Surrounded (Unsettled Series Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Surrounded (Unsettled Series Book 2)
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“L?” Brooklyn called out. I shooed everyone outside onto the back patio so she wouldn’t suspect anything. I popped out from the kitchen and greeted her and Alex as casually as possible.

“Hey babe. How was the spa?” I asked, pulling her in for a hug. I looked over her shoulder and motioned for Alex to head towards the patio. She’d been over enough times now that she knew exactly where to go.

“The spa was exhausting. All that spiritual water and massage oil. Kill me. And you sir, are on my crap list because you went behind my back and upgraded my services.” She poked me with her finger, but laughed. “I guess I can forgive you though since you’re so freaking cute in my all-time favorite jeans.” Relief washed over me, but only for the briefest of seconds. I suspected I’d be on her crap list again within the next five minutes. I hoped when she saw her family, she’d forget everything she told me about not wanting a party. 

“Shut it! That was the best spa day
” Alex chimed in. “I’ll be right back, I need some water,” she said, heading towards the kitchen.

I laughed. “I’m sure it was fun. I know you want to go back next week.”

“No” she said, smiling. “But it was good. And thanks for the upgrade. Your heart was in the right place, as usual.” She leaned in and pecked my cheek softly.

“Well why don’t we sit out back and have a drink to celebrate your birthday?”


“Is Amelia here?”

“No, I gave her the weekend off. I wanted it to be just the two of us.”

“Oh, that’s nice.”

I headed over to the fridge. “Why don’t you go out back? I’ll be right there.”

“Alright,” she answered.

I closed the fridge back, and turned to watch the moment unfold. Brooklyn walked out onto the patio and a few seconds later all I could hear was everyone yelling surprise. Seconds later Brooklyn was yelling my name in full-on hysterics. All I could do was laugh. I guess I was in more trouble than I’d bargained for.



Danielle ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug. “Happy Birthday, Sis! Are you surprised?”
She asked, swaying with me in her arms.

“I’m very surprised,” I replied, trying to catch my breath.
We broke apart and that’s when I noticed everyone standing around smiling.

“Mom, Dad?” I asked. I could feel myself getting emotional. “You guys came for my birthday?” My voice started to crack.

“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world, baby girl!” My dad said, cocooning me in a hug. I didn’t know why but I had an overwhelming urge to cry, so I did. I’d been adamant he not throw a party because I didn’t want to be reminded I wasn’t going to see my family this year. Having a party for this milestone birthday without with me would have felt a little sad. But, of course, Logan knew that and brought them here.

“Happy birthday, honey,” my mom said, rubbing my back as my dad held me in his arms. I pulled it together, and stepped away from my dad to give my mom a tight squeeze.

Logan approached us. “Am I still in trouble?”

“Yes,” I said, wiping under my eyes for the final time. I walked over to him and he pulled me in, kissing me softly. “I love you” I whispered into his chest.

“I love you too, Starburst.”



After everyone left, and the house was quiet, we headed back outside to the patio area and settled on one of the cushioned lounge chairs.

“Did you enjoy your party?” I asked.

“I did. The endless dance lessons and candy jar full of Starburst were the highlight. I have to admit this is probably one of the better birthdays I’ve had in a while.” I pulled her closer to my chest and held her there, inhaling the fragrance of her hair. I loved the way she always smelled like tangerines and bergamot. It was like nothing I’d ever smelled before.

“I thought you’d like that.” I stroked her hair as she lay on my chest. These were the moments I enjoyed the most with her: just sitting outside, under the quiet night sky, entwined together. I loved that she didn’t need fancy dinner dates and cocktail parties to enjoy life. The fact that she liked to keep things simple is what made me want to do special things for her even more. With Amelia’s help, Danielle and Brooklyn’s mom made little treats for a dessert table. Brooklyn was excited to see mini cream cheese pies in little tart tins and her favorite strawberry cupcakes next to a huge jar of Starburst. Her dad’s pie had the prized spot right in the middle. I was almost convinced that she enjoyed the dessert table more than she liked the party, but when I caught her looking at me throughout the night, I saw the love in her eyes. She looked at me like she wanted nobody else, and that was enough for me.

“Yeah, it took every ounce of strength I had not to break down laughing during the tutorial on the proper way to Wobble.” She shook her head looking at me. “Trev is ridiculous. You know that
, right?”

can’t argue with that.”

“What’s going on with him and Mel? They seemed kind of distant tonight.”

“I noticed that too, but I don’t really want to get involved. She’s ready for them to get married, but Trev has his own demons he has to deal with before they can take their relationship to the next level.”

Brooklyn shifted on my chest, stretching out completely and wrapping her arms around my waist.

