Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries (55 page)

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What government wants to admit that it does not know everything? Researchers who have been studying this subject full-time for as long as forty years admit that they don't know everything about it, and that there are frequently extreme differences of opinion between even the best informed of the experts.

What government wants its citizens to begin to think of themselves as citizens of the planet rather than as French, Russian, American, etc.? To give their allegiance primarily to the planet and only secondarily to the nation to which they belong? With every year that passes, many more millions of people all over the world are becoming aware that we Earth-folk are being visited from elsewhere, irrespective of our national borders.

With sightings and abductions having escalated to unprecedented and ever-increasing levels, the situation is now completely out of control. The lid of secrecy imposed on the subject by the government for over 40 years is about to blow, no matter how desperately the government may attempt to continue to stonewall the high strangeness. The most effective way to avoid a sudden explosion, traumatic for all concerned, is to decrease the pressure by releasing as much information as possible in forms that the public can assimilate without being excessively traumatized, such as through this and other books and unbiased media coverage, so that there is no longer such a gross disparity between what the public has been conditioned to believe and what is actually going on.

A major development in the release of previously secret information has been the publication of the briefing papers for President Eisenhower by William Moore, Stanton Friedman, and Jaime Shandera in the spring of the 1987. There has been considerable debate over the authenticity of these documents, which describe the circumstances under which President Truman created the top secret Majestic-12 group in order to investigate the national security implications of UFO phenomena. One of the original members of MJ-12 was Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, who was head of the CIA at the time that the incoming Eisenhower administration was installed, and whose signature was appended to one of the controversial documents, dated November 18, 1952.

Critics bent on disparaging the authenticity of the documents were dealt a major blow when Dr. Roger W. Westcott announced the result of his in-depth study on the basis of stylistic analysis. Dr. Westcott graduated from Princeton Summa Cum Laude and is Director of the Linguistics Department at Drew University. He has published 40 books in Linquistics, approximately 400 articles, and is considered the most eminent authority on this subject in the United States. Dr. Westcott compared the signature on the controversial document with the signatures on 27 other documents signed by Admiral Hillenkoetter, the authenticity of which is not in question, and with 1,200 pages of personal correspondence and memoranda written by Hillenkoetter. Dr. Westcott concluded that Admiral Hillenkoetter's signature on the controversial document is authentic.

It would seem that such a verdict, combined with the information content of the document whose authenticity was thus confirmed—concerning a crashed UFO and the recovery of four small alien bodies—should be sufficient to deal a final death blow to the credibility of our government's publicly stated official attitude towards UFOs. However, as any psychologist will tell you, deeply entrenched, long held, rigidly assumed, conventionally accepted, blind and fanatical belief systems do not die easily. They tend to be thick-skinned to the point of being almost impervious to logic. I stress that "almost," as it is our only hope of at last achieving a sane and rational approach to the subject.

Edward Mazur made some very relevant remarks about the MJ-12 controversy in the July/August 1989 issue of the Arkansas MUFON Newsletter:

The unauthorized disclosure of a highly classified document is a serious federal crime. The forging of a classified document purported to come from the highest levels of government is perhaps an even more serious crime. Yet in the five years or so since the documents surfaced, there have been no arrests or prosecutions by the Department of Justice. Why?

According to this writer's logic, the FBI could have easily determined, through the issuing agency, whether the document was authentic or forged. If it was a forgery, there wouldn't be great difficulty in finding the forger, prosecuting him, and setting an example.

This action would also discredit and ridicule the gullible UFO community who had 'bought' MJ-12. Why didn't the FBI take advantage of this opportunity if the document was phony? Or wasn't it?

But if the document was genuine, what would the government gain by apprehending its leaker? Prosecution would be a public admission that MJ-12 was authentic and would reveal the very fact that the document's high and sensitive classification was designed to suppress. It would be far better to treat the matter with benign neglect, as is the case now, and to work behind the scenes to thwart any progress the might be made by UFO researchers, while undermining their activity wherever possible.

The fact that there have been no indications of any investigations, arrests, or prosecutions in the past five years in the matter of these documents is of great significance.

According to the Nevada Aerial Research Newsletter, P.O. Box 81407, Las Vegas, NV 89180, the black-uniformed elite Delta Special Forces, which carry out their missions in black unmarked helicopters and which act as security for the U.S. government alien-related projects, are selected almost exclusively from soldiers who grew up as orphans or have no close family ties.

Is this because the enemy they are trained to fight is the citizens of the United States? And we are paying for this with our own tax dollars?
The publication of the U.S. edition of Above Top Secret by British researcher Timothy Good (Morrow, 1988) was a landmark event that from here on out puts the critics who persist in denying the reality of UFO phenomena on the defensive. Timothy Good employs a similar technique to that of Barry Greenwood and Lawrence Fawcett in their Clear Intent (Prentice-Hall, 1984), using contradictions within government documents to demonstrate that the government is perpetrating a cover-up. However, Clear Intent was focused mainly on the devious activities of the intelligence community within the United States. The scope of Above Top Secret is world-wide. Timothy Good also deals with the United States, bringing up much material that was not included in Clear Intent, but the main thrust of his book is a meticulously detailed investigation of what went on concerning UFOs within the intelligence communities and officialdom of England, Canada, Australia, Russia, China, France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. It is particularly illuminating to compare the information contained in the Above Top Secret with information contained in Clear Intent, as they supplement each other in remarkable fashion, and the correlations provide powerful confirmation of their basic hypotheses. Both books are focused primarily on unidentified flying objects as aircraft, dealing only marginally with the subject of UFO occupants, which is of course the subject that my own books have been devoted to investigating. The publication of Clear Intent put the cynics who maintain that UFO sightings are all explicable in terms of weather balloons, the planet Venus, swamp gas, mass hysteria, or flocks of geese in a difficult position. The publication of the worldwide evidence presented with such concise, conservatively understated, devastating effectiveness in Above Top Secret put these same cynics in an impossible situation, from which there is no way they can recover their lost credibility.
Let us now turn our attention to the aborted attempt to bring the subject of UFOs to the attention of the United Nations.
A highly important figure in this series of events was Major Colman Von Keviczky, whose background was summarized in the following terms by his colleague and long-time research associate, J. Antonion Hunccus, in the New York City Tribune of May 19, 1988:

