Surprise Mating (6 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Surprise Mating
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Chapter Five



They were gone
, Sydney thought as she frantically looked for her two mates.  Thirty minutes and they had left the house,
where the fuck had they gone
?  Sydney felt the panic rising in her chest.  Not because she was worried about what the Alphas would say, no, she felt like two pieces of her had been ripped from her body.  When they were constantly there, she took it for granted they would chase her.  They were her mates after all.  How could they leave her like this, with no word?  Shit, she was going to have to ask for help.

Sydney ran back to the dining room where everyone was still gathered.  They had pulled the tables back and were
apparently eating dessert.  She ignored the decadent chocolate masterpiece, it never even registered.

When she ran into the room panting
, all the conversation stopped and Calli sneered at her.  “Did Kiki lock his door on you? I knew he would, there is a spare key above the door on the edge.”

felt the tears gathering in her eyes as she looked at the strangers in front of her.  She had no one, she had alienated them all and had no one to blame but herself, but damn it, they had to help her.

They are gone!” Sydney cried out.

Calli turned to her best friends and all of their mates and
frowned.  “What the fuck do you mean they are gone?  Like they went for a walk to cool off gone?  Or they like left the compound lands?”

Sydney pushed the letter she had found but not open
ed to Rissa and said, “This was on Kiki’s bed.”

Rissa grabbed it
, opened it, and began to read. She made noises in surprise and began to bit her lip.

Biotch, out loud,” Calli barked.

Rissa looked up in surprise and had tears in her eyes.  “
Oh, sorry.”  She sniffed and took a deep breath.


My Peeps,


I am sorry that it has come to this, and I would never intentionally hurt you, but Thomas and I need some time and distance to focus on us.  We can’t do that here with a certain person being around.  You need her, and you really don’t need us.  Thomas suggested that we leave and work a few things out before we contact you to let you know where we have decided to settle.  You know we would never desert you unless it was just too unbearable to stay. 

We have e
very intention on helping when the time comes, so don’t worry about that.  By then we will have gotten over the hurt we are both feeling.  I love you, bitches, you are like my sisters.

Tell Vivi her hair dye is marked in my
cabinet with her name on it, she only has to use it on the roots every few weeks to keep her color right.  Oh and tell Nik, Kade, and Dec not to use the showerhead on the right, sorry, I was just getting them back for being assholes. 

Calli, baby
, you know you are my Alpha and I will always help you when needed.  Cherri, sweetheart, if you need a few pointers let me know and I can help you with that.  And, Rissa, girl, you are my best friend in the world, not that the others aren’t but we had a connection from the first time we met.  It was like we were separated at birth or something, anyway don’t cry, or fret.  I will be fine and when Billy B needs to have his top teased and bows put in, just ask Marie, she knows how to do it.  Don’t let your men try to tame you, you are special just the way you are.  I will drop a line when we are settled.


Love ya all,




PS.  Kade, Thomas is very upset that he has to resign from his post as Head Enforcer and Trainer.  He said that Throne is the best man to take the job.  He is currently in NYC hiding and spying.  He doesn’t think you have actually met him because he has been undercover.  Here is his information, call him back and appoint him as Thomas’s replacement.


Just remember, walk with an attitude, and keep your sass strong.


Rissa let out a cry and fell against both of her mates, sobbing in their laps, allowing them to comfort her.  Kiki was right. Rissa and he were close.  Calli and Cherry admitted that Kiki had worked his way into their club, there was no trio of darkness anymore.  They were the Dark 4, and no one messed with one of them and got away with it.

Calli snarled and jumped before her mate could grab her.  Sydney stood frozen crying and trying to keep it together
a little, they hadn’t mentioned her name at all.  Sydney shifted in the blink of an eye and waited for the blow that would kill her—she deserved it.

A bear
came out of the blue, stood in front of her, and growled.  She didn’t know who it was since she hadn’t seen anyone shift.  Sydney stood sobbing as Rissa, and Cherri shifted as well, and ran to their friend and stood next to her growling. 

Damn it, claws in, ladies!” Kade roared.  “I am not fucking kidding here.  Calli, get your ass back here and calm down, this has gone far enough.  Cherri, Ris, shift,” he bellowed.

Sydney stood while the Alp
ha and her friends growled one last time and then they turned and went to where they were before.  She let out a deep breath she had been holding and almost sagged in relief. 
Shit, they were scary

The bear
that stood in front of her shifted back to her human form and Sydney let out a gasp of surprise.  Sabrina, the quiet girl, stood there and glared at her leaders.  “Enough of this shit, this is pulling us apart, not together like it should.  She made a mistake, you can’t tell me none of you are perfect, I know you are not.”

Calli look
ed at her mate who shrugged and nodded in agreement.  “Sorry, babe, she is right.”

