Faye's Spirit

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Authors: Saskia Walker

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Faye's Spirit
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A Total-E-Bound Publication


Faye’s Spirit

ISBN # 978-0-85715-903-8

©Copyright Saskia Walker 2012

Cover Art by PoshGosh ©Copyright February 2012

Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
and a

This story contains 145 pages, additionally there is also a
free excerpt
at the end of the book containing 10 pages.


Erogenous Zones


Saskia Walker


Book three in the Erogenous Zones Series

One outrageous weekend with two men, that’s what Faye Evans dreams of, but when she meets Jai and
Garth-and their live-in ghost-she gets much more than she bargained for.

Faye Evans is a woman on a mission. Both her older sisters have had ménage à trois relationships and now Faye too harbours a desire to sample the pleasures of two men, if only for a single wild weekend. The opportunity arises when architect Garth Connor calls her in to investigate the ghostly presence in his business premises. Both Garth and his business partner, Jai Nilson, are gorgeous hunks, and Faye can’t help being attracted to them.

Garth and Jai are friends and colleagues but their relationship is competitive. When the mischievous ghost medium walks into their life and shows interests in them both, the edge between them sharpens. While Jai often walks on the wild side, Garth has never shared a woman before, but his desire for Faye makes him rise to the challenge. Especially when Jai quickly picks up on Faye’s secret wishes and pushes things along, orchestrating their interactions until the simmering eroticism between them demands hardcore action.

But Faye’s fling isn’t as straightforward as she’d anticipated. She soon worries that she’s endangered Garth and Jai’s friendship by getting involved, and even more so when the shadow of a secret, long held grudge between the two men falls over their threesome and their growing affection. To top it all, dealing with the resident ghost only adds to the emotional entanglement, making Faye feel she wants to end it and run. But are Garth and Jai about to let her get away?



For my editor, Claire Siemaszkiewicz, who has encouraged me throughout the writing of this series, and who teaches me new things whenever we work together.

Thank you!

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Fortnum and Mason: Fortnum and Mason PLC

Scouts’ honour: The Scout Association



Saskia Walker


Chapter One

Faye Evans rapped the heavy wrought iron knocker three times then quickly consulted her notebook as she waited for the door to be opened. The client’s name was Garth Connors, an architect. Apparently Mr Connors had sensed paranormal activity in his recently refurbished office space, a rather impressive building in Highbury, North London. Faye was there to find out whether anything could be done about it. Mr Connors had seen her advertisement the week before and asked her to come over at the close of business on Friday.

Tucking her notebook into her shoulder bag Faye pulled her coat collar up to ward off the late winter weather and studied the building. It looked Victorian, with smooth grey stone slabs on the facade of the ground floor and plain stone above. It was tall, at least four floors high, from what she could see in the streetlights. Slim pillars flanked the doorway and the windows were uniform, elegant sash affairs. It wasn’t what she’d expected. She’d wrongly assumed an architect would have his office in a modern building. Perhaps a healthy respect for historic buildings came with the job description. Did it indicate that Mr Connors was a stuffy sort with half-moon spectacles and a bow tie? He didn’t sound like that on the phone.

He’d been charming and had even flirted with her a little.

She was about to knock again when the door opened. A tall, rangy man stood in the doorway talking into his phone. He held up one hand in her direction, as if to request a moment to complete his call. Faye used that moment to give him a thorough inspection. He was dusky skinned, with shaggy black hair and brown eyes that were almost black. A narrow soul patch ran from his sensuous lower lip to his chin, emphasising his lean jaw and giving him a gypsy-like appearance. An open necked, crisp white shirt revealed a nicely muscled chest, and the shirt was worn loose over snug fitting jeans. His black leather cowboy boots made her smile—quirky and attractive, not stuffy at all.

The project suddenly seemed even more interesting.

“Hold that thought,” the man said into his phone when he finally looked her way and engaged with her. “I’m going to have to call you back.” He switched off his phone and www.total-e-bound.com


Saskia Walker


shoved it into the pocket of his jeans. With one hand outstretched, he smiled broadly. “You must be the expert on spooks.”

