Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2)
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Chapter Seventeen

ANYA GOT THE break she needed, however Quinn stayed by her side. For the next few hours, she’d slept in the solace of his arms, one of her best sleeps, regardless that Quinn woke her up every hour to ask her simple questions, confirming she didn’t have a concussion.

What is your name? What is my name? Where do you live?

When she’d answered correctly, he let her sleep again and she’d snuggle deeper.

In the distance she heard him answer the telephone from the table beside them and reassure whomever, she assumed one of her family members, she was okay. He agreed they would meet up with them at the gala that evening.

The gala.

Anya had forgotten about her mother’s event. Eliza took her events very seriously. Eliza had half a dozen grand events a year, with a list of wealthy acquaintances personally invited. The foundation of the events was absolutely amazing, raising money for a variety of charities. Associates traveled from around the world to attend these exquisite events...maybe that was another reason her family hadn’t been assertively inquiring about Anya’s sudden return, or the fact she’d been sneaking around. They had other things on their mind.

Anya had other things on her mind too, which was why she hadn’t even given the gala anymore thought until Quinn lightly shook her awake.

“I have to run to the service desk and pick up my suit,” he said.

Anya hadn’t been aware that he’d dropped his suit off at the on-site dry cleaner. But, after the game of mud shoes, it was definitely in need of a wash.

She stretched, blinking her eyes open.

Quinn was no longer lying beside her, holding her or running his fingers along her arm, instead he sat on the edge of the couch. How disappointing.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“Almost five.”

She groaned.

She had to find a dress, have a shower, put her hair up and her face on...and the party started at seven. That was only two hours away. And she was hungry. At the thought of food, her stomach growled.

Quinn looked at her middle and her gaze followed.

“Do you want me to pick you up a plate from the buffet on my way back?”

She nodded. “A little plate.”

“I shouldn’t be long.” He kissed her cheek and left.

Anya didn’t move, absorbing the warmth he left behind. Closing her eyes, she could still smell him and his lips left a patch of heat on her skin. All of these things were wonderful and all of them were a fantasy.

Anya sat up suddenly and felt for the bump. It was still there.


Everyone would see it tonight. Maybe she could crimp her bangs and pin them over her forehead in a thirties flapper style. It would suit the Secret Garden theme her mother had chosen. Now she just had to find an outfit that would flatter the hairstyle.

Anya had to admit, deep down, she was a little excited to be going to one of her mom’s galas. The atmosphere, the people, the money raised...this was her life and she’d missed it. She had Quinn to thank for that. His sneaky trickery had landed her back home and she found now she never wanted to leave. Why would she? Everyone she loved was here. Her career was here and if she wanted it, her mother would arrange it. Her life was here.

Anya thought of Quinn. He was searching for the file of his sister and not a woman like she’d assumed. Hopefully the file would give him what he needed to live a happy life. A life he didn’t want to live with her.

She walked into the kitchen for a glass of water for her parched mouth.

Her pushing Quinn about a relationship had to end. After last night, when he overlooked the blame she carried for the last two years of Rebecca’s life, it wasn’t fair that she couldn’t respect his decision to not pursue a relationship with her. The door swung both ways and, if he was locking it, she needed to give him back the key and walk away.

Could she do that?
What choice did she have?

Anya considered quickly jumping in the shower when she heard a knock on her door. She answered it, surprised to find Violet on the other side.

Her oldest sister looked so a good way, a very good way. Her hair was down and fell in a wild, beachy flow. She was wearing a coral halter top dress with a plunging neckline, very revealing, very sexy, and very unlike her reserved sister.



They squealed each other’s name at the same time, throwing their arms around the other.

When Violet pulled away, she said, “I’m so glad you’re alright.” She did a once over on Anya and a little frown came across her lips. She quickly replaced it with a smile. “I would have come sooner, but I’ve had such an emotional week and−”

Anya cut her off with a grin. “You’re dating Ryder Carlex.”

Violet grinned. “You heard about that already, huh?”

Anya nodded. “Yes. Our family has become a lot more outspoken. Like Izzy outspoken.”

Violet chuckled. “I guess we don’t have Dad hovering over our shoulders making sure we are always on our top-notch behavior.”

“That must be it. This morning over breakfast, we had a conversation about the Cohens and Emma.”

Violet frowned. “I told Marc I didn’t think it was a good idea putting her on that cruise, but without presenting him with an explanation he’s not listening to me.”

“He sure heard why it wasn’t a wise idea today...”

Violet frowned. “Why? What did Izzy say? I swear the girl needs a clamp on her mouth. A remote control with an off button.”

“It started about Emma and Brock shuffling away privately into her suite at the Snowflake Ball, then escalated to Emma and Grayson sleeping together. We were left in the dark without a single answer and a lot of confusion. I wasn’t here. Ring any bells?”

“Izzy has no filter.”

That wasn’t an answer, which left Anya suspecting her sister did know something.

“Her lack of vocabulary restraint would be why she was always butting heads with Dad.”

Violet waved her hands. “Enough about them,” she said, grabbing Anya’s hand and leading her back to the couch where it was still warm from Quinn’s body. “Tell me about you.”

Anya smiled at her. “It’s complicated.”

“I’m dating my ex-husband’s best friend. I can handle complicated.”

“How are the kids taking your relationship with Ryder?”

“It’s pretty new but they’re taking it good. Ryder was their friend long before he was mine.” Violet grinned. “You’re turning this around to me again.”

Anya smiled, guilty as accused. “I missed you. I’m just trying to catch up on everything I missed.” It wasn’t entirely a lie.

