Read Surrender Online

Authors: Melody Anne

Surrender (18 page)

BOOK: Surrender
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Ari was confused. They looked over twenty-one, certainly over eighteen, so why did they need to have someone take care of them. Was something wrong – like maybe a mental issue? She didn’t know how to ask that question, though.

“I see you look confused, Ari. It’s okay. When you meet our father, you’ll understand. I’m twenty-six, and Rachel is twenty-three, but to our dad, we’re still twelve. Our brother pretty much feels the same way. I’ve moved a few times, but then dad either has security on my butt or he and my mother decide to vacation where I’m living. Plus, my brother has chased away about every guy I’ve ever even thought about dating. If I didn’t love them all so much, I think I’d hate them a little. The bottom line is, if I truly wanted to make a change in my life, they’d let me. They may not like it, but I know they love me enough to let me go. They’d just secretly stash a tracking device in my bag,” she said with a laugh.

“Wow. I thought my mom was overprotective.”

“Oh, Ari. My family has overprotective down to a science. They are amazing, though, truly amazing. You have to come with us and meet my mom. I’ll try to get her mad and then she’ll start swearing in Italian. It’s good entertainment.”

Ari couldn’t help herself. She was growing very fond of these two bubbly girls. How could she not when they talked a mile a minute and smiled constantly. She felt safe in accepting their dinner invitation.

“Sure, I’ll come to dinner with you. It sounds like fun. I’ll let my friends know after the game is over,” Ari agreed.

They played volleyball for another hour before Ari had to go jump in the water. She was burning up and had a bad feeling she’d sweated off most of her sunblock. She could feel a bit of an ache in her shoulders. She’d probably pay all week for her impromptu beach visit. She didn’t care – It would be worth it because she was having a lot of fun.

After introducing the girls to her friends and letting them know exactly where she was going, she hopped in the car with the women and enjoyed the breeze blowing through her hair as they made their way to the harbor.

they pulled up to the marina and approached the boat, Ari was stunned. She’d expected a large vessel, since the girls had talked about a massage room, but she wasn’t expecting what was floating in the water before her. The massive thing seemed to take up the entire dock.

We’re really late. My brother hates it when we keep him waiting,” Lia said.

“Is he going to have a problem with you inviting a stranger onboard?” Ari asked, suddenly nervous. She wasn’t used to hanging around people with the kind of money it took to own a boat like the one she was boarding.

“He won’t mind at all,” Rachel said as if she were privy to her own inside joke.

The three of them climbed onboard, then turned around and watched as the crew pulled in the plank, and the boat began moving.

“I guess we were the last to arrive. Rafe’s going to kill us,” Rachel said, though she didn’t seem too worried.

Ari turned toward the girl, her body suddenly stiff as the boat began moving out into the water. She could still make it back to shore if she jumped now.

“What is your brother’s name?” Ari asked, her voice barely audible over the sound of the motor.

“Rafe Palazzo. Do you know him?”

Chapter Eighteen

began to feel light headed as she forced herself to inhale large breaths of air. She turned to look over the rail she was leaning against as the large vessel moved further and further from land, trying to gauge the swimming distance. She was seriously contemplating jumping when she heard him speak.

“I see you girls are late, as usual. We’ve been waiting on you for an hour, now.”

“Oh, Rafe. We were playing a very intense game of volleyball. Plus, we met a new friend and had to bring her along,” Rachel said.

Ari couldn’t move. She in no way wanted to turn around and see his face. She hadn’t seen him since that night almost two weeks ago. If she could force herself to move, she really would abandon ship. What had she gotten herself into?

“Welcome aboard…” Rafe began saying, when he suddenly stopped. Ari could sense he’d figured out who she was. Maybe he recognized the stiff set to her shoulders. Everything in her told her to just jump and get it over with, but she managed to plaster a fake smile on her face and stiffly turn around to meet Rafe’s eyes.

Everyone was silent as their eyes clashed – his narrowing, hers widening. Time had done nothing to lessen the man’s incredible appeal. In a suit he was gorgeous. In the skin tight polo and attractive shorts, he was devastating.

“Ari. What a coincidence that my sisters happened to run into you today,” Rafe said after a few tense moments of utter silence.

“This is
Ari,” Lia gasped way too over-dramatically. Rafe sent a glance in her direction, leaving no doubt to any of them that he wasn’t fooled.

“I’m not
Ari.” She finally found her voice and sent an incredulous stare at both Lia and Rachel before turning to face Rafe.

“That’s to be determined,” Rafe said as he took her arm. “You didn’t protect your skin. We need to get ointment on it right away or you’ll be miserable by the time you lay down tonight.”

He led her away, leaving his sisters behind. They were around a corner before Ari thought to protest and began tugging her arm. The pressure caused a burning sensation absorbing into her skin. She really
gotten too much sun. She also realized she was walking next to him in only her skimpy bikini top and shorts. She must have dropped her bag back on the deck. She felt far too exposed.

Reality hit her like a slap in the face. The girls had said
Ari. That means he’d said something about her. She started putting the pieces together and realized them finding her on the beach must not have been a coincidence. Why did she have to be so naïve? Of course she wasn’t just going to meet great people who wanted to whisk her away for a moonlit dinner on a great boat.

“You can
release me anytime,” Ari said as she tugged again, ignoring the searing pain of his touch, too irritated by the turn of events to keep her tone light.

“I don’t think so. I saw the look on your face at the railing. I think you may be stupid enough to actually jump overboard just to avoid me.”

Ari knew they were way too far from shore now for her to swim back. She wasn’t suicidal – just desperate to get away from Rafe. She really hoped his meddling sisters had extra clothes onboard the boat.