Von Keviczky received his Master of Military Science and Engineering (MMSE) at the historical Ludovica University in Budapest. As a Captain and then Major with the Royal Hungarian Army, he created the AudioVisual Department of the Hungarian General Staff before World War II. After the war he worked for the U.S. occupation forces in Germany and emigrated to the United States in 1952, the year his interest in UFOs began. Von Keviczky is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (AIAA) and his biography appears in Who's Who in Aviation & Aerospace.

In the mid-60s, Von Keviczky worked with the United Nations staff audio-visual department, where he became involved in a controversy over UFOs and the UN. In 1966, Von Keviczky was actually commissioned by Secretary General U Thant to work on a preliminary memo on how the UFO problem could be inserted in the UN agenda. However, the Major found he no longer had a job at the UN after he leaked news of this

assignment to the press. Yet U Thant confided around that time that "he considers UFOs the most important problem facing the UN next to the war in Vietnam,' as reported in Drew Pearson's syndicated column.

While Von Keviczky was employed as a staff member of the United Nations Secretariat's Office of Public Information, the UFO wave of 1952 over Washington, D.C., occurred. Being an expert in photography, Von Keviczky realized that the photographs were genuine, and became interested in the subject. Private discussions with diplomats, scientists, and old friends who were still military officers convinced him of the subject's importance. In 1966, he undertook the initiative that destroyed his career, which will now be described in his own words:

In February 1966, after a long-scrutinized global operation, as Staff Member of the military study of the UFOs' United Nations Secretariat, I

addressed THE FIRST UFO MEMORANDUM to my Secretary General U Thant. Seizing on his constitutional duty regarding the endangered

to elaborate the FIRST UNinternational security, Thant assigned me UFO PROJECT. This project referred to: 1. A coordinated cooperation amongst the nations to control the UFOs' global operation and activities.
2. Immediate STOP to any HOSTILE CONFRONTATION, which at any time could trigger a fatal Space War.

3. Seek OFFICIAL CONTACT AND COMMUNICATION with the exploring UFO forces, assisted by UNESCO, and by the governments' respective UFO organizations.

4. Declare the 550-mile belt around our Celestial Body under the PROTECTION and JURISDICTION of the United Nations.

Thant's common sense and constitutional duty on the alarming worldwide UFO fever is demonstrated by his remark within the diplomatic corps and his cabinet that: "UFOS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT

UNITED NATIONS AFTER THE WAR IN and the U.S. diplomacy were immediately PROBLEM FACING THE VIETNAM." The Pentagon alerted to stop him!

During the next month, in March, to thwart Thant's UN-UFO Project,

the Air Force Scientific Research Board "AD HOC PANEL" was mobilized in haste to find a suitable University to study the UFO phenomena. Evidence: CONDON REPORT, preface, President of the Colorado University.

Thant was totally silenced! A constrained him to violate the UN Constitution, and confess also toward the public that his interest in UFOs was only "purely academic and personal."

According to the Associated Press, Ambassador Trofimirovich pages 7-9 written by the Vice
"mysterious" diplomatic power

United Nations Secretary in 1966, were convinced STUDY OF UFOs had been Fedorenko of the U.S.S.R. comforted him nightmares of the imperialist and capitalist on the other side of the token ...

"For my honorarily-accepted UN-UFO Project, I became the No. 1 ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES UFO POLICY. I was awarded with the notorious SECURITY RISK for scientists! This governmental denunciation over my lifetime prevented me from having any career job at reputable firms in the United States...."

General U Thant, and the Member Nations that the Colorado University SCIENTIFIC established to supervise the

would liquidate
Pentagon UFO the media-genthus: "UFOs are only the countries." But against this,

file trustworthiness and credibility, which erated UFO fever.
Only three years later, the vice president Thruston University's

hoodwinked UFO phenomena "WHOLLY OUTSIDE THE JURISDICTION OF THE AIR FORCE." Namely, "outside the jurisdiction" meant the scientific study of the hundreds of UFO weekend
tor hobbyists, thereby discrediting the
clubs and
news clipping collecNICAP* and APRO

valuable public research. Evidence: On February 20, 1967, before the
Dr. Edward U. Condon, Committee
and instruction. THE MEETING WAS
masterly delusion and deception of the nations!
Well, in UFO research all roads lead to the USA's Rome—as we have
Report's preface, written by the E. Manning, exposed how he was in 1966, because the Committee was assigned to study the

Committee started, the CIA gave Director, the necessary guideline SECRET. No comments on the

The climax of the struggle over whether or not the subject of UFOs should be placed on the agenda of the United Nations will now be briefly described.

It is a matter of historic record that Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Dr. Jacques Vallee prevented Von Keviczky from presenting his evidence that UFOs are space-craft of extra-terrestrial origin before the Special Political Committee of the United Nations, by threatening to boycott the Committee if Von Keviczky was allowed to testify. The other three experts were Dr. David Saunders, Dr. Claude Poher, and astronaut Gordon Cooper. Only Gordon Cooper, who held the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Air Force and was therefore under obligation to obey orders, supported Hynek and Vallee on this issue. Due to the pressure that Hynek and Vallee exerted, Von Keviczky's invitation to testify was canceled.

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