Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (5 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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“That means her first kiss will be on your wedding day,” Aurora said.  He frowned as he looked at me. 

His eyes darkened for a moment but he shook his head as we came to a long, sleek motor home.  Finally, he looked at me and whispered, “This is where I live,” he said and smiled, “At least until our wedding.”   

He released my hand and then, grinned, “I’ll be right back.”

I gave him a shy smiled and then, he was gone, leaving me standing awkwardly with Aurora and Andre outside of the motor home.  I turned to them, “Is he the only one who lives here?” I asked, studying the side of the coach. 

“No,” Aurora said, grinning, “This is Sophia and Gavriel’s home, “He lives here with his family until you are married.  Then, you will have your own home.”

I smiled as I thought of having my own place to live.  I couldn’t help but to feel hope even though every instinct told me to squash it because nothing ever worked out for me.  Still, warmth spread through me at the idea of having a home of my own. 

“Okay,” Marco said, stepping through the door.  This time he was wearing a navy blue jacket.  He moved beside me, reclaiming my hand. 

“We better get back to the party,” he said, smiling widely, “I have to introduce you to my family.”

“She’s already met Mirella,” Aurora grinned.

“Of course she has,” he said, rolling his eyes, “Mirella wouldn’t wait to be introduced.”

“No, she wouldn’t,” Aurora said, raising her brows.             

“I’ll introduce you to my dad and the rest of my brothers,” he said, pulling me along.  Andre and Aurora moved away to one of the picnic tables. I bit my lip nervously as the party goers stopped to stare at us.  We stopped near the bonfire while he turned looking around.  Finally, he smiled and pulled me with him again. 

We stopped in front of two boys of about twenty who looked almost identical.  Upon looking at them, I realized how much they resembled Andre with the same olive toned skin and dark good looks.  However, instead of the hazel eyes mixed with caramel and green, theirs were simply a bright vivid green.  Though I guessed them to be twins, they did have some marked differences.  One was taller than the other and he possessed much shorter hair.  Both of them grinned at me. 

Marco waved his hand toward the tallest of the boys, “This is my brother, Luc and of course, this is his twin, Tamas.”

Tamas shrugged and rolled his eyes, “Yeah, I’m just Luc’s twin…not Marco’s brother.”

“Awww…Tamas, you know I love you,” Marco said laughing and blowing him a kiss. 

Luc snorted back a laugh and looked at me, “You must be Lilly,” he said, still laughing, “I promise we aren’t always this weird.”

“Don’t lie to her,” Marco said, rolling his eyes, “She’ll find out soon anyway.”

“Well, at least you got a pretty girl,” Tamas said, wiggling his brows, ‘Hopefully, we‘ll all get so lucky.”

I blushed and Marco smiled as he looked at me, “She is pretty,” he said, causing me to blush further, “But I think before you two make her want to run away, I’ll introduce her to the rest of the family.”

“It’s you who will make her run away,” Tamas said, laughing, “You’re the scary one.”

Marco narrowed his eyes, “Remember that your turn will be soon.”

Tamas grinned, “But not next,” he said, patting Luc’s shoulder, “Thanks for being born first, Bro.”

Luc made a face, “My pleasure,” he said, sarcastically.  They began to playfully hit each other.  We slipped away while they were too distracted notice. 

We met two teenage boys as we walked around the bonfire.  One was about eighteen years old.  He was tall with the build of a football player.  His hair had a mixture of black and chocolate.  His eyes were a deep brown.  He was yelling boisterously as we walked closer. 

The boy with him was about seventeen with black hair and eyes the same color as Sophia and Andre.  He was quieter than the rest of Marco’s brothers. 

Marco waved his hand toward him, “This is my brother, Bo,” then, he waved his hand toward the older boy, “This is another of my brothers, Luca.”

He looked at me and said, “This is Lilly.”

Bo smiled shyly at me but Luca gave me the full force of his grin, “Nice to meet you,” he said, laughing, “Sorry you’re stuck with Marco.”

Marco’s eyes narrowed, “I’m starting to second guess introducing you to everyone,” he said, dryly. 

“I didn’t say anything,” Bo said, quietly. 

Marco smiled at him, “That’s because you are a good brother.”

“Has she met everyone?” Bo asked, studying me quietly. 

“Everyone but dad and Stefan,” Marco said, playfully punching Luca who kept making faces at him, “Have you seen them?”

Luca pointed, “They were at the tables earlier.”

Marco nodded and then, turned, pulling me with him without saying good-bye, “My brothers are mean.  Please don’t listen to them,” he said, looking genuinely worried, “They were just playing.  I’m not that bad to be around.”

I couldn’t help but to smile, “I know you’re not.”

His lips curved into a lopsided grin, “I’m glad.”

He was studying me again and I forced myself to look up at him.  His eyes darkened, causing my stomach to flip.  He reached forward as if he was going to caress my face but his name was shouted across the field, stopping him. 

We turned to find Sophia with a man who could only be her husband, Gavriel.  He had hair mixed with black, gold and brown.  No gray touched it.  His smile was jovial and he was tall and built like the boxers that Ion watched on television.  His eyes were warm silver. 

