Summer Sizzle (18 page)

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Authors: Samantha Gentry

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Summer Sizzle
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“You certainly were.” A hard edge rode her voice.

He had hurt her with his words and actions, something he deeply regretted. Forcing himself to move, he found the empty chair next to her. Offering her an embarrassed and somewhat stilted smile, he tried to sound casual. “Do you mind if I sit down?”

“It’s your house. Sit wherever you want.”

He flinched at the sting of her words, especially her reference to it being
house. They sat in silence for what seemed like eternity before he finally broke the uncomfortable silence. “I believe I owe you an explanation, rather than the other way around.”

“You don’t
me anything.” She rose from the chair. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to bed.” She turned and started for the door.

He grabbed her hand, bringing her to a halt. “No…I’ve given this a lot of thought.” He forced her back into her chair but didn’t let go of her hand. He needed the comfort of her touch before he could continue, something to bolster his courage before digging into the deep well of his despair. “I don’t know where we’re headed, what type of relationship we have, or what you want or expect, but nothing can go forward unless you know the truth. I can’t hold it inside any longer.”

Never in his life had he been as unsure about what to say or do as at that moment. He swallowed the lump in his throat and forced out the words before they died in his mouth. “It started nearly nine years ago. A woman I had been casually dating informed me she was pregnant. I did the honorable thing and married her even though I didn’t love her.” He sucked in a steadying breath in an attempt to settle his nerves. “Shortly after our son was born, she announced she didn’t want to be tied down to a baby or stuck in a lousy marriage. She abandoned both of us. I got a divorce and raised my son on my own. He was the joy of my life. Each day was an exciting new adventure. I received so much pleasure from seeing the world anew through his eyes. Having him helped erase the bitterness of my marriage.

“He loved the beach. We’d come here in summer and winter. When he was three years-old, I taught him how to fly a kite. He took to it like a duck to water. For the next three years, it was the activity we most enjoyed together. Then one day, one terrible day…” Pain ripped through his chest and choked off his words for a couple of seconds. “That horrible day a reckless driver ran him down right in front of me. Killed him instantly. That image burned into my mind and has never gone away. Something inside me died along with my son. That’s when it hit me that there was no tomorrow, only today. Live each day for what it has to offer because no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. And for two years, that’s what I’ve been doing.”

Tears welled in Vicki’s eyes as she listened to Blake talk of his son. She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it, then held it tightly against her chest. She literally felt his pain as if it were her own.

Everything made sense now. His actions, his lifestyle, the kites. If only she had known. She had never felt closer to anyone than she did to Blake right now. The intensity of the sex, the emotional strings, all of it had led her down a path she’d never trod before with any man. But it almost paled in comparison to the bond that had just been forged between them. She had just given herself permission to do what she’d already done, fall totally and completely in love with Blake Callahan.

“Is there anything I can do to help? Do you want to talk about it, or would you rather keep your memories to yourself? I’m here for whatever you want.”

“You’ve already done more than I thought possible.” He kept hold of her hand and brought it to his lips. “You’ve forced me to think about the future, about what it holds. About where my life is going and where it needs to go. About what my future can be. For two years, I’ve only been going through the motions on the outside while dying on the inside. Now, for the first time since the darkness of that nightmare descended over me, I can see daylight. I feel a spark of life inside me, and it’s taking hold, becoming a flame.”

For the first time since sitting in the chair, he turned to face her. “Thank you for giving me a glimpse of the future, for showing me what can be. It’s been a long time since I looked at all the items in my keepsake box. I’d like to share them with you…if you’d like to see them.”

“Yes, I’d like that very much. I’d be honored to have you share them with me.”

Vicki and Blake went upstairs to his bedroom where he retrieved the box from the closet shelf. They sat on the edge of the bed, and he showed her each of the precious memories he’d stored for safe keeping. Minutes turned into an hour, which became two hours.

