Suni's Gift (3 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Suni's Gift
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Ross put his palm on her thigh. His warm touch sent a zing of awareness through her. "It wasn't intentional. But I'm glad I read it. Otherwise, I never would have known you were unhappy. Why didn't you tell me?"

She looked away as embarrassment flooded her. "I couldn't. It feels too wicked and I didn't know how to talk to you about it." She looked back at him and said, "You treat me like I'm a fragile piece of glass. I love you, but sometimes I feel as if you're holding a part of yourself separate from me."

Ross shrugged. "I guess in a way I do. I see a lot of bad shit on the job and I don't want any of that to touch you."

Suni took his hand and kissed the palm, then whispered, "I won't break. I want this to be a strong marriage and it won't be if we're both so busy hiding pieces of ourselves." "I'm glad you feel that way," Ross said just as the doorbell rang. Suni glanced at the clock on the cable box and frowned. "Who could

that be?" Ross stood and pulled her up with him. "Your present." "Huh?" Ross sifted his fingers through hers and took her with him as he

moved to answer the door. "Right on time. Come in." Suni was more confused than ever. "Alex?" "Hey, darlin'," Alex answered then closed the door behind him. "What's this all about?" "Alex is your present. Suni's gaze shifted from her husband to Alex and then back again.

"You cannot be serious." "I'm very serious, Suni," Ross growled. "You wanted to experience a threesome. Two men at the same time. I'm giving you the chance. With Alex."

Suni took a moment to digest what Ross was telling her and looked at Alex. He had blond hair, sexy green eyes, and an infectious smile. He was shorter than Ross, but appeared every bit as strong and fit. She'd always thought he must turn a lot of heads. They'd known Alex a few years now. He was a good man. But she'd never imagined sex with him.

"I'm going to get us some wine," Ross announced, then left her alone with the grinning Alex Boggs.

Suni crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't know what to say. This is all very awkward." Alex placed his hand on the small of her back. "How about we sit." Suni let him lead her to the couch. After she was seated, he sat on the coffee table in front of her legs spread wide, caging her in. "I was pretty damn shocked when Ross told me his idea." He looked her over, from head to toe and back again. "For the past hour all I've been able to think about is what you look like naked."

Suni groaned and dropped her head in her hands, "Oh god, this is so crazy!"

Alex placed his index finger beneath her chin andencouraged her to look at him. "Do you think I'm attractive, Suni?"

Suni looked him over, her eyes caught on the fly of his jeans. He had an erection. Oh my. "Yes," she blurted out. "Good, because I think your damned sexy." "You do?" He nodded. "I'm glad Ross picked me. Real glad." Suni licked her lips. "Yeah, I think I am too." Then Ross came back into the room. He had a glass of wine in his left hand and two longneck bottles of beer in the other. He handed her the wine and Alex a beer, then sat down next to her. They all three took a drink.

After a few moments of silence, Suni's glass drained, Ross stood and held out his hand. "Come on, baby girl, time to give you your Christmas present."

Alex stood and she felt lost. She had so many questions, but her mouth wouldn't work all of a sudden. When Alex winked and Ross smiled, Sunireached out a hand and let Ross take her to the bedroom.

"Take off your clothes, Suni," Ross commanded. Shaking from both trepidation and arousal, Suni started stripping. Both men watched as she pulled her t-shirt over her head. When she reached for the button on her jeans, Alex started to unclothe. As she tugged her jeans over her hips, Ross started to undress. Soon they were all three nude. Alex's gaze never strayed down the length of her body. Somehow, it reassured her and gave her the bravado she needed to pull this thing off. His expression was one of comfort, as if he were trying to let her know that everything would be okay.

Alex reached for her hand and Suni stared at it a second, dazed. Then she placed her palm against his. He took her over to the bed. Ross had gone quiet, watching her and Alex. She looked down his body and saw the rigid length of his cock. Her mouth went dry.

Once they were at the side of the bed, Alex leaned towards her and murmured, "Just remember, darlin', this is for you."

