Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients (8 page)

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Authors: Michael Furie

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #possession, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house is unlike any other., #and murder. When the evidence becomes overwhelming, #When author Rich Newman first arrives at the battered doublewide trailer deep in the Mississippi Delta, #it’s clear that this is no ordinary haunting. Called from Memphis to assist a local ghost hunting team, #long-buried memories from Newman’s own past come back to haunt him—memories he’d rather forget. Collecting physical evidence, #researching the violent history of the property, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house has become his most terrifying and mysterious case. What starts out as a malicious assault manifesting as deep rumbling sounds quickly spirals into a story of obsession, #and sorting through the spiritual implications of demons, #Magick Studies

BOOK: Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
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on the body have the ability to absorb illness and negativity. Lemons are another strong cleansing food. As previ-

ously stated, a properly charged lemonade (again, made

by hand from real lemons, not a mix) can be used as an

inner cleansing potion. There are several ingredients that, although do not constitute a meal in and of themselves,

will provide a very important boost to meals designed

to bring about an inner cleansing from negativity. Such

Clearning and Cleansing 75

ingredients include: parsley, peppermint, rosemary, anise, bay, fennel, horseradish, and potatoes, though this latter food is used more for healing. If you are asking the Faery or Ancestors for their assistance in cleansing you, then

you can add some dairy products to your recipe. Milk,

cream, and butter have always been offerings to the Oth-

erworld. Indeed, butter is a symbol of magic and trans-

formation since it has to be transformed from a liquid

(cream) to a solid (butter) and has been used for centuries in magic and ritual.

Honestly, if you make rosemary mashed potatoes

with caramelized onions and add milk or cream, some

real butter and you charge it for cleansing, you will have a very potent modern dish that will feed your body with

cleansing energy. You could pair this with lean meat if you wish, but try to avoid red meat as its energy is not conducive to cleansings. If you make gravy for the mashed po-

tatoes, make a mushroom gravy with real mushrooms; the

old fashioned way and charge it separately also for cleansing. If you wish to add a salad to your cleansing meal (or just make a salad instead) use lettuce, onion, tomato and

make a lemon vinaigrette dressing.

As you can see, there are a lot of items that may be

used to facilitate clearing and cleansing of the body, mind, spirit and environment of negativity that are very readily available and blessedly inexpensive. In fact, most people

have one or two of these items already in their home; all

that needs to be done are to properly charge and combine

76 Chapter 4

the items and you’re all ready to go! It is wise, depend-

ing on what your specific goal is in regard to clearing or cleansing, to utilize as many methods as you feel necessary and that you have available to you, in order to achieve your goal. For example, if you desire a spiritual cleansing of negativity; let’s say that you feel tired and bogged down by other people’s pessimism and you wish to dissolve it

away, you can use Four Thieves’ Vinegar in your bath

water, anoint with cleansing oils
eat cleansing foods and drink cleansing beverages everyday for a week or even

an entire waning moon phase if need be. This multi-tiered

approach will ensure that you receive a strong and thor-

ough dissolution of the negative psychic grunge; leaving

you energized and whole once more. Granted combining

several techniques for one goal is not always feasible or

desirable and indeed is not even usually necessary. I am

merely saying that; if you feel that you need as strong a

cleansing as possible, this “use everything” approach is a good way to make sure all points are covered and no loose

ends are left unchecked.

Clearning and Cleansing 77

Shopping List

Here’s a short list of the ingredients used in the spells in this chapter for cleansing.

❏ Anise seed

❏ Cream

❏ Onion

❏ Apple cider

❏ Cumin

❏ Parsley


❏ Bay leaves

❏ Fennel

❏ Peppermint

❏ Basil

❏ Garlic

❏ Potatoes

❏ Black pepper

❏ Horseradish

❏ Rosemary

❏ Butter

❏ Lemon

❏ Sage

❏ Candles

❏ Lettuce

❏ Thyme

(white and


❏ Cayenne

❏ Milk

❏ Tomato


❏ Chili pepper

❏ Mushrooms

❏ Turmeric


(any edible


❏ Cornstarch

❏ Olive oil

❏ Vegetable oil

chapter 5

it is very easy to use magic to bring peace and harmony

into your life and home. If you live with other people

we have to consider the ethical implications (yay) of using magic in your household. I have pondered this and come

to the conclusion that, without other’s permission, it is

still okay to use magic to surround your environment with

a peaceful aura; for the good of all, and if the other people are then influenced by this energy of peace and harmony,

that is according to their own free will, albeit subcon-

sciously. This same idea is true in everyday life; if you were to act positively and optimistically around the others and their moods improved as a result, that wouldn’t be manipulation but rather, osmosis.

Harmony and peace are gentle. They are the delicate

shifting; the “going with the flow” of events as they un-


80 Chapter 5

fold instead of “fighting the good fight” or trying to be

right (even if you aren’t). Harmony is the calm center, the balance in the middle and the rejection of living from

one extreme to another. Meditation is always a wonderful

means of achieving a peaceful, balanced state of being,

but it is not always feasible to find the time to meditate in order to feel harmonious in our chaotic world. Luckily, there are numerous simple, effective magical methods to

create a more balanced and centered mental state and/or



Personally, I love brew making; it has always captured my

imagination. The idea of standing in front of a fire, stirring a bubbling cauldron filled with a magic elixir; adding unusual ingredients while chanting ancient prayers as the

mystic liquid blends together to form a powerful brew is

so romantic and alluring to me that I have made brew

making an important part of my personal Craft. Granted,

I don’t create as dramatic a scene as I have just described (usually, I just have my cauldron on the stove) but, the

process always gives me a certain sense of satisfaction as well as a useful product.