“Okay. If you say so. If you’re not going to tell me about where you’ve been and why, then at least tell me you’re okay. Or if you’re not okay, then tell me that.” She sighed. “Tell me the truth.”

Anya touched her leg. “The truth is I’m going to be okay.”

Violet searched her eyes. “It’s Dad isn’t it?” she asked.

Anya wondered if her whole family suspected Robert’s involvement.

“Did Mom give you your file?” Violet finally asked.

Anya’s breathing stopped. Her vision blurred for a moment as nausea threatened her empty stomach.

Violet knew about the files? And their mother had them


“So you do know about them?” Violet observed, and Anya immediately caught the way her sister had omitted asking her first whether she knew about the files and was now interpreting her face at the mention of them. Violet was analysing her like Quinn had, and Anya didn’t like it.

“Don’t try to trick me, Violet. Just ask if you need an answer.”

“Because you’re being so upfront.”

“It surprises me how upfront you’re being.”

“Do you need it?”

No. She needed Rebecca’s but she wasn’t about to answer that.

“I don’t know. Do I? Is there something you know?”

Violet smirked. “Listen to us. Playing each other in circles...Robert’s daughters right here ladies and gentleman,” she announced like they were contestants on a game show.

Violet grew serious.

“If that’s what you need then ask Mom for it. Dad messed with our lives Anya and you deserve to know the truth. Mom is reluctant. She’s scared which is why I doubt she offered it to you. But she’s only trying to protect you and the people that were hurt.”

Anya was having a hard time concentrating.

Her mother had the files. Dinner with them would prove to be very successful. Anya had to hide her excitement.

“The people that were hurt?” Anya asked, playing coy.

Violet’s face remained emotionless. “I think you should ask Mom.”

“I’m asking you.”

Violet didn’t answer right away. With any other person Emma would be able to see the contemplation, but with her sister, it was impossible. At some point Violet had learned the art of masking emotion, feelings, and hiding her thoughts from people. She was doing it right now.

Her face softened before she spoke. “I think you should talk to Mom. But the gist of it is, that Dad hurt a lot of people and Mom is having a hard time dealing with it. She’s trying to right the wrongs. She’s been doing it since they found the files and she’s helped a handful of people, but it’s not that easy and it’s not close to the amount of people she wants to help.”

Anya was surprised how easily Violet was talking to her about the files. She shouldn’t be, if they were aware of the files and uninvolved, the matter of fixing them had become a family event.

“Kate had an episode with the files and they’re in a current state of ruin. Mom doesn’t blame her, but it has taken her and Carl months to sort it, and then try to put together the lives. Some of the files are coded weird and...” Violet shook her head. “That’s a lot more than just the
gist of it
.” She sighed. “Mom will eventually help them all, and if she let us help her it would be easier on her and faster. She is stubborn, wracked with guilt and keeps hiding us from the truth, the scars, the lies, everything. And we each have a file. She has your file.”

And she would have Rebecca’s file and Quinn’s sister’s file. Would her dad have documented Anya’s trip to visit Rebecca? She doubted it with how sick he’d been when she left.

“That sounds like a lot for Mom.”

Violet nodded. “Plus she maintains her work in the resort, the galas and then I left for a few days right before tonight. Are you coming to the Secret Garden party tonight?” she asked.

Anya was glad for the change of topic.

“I wouldn’t miss it. Are you bringing your new beau?”

Violet smiled. “He isn’t a fan of parties. The dressing up, interacting with people...he’s kind of a hermit, but ,yes, he’s coming.”

“Ryder Carlex? A hermit? Who are you trying to kid?” Ryder was raised in a family of socialites. There was no way he would rather be at home over a party.

“I’m serious.”

“I seem to remember him very much enjoying your wedding...”

Violet sneered at her, narrowing her eyes. She must have wanted Anya to see this side of her. “Just ask,” she said.

“Just ask what?” But Anya knew.

“Get it out of your system now. I am not putting him in this situation again. He doesn’t deserve the accusing looks. He’s been through a lot and I will not stand around and let other people’s judgements hurt him, especially not my family. If you have something to say, then say it to me.”

Anya’s grin turned into a frown, a cautious one. “I was warned you are sensitive with this topic.”

“Yes, he tried to sleep with Emma at my wedding. Anything else?”

Anya clamped her mouth shut. That was really only the beginning and Violet knew it.

“He’s not the playboy everyone has him pegged to be.”

“I didn’t say−”

Violet interrupted. “You are my sister, so I will let it slide.” Anya’s eyes widened at her sister’s threat.

“Wow, what has come over my proper and private sister?”

“I fell in love. Real love. Like Mom and Uncle Carl.”

“That’s a whole different can of worms.”

Violet grinned.

“What’s so funny?”

“Can of worms?” Violet chuckled, but Anya didn’t understand. Violet shook her head at her. “Never mind. Inside joke. Anyway, I’ve spent my life allowing other people to judge me, and I am finished living my life around what they think is proper. Ryder and I are in love and it’s not perfect. I’m not perfect and he’s not perfect, but together we are pretty darn close.” Anya saw a sparkle in her sister’s eyes. “So please, don’t judge him.”

Real love.

“I won’t,” Anya promised. “Besides, what would I judge him about? Double dipping with the Caliendo sisters?”

Violet gasped before their attention was drawn to the suite door as Quinn stepped in carrying his suit wrapped in a garment bag.

Violet’s teasing face quickly fell and Anya watched as her sister put up her mask.

BOOK: Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2)
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