Suni's Gift (2 page)

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Authors: Anne Rainey

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Suni's Gift
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How could he fulfill her fantasy without her knowing he'd read her journal? The last thing he wanted was for her to feel ashamed or embarrassed. Then it hit him. He'd make it his idea. His Christmas gift to her. He'd just finished his shift, and he had forty-eight hours to prove to his wife that he could be everything she wanted. He mentally shoved his possessive side into a box and locked it tight, then ran through a list of men. Men who would be willing to join in a threesome, but not take it beyond a single night. One night of pleasure in the privacy of their home. Whomever he chose, the man would have to be trustworthy. A decent guy. Single. The only man that fit that description was his buddy Alex Boggs. Alex was single. He was a good firefighter. Would he go for it or laugh in his face? What the hell was he saying, of course Alex would go for it. Christ, Suni was sexy as hell. But, could he handle seeing another man penetrate her? It made him tense up just thinking about it. But it also made his dick hard.

One night. No more. He could grant her this wish and she'd have it out of her system.

He placed the journal on her nightstand and went to the bathroom. Adrenaline fired his nerves as he rushed through his shower. He had plans to make. It was crazy, but for the first time in months, Ross felt truly alive. He couldn't wait to put his thoughts into action. His gentle little wife was about to be taught a lesson. Between a husband and wife, nothing should ever be taboo. * * * * Suni finished mashing the potatoes and spooned them into a bowl. As she placed them on the kitchen table, she heard the shower running at the other end of the house. Ross was awake. She chuckled and shook her head. The man could be dead to the world, but the smell of meat and potatoes roused him every time.

She grabbed a potholder out of the drawer next to the stove and opened the oven door. The meatloaf was finished right on time. She pulled it off the rack and placed it on the hot pad in the middle of the table. She cut the meat into neat slices as she heard the shower shut off.

She loved cooking for Ross. It was the one thing that could take her mind off the stress of his job. Every time he left for a shift, Suni worried. Being the wife of a firefighter was a frightening life, but she wouldn't change any of it. Ross loved the job. She was proud of her husband and the heroics he performed on a daily basis. As her mother was so fond of saying, Ross was one of the good guys. Still, a wife worried. It was their right, and Suni was good at it.

As she poured their iced tea, she recalled the day she'd met him. She'd rang the local fire department, looking for someone to come in and talk to her first grade class about fire safety. The instant he'd walked into her classroom, she was drawn to him. With his six-foot-three, muscular build, dark wavy hair, andgorgeous blue eyes, what woman wouldn't fall in love? Ross had stuck around until after the bell went off, then he asked her out on a date. He'd grinned in a lopsided, ornery way and Suni free fell right into the love pit.

Five months of dating the sexy man and he presented her with a ring, all but demanding her to marry him. She'd done as she was told to, and hadn't regretted a single moment.

Until lately. Honesty forced Suni to admit she was restless. Sometimes Ross treated her like fine china. While it was sweet and adorable, she always felt as if he was holding back. As if he was afraid of revealing his true nature to her. She didn't want him walking on eggshells around her. She wanted his passion in all its untamed glory. She wanted him to treat her like a woman, not a doll. Wanted him to dominate her in the bedroom. His gentleness was glorious, but she knew there were times when he wanted to get rough, but he always held back, as if afraid to hurt her.

She wondered if it would ever happen. Suni started to feel a twinge of guilt wanting more from an already wonderful relationship and mentally squashed the temptress lurking inside her body.

She put the pitcher of tea back into the refrigerator. Shutting the door, she jumped back against the counter. Ross was up and standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He'd showered and dressed in a pair of old, faded jeans and a blue t-shirt that boasted, 'find 'em hot, leave 'em wet'. His hair was damp and he was barefoot. She wanted to devour him. Suni hadn't even heard his approach. Then again, she'd been lost in some intensethoughts. "Great timing as usual," Suni tried to sound calm. Ross stared at her, not saying a word, a strange look on his handsome features. His gaze moved over her from head to toe, then came back to her face. He wasn't smiling. He wasn't frowning either. She wasn't sure what he was thinking, she'd never seen such intensity on her husband's face before. "What?" Suni asked. Ross licked his lips and came towards her. "Dinner smells great," he murmured, then kissed her. Suni melted into him. It was the same every time he touched her. He had such power over her and sometimes it was aggravating.