Oh damn it all to hell,” Calli muttered and closed her eyes.

Rissa stepped forward
, and looked at Sydney and said, “We are sorry, but you have to understand Kiki and Thomas have been through so much, it is crazy.  We just didn’t want them to get hurt.  But you did it.  And we were pissed.  You don’t know that Kiki has dreamed of finding his mates, someone who got him, understood his quirky ways, and still accepted him.  He has been anxious and paranoid all in one waiting for you.  Thomas is a tough nut to crack.  He has struggled with this whole thing with Kiki, although he was starting to come around.  Thomas wasn’t freaked out about who Kiki was, you could see the look of adoration on the man’s face when Kiki came into the room.  No, he was freaked out about this whole thing, mating with two people, trying to keep both of them happy so everyone would get along.  Then you go and do this, they were crushed and I don’t blame them for leaving.”

Sydney nodded
, sobbed quietly, and felt the need to explain.  “I am so sorry, I have no excuses.  Please understand where I was coming from though.  I grew up being raised by my grandmother who hid me.  My powers are very unique, so unique we found only one other person who could do what I do.  She is a Fae who I think has found her way into the Prentiss Agency.  My only goal was to get here and help you.  Even when I met Kiki and Thomas, it was like a thunderbolt, I felt the instant connection with them.  I just needed to do this first.  When I was growing up, I saw the discrimination toward shifters, hell, I was taunted and teased because I didn’t look the same.  So I had no friends, no one to talk to about my powers and what was going on.  I just wanted to find a place where I could use my powers and be useful for once in my life.”

Oh shit, now I feel just sorry for her,” Calli said and groaned.  “How can I kill a crying small person?”

You can’t,” Cherri said firmly and walked over to where Sydney was standing with her arms wrapped around herself.  Cherri gently pulled her arms loose and then enveloped her in a hug making soothing noises as Sydney cried.

Well first off, you can’t go around crying like this, you faced down one of the most dangerous shifters in the world and lived to tell the tale, so buck up, cupcake,” Cherri murmured into her ear.  “Second, if you are being truthful, Calli will move heaven and earth to help you.  She just wants people around here who are loyal.”

I am, well, I want to be, I swear,” Sydney whispered back.

Then listen and learn, you, my dear, are going to get a crash course on how to deal with a pregnant bitch.”  Cherri chuckled and leaned back and looked her in the eyes, seeming to read her sincerity, and after a few moments she nodded her head, turned to her best friends, and shrugged.

Listen up, hormonal wonder, you made a mistake, and it is time to give it up.  Syd here is genuine and a little awkward about new situations, you are being a bitch ‘cause super dick got you preggers.  Now, before I have to give you a shot in the ass to help, make it right,” Cherri said.

Rissa came to where they were
standing and hugged her as well then whispered, “If I go through all this and you hurt my Kiki again, I will eat your entrails with a spoon while you are still alive, are we clear?”

, Syd thought these women were as scary as they had told her.  Sydney could only nod her head because of the lump in her throat.

Rissa pulled back
, flashed her a big smile, and then turned to Calli.  “Don’t make me get the blow horn, make nice.”

Calli rolled her eyes
, looked around the room, and shrugged.  “Fine, I will make nice, but if she is playing us, it is on you.  Come on, princeAss, let’s go and find Kiki and Thomas and drag their asses home.  We have another mission we need to plan,” Calli announced.

Chapter Six



Kiki and Thomas moved at a steady pace, they talked and laughed throughout their trek.  When they finally reached the end of the compound land, they paused.  There was a small shelter and they entered, it held a bed and the basics.  It had been an exhausting day and they agreed to wait and see where they were going to go after their cooler heads prevailed.

They set up the small cottage, cleaned a little and then set about making something to eat.  It was late, they were starving
, and Kiki had thought ahead enough to grab a bag of food for them.  There were two chairs and a small table in the middle of the room where the wood burning stove was already roaring and warming the place up.

This is it, there is no going back,” Thomas said seriously, dishing up the food for each of them.

They ate in silence, then Kiki rose to clean off the dishes before he said anything.  Turning and looking at his mate
, his asked slowly, “Do you think if we went back that Sydney would suddenly change?  Do you want to take the chance?”

Thomas sighed, and put a hand around his neck and pulled him forward.  “
It wouldn’t matter either way, you are mine, and I am yours, fuck everyone else.  I was talking a little more about your friends.  I know how much Rissa and the others mean to you.  They will come looking, you know that.” 

Kiki thought for just a second, nodded, and laughed.  “
Ris will not be far behind.  Maybe we should just take a rest and wait for them to show up.  I think leaving is the best thing, maybe we can use it to our advantage.  Tell them that we can drum up support and see if we can get any info.”

Thomas nodded and then put their packs down and smiled, “
I would bet they are about an hour behind us, anything you want to do in an hour?”

