Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients (10 page)

Read Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients Online

Authors: Michael Furie

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft, #possession, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house is unlike any other., #and murder. When the evidence becomes overwhelming, #When author Rich Newman first arrives at the battered doublewide trailer deep in the Mississippi Delta, #it’s clear that this is no ordinary haunting. Called from Memphis to assist a local ghost hunting team, #long-buried memories from Newman’s own past come back to haunt him—memories he’d rather forget. Collecting physical evidence, #researching the violent history of the property, #Newman’s investigation of the Martin house has become his most terrifying and mysterious case. What starts out as a malicious assault manifesting as deep rumbling sounds quickly spirals into a story of obsession, #and sorting through the spiritual implications of demons, #Magick Studies

BOOK: Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders From Everyday Ingredients
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Stomach Tonic

This tonic helps to ease an upset stomach. The mint is

added primarily to dull the flavor of the other herbs, but if mint is disliked, it may be lessened or omitted entirely while keeping the tonic’s overall effectiveness intact.

• 1 teaspoon dried marjoram

• 1 teaspoon dried thyme

• 1 teaspoon dried sage

• 1 tablespoon dried peppermint

• 2 cups water

Heat the water to just under the boiling point, then

add the herbs, cover and remove from heat. Allow it to

cool for at least ten minutes; sweeten as desired and sip

slowly to bring relief.

98 Chapter 6

Healing Bath Brew

• 1 tablespoon anise

• 3 bay leaves

• 1 garlic clove

• 1 tablespoon dried peppermint

• 1 tablespoon parsley

• 2 cups of water

Heat the water (as always) to just below the boiling

point and add the herbs. Cover and remove from heat.

Allow to cool for ten minutes, then strain. To use: run

a bath and add a cup of sea salt (optional) to the water

and the brew. Step into the bath and soak for as long as

desired while envisioning yourself in a healthy state.


Magical oils are not only excellent for dressing candles

for ritual and magical work but also, a good means of re-

ceiving magical energy directly through the skin for is-

sues such as muscle aches or healing of bruises or other

injuries. Do not however, apply magical oils to burned

skin as the ingredients could be irritating.

Healing Oil

• 1 tablespoon rosemary

• 3 bay leaves, crumbled

Healing 99

• 1 tablespoon peppermint

• ½ cup olive oil

Mix the herbs in a bowl and empower them with your

desire for healing. Pour the olive oil into a small pot and pour the herbs into the oil; swirling them in. Over very

low heat, warm the oil until you can smell the herbs in the air. When this occurs, remove from heat, cover and allow

it to cool for at least half an hour. When cooled, strain

the oil into a bottle and hold the bottle in both hands and mentally (and emotionally) pour your energy and desire

into the oil to charge it with healing power.

Extreme Healing Oil

This oil is called extreme for two reasons. First, it is a strong healing oil that should only be used when necessary and second, because of its ingredients. Come on,

you’ve got to admit it
an interesting (and ironic) idea to use tobacco for healing purposes. Tobacco has indeed

been used for many magical purposes in the past, includ-

ing healing, but nowadays I would not suggest any of the

methods that involve smoking or ingesting the herb in

any way. Using it in this form, however is a safe alterna-

tive as long as you use only a pinch, it is added
the oil has been bottled, and you never use it as an anointing oil on the skin! Nobody needs nicotine soaking into

their skin; that heals nothing. The oil is used however, to
100 Chapter 6

anoint talismans and candles to speed healing of injuries

and severe illness.

• 1 tablespoon sage

• 3 potato “eyes”

• 1 tablespoon rosemary

• 1 tablespoon thyme

• 1 pinch tobacco

• 1 cup olive oil

Charge the herbs and mix them in a small bowl (ex-

cept for the tobacco). Pour the oil into a small pot, add

the herbs (again, except for the tobacco) and warm over

LOW heat until you can smell the herbs in the air. Allow

to cool, then strain and bottle. Add the pinch of tobacco

to the bottle and charge the completed oil with red-or-

ange light and the intent of strong healing.

Remember though that when casting spells, even

healing spells, on other people it is unethical to do so

without their permission. No one should use magic to

coerce another even toward healing. Working against

someone’s free will is dangerous and opens us up to magi-

cal backlash, not to mention that doing so can interfere

with the important lessons and future direction of some-

one’s life. You should always ask first before performing

any magic on another. If that is impossible, a safe thing

to do is send general energy to them (pure white light)

Healing 101

with the intent that if they (subconsciously) wish to ac-

cept it, it will go where it needs to be. Sending energy in this way can be a wonderful boost to somebody’s own

strength and can help in their healing and recovery. As-

suming you have their permission or you are working for

yourself, there are many magical possibilities for healing.

Healing Oil Spells

Using oils in your magic gives you several options such as personal anointing and candle magic as a means of casting a spell. This first spell is for the healing of
(as opposed to
; such as broken bones) and is designed to be used for people only (a separate spell will be given for the healing of animals).

Basic Candle Spell for Healing

Calm and center yourself. If desired, take a simple cleansing bath by pouring a cup of salt into a warm tub of water.

After your bath, take a white candle and anoint it with

Healing Oil while visualizing the person in need of heal-

ing in a perfectly healthy, strong, whole state. See this

energy (pure, white light) being poured
the candle and will that it is held there in the wax until it is released by the lighting of the candle. Once the candle is

ready (unlit), set it on a low table and sit before the table; strongly visualizing that a beam of white light is coming

from above and pouring into the body of the person to

be healed. See them (or you, depending) as being filled

102 Chapter 6

with the universal white light and being fully healthy and strong. When you feel that you have reached a peak; that

the object of this spell is fully empowered by the light and healing energy, light the candle to send forth your spell

while chanting the following:

Clear the block, imbalance purged

Healing power; flow and surge!