“You know, I like being like this with you. I like being out here when it’s so peaceful.” She ran her hand down my leg slowly, making me immediately stand at attention. Her touch did crazy things to me, but her lying directly on top of my dick was enough to get me hard with very little effort.

“I like being with you too, babe” I said, caressing her bare arms, and leaning further back into the lounger.

I could feel her hand glide up my leg, and start to maneuver around my pocket.

“What are you doing?”

“Looking for my friend?”

“Which friend would that be?”

“Um, I like to call him little L. He’s my other boyfriend, you know?”

I nearly doubled over in laughter. “Little L? I’m a little offended. I don’t think there is anything
about him.”

“You’re right, but I mean I can’t call him big L, that would be odd since he is much smaller than you.” This conversation was giving me an instant hard on.

“I’m not sure I’m one hundred percent in love with that name, but I’ll let it slide for now. I think ‘
L’ heard his name being called and is now waking up.”

“Oh good, cause I’ve been waiting for him all night. I had a great time at my party, but I’m glad everyone is gone. I think it’s time for him to come out and play for a while.”

“He never turns down an invitation to a party.”

“I know…and I’m glad too.” She slid her hands up the sides of my shirt and swirled tiny circles on my lower back. The muscles in my legs and back began to tense every time the pads of her fingers made contact with my skin. My hands suddenly had a mind of their own. I pulled her up forcing her to straddle me in the chair, her legs falling open and dangling on either side of my chest.

She bent down and began to slowly unzip my jeans. The soft light from the patio lanterns illuminated her face.

“You know you’re beautiful, don’t you?” I asked, as she reached into my jeans, feeling around until she found what she was looking for.

“When I hear it from you I know it’s true.” She answered, looking into my eyes. She leaned down and planted her lips to mine. Our lips mingled together slowly, doing the familiar dance I’d grown to love.

She let out a low moan as my hands found their way under her dress and cupped her thighs. I loved wh
en she made those little noises. It just made me what to do whatever I was doing better…and harder. I massaged the back of her thighs, and moved my way further up to cup her perfectly shaped backside.

She broke our kiss, and sat up, straddling my chest again. She hiked her dress up higher and pulled it over her head, dropping it to the ground next to us. She leaned back down and I cupped one of her breast firmly through her bra, while I let my other hand play underneath the fabric until I found her nipple. When she moaned at my touch
and that made me want to do it more. I released her nipple and unclasped her bra from behind. Her bra fell to the ground alongside her dress and I got to work on one of my favorite parts of her body, nibbling and squeezing gently.

I took over her mouth with mine, kissing her hard and deep. My dick was screaming for a release.

“Maybe we should take this inside” I offered. I wasn’t really the adventurous type that wanted anyone with binoculars to see my blinding bare ass.

“I think we should” she said, sitting up. Her breathing was shallow and I knew she was more than ready to go a long and good round. I was more
than ready too. She stepped away from me and bent down to grab her clothes off the ground.

“Now that is a view I love looking at,” I said, grabbing her arm and turning her towards me. Whether she believed it or not, the sight of her in only
her bra and panties did me in every time. With ease she wrapped her legs around me as I picked her up and walked towards the pool.

“Aren’t we going insi
de?” she asked against my mouth when she noticed I was walking the wrong way.

“Changed my mind. Nice night out, let’s go for a swim.”

Brooklyn slid down my body and planted her feet on the ground. She pulled off her thong and I yanked off my shirt, collar first. I was starting on my pants at a rapid pace when she stopped me.

“I think that’s my job tonight” she whispered. She unzipped my shorts leisurely. I had to admit whatever had gotten into her, I was thoroughly enjoying this seductive side of her. Brooklyn shoved her hands into my shorts, hooking her thumbs over the band. She slowly pulled them down my legs, taking my boxers along for the ride. When she got all the way down to my ankles I stepped out of my shorts. Instead of coming back up, she fell to her knees on the shirt I’d just thrown on the ground, slowly pulling my dick into her mouth. Instantly my knees buckled and I knew I was pretty much done for. Brooklyn always did amazing things with her lips when we kissed, but when her mouth was surrounding my dick, life was fucking amazing.

She started slow…running her tongue up and down my length. When her fingers began to play with my sack, I couldn’t hold back and let out a low groan, plunging deeper into her mouth. She quickly accommodated and took all of me. Between the warmth of her mouth, and the crazy things she did with her tongue, it was only a couple of minutes before she had my knees shaking and reaching for her hair, grabbing tightly. With the final stroke of her lips, my legs crumbled under my weight and almost forced me to collapse as I poured every part of me into her wet mouth. I always loved when Brooklyn was surrounding me.


BOOK: Surrounded (Unsettled Series Book 2)
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