He raised his head a few inches, staring down at her. "You taste good. You always taste so damn good, baby girl."

She knew where this was headed and if she didn't put a stop to it, dinner would be forgotten. Ross hadn't eaten for who knows how long and she knew he needed food, or he'd get sick. He used so much of himself on the job.

She pushed at his chest and when he didn't budge, she frowned at him. "Eat. I didn't cook all this so it could go to waste."

He looked at the table and back at her. "We'll eat, but later I have a surprise for you."

When had he had time to plan a surprise? She was puzzled by his mysterious attitude and said as much. "You've planned a surprise? When?"

"While I was taking a shower." With that comment hanging in the air, he went to the table, sat down, and scooped potatoes onto his plate.

Thinking he'd not had enough sleep, Suni dismissed the idea of a surprise and sat down to dinner. Halfway into the meal she'd completely forgotten he'd mentioned it at all.

Chapter Three

Ross pushed his plate away and stood up. Dinner was perfect, but he hadn't expected it not to be. Suni was a great cook. But food wasn't going to satisfy his cravings this time. Only Suni could.

He stood and moved to the back of her chair. He placed his hands on her shoulders, massaging her smooth skin. "You full, baby?"

Suni bent her head backwards and looked up at him. He dipped forward to taste her exposed neck. He licked her warm skin, tasting her smooth femininity. Her pulse beat a staccato rhythm beneath his tongue.

Lifting a little, Ross asked, "What do you have planned for today?" Not that it mattered because anyplans she had were about to change.

He watched her swallow and even that seemed sexy. "Since it's Christmas vacation I don't have any papers to grade, so I'm going to get somelaundry and read that new romance I bought the other day."

Her voice was husky. It told him she was turned on. He loved how responsive she was to his touches. Primitive satisfaction swept through him with the knowledge that he was the only man who was privileged to hear that particular tone of voice. Then he remembered Alex and the threesome idea, and wanted to groan. It was going to be so damn hard to let Alex anywhere near Suni, but this was something she wanted. For Suni, Ross would grit his teeth and dial up his friend.

He brushed his lips across her throat one more time, then moved to stand beside her. He placed one hand on the table, the other on the back of her chair, caging her in. "Remember I said I had a surprise?" "Well, yeah, but—" Ross cut her off with a finger to her lips. "I need to go out for a few hours. When I come back, I'll have your Christmas present with me and I'm going to give it to you early." "But why not just wait? Christmas is only two days away." Ross grinned as an image popped into his head. "I don't think this present will fit under the tree." She squinted at him and used her teacher voice on him. "What are

you up to Ross Buchanan?" He flicked the end of her nose and teased, "You'll find out. In the meantime, here's what I want you to do." Ross ran a hand down her arm and then let his finger drift over her nipples, pleased when they hardened under his touch. "Leave the housework for later. And go take a nice long soak in the tub."

She shook her head. "The housework won't do itself, and you're running out of boxers." "We can get to it tomorrow. I'll help." Her lips curved upward asshe stood. "I'm holding you to that." Ross leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. She tasted sweet and warm. His Suni always made his blood run hot. He swatted her ass and murmured, "I'll be back in a bit, go get your bath."

Suni flounced out of the room, and Ross ran a hand through his hair. Christ was he seriously going to indulge in a threesome? Whenever he hadlet his mind wander down that particular road, he'd never thought the third party would be a man. "Damn."

He grabbed his keys and left the house. Once he was on the road, Ross dialed his friend's cell phone. Alex picked up on the second ring. "Hello?" "Hey, Alex, it's Ross. You busy right now?" "Nope. Just kicking back watching football. What's up?" "I have something I want to discuss with you. Can I come over?" "I'll be here." They hung up and Ross tossed the phone onto the seat beside him. This was it. There would be no going back. As he made his way across town to the small house Alex owned just outside of Columbus, Ross went over what he wanted to say to Alex. First, he would swear Alex to secrecy, then he'd explain the proposition. If he went for it, Alex would have to know there would be no talking about it afterwards. He wouldn't allow Suni to be embarrassed. Once that was clear, he'd make damn sure Alex knew this was a one-shot deal. No coming back for seconds.