Blake finally returned each of the items to the box and set it on the dresser. The experience had been a freeing catharsis for him, a horrendous weight lifted from his shoulders. A time of closure for the emotional trauma that had been eating him alive for two long years. The confusion that had run rampant through his mind from the day Vicki first opened his front door had finally been cleared away. He’d found that perfect someone to share both his joys and sorrows. Someone he could love with all his heart.

The very air around them seemed to glow with unspoken love. He folded Vicki in his embrace, holding her tightly against him. She responded by slipping her arms around his waist and nestling her head against his shoulder. They swayed together, as if moving to some unheard music. He caressed her shoulders, then ran his hand down to her hip.

Everything flowed in natural progression. Pieces of clothing fell to the floor. He snuggled her into his king size bed and captured her mouth with a tender kiss that conveyed the love coursing through his veins. They shared the truth of a deep and abiding love rather than heated frenzy.

Vicki wrapped her leg around his as she skimmed her fingers across his back and down to his firm ass. She welcomed the sensation of his tongue brushing hers, their textures meshing in a seductive ritual. Everything about Blake Callahan excited her physically, and now they shared an emotional bond—the trust he’d placed in her by telling her about his son.

Her core clenched when he inserted his finger, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from her. A tingle of excitement rippled through her body. More than sex filled the air, more than the physical rush of primal need. She melted into his touch as he slipped his finger in and out while stimulating her clit. His dick stood tall and ready. She wrapped her hand around his girth and stroked his length. Gently. Tenderly. Lovingly.

Every nuance of their coupling spoke of the love neither had yet verbalized, a love each had been too afraid to acknowledge. A joyous love that had started with an incendiary spark of heated physical desire and became a full blown blaze of all-consuming need.

Blake rolled on a condom and situated himself between her legs. Once again the love he felt for her flowed through his kiss. He entered her, slowly delving into the depths of her pussy until his cock was fully embedded. Time ceased to have any meaning as they shared an intimacy every bit as emotional as physical.

He increased his pace, and Vicki met each of his down strokes with an upward thrust of her hips. Waves of euphoria spiraled out of control as she tightened her legs around his waist. Convulsions claimed her. A moment later, his release shuddered through his body. The orgasmic climax far exceeded their previous sexual encounters. This one was personal, so very personal. It carried a strong emotional connection that exceeded the physical.

They made love again, two bodies in complete harmony. Two souls twined into one loving entity.


Blake opened his eyes to the golden hues of a beautiful sunrise with the most beautiful woman he had ever known nestled in his arms. A woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life making happy. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

The future suddenly held all sorts of promise. Maybe even the possibility of a second chance at a family. How did Vicki feel about children? She’d never mentioned anything about wanting a family. Everything with her had been totally career oriented. Even though they were living together, their arrangement had been clearly established as a temporary situation for the summer only. At the end of the season she planned to move on, to return to school for her master’s degree. She had made it clear up front that she was all business.

Of course, a lot of things had happened since that first day. Would she be interested in permanently settling into domestic co-habitation? Were his thoughts and considerations beyond the scope of reality?

Vicki stirred and slowly opened her eyes. A totally captivating smile lit her face when her gaze landed on him. “Good morning.”

“Good morning to you, too.” He brushed a gentle kiss across her lips. “Did you sleep well?”

“Perfectly.” She snuggled closer to him and closed her eyes. A contented smile turned up the corners of her mouth as she ran her hand along his thigh.

A soft moan escaped his throat. “You keep that up, and we won’t be getting out of bed until lunchtime.”

“I can think of far worse ways to spend a morning, but…” She opened her eyes and sat up. “I played hooky all weekend, and now I have to pay the price. I have lots to do today.”

Disappointment nipped at Blake. Monday morning, and time to go to work. She had taught him that tomorrow existed. Would he be able to convince her that today was just as important? He climbed out of bed and allowed her first use of the bathroom. Even though there was a full bath downstairs, he chose to wait until she finished.

