Summer's Desire (8 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Ball

BOOK: Summer's Desire
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“No, I don’t. I bet the sheriff has one. If he’d be
willing to share, that I don’t know.” She pushed her food around her plate,
barely eating. Finally, she stood up and grabbed their empty plates and went to
the kitchen.

Matt turned to Holden. “I’m sorry I got all bent out
of shape. A minor crush is all. It’s nothing like what happened in Texas.”

Holden stood and put his hand on Matt’s shoulder.
“Not at all. Summer is a good woman.”

Matt nodded and Holden grabbed their mugs and
carried them into the kitchen. It amazed him that in a few short days, the
kitchen had become such a warm welcoming place. It could all be attributed to
Summer. No, Summer was not like that woman in Texas. Summer would never pit
brother against brother.


* * *


A lot had happened in the last twenty-four hours but
the only thing worth remembering was Holden’s kiss. Never in her life had she
thought a kiss could affect her so. It had been a brain numbing, spine
tingling, knee weakening, heart pounding kiss. Lord, she wanted more. There’d
been the promise of more in his hard response to her. What was happening to
her? Just knowing what was in his jeans made her crazy with desire.

Holden hadn’t gone into the office and she’d swear
that every time she looked up he was studying her. It unnerved her. She wanted
him that much was obvious, but was it too soon? Employer/employee relationships
were never a good idea. And could she truly trust a man again? Most of all she
didn’t want to harm his reputation.

“Do you need anything, Matt?”

“No, I could use some company though.”

Smiling, she sat in the chair next to him. “Is your
ankle bothering you?”

“A bit. I’m going stir crazy. We have practically a
million channels on TV and still there is nothing on.”

“I know what you mean. I worked nights and I never found
too much to watch during the day. Maybe you could read a book?”

Matt groaned. “No. I wouldn’t mind a few magazines
from the store but I don’t want you to go and get them.”

“It’s fine Matt. I’m sure Holden can pick them up
next time he’s in town or maybe Mindy Sue can drop them by.”

Nodding, he gave her a lopsided grin. “Mindy Sue
sure is a looker. I love that I never know what color her hair will be. A real
unique woman and Holden says she’s a gem. He’s going to pay for her to go to
college so she can be his partner. He must be mighty impressed with her. They
do spend long hours together.”

The high she’d felt all day started to diminish with
every word. A shroud of loneliness covered her. What a fool she was. Hard learned
life lessons hadn’t really been learned at all. It took a handsome cowboy with
a powerfully sexy kiss to turn her head. A smack to the head is what she needed
to wake her up to her reality. Of course Holden would like Mindy Sue. It
sounded as though they had a lot in common.

“Is something wrong?”

Summer gave Matt her full attention and smiled. “No,
I was just thinking. What is the story with that ornery horse anyway?”

“Yukon? Not much to tell. He isn’t a rescue horse.
He just hasn’t learned his manners is all. He’s a stallion and a bit aggressive.”

“Do you plan to use him for breeding?”

Matt young face turned red. “He’s going to be one of
our strong bloodlines. Holden bought prime stock before we moved here. A new
start and all and I shouldn’t have messed with that horse. I knew better.”

“Glad to hear that,” Holden’s voice boomed.

Startled, Summer turned toward Holden. Much to her
dismay, her body immediately reacted. It was going to take a lot of work to
keep her body in check after that kiss. She didn’t even know if it was
possible. This morning she cherished such reactions, now they horrified her.
She wasn’t sure what his game was but she didn’t intend on playing.

Holden took the seat opposite her and gave her a
slow sexy grin. His eyes lit up and she swore she saw desire in them.

“Holden, I’m glad you’re here. I have a ton to do.
Maybe you could keep Matt entertained for a while?”

Holden’s eyebrow rose as he stared at her. “That’s
why I came in.”

Summer quickly nodded, got up out of the chair and
headed up the stairs. What a fool, somehow she never got anything right. Holden
must think she expected him to be in the house just to see her. She sat on her
bed while anger bubbled inside. When had she begun to act like a teenager with
her first crush? She only worked here and it would do her good to remember
that. Most men made her nervous after what happened at the bar and grill but
Holden made her feel protected.

But Mindy Sue was a better choice for him. They
worked together, she loved animals and she was a good person. She drew in a
shaky breath; the anger didn’t erase the hurt. She needed to buck up. There was
no room in her screwed up life for romance and as much as she wanted to stay
hidden in her room, she had five hungry mouths to feed.

Barbeque chicken, baked beans, biscuits and mashed
potatoes were on the menu. It was more than enough to keep her busy. She got
off the bed and viewed herself in the mirror. She’d never been a beauty but she
didn’t like how pale she appeared. To add some color to her cheeks, she lightly
squeezed them. She took a deep breath and pretended to be happy.


* * *


Dinner was delicious but if he lived to be a hundred
he’d still never understand females. No matter what he did, he couldn’t get a
smile out of Summer. Well, she smiled but it was a fake smile and he hated it.
He knew her true smile and he yearned to see it again.

All through dinner she refused to glance his way.
His heart did a two-step whenever she was near and quite frankly it hurt that
she ignored him. Last night, kissing her had been magic. Now she made it clear
she wanted nothing to do with him. What could have changed in such little time?

He watched her clean the kitchen and he couldn’t
take it anymore. Grabbing his hat he mumbled something about checking on the
horses and lit out. The fresh air was welcome. The horses needed tending and Yukon
needed to be talked to. The ornery Stallion allowed only him to come close.

