Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (6 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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I sighed as a small smile lit my face.  My stomach was still flipping pleasantly as I turned to go inside, finding Aurora with her arms crossed over her chest.  A wide grin lit her face, causing me to blush. 

“He kissed you?” She asked with raised brows. 

I shifted, “He didn’t want my first kiss to be at our wedding.”

She laughed as my face reddened further, “its okay.  Andre was upset when he found out my first kiss was at our wedding,” she said and narrowed her eyes mockingly, “I’ll forgive you based on that.  Still, Marco knew better.  If Sophia finds out, it won‘t be pretty but I‘m pretty sure you won‘t tell her.”

“No, I won’t,” I said, shaking my head.  I did not want to make Sophia mad.

“Don’t do anything else before the wedding,” she said, her words implying more than just a kiss and I nodded. 

The heat rose further in my cheeks as I made my way past her and to the bed that had been deemed mine during my stay there.  She smiled as I found my gown and went into the bathroom beside the little room where my bed was. I dressed and when I exited the bathroom, she was still there. 

“I just wanted to say good night,” she said as I got into bed.  She walked past me to her bedroom door where she turned and looked at me.  She gave me a wicked grin, “I would say sweet dreams but I don’t think you’ll have a problem with those.”

Then, she left leaving me smiling to myself.  No, I didn’t think I’d have problems with sweet dreams.  I had too many images of what had happened with Marco in my head. 





















Chapter Five

What History Does


I awoke to voices talking loudly in the early morning hours.   I opened one eye in the darkened room in which I slept listening intently.  It took only a moment to realize that one of the voices belonged to Aurora.  I was surprised at how familiar I had become with her in such a very short time.  Even though I had only spoken to the other woman for a few moments the night before, I was pretty sure the other voice belonged to Mirella.  I frowned as I realized that Aurora sounded annoyed.

“Oh no, you are not going to do to Lilly what you did to me,” Aurora said, stubbornly, “When I told you we needed to go shopping for her I did not expect you to show up at my house at six o’clock in the morning.  Nothing is open and though I know you don’t understand this but some people need sleep.”

I listened as Mirella laughed, “I don’t.” 

“Well, she does and I do,” Aurora said with a huff, “By the way, you will not be here before six on her wedding day.  You will let her sleep for a little while.”

Mirella laughed again, “I‘m so not going to listen to you on that,” she said still laughing, “Worse, you won’t be able to stop me because mom is the one who wakes me up.”

“It’s my house,” Aurora said, “I’ll lock you out.”

Mirella laughed again, “Ahhh, Aurora.  You aren’t being very fun.  Besides, you know that Andre will let me in.” 

I sat up, shaking my head, realizing that I should get up before I started a family feud.  When I walked into the living area, I found Mirella grinning at Aurora who was trying to keep the smile off of her face. 

“Good morning,” I said and they both turned to me. 

Mirella’s grin widened triumphant, “See she’s awake,” she said, laughing at Aurora’s groan of annoyance, “Now, you both have to get ready because we’re going shopping.”

Aurora made a face and then, looked at me apologetically, “We’re going to buy some new clothes for you,” she said, smiling, “And we are buying your wedding dress.  Though I honestly think we could have waited until the sun was up to shop.” 

Mirella raised a brow and looked out of the window seeing the sunrise, “The sun
up,” she said and then, turned to me, “So, go get ready.”

I nodded.  Mirella didn’t seem like the type of person who would give up on an argument.  I searched for something decent to wear and then, went into the bathroom to take a quick shower.  Twenty minutes later, I was showered and had pulled my hair into a ponytail, deciding that I wouldn’t be able to do anything with it while Mirella was pounding on the bathroom door. 

When I opened it, her gaze swept over me and then, she frowned, “Are you ready?’ 

I couldn’t help but to laugh, “I guess as much as I’ll ever be.”

“See, Aurora,” she said, loud enough for her to hear, “She’s knows that this will be fun.  She’s not whiny like you.” 

Aurora stuck her tongue out at her as Mirella pulled me toward the front door.  She followed quietly behind us, shaking her head. 

“Is Sophia coming?” Aurora asked as we walked to the door. 

“You know that she is. We’re shopping for her wedding gown.  There is no way she‘s missing that,” Mirella said, rolling her eyes.

She opened the door and we stepped out into the chilled morning air.  I shivered as it caressed my skin. 

Mirella frowned, “The first thing we should get you is a winter coat.  We don‘t want you sick on your wedding day/”

Aurora nodded and I looked down, trying to ignore the cold.  It was only a few seconds later that I felt the fabric of a jacket cover my arms.  I turned, surprised to find Marco behind me. 

“Thank you,” I whispered, deciding not to argue with him.  The memory of his kiss still lingered in my head and I blushed.

He smiled crookedly but it didn’t reach his eyes.  I frowned as I noticed the dark spots beneath them.  It didn’t look like he had gotten much sleep but still; he seemed in a good mood.   

“Keep it until you get one,” he said, before caressing my cheek.  I nodded and then, he turned and walked away. 

I looked at Aurora and Mirella who were grinning widely at me.  I blushed but chose to ignore it by asking, “Why did he seem so tired?”

Aurora turned to look at him as he walked toward Sophia and Gavriel‘s home.  Pity was clear on her face.  When she looked back at me, she seemed sad, “He’s staying up all night to make sure our father doesn’t come for you.”