Faye took his hand. “And you must be Garth Connors.”

He held onto her hand and drew her closer, gently urging her towards him in the most provocative way. Instead of answering her question he gazed down into her eyes. His smile was gorgeous, a well-practiced charm that nevertheless melted her to the core. Faye warmed right through. She was about to make a joke about him keeping her on the doorstep when another man appeared at his side.

The other guy looked at her then frowned at the man next to him. “Jai? I thought you were on your way home.”

The gypsy-looking man shook his head. “I’ll stay a while longer. Think I need to know as much about this ghost stuff as you do.” He still had hold of Faye’s hand and he squeezed it. Humour flitted through his expression.

Faye couldn’t help chuckling.

That drew the attention of the other man.

“You must be Faye.” His expression lifted when he looked at her and he put his hand out, forcing her to break free from the first man to shake his hand. The new arrival was tall and built like a rugby player, with broad shoulders and a powerful grip. His closely cropped hair was a warm brown, almost chestnut coloured.

“You’re Garth?”

His green eyes crinkled at the corners. That was one lovely smile.

“Yes. I see you’ve already met Jai.” He pronounced Jai like
. “Jai is my partner.”

Faye’s attention sharpened.
? She couldn’t help being intrigued. Both her sisters were involved with men who’d been partners before they met her siblings. The suggestion that these two were lovers instantly triggered Faye’s libido. It also launched her imagination into an entirely more intimate scenario.

While Garth turned and ushered her inside, giving Jai a nudge on the shoulder to get him to move, she pictured them stripping off, the gypsy looking man—Jai—perhaps using his shirt to playfully whip the big guy across his rather fit arse. She attempted to quash the inappropriate image, but it was too late. Her imagination had become fully engaged, and as www.total-e-bound.com


Saskia Walker


she stepped inside the house her gaze roved over them both, picturing them naked and aroused.

Jai made a big play of staring at her as if rooted to the spot, undisguised interest in his eyes. Garth was more subtle but he took a good look at her too. While Faye walked into the hallway, making her way between the two tall male bodies and beyond, she had to suppress her smile.

The two of them had a brief mumbled conversation behind her, which gave her a chance to look around the interior of the building. It was warm and inviting after the cold outside, and the smell of fresh paint lingered in the air. The floorboards in the hallway had been stripped back but were as yet unvarnished. It was an impressive town house with high ceilings, an ostentatious hallway and a double width staircase. At one time this had been a wealthy Victorian family home. Was that when their resident spirit had locked on to the place?

“Let me take your coat.” Garth appeared at her side.

Once she’d taken off her coat he gestured to the front room, which turned out to be a reception area with a desk and several comfy armchairs, all of which appeared to be brand new and unused.

What caught her attention most of all was at her left side, because the entire back wall of the room had been replaced by a glass panel, through which she could see their workspace. Computer screens and drawing boards and scale models of buildings were on display to the occupants of the waiting room. “Oh, wow. That’s quite a startling sight in a house like this.”

“That’s just the reaction we want people to have coming in here,” Garth said, while he put her coat on a stand behind the door, “the promise of an exciting and unexpected development.” He beamed at her as if she was an exciting and unexpected development too.

“Great idea. It really does have a huge impact as you walk in.” So impressive that it almost diverted her attention from the double dose of powerful male testosterone that surrounded her—but not quite. Faye was too busy bathing herself in that to be distracted from it for long, and Garth gave it out in droves. He was a mere foot away, but swayed closer as he looked down into her eyes.

“I’m so glad you approve,” he murmured.



Saskia Walker


“Oh, I do.”

“You’re just as I pictured you would be, when I heard your voice.”

“What, a kooky psychic chick?”

“No, not at all.” He grinned, but didn’t comment further. The way he looked at her assured her he liked what he saw.

Jai followed them into the reception area, his boots clicking out a dramatic staccato soundtrack on the stripped floorboards as he walked. The guy was barely tamed looking, and the boots echoed his personality. He folded his arms loosely across his chest and observed the two of them.

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