Yukon had trust issues. Maybe he had a fickle female
in his past. That, Holden understood. Summer probably just wanted to keep her
job, but the passion they shared blew his mind. Maybe it wasn’t as shared as he
thought. Perhaps he was the only one who felt it. Hell, what did he really know
about women? Summer had gotten under his skin and now it was going to take a
lot of self-control to avoid her. He had enough to do with raising his brothers
and building his practice. Today had been a rarity day since he hadn’t been
called in. All must have been well in the animal world.

The barn beckoned him and in he went, ambling down
to Yukon’s stall. What a magnificent animal, a beautiful Bay. A lot of dreams
were wrapped up in him. He came from a long line of winners. Maybe he should have
called Colt to take a look. Colt had a way of communicating with horses that
Holden envied.

Surprisingly, Yukon came over to the stall gate. He
stared at Holden then snorted, shaking his head. Holden chuckled. “I don’t think
it’s so much that you’re ornery. I think you’re full of personality. Once you
learn your manners you’ll have a harem of the most beautiful women.”

“He doesn’t know what you’re
Luke commented as he approached Holden.

Holden smiled down at Luke. “I think he does.”

Luke cocked his head to one side studying Holden.
“Maybe he knows that girls are just trouble.”

“Why would you say to that?”

Luke rolled his eyes. “Like you have to ask? You know
I’m not stupid don’t cha?”

“Of course you’re not stupid. Where is this going,

Luke frowned. “We had to leave Texas because of a
woman. Now Matt is all gaga over Summer and ends up hurting himself. I saw you
kissing her. She’s a thief in case you hadn’t heard. What happened to bros
before hos?”

Holden’s mouth dropped open. “First of all, Summer
is not a ho. Second of all, women are to be respected. Thirdly, she is not a

Luke put his hands over his ears. A look of disgust
crossed his features.


“I’ve heard it all before. Same song different girl.
I thought our focus was to keep our noses clean and stay together. I’m not
going to some foster home because she shakes her ass at you.”

“She does not.” Holden sighed. “Listen it’s not like
that. The four of you mean everything to me.”

“Sure until Summer shakes her—”

“Luke, don’t even say it. I thought you liked

Luke shook his head glumly. “Not anymore. She’s


“No, you listen. I won’t give her a hard time but I
won’t like it. You think Matt is done being all gaga over her? Take a good
look. We moved here for a calm life.” Luke glared at him before turning around
and stomping out of the barn.

Holden ran his hand through his hair. Luke had a
point. They did move to have a drama free life and here he was in the thick of
it again. His brothers did come first and his libido had to come last. Maybe
once they were all adults he’d be able to pursue a relationship but not now.

But she still made his blood hot. A wave of loneliness
settled over him. He’d get over it. Other single parents made the same
sacrifice and in essence that is what he was, a single parent.

Yukon poked his head out over the gate giving Holden
a baleful look. “You too? Can’t a guy get a break?”

Yukon snorted at him again and pulled his head back
into the stall.


Chapter Five


The next few days were hectic, and Summer tried to
keep up with it all. Holden was called to so many emergencies she began to think
of the front door as revolving. He’d been in a bad mood too. He hadn’t even
thanked her for breakfast this morning.

Matt had suddenly turned helpless and needy. He
needed her constant presence and it wore on her. He was as moody as Holden.

Luke for some reason decided that he hated her. How
many different glares were there? He’d sent them all her way. It was decidedly
uncomfortable and a bit alarming.

Mark was busy taking charge. He came in for his
meals and was polite to her each time.

John was the only normal one in the bunch. He
laughed and made jokes. He smiled and carried on conversations with her. At
least he still seemed to like her.

If it wasn’t for the fact that they needed someone
to cook and clean she’d have left. Well, she had to admit it was being needed
for more than a housekeeper that kept her there. The boys hungered for
attention in their own way. Maybe Luke would come around. Her mother had always
told her that nothing worth having was ever easy. Summer smiled and shook her
head. This was in no way easy.

A car came up the drive. Summer glanced out the
window and recognized Mindy Sue’s beat up, red, two-door car. Holden wasn’t at
home so she wondered what Mindy Sue wanted.

Summer was on her way to the front door when Matt
told her to hurry up. Some days a good smack seemed in order, but that wasn’t
her way. She opened the door and Mindy Sue smiled at her. Her hair was jet
black and waist length and her fingernails were gold and black today. Summer
had to admit that Mindy Sue was very attractive.

“Hi, Summer! Holden sent me out here with some magazines
for Matt.” She walked into the house with a spring in her step.

“Matt’s on the couch.” Summer didn’t even know why
she bothered to say that. Mindy Sue could see Matt from the door.

Mindy Sue was perky. She was probably one of those
people that woke up singing. Summer had to concede that she was nice enough.
Holden had his eye on Mindy Sue and why not? They had the world in common and
she’d be the perfect helpmate for him. According to everyone, Holden was going
to pay for Mindy to go back to school. Every time she forgot she was just the
housekeeper, she got her feelings hurt.

She went back to the kitchen and began to prepare
dinner. Out of the corner of her eye she could see their heads bent toward each
other as they talked. It was good for Matt to have different company. Sighing,
she put the chickens in the oven to roast.

Mindy Sue stood and waved to Summer. “Holden said to
tell you he’d be late and you’re not to worry about his dinner. He’ll pick
something up.”

With a plastered smiled, Summer nodded. “Thanks for
letting me know.”

Mindy Sue nodded and left, leaving Summer feeling
cold. No wonder Holden had been gone so much lately. They were probably going
to eat dinner together.

“Mindy Sue seems nice,” Summer commented, wanting
Matt’s opinion.

Matt grinned. “She sure is. She is going to school
in the fall. Holden is paying for it. I think it’s great. They make a great

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