My mouth dropped opened, horrified, “He can’t do that,” I said.

“Well, I said the same thing when Andre did it for me,” she said with a sigh, “But these men are stubborn.”

I looked after him, “Will he sleep while I’m gone?”

Aurora nodded, “Yes,” she said, giving me a soft smile, “He’ll be fine when we get back.” 

I nodded looking forward to our shopping trip if for no other reason than for him to get some rest. 


              Exhaustion had settled in every muscle in my body by the time we entered the dress shop filled with wedding dresses.  Still, I had to admit that I loved shopping.  Aurora thought that I was crazy.  She obviously did not share my opinion.  Thankfully, Mirella did.

“Thank goodness this is our last stop,” Aurora said, falling onto the couch which sat before a pedestal in the center of the shop. 

“We still have to find the wedding dress,” Mirella said, pouting. 

“Leave her be,” Sophia said, smiling lovingly at Aurora, “She’s carrying my grandchild.  She can sit there while we look.” 

Aurora gave Mirella a large, mocking smile, “Let Lilly try them on,” she said, smiling, “I’ll sit here as she models them and I will tell her which ones look nice.” 

I smiled as I watched Aurora and Mirella make faces at each other.  While I watched them, Sophia went through four racks and came to me with her arms full of dresses.  She handed them to me and looked almost apologetic. 

“I know there is a lot of them but we’ll need for you to try these on,” Sophia said, caressing my cheek, “Show us the ones that you like and we‘ll decide together which one will be best.”

I nodded suddenly feeling my stomach flip.  Somehow, everything had not seemed real until I realized that I would be trying on the dress that I would wear on my wedding day.  I nodded and turned. 

“Oh, Lilly,” Aurora said as if just remembering something important, “Make sure to check the rooms before you go in and lock the door.”

I turned back to her, frowning, “Why?”

“Because our father sent the man who he had chosen for me while I was in the dressing room alone,” she said, frowning, “He nearly took me.”

“Should we tell her who that was?” Mirella asked and Aurora glared at her. 

“No,” she said, “I think he’s proven himself.”

Mirella grinned, “He is a good friend.”

Aurora turned back to me, “One day I will tell you everything that happened to me,” she said, smiling, “But right now is not the right time.” 

I nodded and turned going to the dressing rooms.  A chill ran up my spine as I stepped into the room but no one was there.  I began to try on dress after dress and then, modeled the ones I liked.  Finally, we settled on a beautiful strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline.  Silver ivy leaves were beaded along the side.  A chapel train flowed behind it.  The matching veil rested at fingertip length with a delicate lace border. 

Sophia smiled at me, “Go change,” she said with tears in her eyes, “I’ll pay for the dress.”

I nodded and walked to the dressing room, peeking in just before entering and then, locked the door behind me.  I sighed relieved that the day had come to an end as I changed out of the last dress, handing it to Sophia who waited on the other side of the door.  I changed into my clothes as quickly as I could because being alone in the dressing room creeped me out. 

I had just buttoned my jeans when a knock sounded at the door, “One moment,” I said, jumping.  I shoved my feet into my shoes and stepped toward the door but as I did, I inhaled. I frowned as I stopped in the middle of the dressing room.

I stepped back as I inhaled again, making sure of the scent.  I had never been able to discern between one person or another much less tell if there was another werewolf near but as I stood there I found myself able to do just that.  I had no doubt that the person on the other side of the door was a werewolf and they weren’t from our family. 

They banged at the door again and I had to suppress a whimper.  My breath caught in my throat as I stepped back until I could go no further. 

I pressed my back against the far wall, trembling as I looked around the small space.  The knock sounded again, this time more forceful.  Tears threatened to flood my eyes but I blinked them back to prevent them from hampering my vision. 

A moment later, the door flew inward and I screamed as loud as I could.  The man before me was a little older than me.  He had blonde hair but his eyes were the same silver as my father’s.  He was tall with rope after rope of muscle covering his body. 

“Who are you?” I asked, pushing my back further against the wall. 

“Eli,” he said.  The name trembled through me.  He was the man my father had chosen for me. 

He stepped closer.  His face was hardened in determination.  I swallowed trying to think of any way to defend myself. 

“Leave me alone,” I whispered, putting my hands out.  Still, he stepped closer.  He had grabbed me and panic raced up my spine but a second later he was on the floor.  Sophia stood behind him with a large metal vase in her hand.  The curved side was dented inward where she had slammed it into his head.

“I’m glad he wasn’t in transition,” she said, reaching her hand out to me, “I guess I should be happy your wedding is in three days too.  We won‘t have to worry about this anymore.” 

I nodded as I grabbed her hand and she pulled me over Eli, “Let’s leave before he wakes up.”

“Okay,” I said, breathlessly.  We walked as normal as we could through the shop, picking up my dress as we did.  Then, we raced to the car with Aurora and Mirella behind us.  When we were away from the shop, I looked at Sophia. 

“How did you know?” I asked, frowning. 

Aurora smiled at me, “When you didn’t return, I got worried because of what happened to me.”

I smiled grateful for my sister, “I’m glad you did.”

“Well, be glad that I realize that history always does one thing,” she whispered.

“What’s that?”  I asked, frowning. 

“It always repeats itself,” she said, giving me a small smile. 

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