Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2)
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“Am I always the last one to know everything?” Izzy’s screeching voice stopped everyone.

Quinn and Anya turned toward the youngest Caliendo.

The wild spitfire stared each of them down individually and dramatically. Even the way Izzy stood: parted feet, hands on the hips of her white
shorts with the questioning look across her face, was full of snarky attitude. A trail of silver bangle bracelets clanged as they fell down her arms and around her wrists.

“This is purposeful, I swear.” She tilted her head and the bleach blonde messy bun on the top of her head bounced with her. “Just like when you all were told Carl is mine and Marc’s dad,” she added.

Anya gasped. “What?” 

Apparently, there were a few new discoveries Anya hadn’t been around for. Maybe those breakthroughs would distract her long enough for Quinn to figure out what file she was after and why.

Chapter Seven

BREAKFAST WASN’T AS painful as Anya thought it would be.

Besides learning that her Uncle Carl was, in fact, Marc and Izzy’s biological father, and that Eliza and Carl were now officially a couple, like she’d suspected, she also discovered that Marc and Kate were married and living at the resort with their lovechild Rosemary. Violet was off on vacation with Ryder Carlex. He was the son of Donald Carlex, owner of Carlex Grocers.

Hadn’t Ryder hit on Emma at Violet and Joel’s wedding? And he was one of Joel’s close friends...wasn’t he?

That wasn’t exactly breakfast table talk particularly with Sophia and Parker present, but that hadn’t stopped her curiosity.

The real shocker, the one that troubled Anya, was the breakthrough that her oldest brother, Corbin hadn’t died in the crash they’d been led to believe when he’d still been a teenager.

If Anya had been standing when her mother explained the accident had been staged to get Corbin away from Robert’s manipulating ways, she would have fallen over in shock.

Corbin was alive.

It was exciting that in only months her brother would be coming home to reunite with his family. But it was also terrifying because from what Eliza had explained Corbin was reluctant. Eliza had contacted him over a year ago and he was only now considering coming home. Anya couldn’t understand what her brother must be thinking, but she hoped wherever he’d been that he was happy.

These events were clear indications that her family wasn’t ordinary. In fact, they were reality television material of the rich and insane...and Anya missed each last one. Who was she kidding anyway? The drama she’d been living would fit right in with theirs and boost the make believe ratings.

Before the family parted, they made arrangements to have supper together at the pavilion down by the beach, which would provide them with privacy. 

When each of them left to their crazy, but somewhat stable lives in comparison to the life Anya had been living, each one took a piece of Anya’s heart.

Eliza was the only one who stuck around.

Carl kissed Eliza on the cheek, an odd moment that was going to get some taking used to, before excusing himself.

Even Quinn took the hint, and followed behind Carl.

Anya was confident his absence did not go unnoticed. Before she even stepped out of the suite this morning, she would bet that Quinn had made a call to have her trailed through the resort by security. She was a prisoner trapped in her own home. If she left, Quinn would be there ready to drag her back. 

Anya watched Quinn leave the restaurant, weaving his wide body through the busy tables. At the doorway he turned to look at her.

She didn’t flinch.

He didn’t flinch.

Even across the room his stare was so solid, so gorgeous.

Anya looked back at her mom with a smile that dropped quickly at her mother’s arched eyebrow stare.

“I think we are going to cut through all the small talk and not deny that you had planned on leaving this morning,” Eliza said.

Her mother hadn’t always been so outspoken and direct to the point. Slowly, over the years, her forthright manner had amplified, and finally now she was flat out calling it as it was.

Today, Anya wasn’t in the mood to talk about it. 

“So, you’ve been having an affair with Uncle Carl since before Marc’s birth,” Anya observed, purposely trying to show her mother’s actions weren’t perfect either. 

“So, you’ve been sneaking around with Mr. Barker.” 


Eliza continued. “Two years ago and more presently, two days ago.”

They could play this game all day.