After showering and dressing, Vicki fixed breakfast. Blake cleaned up and loaded the dishwater when they finished eating as she settled into her office in the dining room. She still needed to go to the police station and file a complaint. It had been a delightful weekend of carefree fun and incredible sex. And it had ended with the type of emotional bonding she had never believed could be possible with a man who meant everything to her. But now it was back to reality and the need to earn a living.

What a strange turn of events. Rather than being anxious to get to work, she wished it were still Sunday morning. With a little sigh of resignation, she turned her attention to the matter at hand. After turning on her computer, she sorted through what needed to be done. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t keep her mind on work. Her thoughts continually strayed to Blake and what he had said before he told her about his son. His words about not knowing what kind of relationship they had or what she wanted continued to play through her mind. She wasn’t sure what she wanted, either. She knew she wanted Blake, but beyond that she couldn’t lock on to any solid thoughts.

All of her energy had been spent working toward a secure future. Yet, suddenly, it didn’t seem as important to her anymore.

She forced her attention to her work and soon became engrossed in the functions of the day. The sound of the doorbell grabbed her attention. She glanced at the clock, surprised that two hours had passed. Blake had gone outside, so she went to answer the door.

The postman handed her a large manila envelope. “Delivery here for Callahan. Needs to be signed for.”

After signing the receipt and closing the door, Vicki looked at the mailing label. The name on the envelope jumped out at her.
Dr. Edward B. Callahan, Jr.
The return address was the university. She scrunched up her nose as confusion swirled through her mind. Who was the envelope intended for? A relative of Blake’s? Someone he was expecting to see? Someone who would be stopping by to pick up his mail? Was the doctor a medical designation or, since it came from the university, an educational degree? Could the person it was intended for be on staff at the university?

Taking the envelope with her, she went to her office and pulled out her university catalogue. She turned to the section with photographs of the faculty.

Her gaze locked on the photograph above the name of Dr. Edward B. Callahan, Jr. Blake. Her heart skipped a beat, and the breath froze in her lungs. The catalogue further identified Dr. Callahan as head of the Sociology Department.

Her legs trembled with shock and refused to support her. She fell back into her chair. How could this be? The beach bum who had turned her life upside down had a PhD and held the prestigious position of department head at the university? He had cast all of that aside in favor of…of what? To fly kites on the beach?

Vicki didn’t know what to think or what to do. She’d been confused before, but that was nothing compared to the total bewilderment that now assaulted her senses. The shock slowly ebbed, leaving an odd numbness in its wake. She continued to stare at the photograph, unable to move or think.


The sound of her name brought her out of her stupor. She looked up and saw Blake standing in the doorway.

He slowly walked around the table toward her. “Is something wrong?”

“The postman just delivered this.” With a trembling hand, she held out the envelope. “I signed for it. It’s addressed to—to Dr. Edward B. Callahan, Jr., and it’s from the university. I looked in my university catalogue and…” She held it up for him to see the faculty picture. She didn’t know what to say.

He took the envelope from her. “I’ve always used my middle name to separate my identity from my father’s.” The words came out softly, almost in a whisper, as if he didn’t want to acknowledge her discovery.

Blake opened the envelope and pulled out the papers. After quickly skimming the cover letter, he returned everything to the envelope.

“Can you imagine my shock when the picture in my university catalogue of Dr. Callahan turned out to be
” Hurt welled inside her. “Why didn’t you tell me?” A sob caught in her throat. “Why did you keep your background such a secret? You’ve accomplished something to be very proud of. Not only a doctoral degree, but head of a department. After all that hard work, you just threw it away—”

His shocked expression stopped her in mid-sentence. A mixed sensation churned in the pit of her stomach—hurt that he would have kept that knowledge from her, disappointment that he would throw away such a promising career, and finally panic at the realization that she sounded callous about his grief over the death of his son. She tried to force out some words, an apology or an explanation…something. But nothing came out of her mouth.

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