She licked her lips when he released her hand and lay down. Suni forgot everything else at the sight of Alex in all his bronzed and blonde glory spread out on the bed as if awaiting a tasty treat. His well-muscled body and naughty grin was enough to have any woman drooling, but the heavy weight between his legs made her face burn. He was hard and ready, and she had no business staring at him. Or did she? She looked back to see Ross had moved closer, his eyes were on her, his hand was wrapped around his cock. The air in the room turned thick and hot.

She was naked in a room with not one gorgeous hunk, but two. She wasn't supposed to be turned on by that notion…was she?

Alex reached out to her, and without exchanging a single word, she took the plunge and lay down beside him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her stiff body in tight. She was a wooden plank, every muscle strung tight with nerves and fears.

"Relax. Leave all the big questions for later. For now, just feel my body against yours," Alex said, his voice rich and smooth, sliding over her skin, firing her blood.

"I feel very strange here. This is all so crazy." Just then, the lights were dimmed and Suni feltimmensely better.

"You aren't relaxing against him, Suni," Ross said, as if she didn't already know that. "Quit thinking so hard, baby girl."

Suni wanted to strangle Ross.
He wants relaxed, I'll give him relaxed,
she thought with venom. With the single-minded purpose of making Ross squirm, Suni began touching Alex. Her right hand smoothed over his pectorals. He was all steel strength. All man. She ran her fingers through the coarse curls that littered his chest. Then she inched her leg up and over his, letting her sex slide along the side of his muscular thigh. Alex groaned and she continued, encouraged by the hungry sounds coming from him. She teased her fingers down the front of him; giving herself free rein. In some dark part of her soul, Suni enjoyed having Ross watch her touching another man. Evidently, she had a bit of voyeur in her.

"You are so sweet, Suni, so soft," Alex praised, as his rough hands coasted along her overheated skin. One second she was lying next to him, and the next she was spread out on top of his huge body. He smiled at her and kissed her. His lips, so warm and eager, tasted her as if he wanted to spend a good long time pleasuring each and every part of her. Her mouth opened and tongues met in a wild mating dance, his hands still massaging and caressing. When she felt his fingers so close to her clitoris, she broke the kiss and opened her eyes, unsure, knowing Ross's stare was on their every move. She felt guilt wash over her. "Let him, Suni." Suni whipped her head around and saw that Ross was now sitting on the side of the bed. Her mouth watered at the sight of the man she loved so deeply. Then she came back to her senses. Suni looked from Ross to Alex and back again. "Easy, darling," Alex said, as if soothing a nervous cat. She ignored him and looked back over at Ross. "What is this really about? You proving to me that you can stand there and watch another man make love to me and it doesn't affect you? Is this some power trip?"

Ross moved closer, aligning his body along the side of hers, until she was sandwiched between the two. "This is about you and me. I'm giving you one taste of something you'll never have again for the rest of your life. Another man. After tonight, you are mine. I will not let another man touch you. This is damn hard for me, Suni. I'm a breath away from calling it off."

Suddenly she felt like crying. "Ross, I love you and I just don't know what to do. I don't want to damage what we have."

Ross reached a hand over and stroked a calloused finger down her cheek. Suni's body came alive at that bare touch.

"I love you, baby girl. My life without you would be worthless." He paused, and then added, "You should know that nothing could ever damage what we have. Nothing." "But I—" Ross stopped her torrent of questions with a hard kiss. When he raised his head a mere inch, he ordered, "No more talking. Just feel, Suni. Let me give you this moment."

Suni's heart soared to the clouds and beyond as his words sank in. Here she was, lying atop the gorgeous Alex Boggs with her wild and rugged husband at her side, both men had their hands on her, stroking and touching and making her crazy with need. It was going to be a terrific Christmas.

Chapter Five

"Will you let us make you feel good, Suni?" Alex asked. That's when she saw that neither man had gone beyond touching her. They were waiting for her consent. It was an easy decision after that.

"Only if I can do the same for the both of you," she answered, grinning wickedly at them. Ross's eyes heated and Alex gave a sexy hum.

Ross seemed to need no other incentive as he got up on his knees. Moving behind Suni, he stroked the seam between her ass cheeks. She quivered and he let his finger drift back and forth over her puckered opening. She wanted him there and she knew he wanted to be there just as bad. He leaned over her and kissed the base of her spine. "I want to fuck this tight ass."

"Yes, Ross. Oh, god, yes!." Her voice had gone hoarse with need long ago.

