Summer's Desire (5 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Ball

BOOK: Summer's Desire
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“The ambulance is on the way.” He nodded toward the
bay horse on the other side of the corral. “Mark, I need you to secure Yukon.”

Matt started to moan in pain. “Holden, it hurts. It
hurts bad.”

“I know, buddy. Yukon got the better of you. You
have a busted ankle and a whole lot of bruises. I don’t think your ribs are cracked
but we’ll see what the x-rays show.”

“Holden, I’m sorry. I know I wasn’t supposed to be
on Yukon. Ouch, darn, ornery horse. Maybe you should just ship me off to
school. Studying must be a nice safe thing to do.

Holden grabbed Matt’s hand. “No. You are staying
with us. We have fought long and hard to be together, to make a fresh start.
Hell, it’s just an ankle. Hardly a scratch.”

Matt grinned then groaned. “No trick riding me for,
I guess.”

Holden patted Matt on the shoulder. “You never were
good at that anyway. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

In amazement, she stared at the two brothers. How
could they joke around? Her chest became tight, she found it hard to breathe
and she had to clasp her hands together to keep them from shaking. Being a vet,
Holden probably had to be calm in a crisis.

Finally, she heard the sirens and thanked God, when
they arrived. The expressions of fear on Mark, Luke and John’s faces made her
wince. This was her fault. It was her responsibility and the guilt gnawed at

The EMTs did an assessment of Matt, and then loaded
him up into the ambulance. All the boys wanted to ride with him.

Holden stepped in front of her. His eyes said it all.
He blamed her. “I’m going with Matt. Could you please drive the boys to the

Summer nodded, the giant lump in her throat preventing
her from answering.

“Good. We need to talk later.” Her heart dropped at
his curt words. She was going to be fired.

Holden jumped into the ambulance and they all stood,
watching it leave. The sorrow on their faces brought tears to her eyes which she
quickly wiped away.

“Where are the keys?”

Mark ran into the house while Luke and John sped
toward the truck. Silence and tension stretched through the whole trip. She
could tell they were each trying to remain calm in their own way. They finally pulled
in to the hospital parking lot, parked and headed toward the emergency room.

One look at Holden’s worried face caused her chest
to squeeze. He gave them all a feeble smile. He sat in a plastic chair that
looked so uncomfortable and too small for his large frame. John immediately sat
next to him and put his arms around Holden. Holden cradled John’s head against
his shoulder.

“Is he going to be all right?” Luke whispered.

Holden nodded absently. “They haven’t come out to
talk to me yet.”

Luke nodded and sat down next to John.

Her heart broke for all of them. The worry in their
eyes and the frowns on their faces made her ache for them.

Mark sighed heavily. “Holden, it’s my fault. I should
have made sure that no one messed with Yukon. I was cleaning out Yukon’s stall
and I should have kept a better eye out.” His voice broke and faded.

Holden flashed her a hard look and she wondered if
she should leave. This was a place for the family to be together and she wasn’t
part of the family. The blame lay on her shoulders and she had to wrap her arms
around her middle to keep from coming undone.

The aging doctor walked into the dour room, toward
Holden, and smiled. “A broken ankle but from the x-rays it appears as though
Matt has had broken bones before. Goes with the territory I guess.” He winked
at John. “Cowboys are tough. Your brother will be fine. He’ll probably drive
you nuts before he’s completely healed but I want him off that foot.”

John let go of Holden. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

The doctor smiled again. “That’s what I thought.
He’s asking to see Summer.”

Her face warmed as she locked eyes with Holden. His
anger was visibly smoldering. “No, Holden should be the one to see him. Tell
him I’ll see him at home.” Clutching her purse, she walked out of the hospital,
wondering if she would still have a job. Getting into the truck, she wondered
if she should have gone to see Matt. Damned if she did. Damned if she didn’t.
She started the truck and was surprised when Holden came running out.

“Wait. We have no way to get home if you take the

“I’m sorry. I’m so upset about Matt. I wasn’t

“Mark is in with Matt now. He’ll be right out to go
with you and then drive the truck back here.” He left before she had a chance
to say anything else.

If he had wanted her to stay he would have said so.
Guilt racked her and doubt filled her. It wasn’t just her job she worried
about, it was the boys. She got out of the truck and switched to the passenger

Mark came out and jumped into the truck. They didn’t
say a thing the whole ride. He stopped in front of the house and sat staring
straight ahead until she got out.

A tear spilled over as she watched him drive away
and she quickly dashed it away. The only way for her to get through this was to
keep herself busy. There were beds to make and things to clean. They’d want
something warm to eat when they got home too.

As she got closer to the house she spotted Yukon. He
was roaming around free outside the fence. Now what? Horses didn’t frighten her
since she’d grown up on a small ranch. But Yukon had the look of the devil in
his eyes. He ran and turned and ran and turned. There was no way she was going
to catch him.

Yukon put himself between her and the front door.
Damn why couldn’t anything go right? Her heart beat faster as she tried to gauge
her next move. One glance toward the clothes lines had her abruptly sputtering
with anger. Every sheet lay on the ground “You mangy horse, I guess you don’t
care that we need those sheets tonight!”

Yukon stopped and stared at her. He appeared to be sizing
her up. He stood perfectly still, watching her.

If she made a run for it, would he come after her?
What was he doing? She stared back. Perspiration formed on her brow and she
wiped it away with her sleeve. Damn, damn, damn.

“Okay, come and get me. I have too much to do today
and it’s too damn hot out here for me to play games with you.”

Yukon just stared. She had to admit the bay was
beautiful. She could sense the power he held. He knew it too.

“Listen, Yukon, I need to get inside. Don’t you
think you’ve caused enough trouble for one day?”

The horse gave her one last look and cantered away,
toward the unfenced pastures.