Ross pulled into Alex's driveway and shut off the engine. It was cold as hell outside and he'd been so caught up in his thoughts, he'd forgotten his coat. He jogged up to the door and pounded.

Alex flung it open. He was wearing a pair of gray sweat pants and a black t-shirt and had a beer dangling from his fingers. "Come on in. Want a beer?" "No, thanks." Alex took a swig and sat. "So, what brings you here? It must be

important if it took you away from Suni on a cold afternoon." Ross was too keyed up to sit. "Before I start, I have to have your

word of honor that you won't breathe a word of this to anyone." Alex frowned. "Don't tell me you're cheating on Suni. That's

bullshit, Ross. She's a good woman." Ross was momentarily shocked by Alex's statement. "No. Hell, no!

Where did that come from?" Alex looked at him suspiciously. "You're awfully damn jumpy." "This is important, Alex. Do I have your word?" "Yeah. Whatever you tell me stays between us. You know me, Ross,

I don't have a big mouth." "That's one of the reasons I'm coming to you. I trust you and I think

Suni would be happy with my choosing you." "Uh, okay." "I want to give Suni a special Christmas present this year. Something she wants, but is too shy to ask for." Ross paused. "I want to give Suni a threesome with you as the third party."

A blank look settled on Alex's face as his beer slipped from his hand. It hit the floor and foamed all over the carpet. He just sat there, staring at him as if he'd just announced he was a woman trapped in a man's body or something. "Well, say something, damn it." Alex swiped a hand over his face and got to his feet. He quietly went to the kitchen and came back with a towel. He started cleaning up the beer. Ross was fast running out of patience. "Forget the beer!" "I don't know what to say," Alex shouted. "Will you do it?" "If I say yes, you'll pound me and tell me this is all a trick or

something and you were really just testing our friendship." Ross shook his head at that bit of absurdity. "No. This is the real

thing. And I need an answer. Now. Because this has to happen today." Alex's eyes shot wide. "Today? Christ, Ross. You drop a bomb like

that and you don't think I need to think it over first." "If I don't go for this today, I'll lose my nerve. And just so we're clear, this happens once. Never again. After tonight, you wipe Suni from your mind."

Alex walked to the back door and looked out at the perfectly manicured yard. He was quiet for a while and Ross was sure he was going to say no. When Alex slowly turned around, Ross could see a new determination on his friend's face. "I'll do it, but I have a request of my own." Ross tensed. "What?" "Give me a few minutes with her before hand. Without you in the

room." Ross was across the room in a heartbeat. He grabbed Alex by the

front of his shirt and barked, "No one-on-one, Alex. No fucking way." Alex's hands fisted at his side. "Chill out, Ross. I don't mean like that." He waited and Ross let him go, then he continued. "I just mean I want to talk to her a little. She's going to be nervous and probably freaked out by all this. Give me a few minutes to loosen her up." "Why the hell can't you do that with me in the room?" Alex snorted. "Yeah, she's going to feel real comfortable with you

looming over her. She'll think she's doing something immoral." Ross gave that some thought. It pissed him off to know Alex was right. Suni was bound to be self-conscious. He wanted this to be a good experience for her. Not an uncomfortable one. "Fine. How soon can you be at my place?" "Give me an hour so I can shower and change." Ross looked at his watch. It was eight o'clock. "I need to go pick up a few things. We'll meet at nine." If he hurried, he could get back home before Alex showed up. He needed a minute to prepare Suni for what was about to happen.

Alex nodded and Ross headed for the door, but just before he left, he issued one last warning. "Remember, not a word about this to anyone." "You can trust me, Ross. I don't kiss and tell." Ross left. He needed to swing by the store and pick up a bottle of wine. Flowers too. Suni liked Daisies. And condoms. And a big load of patience, because it was going to be a long ass night.

Chapter Four

"You read my journal?" "Yes. And I know about your desire to be with two men." Suni was too stunned to be angry. Ross had come back from his mystery trip with a bottle of wine and flowers. Not exactly the elaborate present she'd imagined. Now they were sitting on the couch and he was telling her he knew her secret.

"It's just a fantasy, Ross. And you had no right to read my private journal. Emphasis on

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