Surprise Mating

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Authors: Jana Leigh

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Surprise Mating by Jana Leigh




Surprise Mating

The Drekinn

Book Four




by Jana Leigh




© Copyright July 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.

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Copyright July 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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Edited by Caroline Kirby and ML Hill

Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

Published by
JK Publishing, Inc.


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There are times when every writer tries to decided if they want to keep going or move on to other things.  It is a hard field to work in because sometimes your work is subjective.  What you may think is good, others may hate and be really quite mean about everything.

To say
I have the best fans in the world is an understatement.  There have been times these last few months, with business and everything going on, I wanted to quit, but I didn’t.  One of the biggest reasons is because of you, my fans.  I love you.


Jana Leigh




I would love to hear from you!



[email protected]





Kiki walked down the hallway, lifting his head as he went.  His mate was here again; he just couldn’t seem to figure out which one it was.  Plus, whomever it was seemed not to want to come forward.

He knew Thomas was his mate
and he was just in denial
, Kiki thought and followed the scent again. 
The library
, and walked faster.  This time he would find them.

Kiki jumped into the library entrance and yelled
, “Gotcha.”

A small
, short, beautiful woman turned around in surprise and smiled.  Her hair was long and red—
shit, his favorite color

Wait, a woman?  One of his mates was a woman

Hello,” she said, her voice flowed over him and he closed his eyes.

Kiki could hear footsteps coming from the hallway a
nd then he felt Thomas behind him.

Finally, can we just get on with this then?!” Thomas yelled.

Maybe we should introduce ourselves before we talk about mating,” Kiki said dryly to Thomas, then rolled his eyes and turned to face the small woman yet again.  Hell, saying she was small was an understatement.  Kiki looked at her with obvious scrutiny.  She was almost midget small.

Oh, okay then, I will just be moving along then,” the woman said in a haughty tone and began to leave.

Kiki rolled his eyes and
sighed loudly, great, two mates he had to win over, one a hulking male who was in the closet still, and a pocket-sized woman Kiki had no idea what to do with. 
Fuckin’ great

No,” Thomas said as he stepped forward and held out his hand.  “Please, we just found you after weeks of Kiki going off the deep end because we could scent you but couldn't find you.  I swear we are not freaks.” 

Kiki snorted and rolled his eyes.

“Okay, I am not a freak,” Thomas said and looked at the small woman again.  “You have to know what we are because you are in the compound.  We are shifters; I am a lion, Kiki is a cougar.  I hope that you can accept that since you are our mate.”

The small woman looked first a
t Kiki, who was wearing a silk, red shirt—which glared flamboyant—and white pants.  They were striking against his tanned skin and along with his blue eyes and black hair—he looked like a model.  Then she looked at Thomas who wore black cammo pants and a black t-shirt.  It was really the only color he owned, his short, tawny blonde hair and blue eyes were stunning.  His chiseled, narrow face made him look hard, and he was.

The woman looked at them and smiled
she was beautiful
, both men thought as they took in her red, long, curly hair and the twinkle in her brilliant green eyes.  “I already knew that, I was waiting for you to find me,” she said with a little laugh.

My name is Thomas and this is Kiki, well, that isn’t his real name but one he adopted because he was a drag queen.  He gets angry when we call him the other name, so his name is Kiki,” Thomas said quickly.

The tinkle of her laugh
made both men stand up and try to focus on the situation, instead of their now engorged, hard cocks that were straining against their pants.

Nice to meet you,” she said with a humorous tone.  “Nice to meet both of you.  I have been waiting for you as well. It is nice to finally put names to the mates that I have known were out there somewhere.”

You knew we were searching?” Kiki said with a wondrous tone.

Of course, my gift may be different than yours, but it is none the less powerful.  My name is Sydney Black, I am from the Black Fairy line,” she said and Kiki let her name roll off his tongue in his head.  He would call her Syd, he could feel the name becoming familiar to him, just like his pint-sized, adorable mate.

Chapter One



“I swear on all that is holy, if you say that one more time I am going to freakin’ kill you!” Thomas yelled at Kiki who was standing there smirking at him.

They had met their mate a few days ago, and Thomas refused to move beyond talking.  It was crazy.  Kiki wanted to tell everyone, he was excited.  But
, Mr. Tightass refused to entertain the idea.  He wanted to get to know her before they brought everyone into it, Kiki just didn’t understand.

Oh really?  Well tall, dark, and prickly, I am voting we tell everyone.  Yes, I said voting because in a ménage relationship all voices need to be heard, not just whoever’s the loudest.  Rissa told me that,” Kiki said and folded his arms across his chest.

Doesn’t it bother you?” Thomas said.

What?” Kiki said exasperatedly, throwing up his hands and looking at Thomas with an impatient look.