Eliza reached across the table and took Anya’s hand. “Anya, I’m not here to diminish whatever relationship you had with Quinn or will have in the future. Right now, that doesn’t concern me.”

Good. Conversation over?

Not so lucky, her mother continued. “I know that you were close to your father. Closer than any of your siblings. I’m particularly troubled about the time you spent together at the end of his life. I fear maybe you were mixed up in something that you can’t outrun.”

I am. But I can’t tell you. 

“It’s alright, sweetheart, you don’t have to tell me.”

Had Anya voiced that out loud?

“But when you need me, I am here for you. You don’t have to run from your family. We have all evidently had our share of mistakes in the past and no doubt there are more to come in the future. That is life Anya. I cannot stop the mistakes you or any of my children make, but I can promise you that I am here when you need me. We can sit in the past and blame your father for our lives, heaven knows the man was selfish and deserves our blame, or we can accept that there is nothing more to do about the past except move on, together. This family loves each other through our flaws, and we stand by one another through our mistakes. I love you.” 

Anya squeezed her mother’s hand fighting the battle with the tears that threatened. Her mother didn’t fight so hard and let a few droplets fall down her cheek.

They had made a lot of mistakes, but none of her family, except for Robert...and herself, had hurt other people.

Anya wanted to tell her mom. For a moment she felt the words pile up on her tongue, but she couldn’t force them out. She noticed a touch of additional worry came over Eliza’s face.

“Thank you Momma. I love you too.” 

“I can’t force you to stay, but at least give us your cell phone number if you choose to leave. Talk to us. Do what you have to do, but don’t shut us out again. Please.”

Shut them out? Is that what it felt like she’d done to her family?

Anya had been only trying to fix her wrong without involving them.

Shame consumed her and she was even more saddened at how familiar the emotion felt.

When Anya hid from happiness, concealing the new life of what she truly believed she deserved, she’d unintentionally been hurting her family along the way. They’d all suffered fear and worry at Anya’s absence.

She could scream.

How did she fix this without telling her mother what she had done? She couldn’t, but she could give her mother reassurance and hope.

Anya held her hand out. “Give me your phone,” she said. 

Eliza’s eyes lit up and she dug her cell phone out of her purse with lightning speed passing it to Anya. 

Anya added her phone number to Eliza’s contacts and handed it back.

“I will stick around for a couple days, but then I have to leave again.” There was no getting out of it. Once she found Rebecca’s family, she would be flying back to Rebecca to reunite them.

Eliza’s face sobered, but retained a forced smile that didn’t reach her eyes or convince either of them.

“I don’t know for how long,” Anya continued.  

Eliza nodded and didn’t press for answers for which Anya was grateful.

Hours slipped by as they talked at the restaurant. Mostly Eliza talked. She caught Anya up on all the details of the family, the resort and the minimal gossip of Willow Valley, which was mostly about events and new stores. While the town no doubt gossiped about every tiny thing about the Caliendos, it was quite the opposite for them. They didn’t know much about the townspeople, except who owned which business.

When they tired of sitting, they walked the grounds of the resort, with Eliza pointing out the changes. Some were subtle, like the update of painted walls, while others were unmistakable, like the new kids splash pad.

They ate lunch with the family before Eliza whisked her away to the far side of the resort where the preparations were in full swing for the upcoming Secret Garden Gala two nights from now.

Emma, having skipped lunch, met them in the center of the gorgeous outdoor garden. Gold and umber shades warmed the tented area accented by a sharp pink. Extravagant floral centerpieces were emphasised by feathers and twigs. The decor continued outside the tent around benches and tables. Anya could envision the strings of lights woven into the vines and trees, lighting the paths around the stunningly elegantly decorated area. It was incredible. It portrayed a rustic English country garden incorporating the wonderful scents of herbs, and flowers.

Employees were scattered around the area working on final touches and Emma barked orders.