Behind them, a boy of about thirteen walked.  He had the same olive toned skin as his mother with chocolate brown hair and his father’s warm silver eyes surrounded in thick lashes. 

“This is my father, Gavriel,” Andre said, pointing toward the man, “And my baby brother, Stefan and of course, you‘ve met my mom.”

Gavriel stepped forward, surprising me by hugging me warmly.  He pulled back and looked at me with a grin. 

“Sophia, you seem to pick them well,” he said, smiling, “All of our boys will have beautiful wives.”

I blushed.  I had never been called beautiful by anyone but Ion before arriving in Timbly Mountain but it seemed that every member of the Brazil family was vocalizing my beauty.  I smiled.  Maybe my mother was wrong.  Maybe I wasn’t hideous. 

Gavriel patted my cheek gently, “Because Marco took so long to find us, we don’t have a lot of time.  We need to introduce your engagement,” he said with an enthusiastic grin.  I couldn’t help but to nod and smile. 

Marco’s hand tightened around mine.  I looked at him and instantly my blood ran cold.  His face had hardened and for a moment, he looked violent, “Have the borders been secured?” He asked and I immediately knew why.  They were keeping my father out. 

“It’s been done,” Gavriel said, suddenly looking nearly as solemn as his son.

“Are you afraid that my father will show up?” I asked, looking at him and then, Gavriel. 

Sophia stepped into my line of vision, “He did last time,” she said and then, gave me a strained smile, “We learn from our mistakes.  Now, let’s not think of it.  We have a party to enjoy.”

I nodded and turned to Marco who was struggling to regain his good mood, “Are you okay?” I whispered. 

He took a deep breath, “I am now,” he said. 

“Then, follow us,” Sophia said, smiling, widely, “Let’s announce your engagement.” 

“Are you ready for everyone to know that you are engaged to me?” He asked, finally, giving me a real grin. 

I grinned back, relieved that he was calm once again as I said, “I am.” 


My father did not show up at the party.  The relief was palpable though I was sure the reason was because of the security around the borders of the motor home park.  Thankfully, there had been so much that had captured my attention that I hardly thought of him at all.  There was plenty of food and wine and so many people who lived in the park there was no way I would remember everyone’s name. 

By the time the party came to an end, I was tired and more than a little tipsy from the wine.  Marco walked beside me as we followed Andre and Aurora to their home.  His hand was wrapped tightly around mine.    

When we arrived at Aurora and Andre‘s home, Marco looked at them with pleading eyes.  He had yet to let go of my hand, “Can I speak to Lilly alone for a moment?” He asked, frowning.  The expression on his face made me stifle a giggle.  He was so serious. 

Aurora’s eyes narrowed as she looked at him and she smiled, “It‘s against the rules.”

“Please,” he said and Aurora‘s smile widened as she finally nodded. 

“Just don’t tell Sophia,” she said with a raised brow, “She wouldn’t like it.” 

He nodded as she pulled Andre inside the motor home.  When the door was safely closed behind them, I turned to him.  The seriousness on his face stopped the urge to giggle.  My stomach twisted as a strange warning whispered through me, “Is something wrong?” 

He shook his head as he studied me.  Worry creased his brow, “I wanted to make sure you know that you are safe here,” he said, keeping his eyes firmly on my face, “Your father won’t touch you.  I promise.”

I smiled hoping to dispel the darkness in his eyes, “I know I am safe,” I said, softly, “You promised that no one would hurt me.  I trust you.  Just…please don‘t worry about me.”

“It’s my job to worry about you,” he said finally giving me a crooked smile. 

I shrugged, “I’ll be okay.”

He studied me again.  His eyes searching my face and finally landing on my lips.  I swallowed because his look darkened again but this time it was different.

“I need to ask you something,” he said, still staring at my mouth.

“What?” I asked in a whisper.  I bit my bottom lip and his eyes met mine.  A light had lit behind them, causing my breath to halt.   

“Have you really never been kissed?” He asked, stepping closer to me.  My heart jumped in my chest as my head swam. 

“No, I haven‘t,” I whispered, frowning, “I didn’t lie.”

“Lilly,” he said, reaching up and caressing my cheek, “I don’t want your first kiss to be at our wedding.”             

I opened my mouth to reply but suddenly, his lips were on mine.  I was stunned and for a few moments I did nothing.  He pulled me closer as he became more demanding.  His mouth pressed into mine as his teeth scraped against my bottom lip.  My heart nearly burst in my chest as I finally gave in, kissing him back with as much heat as he gave to me.  A groan escaped him as his tongue traced my lips and I gasped as my hands tangled in his hair.  He pulled me closer and closer until I could feel the hard length of his body against mine.  I trembled violently as a moan escaped me.   

Finally, he pulled back, stepping away.  Only the sounds of our breathing broke the complete silence.  Slowly, his eyes met mine and a shy grin lit his face. 

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said and then, he was gone, leaving me with my knees so weak that I was afraid I‘d fall.  I blinked as I watched him disappear into the night. 

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