Mating her without knowing her,” Thomas said calmly and then looked back toward the screen he was working on.

stared at his back and wondered how much more Thomas needed to know about their mate.  She'd told them about living at the compound.  She'd told them about her likes and dislikes.  Hell, she was beautiful, tiny, sexy, and fun.  Added bonus for him—she was a sharp dresser.  How much more did the man need to know? 
Geez, they could get to know her personal stuff later, like maybe after they got some relief for their dicks.
They didn't need to officially mate to get that
Hmm, evidently I must be fitting into my new role, who knew that was possible
?  He figured they each knew the basics about each other, wasn't that what was important?

Thomas was the Lead Enforcer, and over the last few
days, they discovered that Sydney was a descendant of Shea, Lev, and Griff Strent, one of the original Chosen.  Thomas was a descendant of Argus, Skye, and Jacob Tread while Kiki was a descendant of Jordan, Larkin, and Romy Night.  Each of the Drekinn in the upper echelon of their pack was a member of the Chosen, or their Senate.

Because they were
descendants of the original Chosen and Senate, they now had a prophesy themselves to fulfill.  Of course, it wasn’t easy to discover since all of the files had been destroyed by The Prentiss Agency.  This whole story took a long time to explain to Sydney, who knew some of it, but not all.

had hid in the small compound right outside of the hideout where Sydney stayed, Rissa named it ‘The Blankenforth Castle’.  Sydney was with one of Rissa’s mates, Phillip, they were joining the Drekinn Pack.  They were rebels who refused to comply with the Prentiss Agency’s new ‘laws’ and were dubbed wanted, although not nearly as wanted as Calli, Cherri, Rissa, and Kiki.  They were the prime targets for some reason.

To make a long story short, Calli, Cherri, and Rissa had been employees of the Drekinn Agency.  The Agency was developed
to monitor and regulate the shifter and magical community with the humans.  Nowadays, the world's infrastructure was a lot different.  Each of the countries had an ambassador, and they sat on the World Assembly Congress, or the WAC.  In July 20, 2236, the WAC was formed because the economic crisis finally reached epic proportions and all the countries collectively declared bankruptcy.  It was a tremulous time, and all due to the war they had waged on the
, although no one would admit it.  Each country tried to round up the
and cage them.  None of them realized that it was impossible to round them all up.  Some humans had the DNA strand and didn't even know it.  They basically shot themselves in the foot, and then the
helped them reorganize.

and her friends had wanted to be a part of the Drekinn Agency from the first day they heard Ms. Praton announce she was heading up the Agency for the regulation of the
world.  The humans had no clue how to deal with them, so they quickly handed it over to Ms. Praton.  There were positive and negatives to that.  What basically happened was if everything was running smoothly, then the WAC patted them on the back for thinking of letting the animals police themselves.  However, if a highly public
incident happened, they tried to flex their muscle—it never worked.  Ms. Praton was one scary dragon when she was pissed, well, her name was actually Pilar, but that was another story. 

For years, they had done their job, making
rank, and rising in the company, until they were all at the top of their field.  Calli was the Head Enforcer, Cherri the Lead Medical Advisor, and Rissa was the Head of the Technological Section, and then there was Kiki, they weren’t sure what his role was going to be.  They all knew he would have one, notwithstanding the whole entertainment factor. Kade and the guys refused to watch his drag show routine, no matter how many times the girls set it up on their girls' night.  Then it all went wonky when Calli’s mate showed up.  Kiki loved Kade; however, he was the catalyst of sorts when it came to this whole prophesy drama.  Who the hell knew what they were supposed to do, other than survive? 

were shifters, who, for one reason or another, had a missing gene in their DNA, it made them just a bit crazy, and the head of the crazies was a man called the
Bondi King
.  Mr. Twisted, or Simon Harding, one of Rissa’s mates, was the
Bondi King’s
right hand man, or so they thought.  The
wanted to use the humans for their own gain.  They thought humans were the inferior race.  It really was a mess.  Humans couldn’t regulate the magical community so they had the Drekinn, now somehow all of that changed.  The contract was taken away from the Drekinn and given to another company, the Prentiss Agency, which was led by the
Bondi King
, even if the humans were unaware of it.  Calli and her friends were on the run, labeled as Most Wanted, because they refused to be nice, little sheep and follow. 

They all escaped New York City to a huge compound hidden right inside New York State
and the access they needed to go into the city, although in disguise.  Which Kiki was amazing at putting together, even if Thomas didn’t like the blue hair he designed for him to wear. 
It was just rude

Kiki rolled his eyes and looked at Thomas like he was crazy.  “
Did I say mating?  No, I said I want to introduce her to everyone AS our mate!  She will never know what she is getting into unless we introduce her.”

Thomas grimaced and said
, “I would rather just mate her than subject her to that meeting, you know what they are like.”

Sure I do, Ris is gonna have Billy B sniff her 'cause she only trusts his judgment these days.  Calli will want to know if she is good with knives, and then proceed to show her.  Then there is Cherri, who will demand a complete exam, where we are not allowed because it is code for ‘they are gonna get Syd drunk and grill her’.  I don’t even want to talk about her meeting the moms. I am telling you, I think we should do it like a band-aide and rip it off.  Hey, since apparently I am into girls, too, does that mean I get to go to the men only nights with you?  For some reason Kade refuses to invite me,” Kiki said frowning, as if actually thinking about it.