“Hey,” she greeted with a full smile, but with eyes stuck to her iPad.

“Darling, it’s looking beautiful.”

“Thanks. It has been hectic without Violet and stepping in for the weddings this weekend.” She looked up finally. “I am so glad you’re throwing this mid-week giving me some extra time.”

“Do you need help?” Anya offered.

“No, I don’t want to put you to work. You just got home,” Emma said, but Anya saw her consider it for a moment. Emma shook her head, as if shaking the idea away.

“I don’t mind,” Anya said.

Her alternative was being squirreled away in her suite with Mr. Untrusting Quinn.

“I would actually love to help.” Anya took her excitement up a notch. “I have missed this and I used to help all the time. What do you need me to do?”

Emma was hesitant for about one second, sharing a quick look with Eliza. Then she put Anya to work. The time passed quickly and before Anya knew it, it was almost six in the evening.

Parting seemed difficult for Eliza, but she needed to get ready for dinner. Anya hugged her mother and promised to see her at supper.

On the way back to Anya’s suite, every camera she walked by, she didn’t dare look at, but felt the eyes of the man behind the security footage watching her.

How could she blame Quinn? She’d made it clear she wasn’t sticking around
helping him with his file anymore, which left him no alternative but to ensure his involvement.

So Anya wasn’t the least bit surprised when she found Quinn stretched out on her sofa...doing nothing.

She walked past him, trying not to show her irritation. Couldn’t she have one free minute to herself? Even more irritating was how much she liked having him here.

He used you...from the very beginning.

What did she see in him? What made her think there was more to him then he showed? Was she a glutton for punishment? Did she only go after men who were unavailable?

Anya noticed that he had showered, shaved and changed, looking deliciously delectable and like he was waiting for her to climb on top of him.

She needed to get rid of him and the thoughts that lingered when he was around.

Anya stopped in front of Quinn, feeling worn out and shattered from her day and ignoring the desire to curl up beside him and sleep. A glutton for punishment alright.

“I’m having dinner with my family tonight,” she told him, without including an invitation, and a warning in her tone that told him he wasn’t invited. “Meet me here after midnight. Do what needs to be done to the camera by my dad’s office.”

If the file was what he needed to move on, then the file would be what she gave him. After all, that’s what it had always been about, right?

“We will go get the files, together. Taking into account the occurrence of events, I trust Marc called you, but then you have been going to my mom first, to assure her of my well being.” Anya wasn’t sure why, but when he didn’t disagree, she noted that it was true...weird, but true. “I would like to clear up that I’ve talked to my mom about my future plans and we’ve come to an agreement. One that you aren’t entitled to know. You can go talk to her if you don’t trust my word.”

Anya wouldn’t be surprised if he did go and speak with Eliza but she found herself not caring one way or the other. At least, that’s what she told herself.

“You don’t have to stick around and report back to her on my whereabouts after tonight. Here. Midnight. You have my word.”

Anya walked toward the hall to escape anymore. She was done spending any more unnecessary time with a man who had forced a smile at times she had thought were special. He had conjured up phony laughter at moments when she’d laughed so hard she’d lost her breath. And a man who kissed and touched her, using her as no more than an instrument in the lengthy symphony he’d been orchestrating since his arrival at the resort.

Quinn’s arm reached out and caught her wrist as she passed. He was stopping her because he didn’t trust her. Because he thought she was going to leave again. 

Anya sucked in a deep breath before looking down at him.

His head was slanted to look at her.

“You have my word,” she told him. “I’m not going anywhere. We will get your file. I promise.”

The expression on his face didn’t shift. She didn’t know which expression this was. It wasn’t the angry one glaring to find the file. Or the untrusting one questioning her every move. 

“Are you okay?” he finally asked. 

Like he cared.

“What are you going to do if I say no?”

Quinn sat up, keeping his fingers tightly around her wrist.

“What do you need me to do?” 

Why was he offering? Pity.

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