"Would you like me there now? While Alex fucks your wet pussy? Do you think you can handle the two of us fucking you, baby girl?" "Ross, please...I don't know." "Yes, you do," Ross encouraged, and then he let his finger penetrate her, little by little, until he was buried deep inside her ass. She shuddered and pushed against him. His finger came in and out, fucking her. "Raise up so I can play, darlin'," Alex growled. She got up on all fours above Alex, Ross behind her, one of his big, warm hands clutching her hips. She felt Alex caressing her clit, squeezing and pumping it, she watched as he lifted his head and suckled her breasts. First one, then the other. He took his time, tasting and pleasing her.

"You have great tits, Suni," Alex murmured, then went back to suckling.

Ross's finger moved in and out of bottom, slow at first, then faster. Soon, there were two and her body went wild. Inhibitions dropped away as need rushed in and took command. She gyrated against Ross, Alex flicked and toyed with her little nubbin, while he bit and sucked her sensitive nipples.

Her climax came from somewhere deep inside as Suni screamed hard and loud. She arched her back and flew apart. It was so fast and unexpected, but she wasn't given time to relish in it.

"You have pretty lips. I'd love to feel them closing around my dick, darlin'."

Ross spoke up before she ever had a chance to digest Alex's words. "No fucking way. Forget it, Alex." Alex's mischievous grin said it all. "Can't blame a guy for trying." "Yeah, I can," Ross warned. "No skin to skin." Then he slipped his fingers free of her, stood on top of the mattress, then walked until he was standing next to them. With his hand propped against the wall, the other wrapped around his glorious erection, he coaxed, "Let him taste you, Suni, while you suck me."

"I don't know, Ross." She didn't know if Ross could truly handle watching that.

"It's okay, baby. Let him," Ross murmured. Alex lent his weight to the idea. "Come on up here, darlin'. I don't bite." Suni wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. In her head this had all gone so smoothly. The reality was quite a bit different. She looked back at Ross and saw him smile and nod his head. She took a deep breath and crawled up Alex's body until she was hovering above his face. He growled in approval and wrapped his hands around her thighs and pulled her down. His lips closed around swollen pussy lips. Suni moaned and pushed against him further, losing herself in the pleasure. "Suck me, baby girl," Ross hissed. Suni was beyond denying him. While Alex probed her opening with his tongue, Suni leaned in and took her husband's pulsing cock into her mouth. She tasted his sticky fluid and lapped it up. He groaned and wrapped both hands in her hair and guided her. He was rougher than usual. His arousal more intense. She sucked him down her throat and gagged. He pushed her head off him to give her a breath, then pulled her forward again. This time she was ready for his wild thrusts. She opened her throat and took him deep. Ross fucked her mouth, his movements alternating between fast and out of control, and slow and gentle. As Alex flicked over her clit, she felt his fingers dipping into her pussy from behind. It was all she could take. The throbs turned to shocking jolts of heat. She exploded. Alex licked up every last drop of her fluid passion.

Ross pulled her head off his cock, then praised her with a kiss. She was beginning to come back down to earth when she heard him demand, "I want this ass, baby girl. Will you give it to me?" He was back into the position he'd been before, on his knees between Alex's thighs. He wrapped strong fingers around her hips and slid her downward until she wason all fours above Alex, her bottom facing Ross.

Cupping her dripping mound, Ross whispered, "Look at me." She turned her head, already limp and sweating from two beautiful orgasms, but when she saw the intensity, the insane yearning etched into his not so perfect features her body went from sated to needy all over again.

"Alex is for your pleasure tonight," Ross explained, "but afterwards, your pussy is for me alone to fuck. No other."

Then, as if choreographed, Alex and Ross both entered her and her inner muscles stretched. It was too much, too soon.

"Ross, I can't!" she cried, her body tensing as she began to panic at the fullness of it all.

Ross pulled out instantly, while Alex stayed seated deep inside her womb, holding perfectly still and waiting for Ross's command.

Lowering his oversized body, Ross covered her like a heavy warm blanket, his arms resting on the mattress on either side of Alex's torso.

"You can take us, baby, you only need to stop tensing up," Ross pleaded. "Let me in and I swear you won't regret it."

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