canted off to the side. I reach over, afraid to move him, afraid his neck might be broken, but he groans and turns, blinking.

Jess?” He tries to focus. “Jessie? What the—”

Lie still,” I whisper. Reggie slips over and joins me, pressing his hand on Kelly's chest and shushing him.

I told you people not to move,” Shane growls.

Reggie ignores him. “Kelly, hey, brah, lie still, okay?”

Shane reaches over and grabs Reggie by the collar and Reggie backhands him without looking, without even checking to see where the rifle is pointing. Shane falls onto his ass. The gun clatters to the ground next to him and for a moment it's up for grabs. But he snatches it and tries to scramble back to his feet, except he slips on Brother Nicholas' blood and falls again, his hand slapping the floor with a loud
“Sonofabitch! I am going to fuck all of you up!” he shouts.

No!” Miss Novak holds out her hand, stopping him. “That's an order, Shane!”

She turns and there's the tiniest hint of a smile on her face.

But, Miss Novak, I—”

It's alright, actually. In fact, this actually works out. We'll get more of that medicine. It'll be easier, now that Ben is out of the picture. He was unpredictable. Padraig knew it. So did Beaucorp. Well, looks like it finally got him killed. Or…whatever you call this.”

He's dead?” Casey gasps.

No, but he might just as well be.”

But that's not what's worrying Casey. I can see it in his face, the realization that what just happened to Ben may very well happen to him.

I'll be damned if I know what this is,” Novak says, holding up the empty syringe. “And I don't like not knowing.” She turns around. “We go back to the original plan, boys. We find and we capture the man who made this. We make him tell us the secret to whatever his cure-all is and why it works sometimes and…” She stands up, nudging Ben with her shoe. “And why it doesn't in others.”

You still think it works?” Casey asks, barely able to contain the shaking in his voice.

Novak turns to him, a sympathetic frown on her face. She pats his arm gently. “You'll be fine, Casey. Trust me. You don't have a thing to worry about.”

Are we going to take them all with us?” Shane asks. “We can't take them all with us.”

Novak shakes her head. “We don't need all of them. Casey, keep an eye on Ben while I work through this.”


If he dies, cut his spine. We don't want any loose ends.”

Yes ma'am.” He takes another look at the bite mark on his arm, staring at it with renewed fear. “He gave that stuff to me. He made that zombie bite me so he could test that stuff on me. Why did he do that?” he cries. “And why did it do that to him? Is it because he wasn't already infected?”

Casey! Focus.”

But what if that happens to me? It could still happen! Oh god! What if it really doesn't work? He made that zombie fucker bite me! I'm infected!”

Casey.” She speaks slowly, quietly. “You're fine. You'd be flat on your ass by now if you weren't.”

He gawps at her. I can see he wants to believe her. Finally, he nods.

Good. Now—I don't know, maybe you should tie Ben up. At least his feet. Shane, take the others down into the basement. Take the stairs. And when you're down there, block the door. We'll follow in the elevator.”

What are you going to do to us?” I ask.

What we should've done to you in the very beginning,” she answers. And then she gestures to Shane. She whispers something into his ear and he nods, then reaches into his pack and draws out a black canister and hands it over to her.

Get going,” he snaps at us, jabbing his rifle toward the stairs.


Chapter 18

Reggie and I each
take one of Kelly's arms and help him to his feet so we can carry him to the stairs. He doesn't resist. Nor does he help. He still hasn't recovered from the blow to his head.

You, too,” Shane tells Ashley.

No,” Novak says, “leave the weepy one here. I want to ask her a few questions.”

Reggie starts to turn to protest, but Shane stabs the muzzle of the rifle into his back until Reggie grunts in pain. “Keep moving. She'll be fine as long as you don't do anything stupid!”

I turn and catch her eye and give my head a quick shake. I know what Novak wants to ask her. I saw the way she'd reacted when Ashley mentioned Ben's reaction mirroring Stephen's behavior back at the airport. I don't know what's so important about that, but I do get the sense there's something we don't quite understand yet, something vital.

Just do what they tell you, Ash,” Reggie tells her.


You'll be fine. Everything will be fine. I promise. We'll see you in few minutes.”

Shut the hell up and go!” Shane spits.

Reggie snarls, his face beet red. The veins stick out on his neck and forehead and make him look a lot more frightening. Shane hesitates before raising his rifle.

I can walk,” Kelly murmurs drunkenly, diverting everyone's attention. He tries to shake us off, but only ends up getting his feet tangled. He'd go down if we weren't holding him up.

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