Oh yeah, outdoor dirty sex, I am so there,” Kiki clapped.

How about dirty claiming sex?” Thomas said and pulled Kiki roughly to his side.

Gods, it feels like I have been waiting years for this,” Kiki moaned just before Thomas took his mouth in a bruising kiss.  “So have you thought about my proposal?”

Like I could think of anything else,” Kiki whispered.

And what are you thinking about it?” Thomas asked, running his hands down Kiki’s muscular arms.  The men were similar in height, although Thomas was large muscular wise; however, Kiki was nothing to ignore.  His arms and legs were powerful and he could kick some ass when he didn’t worry about breaking a nail.

How would this work? I mean you know me, I am independent and speak my mind most days, I don’t think I could call someone Master all the time and be like a servant,” Kiki said worriedly.

That isn’t the way the lifestyle is.  It is about allowing me control over your pleasure and yeah, a little pain, but also trusting me to take care of you.  I don’t like to live the lifestyle all the time like some.  Mainly in the bedroom and when we are alone.  When we are out in public, sure, I expect you to listen to my rules, and yes, you will get punishments if you break a rule, but you are a smart, amazing man whom I trust completely.  I am telling you this because I trust you.  If you don’t want any part of it, fine, we can be however you want to be, as long as we are together,” Thomas said softly then nipped at his lips and slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Can we try?  You know I am in charge a lot, maybe this is something I need.  I don’t know if I can give up control, it is too engrained in me to be on top, I have always been afraid of getting hurt, you know.  Like someone is messing with me so they can beat the shit out of me, it has happened to a few of my friends,” Kiki whispered and kissed him slowly back.

First off, you are mine, and no one will ever hurt you again, I promise that.  Even if it is me, I promise that I will make sure that any pain given will turn into pleasure,” Thomas said and pulled off Kiki’s shirt but left it wrapped around his wrists, holding his arms behind his back.  “I can’t wait to see you in some of the things I have acquired since I found out we were mates.  I have dreamed of this, you know.  Taking you, making you mine,” Thomas whispered and trailed a hand down his taunt stomach.

Oh shit,” Kiki said.

No talking unless I ask you something,” Thomas said firmly and Kiki felt his passion ignite. 
Wow, who would have thought being ordered around in bed would make me feel like this

No it doesn’t make you less than a man, you know,” Thomas whispered. 

How had he known he thought about that

It is my job to know you, and give you what you need, and make sure you are taken care of.  Kiki, I know you put up this exterior where nothing bugs you, and I have in the past even hurt your feelings.  But no more, you are mine.  I am going to let the world know.”

Oh shit, that was a turn on.  Thomas was a master of something, he just didn
’t know what yet.  Hell, if his words backed up what he was going to do, Kiki would lay at this man’s feet and kiss them daily
, he laughed as the thought went through his head.

Thomas turned around a little so Kiki was standing with his side at his front.  Thomas ran a hand down
his body, seemingly marking him with each stroke.  Kiki felt as if he had died and gone to heaven, finally his mate was touching him the way he longed him to do.  Thomas took his time running his hands down his arms and stomach, taking care to touch him with a soft hand.  Kiki groaned when he kissed the side of his mouth, and then down his neck, leaving a brand on his skin that Kiki was sure would never leave.

So, are you ready?” Thomas asked in his ear, making Kiki shiver with anticipation.  He had been with other men before, but they had always been out for themselves, never really caring whether he enjoyed it or not.  No one needed to tell him he had met the wrong guys in the past.  Kiki only wanted someone to call his own.  Since his parents shunned him and cut him out of their lives, it had been easier to hide behind the persona he showed to everyone else.

Sure, he was extravagant and loud, and tended to piss people off more than make friends, that was who he was, but the constant n
eed for attention was not him.  He would be more than happy sitting back and allowing his mate to take over.  Well, within reason, he did like to be the center of attention, who the fuck was he kidding, he was just what he was.  An attention whore who loved to be around people who wanted him.

Yes,” Kiki said firmly and Thomas grinned against his neck.

Good,” Thomas said and stepped back.  “From now on you are my mate, you are mine, no other man will touch you and you will not touch any other man.  Even your friends, I tend to get a little jealous even though there's no need for it.  I like to know your hands will be for me alone.  When we are alone, you can call me Master, and in public, Thomas.  When we have a chance, I will have a special necklace made for you to declare you are mine.  I can’t wait to see that laying against your skin.  Now, you don’t touch me unless I give you permission, you don’t come unless I give you permission, and you don’t touch yourself unless I give you permission.”

Kiki frowned
, “This seems like a lot of rules.”