Brewing a potion for harmony is an easy and useful

method of magic that is both subtle and effective. Mak-

ing a brew to create a feeling of peace and harmony is as

easy as grabbing a chamomile tea bag. Chamomile has a

soothing effect. Sweeten with a little honey as this too,

Harmony 81

brings about a feeling of peace. You can actually make

this potion in your coffee pot by adding the tea bags to

the pot and letting them steep in the hot water as it drips into the pot.

Peace and Harmony Brew

• 1 tablespoon chamomile

(or 2 chamomile tea bags)

• 3 cups water

• 1 tablespoon honey

You can use the coffee pot method or heat the water

in a pot to almost boiling, then remove from heat and

allow the tea bags to steep in the water for ten to fif-

teen minutes. Then, pour a cupful and sweeten with the

spoonful of honey. Charge the liquid with the intent of

peace and relaxation and take slow sips of the potion. If

you intend to use this brew in a non-beverage manner,

omit the honey.

Brew Spells

First and foremost, you can drink the brew. It has a won-

derfully calming effect. You can also use the unsweetened

brew to sprinkle around the house to bring a general

sense of harmony in the environment of the home. An-

other way to use the brew is in a short spell. You can soak a piece of paper in the brew and allow it to dry. Then,

82 Chapter 5

write your desire for harmony and peace on the paper and

charge it for this purpose. You can then burn the paper in a fireplace or in the flame of a white candle and set it in a fireproof dish to burn to ashes; releasing your intent and casting your spell.


You can use magical oils to infuse yourself, others, or

even objects with a peaceful, harmonious energy. Wear-

ing a peace-inducing oil will help keep you calm in the

midst of a chaotic environment. It will also create a gentle and peaceful aura around you that will rub off on others (if they subconsciously allow it to; no magical coer-

cion intended here) and help to relax any tension in your

surroundings. If you anoint an object (or objects) with a

harmony-drawing oil, you can charge it (or them) to be

a battery of sorts to radiate a peaceful aura wherever you place it (or them). Once again, I must caution (nag, nag,

nag) against creating and using magical charms or objects

in certain areas of a home shared with others (such as

their bedrooms) unless they have knowledge of this and

have given approval. To set up charms of harmony and/

or protection around your own bedroom or in common

areas is a fine idea to improve your personal environment, but if you live with others that are unaware of your magical inclinations, it is a manipulative practice to use magic (that would affect these other people) in their personal

areas of the home. You can, of course
magic in com-

Harmony 83

mon areas if you need to (that won’t affect others); I’m

just saying that it is bad practice to ‘use magic on people’

without their permission.

Anyway, back to oils. The following recipe is a gentle

and effective formula to bring calm energy to you.

Peace and Harmony Oil

• 1 tablespoon chamomile

(about 2 tea bags worth)

• 1 tablespoon dried apple peel

• ½ cup olive oil

• Prepare in the usual way.

Oil Spells

A wonderful spell for inner peace and harmony is to dab

a bit of the Peace and Harmony Oil on your forehead (on

your third eye) and take a few deep breaths. Close your

eyes and visualize a beam of white light shining down on

you, filling your body through your third eye. While the

light is filling you up, see it gathering up any tension or turmoil in your mind and body and see it being released

through your feet into the earth. While you are visual-

izing, chant; either to yourself or out loud:

Goddess (or your chosen deity);

guide my spirit path,

Soothe my soul, protect from wrath

84 Chapter 5

Grant me mercy, joy and peace;

My faith in you shall never cease;

Filled with strength from star above,

bathed in power, light and love.

Blessed be.

You can relax in this state for as long as you wish and

then open your eyes and wipe off your forehead.

Room of Harmony

A good spell to charge a room with the energy of har-

mony is to take four objects of a similar nature (that symbolize harmony to you) and anoint them with the Peace

and Harmony Oil on the base of each object (one at a

time) and then hold each object in your hands and focus

on the feeling of peace; infuse the feeling of peace into

the object. See any incorrect energy being swept away and

being replaced with the proper peaceful energy. When

you have finished with each object, you can place one in

each corner of a room so the objects radiate their power

into the whole room.

Burn Away the Gloom

To be rid of unpleasant vibrations in a room, take a white candle and anoint it with the Peace and Harmony Oil.

Then light the candle and walk the perimeter of the room

holding it up high and encircle the room, burning away

the negativity and replacing it with harmony. You may

chant the following as you make your rounds:

Harmony 85

Magic flame burn away the ill

clean this space; remove the gloom,

With joy and peace, I am filled

And hereby now charge this room!

You can do this in each room of your home or in just

one or two rooms as needed. It is somewhat of a cleans-

ing, but also adds the element of charging the room with

harmony and peace.


You can use powders to radiate a gentle aura of peace

when either sprinkled around the home, used as a type of

potpourri, or bundled together as a magic charm. Pow-

ders are a very versatile magical product; easy to make,

easy to use, and easy to hide if necessary.

Peace and Harmony Powder

• 1 tablespoon chamomile

• 1 tablespoon grated and dried apple peel

• 1 tablespoon cornstarch

Grind the apple peel and chamomile together in a

mortar and pestle, then add the cornstarch and stir. Then

charge the powder for peace and relaxed harmony. Bottle

for use.

86 Chapter 5

Harmony Now! Powder

I have read that of all the zodiac signs, the most stub-

born are Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn. In

my family, we have all these signs thus sometimes a more

potent harmony powder is called for rather than the

gentle Peace and Harmony Powder above. This recipe is

not meant to be manipulative, but is strongly solar in in-

fluence while still maintaining an overall focus of loving intent. Its goal is to remove negativity while replacing it with loving vibrations to encourage harmony and coop-eration, not to forcibly compel anyone to get along.

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