“I won’t deny how the thought crossed my mind once I realized this was
boat. However, I realize we’re too far out now for me to do that now. The gentlemanly thing for you to do would be to turn the boat around and drop me off back at the dock,” she said in her haughtiest voice.

Rafe stopped and backed her against the wall, his chest pressing against her tender breasts as his eyes devoured her face.

“Since when have I ever claimed to be a gentleman, Ari?” he asked with a seductive smile.

“I refuse to play games with you, Mr. Palazzo.” She paused as a new thought occurred. What if it hadn’t been his sisters meddling, but he’d actually sent
them. “Did you send your sisters out to bring me here?”

“No. I would rather keep you far away from my family. However, I can’t say I’m disappointed to see you. I’ve been thinking about our night together. I would love a repeat performance. By the quickening of your breath, and the way your nipples are hardening against my chest, I’d say you wouldn’t mind another opportunity, yourself,” he said with utmost confidence.

Ari hated how right he was. She’d been dreaming about Rafe for months, and the dreams had only become more erotic since she’d actually been with him. She’d like nothing more than for him to sink deep inside her again. She just wasn’t prepared to deal with the self-loathing when he treated her like a whore afterward.

“Just because my body responds to you, doesn’t mean I
you. I’d rather sleep with a stranger from the beach than have your hands on me again,” she bluffed.

“Liar,” he whispered as his head descended and he ran his tongue along the soft skin of her neck. Ari barely managed to hold the sigh in. If only he wasn’t so appealing.

“I’m cold, Mr. Palazzo. Could you please allow me to use a guest room to shower and change? I don’t have anything with me and I would greatly appreciate it if there were some clothes I could borrow,” she said through gritted teeth. It was taking all her concentration to control her breathing as his tongue circled her skin.

“Mmm, you taste salty. I’d be glad to help you clean up,” he offered as he moved back and started walking through the halls of the boat again.

“I can clean up just fine on my own,” she said as he led her up a set of stairs. His laughter was her only answer.

Soon, he was pushing open a large door and leading her inside a spacious room. She looked around at the couch and two chairs circled around a beautiful cherry table. Original paintings adorned the walls with special lighting to bring out the colors and textures of the artwork. It was
remarkably decorated with a mixture of dark and light, visually appealing.

“Go through that door on the right. I’ll have some clothes brought in – unless you want to change your mind on my offer to help you.”

“I’m good,” Ari said as she raced away from him and went through the door. She was in a decent sized room with a couch and mirrors and a couple side tables. Another door was to her right and she walked through, happy to find a full size walk-in shower.

A large tub sat in the corner, but she didn’t dare take a bath. She was going to clean off as quickly as possible and pray there were clothes waiting for her in the sitting area when she was finished.

When the strong spray hit her skin, Ari jumped back. Yes, she was definitely burned, and the water wasn’t helping in the least. She turned the pressure down low, and adjusted the temperature to barely above warm. Even that felt like a scalding hot shower, but any cooler and she’d freeze up her muscles.

She suffered through the shower, carefully washing her body as best she could, feeling some relief to at least get the sand and salt water off of her skin. Finishing, she stepped out and grabbed a soft towel, wrapping it around her body before cracking the door open and peeking into the sitting room.

Relief filled her when she saw a set of clothes sitting on the counter, and no sign of Rafe. If he really tried seducing her again she was sure she’d cave in record time. Her body was humming with need from their brief hallway encounter, and knowing he wasn’t far away was like placing a match close to a flame.

When she picked up the silky blue dress lying on the counter and the incredibly skimpy black lacy thong, she felt her face heat. The dress would barely cover more than her swim suit had. He was intentionally torturing her. When she discovered no bra present, she glared at the closed door, wishing thoughts could kill. If they could, Rafe would be drowning in the ocean at that moment.

She walked back in the bathroom and rinsed out her bikini top, then went back to the sitting area and found a hair dryer and dried it before slipping back into the uncomfortable thing. With a gasp of disbelief, she slipped on the panties, no more than a scrap of material barely covering her parts before slipping the sundress over her head.

The soft fabric barely reached mid-thigh, but the dress was surprisingly comfortable, the cool material felt great against her heated skin. The longer she was out of the sun, the more she was feeling the burn covering most of her body. She really was going to feel pretty achy over the next few days.

She actually smiled when she found a bottle of pricey lotion with aloe in it. The cool cream felt heavenly as she spread it across her arms and neck and then her legs. She couldn’t reach all of her back, but she managed to cover enough of her skin to send relief coursing through her.

She’d at least make it through the uncomfortable dinner that she was sure Rafe would insist she attend. He wouldn’t miss an opportunity to make her squirm. She’d try not to give him the satisfaction of acting like she felt out of place.

“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming out.”

Ari jumped at the sound of Rafe’s smooth voice. She hadn’t expected him to wait on her, not when his family was aboard the ship.

“You didn’t need to stay here. I’m sure I would be able to find the dining area,” she said as she approached him.

“I wouldn’t be so rude as to leave my guest all alone.”

“I’m not your guest, Mr. Palazzo. I simply got railroaded into being here. I’ll make the best of it, but rest assure, spending the evening in your presence is going to be about as pleasant for me as having a root canal.”

He slowly stood from the couch and began prowling toward her. She wanted to take a step back – make a hasty retreat, but she couldn’t show him signs of weakness. That was like flashing your open neck to a lion. If she gave him an inch, he’d surely take a mile.

“I’ve tired of you calling me, Mr. Palazzo. You will either call me by my name, or I’ll find very enjoyable ways to torture you in front of my family. The choice is yours,” he said as he stopped with his chest just brushing across her swelling nipples. The dress he’d given her hid nothing from his view, and he smirked at her reaction to him.

BOOK: Surrender
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