Well, it could be because you color your hair, wear make-up sometimes, and dress like a woman.  I don’t know, call me crazy, but it doesn’t make the guys feel real secure when you go to ladies' night and get drunk with their mates, then give them tips on female things.”  Thomas laughed.

Oh well, the girls are more entertaining anyway.”  Kiki shrugged.  “Back to the facts, one of them is gonna find out, you know how they are, probably have a bug in here right now,” Kiki said, then heard the women in the hallway and groaned as Calli, Cherri, and Rissa walked into the room.

Kiki Christopher LaRue, are you out of your ever-loving fucking mind, how could you have kept this a secret?  We tell you everything, like when Kade had a constant hard-on for days, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t get it down.  You helped me, remember?”  Calli sniffed and turned her back on them.

Cherri was frowning, “
Or the time when Dec and Nik wanted to do that funky position, and you explained to me what they were talking about,” Cherri said and then looked at the wall as if she was going to cry.

looked like he wanted to run away from the situation.  While Kiki narrowed his eyes and looked at his besties.

Rissa wailed.  “
And what about ME?  When I was freaking out because I mated Mr. Twisted, who we thought was a vicious killer and had weird sexual desires, you talked to me.”

Oh, good lord!” Thomas said and then looked desperately around the room at the wailing women while Kiki stood there rolling his eyes.  “Do something!” he hissed.

Please, bitches, I am not in the mood,” Kiki drawled and looked at his friends who stopped crying and looked at him expectantly.  “Fine, you can plan a meal—only a meal—and I swear I will dye your hair green if you make a big production out of this.”

YES!!” Rissa yelled, jumped up in the air, and punched her fist.

I am not kidding, bitches!” Kiki roared, and the girls laughed and waved at them then walked out the door. 

Tonight, boys, with bells on!!” Calli called and Thomas put his head in his hands and groaned.

Okay, when is the meeting?” Kiki asked and then tapped his foot. He was thinking of the millions things he had to do before tonight, including finding his green hair dye because he was going to need it, that was for sure, these women did not understand low-key.


Sydney sat on the small couch in her room and sighed.  Sh
e had plenty of books and other things she could be doing, but the only thing on her mind was her mates.  Her parents died long ago and she was raised by her grandmother who told her about the Drekinn Agency. That was what Sydney had wanted to do, but before she could reach the city, they had been taken over. 

She stumbled upon
Phillip as she was being pursued by the assholes who took over the Prentiss Agency when she arrived to NYC. That was at the time the Drekinn Agency had been recruiting, and with her powers, she would have been able to help. 

So far no one knew what she could do as a Fae
; however, what she hadn’t told anyone was that she was not only Fae on her mother’s side, but she was also a shifter, a wolf to be exact.  The combination of her ancestry made her unusual.  She could shift to wolf, but she could also use her Fae powers while shifted as well as while human. 

Each of the Fae were gifted a special power, hers was transformation.  At any given time, wolf or human, she could change into
anyone she wanted and not just looks either.  It was more than that, if she could get close to the person at one time or another, she could make herself appear as them, in voice, in mannerisms—and her favorite—in attitudes. 

She told no one
, like her parents warned her when she was young.  They said that transformation was a very unique and much sought-after power.  This became a reality when strangers began to ask questions in her hometown.  Sydney had done the only thing she could think of.  She decided to go and see who she needed to talk to in order to be accepted into the Drekinn.  Now it was within her reach, she could almost taste it. 

Sydney was excited about meeting Ms.
Praton; she was the head of the Drekinn when it was taken down.  She was still someone that had power; hell, it oozed all over the place.  She just couldn’t tell where it was coming from.

She heard a knock at her door and then sighed. 
Her mates, great,
although she was extremely entertained by them, she had no desire to actually mate.  She had so much more in life she wanted to accomplish before she settled down. 

While she was in the smaller
compound, she acted shy and quiet just like they assumed she would be.  It was enough to drive her to distraction, acting like a schoolgirl for goodness sake. 

Hello?!” she yelled to see who was knocking on her door.

Me!” Kiki yelled back.

rolled her head to the side.  Kiki was strange and yet completely handsome.  Tall, thin, and handsome, what more could you ask for, while Thomas was the complete opposite—and she was drawn to both of them. She wasn’t going to mate them, so there was no use thinking of them. She wanted to help the Drekinn get back in control.  It was all that mattered in the short term; the long term, if they were all not hunted down and killed, was another story.

Come on in!” she called and then folded her arms over her chest and waited. 

Kiki did not disappoint.  He threw open the door with his recognizable
flourish and stomped into her room.  Sydney backed up until the back of her legs hit the couch she had risen from. 
Okay, man on a mission

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