This was her chance and she was taking it. She ran
into the house and slammed the door closed. The house was blissfully cool.

She’d have to call someone about the horse though.
Picking up the phone, she dialed the
Thankfully Caleb answered and promised to come.

One crisis at a time, she supposed. While she
waited, she had time to feel guilty about Matt’s fall and to worry about
Holden’s stone cold glances. If worse came to worse, she’d ask for a day’s pay
and hightail it out of there. With gas being so expensive, she wasn’t sure how
far she’d be able to go but it would have to do.

Relief washed over her when Caleb finally pulled his
truck up to the house. He was as gorgeous as ever. Tall, dark, and handsome
with the cutest dimple in his left cheek. He also had the longest eyelashes she
had ever seen. Women always sighed when they saw him. His grin was always the
same, shit
’. He attended college in Texas and
hadn’t been back long. Summer break just started.

She waved to him from the window and sighed when he
tipped his gray Stetson to her. He looked all business staring at Yukon. Caleb’s
talent at roping was legendary but as she watched him take his fifth try she
wondered if it was true. Yukon led him on a merry chase and finally Caleb roped
him. A struggle of wills started but Caleb came out the winner. Yukon was a
smart and strong contender. As soon as Yukon was secure, she opened the door
and stepped outside.

“Sure am glad you were home.” She smiled at him.

“I heard you were out here. How’s it going?”

Her shoulders slumped. “To tell you the truth, I’m
waiting for Holden to get back and fire me.”

“Now why would he do that?” The Texas drawl he
picked up at school made him even more appealing.

“Aren’t you going to call me darlin’ or honey pie?”

Caleb blinked, appearing baffled.

Summer laughed. “Isn’t that what all the Texans call

Caleb chuckled. “Depends. Darlin’ is fine. Honey pie
would probably be a reason to get slapped. Tell me what happened with Matt and
Yukon. You didn’t say how Matt got hurt when you called.”

“He was doing something with Yukon and ended up with
a busted ankle. I’m supposed to watch them. Holden was napping and I was making
lunch. It’s a big mess and I’m pretty sure that Holden blames me.” Her arms
dropped to her sides and her shoulders slumped.

“Hey, honey pie, don’t let it get you down.” Caleb
didn’t get the expected smile from the endearment. “Holden seems like a good,
fair man. I’m sure it shocked and worried him that Matt got hurt. It’s not your
fault. Happens to the best of us. Hell, it’s part of working a ranch.”

She relaxed for a minute. “Thanks for trying to make
me feel better.”

“You’ve had a hard time of it I hear. Tell you what,
if Holden gives you a problem, you’re welcome over at our place. Can’t really
pay much, but if you’re in a bind, we’d love to have you.”

Summer reached up and gave Caleb a big hug. His arms
felt strong and protective around her. She wished there was chemistry between
them. He was possibly the nicest man she knew.

The honking of a truck horn pulling up broke them
apart and they stood together while Holden parked his truck.

Half afraid that he was going to fire her, she bit
her bottom lip so hard, she tasted blood. Stone cold, that’s what Holden’s
expression was and it unnerved her. “How’s Matt?”

Holden ignored her and shook hands with Caleb. “What
brings you out here?” His aim to sound jovial missed its mark. “Obviously you
two know each other.”

Caleb smiled. “Grew up in the same town. You could
say we know each other.”

Holden’s eyes narrowed. “Is this a social visit?”

“Oh for Pete’s sake. Yukon was out when I got home
and he barely let me in the house. I called the
place looking for help. I didn’t want to distract you from being with Matt.” Summer
crossed her arms and glared at Holden. “You should be thanking Caleb instead of
grilling him. I take full responsibility for Matt’s injury and if you want me
gone just say so.” She held her breath, waiting.

Mark, Luke and John finally joined them, all wide
eyed and silent.

Caleb took a step toward Holden. “Now wait a minute.
I came out here to do a favor, not to cause trouble. Now if you’re going to
give honey pie a hard time, I’m taking her with me.”

Summer couldn’t help it. Nervous laughter bubbled up
inside her and she had to put her hand over her mouth to make it stop. Caleb
winked at her making it harder to look serious.

The glare Holden gave Caleb put an instant stop to
her laughter. “I don’t know what’s going on here but Summer works for me.”

“It doesn’t seem like I’m making any friends here.
The honey pie thing was a joke. Summer has had a hard time of it. Treat her
right, okay?”

Holden nodded still frowning. He held out his hand
to Caleb. “Thanks for your help, Caleb,” he said as they shook.

“I’m out of here. Beautiful horse by the way.” Caleb
winked at Summer and smiled at the boys before making a bee line for his truck.

a charmer.
She didn’t realize how big her smile was until she noticed
Holden’s steely stare. Her smile withered under his scrutiny.

“Boys, why don’t y’all go inside? I bet Summer has
some food ready.”

“It’s all ready just help yourself.” The sweet “I
don’t care” tone of voice that she strived for didn’t happen. It sounded more
like a worried croak.

The boys hesitated, looking at both of them. The
worry in their eyes fired her up. She might feel guilty, but she wasn’t going
without setting Holden straight.

The boys went into the house and Summer turned, staring
directly into Holden’s dark eyes. She was ready for a fight but the misery she
glimpsed there melted her heart. “How’s Matt?” She was glad she sounded
compassionate instead of croaky this time.

“He’ll be fine.”

“You’re upset with me. I know it’s my job to watch
them but quite frankly I did the best I could. I was in and out of the house
all morning and I was making lunch when it all happened. I feel awful. If you
want me out of here, I understand.” She bit her lip again waiting for an
answer. Her poor lip was so sore.

“Is that what you want? Do you want to be with
Caleb?” He glanced away, staring out toward the mountains.

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