Sunday Kind of Love (28 page)

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Authors: Dorothy Garlock

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“He gave me the names of a couple people he knows in the publishing business,” she said. “He also asked if he could read it.”

Hank's eyebrows rose. “Are you going to send it to him? I know how you can get. You'll be on pins and needles until he's finished.”

Gwen smiled. “You're right, but I'm still going to do it.” She nodded toward the furniture store. “It's like I told you when Skip wanted to open this place. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

“The only thing I'm interested in gaining right now is a hamburger at Lafferty's,” he said. “Sign hanging made me hungry.”

“Did someone mention lunch?” Skip asked, stepping back outside. Pointing at Hank, he added, “And it's even your turn to buy.”

buying,” Gwen announced.

“What's the occasion?” Skip asked as he closed up the shop.

She slipped her hand into Hank's. “To new beginnings. For all of us.”

Skip shrugged. “I'll eat to that.”

“Give us a second, here,” Hank said as Skip started down the sidewalk; his friend waved without looking back.

Once they were alone, he said, “Do you really like the sign?”

“Of course I do,” Gwen answered.

“I just want it to be perfect. This is important for more than just me and Skip. This is about us, too. I don't want to screw it up.”

Gwen stepped close, gently placing her hand on his arm; standing in the sun so long had made his skin warm to the touch. “You won't,” she told him. “No matter what life throws at us, as long as we face it together, we'll be fine.”

Hank grinned, then nodded. He leaned close, his lips brushing against her cheek. “I love you.”

“Enough to jump into a river for me?” This question had become something of a running exchange between them.

“Again and again,” he answered.

Gwen smiled. If he had to, she had no doubt Hank would do just that.

And that was why she loved him back.

Dorothy Garlock is one of America's—and the world's—favorite novelists. Her work has consistently appeared on national bestsellers lists, including the
New York Times
list, and there are over fifteen million copies of her books in print, translated into eighteen languages. She has won more than twenty writing awards, including an
RT Book Reviews
Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Historical Fiction for
A Week from Sunday
, five Silver Pen Awards from
Affaire de Coeur
, and three Silver Certificate Awards. Her novel
With Hope
was chosen by Amazon as one of the best romances of the twentieth century.

After retiring as a news reporter and bookkeeper in 1978, Dorothy began her career as a novelist with the publication of
Love and Cherish
. She lives in Clear Lake, Iowa. You can visit her website at

After the Parade

Almost Eden

Annie Lash

By Starlight

Come a Little Closer


Dream River

The Edge of Town

Forever Victoria

A Gentle Giving

Glorious Dawn

High on a Hill


Hope's Highway

Keep a Little Secret


Leaving Whiskey Bend

The Listening Sky

Lonesome River

Love and Cherish


Midnight Blue

The Moon Looked Down

More than Memory

Mother Road


On Tall Pine Lake

A Place Called Rainwater


Restless Wind

Ribbon in the Sky

River of Tomorrow

River Rising

The Searching Hearts

Sins of Summer

Song of the Road

Stay a Little Longer


Take Me Home


This Loving Land

Train from Marietta

Twice in a Lifetime

Under a Texas Sky

Wayward Wind

A Week from Sunday

Wild Sweet Wilderness

Will You Still Be Mine?

Wind of Promise


With Heart

With Hope

With Song


“Garlock is a master.”


“A gifted writer.”

Chicago Sun-Times

“One of America's most endearing historical fiction authors.”

RT Book Reviews


“Garlock's terrific story, set in mid-20th-century Missouri, pairs a lonely single mother with a flashy auto racer...Garlock keeps readers so wrapped up in Drake and Clara's romance that it's impossible to put the book down. Thoroughly credible characters and the aw-shucks charm of their small town make this a winner.”

Publishers Weekly
starred review

“From the undisputed queen of Americana historical fiction comes a warm and realistic novel of a man's search for a dream and the woman who receives the gift of a second chance at love. It is the quiet beauty of the storytelling and the characters' struggles, as well as the convincing backdrop, that draw readers to Garlock's novels time and again. This is one her fans will cherish.”

RT Book Reviews


“Garlock's lovely, sweet novel is a testament to the last great generation.”

RT Book Reviews

Take Me Home
has a unique perspective for a historical novel set during World War II.”



“Garlock is a masterful storyteller who recognizes what her audience craves and consistently delivers a sweet, nostalgic read that conveys the reality and romance of the era…There is enough depth of emotion in
Under a Texas Sky
to satisfy her fans.”

RT Book Reviews

“Who could resist a romantic summertime read from the ‘Voice of America's Heartland,' especially with ‘Texas' in the title?”

Fort Worth Star-Telegram

“The latest from romance doyenne Garlock mixes light suspense with traditional romance for an entertaining effect.”



“Few authors can recreate the atmosphere of a 1930s small town as beautifully and faithfully as Garlock. She imbues each story with a classic American aura while creating a touching, realistic plotline peopled by authentic characters.”

RT Book Reviews

“An emotional tale of two people in an almost impossible situation…Dorothy Garlock has made the early twentieth century her own and has another winner in her latest novel.”



“Few authors capture the atmosphere and voices of the heartland during the mid-twentieth century like Garlock. She completes her Tucker family trilogy with a tender, realistic look at small-town America after WWII and what war can do to those who fought and those who waited at home. Crisp prose and simple words cannot hide the powerful underlying lessons of loss, friendship, brotherly love, family ties, and the simple acts of kindness that bind a community.”

RT Book Reviews

“Another winner for Dorothy Garlock…a wonderful romance.”



“Garlock is a master at developing characters through their actions and evoking settings so real they transport the reader back in time…All the elements that keep Garlock's fans coming back for more are here.”


“[Garlock] takes readers back in time with her simple prose and likable characters, making them able to believe they are witnesses to the story. Not only is Garlock a premier Americana writer, but she is one who touches chords in readers' hearts.”

RT Book Reviews

“Excellent…engaging characters, romance, suspense, and small-town America in an era gone by.”



“Touching…[a] poignant, engrossing story of life, death, and second chances…Well written and swiftly paced, this story brings to life a time period that is seldom used in romance.”

Library Journal

“An emotional…profound Americana tale [with a] strong ensemble cast…fans will relish this terrific historical.”


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This book is a work of historical fiction. In order to give a sense of the times, some names of real people or places have been included in the book. However, the events depicted in this book are imaginary, and the names of nonhistorical persons or events are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance of such nonhistorical persons or events to actual ones is purely coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 by Dorothy Garlock
Cover design by Brigid Pearson
Cover photograph by Datha Thompson/Arcangel
Cover copyright © 2016 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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First Edition: August 2016

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Garlock, Dorothy, author.
Title: Sunday kind of love / Dorothy Garlock.
Description: First edition. | New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2016.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016009276| ISBN 9781455527403 (hardcover) | ISBN
   9781455527380 (softcover) | ISBN 9781478909859 (audio download) | ISBN
   9781455527397 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Women authors--Fiction. | Self-realization in women--Fiction.
   | Man-woman relationships--Fiction. | BISAC: FICTION / Romance /
   Historical. | FICTION / Contemporary Women. | FICTION / Family Life. |
   GSAFD: Romantic suspense fiction. | Love stories.
Classification: LCC PS3557.A71645 S857 2016b | DDC 813/.54--dc23 LC record available at

ISBNs: 978-1-4555-2740-3 (hardcover), 978-1-4555-2738-0 (paperback), 978-1-4555-2739-7 (ebook)


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