Spirit power, beam of light

Infuse the strength on one this night

For Good of All; for good of

she/he/me (depending),

As I do will, so shall it be!

Candle Spell for Speeding the Healing of Injuries

This spell is a bit more precise in that it targets a specific injury as opposed to sending energy toward healing of the

whole body in general. Thus, before this spell is cast, you need to have an understanding of what is injured (and

where on the person) so you are sending the energy to the

proper place. Once this is determined, you are ready to

begin. First, obtain a red-orange candle or if that cannot be found; one red candle and one orange candle. If using the

two candle method; charge both candles with red-orange

light. The red-orange color is a color used to treat severe illness and injuries and so, is ideal to use in this type of magic.

When you are ready, first take a cleansing bath and

then (after your bath) set the candle (or candles), unlit on a low table. If you are working for someone else, have a

Healing 103

picture of them or a personal object (hair, nail clippings, worn clothing, etc.) on the table between the candles (if

using two) or in front of the candle (if using one). Inci-

dentally, if you are using the two candle method, place

the red candle on the left side of the table and the orange candle on the right side. This keeps the energy flowing in the proper direction. Anoint the candle (or candles) and

fill them with red-orange light. Settle yourself in front

of the table and go into a meditative state. When you

are ready, visualize the person with the injury and see the injured part of the body surrounded by red-orange light

and (VERY important) see the body part as completely

whole; perfect and functional. Do not visualize it “heal-

ing” or “becoming whole” at all. Don’t focus on the pro-

cess. See only the result! When you feel the energy reach

its peak, open your eyes and light the candle(s) to release the energy of the spell. If you are using two candles, light the left one first, then the right one. Either way, as you light the candles, say the following spell:

Surging strength, red-orange light,

Rebuilt, empowered, healed and mended.

Flesh and bone; filled with might,

Strong and perfect; suffering ended.

Candle Spell for the Healing of Animals

Since they cannot talk, the healing of animals can be

tricky. We can’t (under most circumstances) have a regu-

lar dialogue with them to find out what the issue is. This
104 Chapter 6

being the case, our main strategy should be to offer our

animal friend energetic healing designed to heal “what-

ever the trouble is”. First of all, if any animal (or person for that matter) has a serious illness or a broken limb; take them to the proper doctor. Magical healing is best used to speed recovery
the proper medical procedures have been utilized. Our use of directed, empowered energy is

an excellent tool to help the body ward off infection and

strengthen the body’s own healing abilities, but you need

a person to put a limb in a cast if that is what is required.

Anyway, here is a wonderfully simple spell to help

empower an animal in distress so that they can recover

from an illness or injury. First, you will need the basic

Healing Oil and a brown candle. You will also need a

picture of the animal and/or a lock of their fur (or one

of their feathers, depending). If the animal in question is in a cage or aquarium, cast the spell in the same room as

the animal. It is recommended that you do not cast the

spell near the animal if they are not confined as they may knock over the candle and start a fire.

To begin the spell, take a cleansing bath in blessed,

salted water. After your bath, go to your working area and anoint the brown candle with the Healing Oil and hold

it. Gaze at the animal (if present), the photo, or the lock of fur/feather, etc. and visualize the animal in a perfectly healthy, strong state of being. In your mind’s eye, see them surrounded by a bright brown light with white edges; see

them glowing with this energy and perfectly happy. Dur-

Healing 105

ing the visualization, infuse a feeling of joy and relief (if that is how you want to feel when your healing goal is

reached) into the image. When you feel ready, open your

eyes, set the candle on the table and light it as you chant the spell:

Fin and feather; flesh, fur and bone

My animal friend with healing imbued

Healthy and well; strong and whole

Encircled in light; restored and renewed!


Healing powder can be used for a few different tasks;

making a simple version of herb candles, pouring in a ring around a spell candle, or as a sprinkling powder to generate an aura of healing energy. Powders of course, are easy to make and are good to have around as a simple, convenient magical item to use on a moment’s notice.

Healing Powder

• 1 tablespoon sage

• 2 teaspoons marjoram or oregano

• 2 teaspoons spearmint

• 1 tablespoon cornstarch

Charge each herb with the quality of healing and

grind each separately before combining them all with the

cornstarch. Once the cornstarch has been added, bottle

106 Chapter 6

the completed powder and dedicate it to the purpose of


Healing Powder Spells

The first spell you could use is a candle spell using herb candles. To make a simple herb candle, all you have to do

is take a white candle, a light blue candle or a red-orange candle (for critical healing); lightly anoint it with either Healing Oil or pure olive oil and then roll the candle

in the Healing Powder to create a perfectly coated herb

candle. One word of caution: only anoint and coat the

sides of the candle; not the bottom or the top by the wick.

When the candle burns, you don’t want the powder to

catch fire; you just need the energy from the powder to

absorb into and combine with the power of the candle,

the powder itself doesn’t need to burn. The herb candle

can be used in the following spell.

Herb Candle of Healing Light

Create the herb candle (wax of the proper color; either

white, light blue or red-orange, depending on the ail-

ment) and charge it with your desire for healing (whether

for yourself or another) by seeing a clear mental image of yourself (or the chosen recipient) in perfect health. When this image is built up strongly in your mind, send the energy down to your dominant hand and into the candle;

charging it with power. When you wish to cast the spell,

set the candle on your spell table and again focus on the

Healing 107

desired goal by visualizing a perfectly healed state. When you are ready, light the candle and chant the following


Current of power; shining light

Healing energy; burning bright

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