It is, and you will follow them or be punished.  Now, I happen to like delivering my punishment in the way of a spanking, my firm hand against your plush ass, making it nice and red so you will remember what you are being punished for.  Others I have met have more sadistic ideas and I don’t really like those.  I will control our sexual experiences and your pleasure, soon you will not know where you begin and I end,” Thomas said.

Kiki felt the blood rush in his head, just
thinking about what he was saying to him.  Thomas really wanted him, and this was all he ever wanted, although if Sydney where here, it would be perfect.

What?  I saw something flash there,” Thomas said, standing in front of him.

Sydney," Kiki said sadly and Thomas paused.

He walked until they were nose-to-nose, and whispered, “
I know it hurts, it hurts me, too.  I wish it could be different.  We have both been lied to in the past, this is not something I can give on.  Can you?” taking Kiki’s face in his hands.

No, I know she lied to us and used us to get close to the others.  It hurts, but she is still our mate and I feel the pull,” Kiki whispered.

I understand, and if in the future things change, I think we will know and be able to make the decision together.  However, I am not waiting one more second for someone who doesn’t want to be with us.  We belong together, no matter what.  You and me, we are solid,” Thomas whispered and Kiki smiled.

Yeah, I can feel your solid,” Kiki teased.

You are gonna feel it a lot more in a few minutes, now strip,” Thomas order and Kiki laughed and obeyed.

Thomas stood and watched as Kiki took off his shirt fully, showing his abs and his muscular back.  When he reached for the snap on his pants, Th
omas fought not to grab the man and throw him on the rickety bed and pound into his ass. 

He stood still, not wanting to draw attention to himself so Kiki would stop.  Slowly, Kiki pulled his pants down and Thomas couldn
’t help but suck in a breath. 
Hell, he is gorgeous
.  The light chocolate skin seemed to shimmer in the light that was coming through the window.  His legs were muscular and seemed to go on forever.  Thomas’s attention was solely focused on the large cock that hung between his mate’s legs.

Thomas could barely contain himself, he wanted nothing more than to touch his mate, but he had to start as he meant to go on.  “
So have you read anything about this lifestyle?”

Yes,” Kiki nodded.  “I have to tell you it intrigued me, and left me kinda hot, but I never knew how to actually go about this.”

I will show you,” Thomas said.  “Now I want you to go to the bed and stand next to it, I would like to check out my new mate without interruption,” Thomas said.

Kiki nodded and walked to the bed and st
ood.  Thomas went and stoked the fire so he could see better.  Soon Kiki was standing in the glowing light of the fire.  He felt decadent, and even sexy, as Thomas took off his shirt but left his pants on.  He walked toward him with a serious look on his face and stared at Kiki intently.  It was as if he was devouring him with his eyes.  It took everything in him not to squirm and move around.

Thomas walked around Kiki touching him and patting his ass, Kiki grinned when he smoothed both hands over his ass a
nd gripped him.  It felt so good having Thomas’s hands on his body, finally.  After all these months of waiting and dreaming, nothing compared to the actual reality Kiki was now facing.  His mate was going to take him, claim him, and make him part of a family.

Nice, I think you could put on a few more pounds though, but don’t worry, I will take care of that,” Thomas muttered and Kiki shrugged.

I had to stay thin for my show, you know, no one wants to see an overweight drag queen on stage.”  Kiki laughed.

You will not be doing that anymore, this body is mine, and no one else’s.  I am the only one who gets to see your shows from now on,” Thomas said firmly.

What about girls’ night out, you know how the girls love to dress up,” Kiki said deeply.  His voice went low when he was aroused.  Thomas leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

We can talk about that, but I love how your voice gets sexy and low when you are aroused, I will have to remember that.”  Thomas laughed.

On the bed,” Thomas ordered. Kiki climbed slowly on the bed making sure it would hold them, then turned over and laid on his back and looked up.  Thomas was removing his clothes.  The man could have been compared to a Greek God.  His muscles were chiseled, his chest perfect, and the trail of hair that led to his rather nice sized cock made Kiki’s mouth water.  “Now, this first time, I am going to allow us to get to know one another, I don’t think I could control myself even if I wanted to seeing this buffet laying out in front of me.  But next time, you ask before you touch and you let me guide you.” 

Kiki nodded and waited while Thomas loomed over him.  Lining their bodies up so they touched toes to chest, he laid down.  Kiki savored in the feel of his naked form next to his, it was wondrous
, and felt like he had died and gone to heaven already.

Slowly Kiki raised his arms and touched his mate like he had been dying to do, from his firm arms and smooth chest, his hands wandered around to his backside, he grinned at the feel of his perfect ass
.  Kiki wondered for a brief moment if he was ever going to get to top the man.  As if reading his mind, Thomas leaned back and smiled down at him.  “Yes, I do like to be on the bottom at times, but only when I can control it.  For now, let’s get this pretty little ass ready for my cock,” Thomas whispered and began to kiss him.

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